Double Action Jackson Wrote:
> Wash Post today:
> nts-fighting-against-transgender-kids-in-school-ba
> throoms/2015/05/11/8cc005f8-f808-11e4-a13c-193b124
> 1d51a_story.html
> How does a 7 yr old feel transgendered. Some one
> must be coaching the kid to do this.
"My son explained it to me. One day, he matter-of-factly said: “It just means that [Tyler] has a boy brain but was born into a girl body.”
No. Sorry. 7 year old doesn't come up with that on their own.
Their libtard parents like the writer soooo want a gay child that they coach it.
Too bad that he's not half black too. That would be the proggie lib parent jackpot.
Maybe he can pretend to be 1/64th Native American when the grows up.