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Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 10, 2015 12:52PM

What should be done to eliminate the transphobia that is so prevalent in our community?

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Trans in America? ()
Date: May 10, 2015 12:55PM

Fear of a Trans Planet?

Trans With Attitude?

Maybe it is time to form the Ku Klux Tran.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 10, 2015 12:56PM

I'm talking about eliminating transphobia.

And they do not compare with Ku Klux Klan, they just want their goddamn rights.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Go home Yankees ()
Date: May 10, 2015 12:57PM

Fuck transplants, they ruined this area.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: The Trans Militant ()
Date: May 10, 2015 01:01PM

The solution-burn a Teletubby on the front lawns of those who oppose trans rights.

Yep, that'll prompt sweeping social change.

Bruce Jenner will emerge as a world leader.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 10, 2015 01:03PM

Bruce Jenner, I think, is actually going to be a pretty good model in the media for trans people, considering Jenner's interview and how respectful the media was in asking Jenner's questions.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Confed ()
Date: May 10, 2015 01:07PM

Ethan, transphobia is non existent, I know gay people who make of transgender people.

Heterosexuals arent the enemy here. Dumb county policies like this are.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 10, 2015 01:16PM

Err, how is transphobia possibly nonexistent? You literally just said it is by saying there are gay people who make fun of trans people.

I'm not saying straight people are the enemy. County policies like this one exist to help curb transphobia, but clearly it still exists in this country on a massive scale.

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Re: Transphobia
Date: May 10, 2015 02:26PM

Are you suggesting that a parent who does not want his or her young teen daughter to be forced to share her school locker room and shower with a person who has a penis and testacles is transphobic?

Sure. There are racist, mysoginistic, and homophobic people among us (especially on this site), but I don't think a person who doesn't want his or her daughter to be forced to share her shower and locker room space with a person sporting a penis and testacles can automatically be classified as transphobic.

What do others think?

And PLEASE .... Let's keep the discussion above the level of homophobia and hatred.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/10/2015 02:28PM by CourthouseObserver.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 10, 2015 02:30PM

The thing is that girl with penis and testicles does not like the fact she has a penis and testicles, and is going to try to actively hide the fact she does. She wouldn't be sexually predatory because she DOESN'T WANT TO USE HER GENITALIA.

I mean I know that might not in and of itself be transphobic, but not letting a trans girl use the girl's facilities because the presence of that girl might make others uncomfortable IS transphobic.

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Re: Transphobia
Date: May 10, 2015 02:45PM

First, a person with a penis and testicles is a male. The fact that the person has a psyhological condition that makes him Identify with being female does not change that fact. That is a matter of biology. Moreover, a person who has a vagina and ovaries is a female. That, too, is a matter of biology.

Second, if the person is going to be so discreet about displaying his genitals, what is the problem with exercising that discretion in the boy's locker room and shower?

Third, my concern as a parent goes beyond whether my daughter is going to be raped. I don't fear that so much, as much as I don't want her and the scores of her fellow female students feeling violated by having to undress and shower in front of a male.

Fourth, in a situation where a student with a penis and testicles feels as if he is a female and wants to shower and dress with females rather than with makes, someone is going to feel uncomfortable. Why should it be the 99.9 percent of the people who have vaginas and ovaries who are forced to be uncomfortable in that situation in order to accommodate the person who feels he is transgendered?

Fifth, your logic about transphobia is illogical. why isn't it the case that you are Straightphobic?

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Hey Courthouse ()
Date: May 10, 2015 02:50PM

Can I add that I don't want my daughter in an environment where figures of authority are teaching or promoting the idea that any of this freak shit is normal or acceptable? How can I tell my daughter that teachers are respectable and providing good information but when they say lets all call Jimmy by the name Suzie and its ok if he wears a skirt that they're fucking liars and full of liberal bullshit?

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Best Answer ()
Date: May 10, 2015 02:52PM

Ethan Parker Wrote:
> What should be done to eliminate the transphobia
> that is so prevalent in our community?

Eliminate those claiming to be trannies? Seems to be the most effective solution. At the very least force them to keep the freaky shit behind closed doors.

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Re: Transphobia
Date: May 10, 2015 02:56PM


I am trying to keep the conversation on an intellectual rather than an emotional, moral, political, or religious plane. And so I cannot associate myself with the views of "Hey Courthouse."

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 10, 2015 03:04PM

The above four posts are perfect examples of exactly the kind of transphobia that I am talking about.

Saying someone who is of the female gender but the male sex is a guy is inherently transphobic, and saying someone who is of the male gender but the female sex is inherently transphobic.

Advocating for the "elimination" of trans people is also inherently transphobic.

Calling them "freaks" and saying they are doing "freaky shit" is also inherently transphobic.

What can we do to get rid of that transphobia?

Please, let us not be transphobic in discussing this.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Lib Tactic ()
Date: May 10, 2015 03:14PM

It's a typical lib tactic to accuse others as being phobic (fearful) when faced with disturbing behavior and not accepting it. There's no phobia here - just a normal human reaction to perverse behavior. I'm not "homophobic", nor "transphobic", nor "black phobic", nor "immigrant phobic", yet the left plays this card to attack on every problem. Keep the freaky shit in the closet. Play dress up at home, not in public. Kiss your boyfriend and suck him dry behind closed doors. Stop wanting to engage in a pretend marriage - it's not real. If you entered the world with a penis attached, you're a guy and that's ok to be one. For those born with a vagina, embrace having one as its a source of power and influence.

The rest of us - normal, healthy people - should not be adjusting our proper sense of reality to match your delusions, your fantasies, or your perversions. If life is that terrible, there's a quick and easy way out. Use it.

Ethan, stop playing the victim card. It's not going to work. Life's rough, get used to it.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 10, 2015 03:23PM

I am not transgender.

Fine, it's not "transphobia", it's hatred of transgender people. But it's still bad.

How do we get rid of the hatred that so many feel towards trans people?

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: True 'Dis ()
Date: May 10, 2015 03:25PM

As was said, get rid of the trannies. By whatever means necessary. Drive them back into the closet at the very least.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 10, 2015 03:27PM

That is hatred of trans people. The entire point is to eliminate hate of trans people without getting rid of trans people themselves.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: This Could Get Messy ()
Date: May 10, 2015 03:41PM

As long as there are trannies, normal people, particularly parents, will treat them with disdain. What you're advocating is adjusting other people's thoughts and behavior to accommodate the mental illness and associated behaviors of a small and insignificant group rather than treat the dysfunction of that group.

Ain't gonna happen, Nellie!

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 10, 2015 03:46PM


So, PRETENDING you don't hate them, how can we get rid of the hate?

And people said the same thing about black people before the Civil Rights movement, and the amount of disdain for black people has certainly gone far down (though not necessarily in this forum, as many blatantly racist posts have shown).

The amount of disdain can always go down, and it has gone down recently. The majority of people still, unfortunately, irrationally despise trans people for little reason, but that majority is smaller.

And no, just because the majority thinks something is or isn't okay doesn't mean it actually is or isn't okay.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/10/2015 03:46PM by Ethan Parker.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: dudelookslikealady ()
Date: May 10, 2015 03:59PM

Assuming Libtardz are trying to force society to accept transgender men as though they are women:

Does a transgender guy (or a guy who identifies as a female) get to compete in womens sports?

Does a transgender guy (or a guy who identifies as a female) get to take a shower in the womens showers?

Does a transgender guy (or a guy who identifies as a female) get to apply to college with the advantage given to women?

Does a transgender guy (or a guy who identifies as a female) get to apply to jobs with the advantage given to women?

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 10, 2015 04:06PM

Yes, yes, yes, and yes.

Yeah, we're forcing them to accept the factual statement that they are in fact women, as society is treating them as if they are not who they really are: women.

The actually correct term is transgender woman for a person who is biologically male but identifies as female.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Libtardz!!! LoLz!! ()
Date: May 10, 2015 04:10PM

Ethan Parker Wrote:
> What should be done to eliminate the transphobia
> that is so prevalent in our community?

Oh, shut the fuck up with this PC bullshit. If it's not one thing, it's another with you annoying fucks.
You have got to be trolling at this point.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 10, 2015 04:14PM

I am not at all trolling. I want to get rid of an irrational hatred against an already-marginalized minority. It is not political correctness, it is human rights and basic human decency.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: wtf? ()
Date: May 10, 2015 04:19PM

Ethan Parker Wrote:
> Ugh...
> So, PRETENDING you don't hate them, how can we get
> rid of the hate?
> And people said the same thing about black people
> before the Civil Rights movement, and the amount
> of disdain for black people has certainly gone far
> down (though not necessarily in this forum, as
> many blatantly racist posts have shown).
> The amount of disdain can always go down, and it
> has gone down recently. The majority of people
> still, unfortunately, irrationally despise trans
> people for little reason, but that majority is
> smaller.
> And no, just because the majority thinks something
> is or isn't okay doesn't mean it actually is or
> isn't okay.

Being black isn't a mental illness. Hating your own pecker is fucking psycho. I love my dick. I love taking him spelunking. Many people have names for their peters. Girls often have names for their guys wood too.
Something I find confusing. Ethan hates his dick. Ethan is assumed to be a gay. So, if Ethan ever finds another fag to freak with, won't that other fag be scared to put his junk in Ethan's mouth? If Ethan hates his dick, than why wouldnt he hate all dicks. I wouldnt trust my junk to some psycho who might bite my treasure.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Here's A Bit of Reality ()
Date: May 10, 2015 04:21PM

Ethan Parker Wrote:
> Yeah, we're forcing them to accept the factual
> statement that they are in fact women, as society
> is treating them as if they are not who they
> really are: women.

"Forcing"? You really think you can force us how to think and feel?

We've got news for you, motherfucker, that you're not forcing your faggotry on anyone.

They are not, in fact, women. They are male as they were born and will die. And that's a fact. DNA doesn't lie.

If I glue feathers on my dog does that make him a chicken?

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: ethan's naiveness ()
Date: May 10, 2015 04:21PM

Ethan Parker Wrote:
> Yes, yes, yes, and yes.
> Yeah, we're forcing them to accept the factual
> statement that they are in fact women, as society
> is treating them as if they are not who they
> really are: women.
> The actually correct term is transgender woman for
> a person who is biologically male but identifies
> as female.

The accurate term is mentally ill

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 10, 2015 04:24PM

I am fine with my dick, and I am bisexual, not gay. I am not transgender.

Just because you're okay with your genitalia doesn't mean everyone is okay with theirs.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/10/2015 04:24PM by Ethan Parker.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Lexi Cographer ()
Date: May 10, 2015 04:26PM

Phobia = fear. There's no "fear" here. Pity perhaps but no fear.
Keep your dicks out of the girls restroom and shower facility
and keep your pussies out of the boys areas.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 10, 2015 04:35PM

...Fine, not transphobia, hatred of trans people. That's what I want to get rid of.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Lexi Cographer ()
Date: May 10, 2015 04:56PM

Ethan Parker Wrote:
> ...Fine, not transphobia, hatred of trans people.
> That's what I want to get rid of.

Hatred and pity are two different things. You need to find a dictionary.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 10, 2015 04:59PM

Pity that results in discrimination and mistreatment and bullying is still hatred.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Who has the checkbook? ()
Date: May 10, 2015 05:44PM

When the Fairfax Democrats see their candidates being trounced in the polls, there will be a shift of position.

The 1% transgender vote is not enough to keep the Democrats in power. If nothing else, Republican candidates saying "let's ditch McElveen and Kaufax over their silly decision to spend millions and millions on transgender bathrooms" will get a certain amount of support from Democrats who have had it with the excesses of FCPS.

The transgender bathrooms are just another mistake, not that bad by itself, but when added to the rest, the straw that broke the camel's back.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 10, 2015 05:49PM

Erm, I don't see how that at all helps with getting rid of hatred towards trans people.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: EthanTheCunt ()
Date: May 10, 2015 05:51PM

Ethan, do society a favor and kill yourself. Do it. Do it right now.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 10, 2015 06:01PM

That won't be helpful either. Regardless, I am not suicidal, and am not going to be in the future.

Really, you guys aren't helping that much.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: simple solution butt munch ()
Date: May 10, 2015 08:05PM

Ethan Parker Wrote:
> What should be done to eliminate the transphobia
> that is so prevalent in our community?

Simple. Men should dress like men. Problem solved. You are the only one who can change you. Other people should choose their own paths. Not the path that you want to create for them to follow. I choose not to accept trannys in my presence. I laugh, or cringe, when I see them. They make themselves into freaks of nature for attention, and then whine when they get made fun of. Life isn't fair. Get the fuck over it

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 10, 2015 08:15PM

I meant without completely invalidating trans people's identities (as you have suggested above), without bullying them, without discriminating against them, and without killing them or driving them to suicide.

How can we get rid of the transphobia without doing any of the above?

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: no tranny zone ()
Date: May 10, 2015 08:43PM

Can't be done. Just like the guy in a Klan hood walking down MLK ave. He will catch holy hell. Just like a tranny.
If blacks can't have their own bathrooms, why should trannies get them? We need Asian bathrooms too. Those squint eyed Asians keep missing the bowl when they pee, and it makes it hard to find a place to shit. Need a Mexican one too. The smell of jalapeño shit burns my eyes.

Now, how can we get rid of klanphobia? They can't help being racist. They were born that way. They are allergic to color. It can't be helped. Those poor misunderstood souls.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: 2ndRequest ()
Date: May 10, 2015 09:07PM

What the fuck are you still doing alive? I thought I told you to kill yourself already. Chop chop. Like your friend's penis.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 10, 2015 09:12PM

Not going to happen.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Double Action Jackson ()
Date: May 10, 2015 09:21PM

Ethan , You will never get rid of peoples thoughts when they are faced with a person they view as a freak. I don't hate transgendered people, I feel sorry for them as they are just that freaks, very strange and different people and they will be harassed. It is sad that some may consider killing themselves because they may not feel love or respect . But you nor they can not expect all people to embrace their life choices even if they feel they had no choice with what they have become.

I agree with other poster that I would not want to see a single male a person who may be 1 / 10000 of humans in a girls bathroom. The effects on the majority could be very serious for those girls to be forced into such a situation.

The other way around I think the guys would laugh and some crazy ones would want to get a nut off despite it all if the girl "male" had a good female body. They would just think she was nutty wanting to be a he. Just the way it is. Sorry. As the old saying goes Stiff dicks have no conscience.

I also think its crazy for the school board to want to build bathrooms just for transgendered people. That could cost a easy 25 to 50 grand per school the way things are in Fairfax and millions of tax dollars. There are plenty of restrooms in a school, many are small 1 person rest rooms for staff and that's where the schools should let them go to.

These people must know how others see the issue. They should take precautions not to be too much in peoples face with this gender issue they have. Im sorry for such a direct answer, but I don't have any other ideas that could help you out.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: lolz@libs ()
Date: May 10, 2015 10:59PM

So will a female golfer be offended playing against a guy who "identifies" as a woman and can hit the golf ball further than her? The guy who identifies as a woman still has a dick and is generally still stronger than other women. I think it might be unfair to naturally-born women. I might try identifying as a woman if it will allow me in the female showers.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: simple questions ()
Date: May 11, 2015 01:38AM

If someone can answer these questions .. I think it would clarify quite a bit.

1) How does the school system deterministically identify someone as transgendered?
- Do they even get to evaluate this?

2) What is the process for challenging someone who might not really be transgendered?

3) What if a student is legitimately uncomfortable about being in a bathroom or locker room with someone that is transgendered?
- Are these people automatic bigots who have no rights in their feelings of discomfort?
- Do we now have a new set of areas for other people who feel uncomfortable?

There are surely cases where someone has been changing their clothing and behavior over time and would fit the description of transgendered by all observers. However, what if it's the first day of school with a new student? What if on Monday May 11, 2015 a male student for the very first time decided they wanted to be a female? Do they get to immediately start using the girl's facilities? Who determines when they are transgendered enough? Are you violating their rights if you don't immediately let that boy into the girl's areas because they feel different today?

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Trans Man ()
Date: May 11, 2015 06:16AM


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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: K7DUJ ()
Date: May 11, 2015 06:29AM

Ethan Parker Wrote:
> Bruce Jenner, I think, is actually going to be a
> pretty good model in the media for trans people,
> considering Jenner's interview and how respectful
> the media was in asking Jenner's questions.

Why didn't the media ask Jenner their own questions?

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 11, 2015 10:40AM

K7DUJ Wrote:
> Ethan Parker Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Bruce Jenner, I think, is actually going to be
> a
> > pretty good model in the media for trans
> people,
> > considering Jenner's interview and how
> respectful
> > the media was in asking Jenner's questions.
> Why didn't the media ask Jenner their own
> questions?

Derp, the apostrophe and s weren't supposed to be there in "Jenner's questions".

Alright so you guys have been pretty clearly really bad at coming up witha ctual ways to get rid of the hate and puty you are espousing. how would you do it, if you were forced to pretend you didn't hate or pity trans people?

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Tyrannaphobia ()
Date: May 11, 2015 11:51AM

Transphobia = "fear of accross", "fear of change"?? .. I see the oxford online dictionary has taken an early "lead" by adding the entry. Most disctionaries have not added this term.

Stating that people are scared of something is kind of like picking a fight with them, if they don't agree with with a certain view. ...

as in "You are just fearful, because you don't "stand on the right side of history" .... can anyone else see the facism in this kind of statement?

I for one, suffer from Tyrannaphpobia ... fear of a government who shoves dangerous and unhealthy policies down the people's throats ...

yes I fear a government out of control .. which is apparently what we now have, even at the school board level. :)

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: phreakshow ()
Date: May 11, 2015 01:35PM

I'm not afraid of a transexual. I just think they are freaks and are in need of serious medication.

Just because you don't agree with something and view it as a freakshow doesn't mean you are afraid of it.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: YnEvw ()
Date: May 11, 2015 01:55PM

Exhibitionists rule FCPS sytem.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Regular Guy Tired of Fags ()
Date: May 11, 2015 03:52PM

I'm fine with transgendered bathrooms, so long as all gay faggots use it. I don't want gay faggots using the men's room anyway. The Liberals want this, they get it: fags, stay out of Men's bathrooms.

Now, in the days before Liberal Progressivism, gay men were welcome in the Men's bathroom because, well, where else? But now that Liberals and Progressives have invented this transgendered crap, you gay guys have to use that bathroom, got it?

From now on, Men's and Women's bathrooms are for regular people only. All LBGTQ use the transgendered facilities.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: MY4tT ()
Date: May 11, 2015 04:14PM

Regular Guy Tired of Fags Wrote:
> I'm fine with transgendered bathrooms, so long as
> all gay faggots use it. I don't want gay faggots
> using the men's room anyway. The Liberals want
> this, they get it: fags, stay out of Men's
> bathrooms.
> Now, in the days before Liberal Progressivism, gay
> men were welcome in the Men's bathroom because,
> well, where else? But now that Liberals and
> Progressives have invented this transgendered
> crap, you gay guys have to use that bathroom, got
> it?
> From now on, Men's and Women's bathrooms are for
> regular people only. All LBGTQ use the
> transgendered facilities.

Not a bad idea.

The queer bathrooms.

All of the queers go there.

Put a question mark on the door.

That will make them feel normal.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: What I'd Prefer Is... ()
Date: May 11, 2015 04:32PM

Nah, let them just hold it until they either get home or go to the gay bar and piss in some other faggot's mouth. Most prefer the latter anyhow.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: 4cPdK ()
Date: May 11, 2015 06:13PM

Question: Will gay male cheerleaders in the county now be able to wear skirts to the football games and perform the same moves as the girls?

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: kK9Hk ()
Date: May 11, 2015 06:32PM

^^^ hey tranny supporter .. Answer the damned question already!

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Yp4hY ()
Date: May 11, 2015 06:49PM

"Paranoid transphobia?"

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 11, 2015 07:40PM

Being gay has literally nothing to do with being transgender. Transgender people can be gay, straight, bi, asexual, or any other sexual orientation.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: First Things First ()
Date: May 11, 2015 08:02PM

Ethan Parker Wrote:
> Being gay has literally nothing to do with being
> transgender. Transgender people can be gay,
> straight, bi, asexual, or any other sexual
> orientation.

But what's most important is that they be out of the presence of normal people, preferably six feet under... or composted ... or cremated ...

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 11, 2015 08:10PM

First Things First Wrote:
> Ethan Parker Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Being gay has literally nothing to do with
> being
> > transgender. Transgender people can be gay,
> > straight, bi, asexual, or any other sexual
> > orientation.
> But what's most important is that they be out of
> the presence of normal people, preferably six feet
> under... or composted ... or cremated ...

Under what sort of horrible moral code is it okay to suggest someone should be killed?

You are a truly evil and despicable person for suggesting an already heavily marginalized minority suffer GENOCIDE.

Leave and take your sick and twisted "suggestions" with you.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Pot, Meet Kettle ()
Date: May 11, 2015 08:24PM

Ethan Parker Wrote:
> Leave and take your sick and twisted "suggestions" with you.

Look who's accusing another of being sick and twisted...

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Who is sick really? ()
Date: May 11, 2015 08:25PM

The cock sucking faggot in support of trans freakdom calling someone immoral. Right. Liberals. The sooner you kill yourself the better off you'll be.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Proper Terminology ()
Date: May 11, 2015 08:42PM

Who is sick really? Wrote:
> The cock sucking faggot in support of trans
> freakdom calling someone immoral. Right. Liberals.
> The sooner you kill yourself the better off
> you'll be.

Now, now. Get your terms straight. He's bisexual - which means he's a self-loathing cock-sucking faggot with commitment issues.

I want to know how many girls he's met who would be interested in being with an effeminate guy who enjoys getting his bitch ass plowed and then taking a load in the face for some ATM action?

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 11, 2015 09:00PM

I am not effeminate, I am not self-loathing, and I do not have commitment issues. You certainly seem to be dependant on stereotypes.

Telling someone to kill themselves is not okay and don't bother to pretend otherwise.

Are you guys literally incapable of basic compassion and empathy?

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Bill S. ()
Date: May 11, 2015 09:06PM

Ethan Parker Wrote:
> I am not effeminate, I am not self-loathing, and I
> do not have commitment issues. You certainly seem
> to be dependant on stereotypes.
> Telling someone to kill themselves is not okay and
> don't bother to pretend otherwise.
> Are you guys literally incapable of basic
> compassion and empathy?

Hmmm... thou dost protest too much, methinks

Who's pretending?

Are you literally incapable of basic reason? Or logic?

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: T ()
Date: May 11, 2015 09:37PM

I suspect:

1) A psychological evaluation. Medical accommodations currently require a medical validation. I don't know if religious accommodations require any sort of validation but all accommodations are subject to a test of reasonableness. Laws guide in part how an accommodation is determined to be reasonable or not. However, I don't think the school system's treatment of transgender students would really fall as much under "accommodations" as they would under "protections." They aren't being given any special privileges, just a guarantee that their rights will be protected -- as every other student is given, but a history of mistreatment has necessitated that people be reminded of this. Exceptions might occur if the person is undergoing gender reassignment surgery or hormonal treatments, for example, and then accommodations may be necessary.

2) I would expect that nobody has the right to challenge FCPS' determination that someone is eligible for protections, once they have been validated as a member of the protected class. If someone feels that FCPS has denied them a right that is guaranteed to others, then I would think they could complain, seek resolution, and/or sue.

3) Truly, just replace "transgender" with . What do students do now, when they feel uncomfortable being together in a bathroom or locker room with a gay student? Honestly, kids these days are a lot more enlightened on these matters than their parents are. Most kids simply do. not. care. It isn't a big deal to them. Sexual harassment is discussed in the schools and students understand what it means. It is a serious matter and if it occurs, is grounds for serious consequences. The onus is on students to get over their discomfort or find ways to avoid those situations, rather than on students not to make people uncomfortable by their mere presence.

simple questions Wrote:
> If someone can answer these questions .. I think
> it would clarify quite a bit.
> 1) How does the school system deterministically
> identify someone as transgendered?
> - Do they even get to evaluate this?
> 2) What is the process for challenging someone who
> might not really be transgendered?
> 3) What if a student is legitimately uncomfortable
> about being in a bathroom or locker room with
> someone that is transgendered?
> - Are these people automatic bigots who have no
> rights in their feelings of discomfort?
> - Do we now have a new set of areas for other
> people who feel uncomfortable?
> There are surely cases where someone has been
> changing their clothing and behavior over time and
> would fit the description of transgendered by all
> observers. However, what if it's the first day of
> school with a new student? What if on Monday May
> 11, 2015 a male student for the very first time
> decided they wanted to be a female? Do they get to
> immediately start using the girl's facilities? Who
> determines when they are transgendered enough? Are
> you violating their rights if you don't
> immediately let that boy into the girl's areas
> because they feel different today?

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Rockstar ()
Date: May 11, 2015 09:38PM

First, for the OP... you MUST be a troll.

I'm completely 100% trans-supportive. I admire the courage of anyone willing to take such drastics steps to feel complete and whole.

In other words, I'm completely with you and against transphobia.

My criticism for you is why the FUCK you chose to put that shit HERE, in one of the most hateful places on the Internet. Do you think you're going to educate or enlighten even one soul in this cesspool, where at least once a day someone says "Niggers gonna nig"?

Just so I can throw more words at the actual argument, everyone should understand that trans kids are NO THREAT to non-trans kids - in bathrooms, showers, sports or anywhere else. They're more likely to avoid bathrooms and showers due to FEELING threatened.

Honestly, it's all parents who are scared. The kids have gotten away from you. They're already adapting to the reality and acceptance of trans. Most of them know one already.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: T ()
Date: May 11, 2015 09:39PM

The above has an error that should read: "replace 'transgender' with (fill in a race)."

The original used less than and greater than signs, which I guess FFU picks up as HTML tag markers.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: It's a hard nog life ()
Date: May 11, 2015 11:00PM

Proper Terminology Wrote:
> Now, now. Get your terms straight. He's bisexual
> - which means he's a self-loathing cock-sucking
> faggot with commitment issues.
> I want to know how many girls he's met who would
> be interested in being with an effeminate guy who
> enjoys getting his bitch ass plowed and then
> taking a load in the face for some ATM action?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Transphobia
Date: May 11, 2015 11:05PM

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: eNYxu ()
Date: May 11, 2015 11:24PM

Double Action Jackson Wrote:
> Wash Post today:
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/shame-on-pare
> nts-fighting-against-transgender-kids-in-school-ba
> throoms/2015/05/11/8cc005f8-f808-11e4-a13c-193b124
> 1d51a_story.html
> How does a 7 yr old feel transgendered. Some one
> must be coaching the kid to do this.

"My son explained it to me. One day, he matter-of-factly said: “It just means that [Tyler] has a boy brain but was born into a girl body.”

No. Sorry. 7 year old doesn't come up with that on their own.

Their libtard parents like the writer soooo want a gay child that they coach it.

Too bad that he's not half black too. That would be the proggie lib parent jackpot.

Maybe he can pretend to be 1/64th Native American when the grows up.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Such Bullshit ()
Date: May 12, 2015 01:02PM

See the problem with people like Ethan is now you gays/trannies are trying to bully to change the way straight normal people think. This gay agenda keeps being pushed onto us as a society. Acting as if straight people "don't get it, are behind the times, or are hateful/fearful" of a dude who wants to cut his penis off and wear capri pants. At this point what rights to straight people have anymore? If we don't accept this gay bullshit, we are the "wrong" ones. Your countless comments, whether you realize or not are bullying to accept something the majority of society doesn't go towards. I'm straight, don't give a shit who you or anyone else sleeps with... But it's almost to the point us straights out here need to flaunt male/female relationships the same way you gays want to keep throwing your gay shit in our faces.

The fact that we don't want gay/tranny shit forced on us... Doesn't make us hurtful, it makes us accustomed to what is normal.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 12, 2015 01:05PM

I give up. You guys clearly aren't going to learn how to be compassionate. I'm just gonna donate to some LGBT charities instead of trying to argue with someone who refuses to seriously consider opposing arguments.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Oh Ethan ()
Date: May 12, 2015 01:10PM

Serious question... BE HONEST...

Do you feel you been fair to those who differ from your opinion??

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Amen! ()
Date: May 12, 2015 01:31PM

Such Bullshit Wrote:
> See the problem with people like Ethan is now you
> gays/trannies are trying to bully to change the
> way straight normal people think. This gay agenda
> keeps being pushed onto us as a society. Acting as
> if straight people "don't get it, are behind the
> times, or are hateful/fearful" of a dude who wants
> to cut his penis off and wear capri pants. At this
> point what rights to straight people have anymore?
> If we don't accept this gay bullshit, we are the
> "wrong" ones. Your countless comments, whether you
> realize or not are bullying to accept something
> the majority of society doesn't go towards. I'm
> straight, don't give a shit who you or anyone else
> sleeps with... But it's almost to the point us
> straights out here need to flaunt male/female
> relationships the same way you gays want to keep
> throwing your gay shit in our faces.
> The fact that we don't want gay/tranny shit forced
> on us... Doesn't make us hurtful, it makes us
> accustomed to what is normal.

Amen! Winner. +1000.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Nope, Not A Bit ()
Date: May 12, 2015 04:06PM

Ethan Parker Wrote:
> I give up. You guys clearly aren't going to learn
> how to be compassionate. I'm just gonna donate to
> some LGBT charities instead of trying to argue
> with someone who refuses to seriously consider
> opposing arguments.

Compassionate to those who create their own problems?

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: 7CCwT ()
Date: May 12, 2015 06:08PM

AMCO says they can overhaul your tranny for about 1700.00.
Not bad, eh?

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: nut sack vagina ()
Date: May 12, 2015 06:16PM

7CCwT Wrote:
> AMCO says they can overhaul your tranny for about
> 1700.00.
> Not bad, eh?

It will be a rebuild.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Hey Dick Boi ()
Date: May 12, 2015 06:43PM

Ethan Parker Wrote:
> I'm talking about eliminating transphobia.
> And they do not compare with Ku Klux Klan, they
> just want their goddamn rights.

And where do these rights come from? Do they fall out of the sky onto their little trans heads?

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: WXDcH ()
Date: May 12, 2015 08:28PM

Hey Dick Boi Wrote:
> Ethan Parker Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I'm talking about eliminating transphobia.
> >
> > And they do not compare with Ku Klux Klan, they
> > just want their goddamn rights.
> And where do these rights come from? Do they fall
> out of the sky onto their little trans heads?

True rights come from God or are innate in nature.
The "rights" they've asked for are neither .. neither from God and they sure are natural.

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Re: Transphobia
Posted by: Typocorrection ()
Date: May 12, 2015 08:29PM

Aren't natural .. (typo)

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