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How May Of You Can Pass This Civil Defense Test
Posted by: Sign Up Today Defend Virginia ()
Date: May 09, 2015 09:14PM

How many of you can pass this test? Men and women are needed to defend their lives their family's lives and citizens lives in emergency's.

Apply Today Equal opportunity offer to Law Abiding Citizens.

The life you save may be YOUR OWN ! Or a Loved One!

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Re: How May Of You Can Pass This Civil Defense Test
Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 09, 2015 09:16PM

With the hate for trans people that is so evident in this forum, it's probably not a good plan to give these people guns.

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Re: How May Of You Can Pass This Civil Defense Test
Posted by: Its Not Giving People Guns ()
Date: May 09, 2015 09:23PM

Dummy. Its a concealed handgun permit. They have to legally buy their own gun. You fail the test. Do Not Apply

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Re: How May Of You Can Pass This Civil Defense Test
Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 09, 2015 09:36PM

Oh right. Still, it gives them the idea to get a gun. Not worth it.

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Re: How May Of You Can Pass This Civil Defense Test
Posted by: Law Abiding Citizens May Apply ()
Date: May 09, 2015 09:37PM

You may be gay, transsexual, any race , religion or gender. The 2nd amendment
of the Bill of Rights is Non-Discriminatory.

However Democrats may engage in Illegal Discrimination against law abiding gun owners. So Beware Of Them! And Vote Them out!

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Re: How May Of You Can Pass This Civil Defense Test
Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 09, 2015 09:41PM

All I'm saying is that guns make it way too easy to kill someone.

Also, you guys seem to constantly forget about the "well-regulated militia" part of the second amendment... >.>

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Re: How May Of You Can Pass This Civil Defense Test
Posted by: What About It ? ()
Date: May 09, 2015 09:57PM

"Well Regulated" means to be able to use a firearm to follow orders and drill and march and obey the officers in command of the militia. And that's why the founders gave the PEOPLE . The RIGHT to BEAR ARMS. Don't forget that part!'
Without ARMS in the PEOPLES possession they could practice shooting or learn to use arms rendering a Well Regulated militia Void! And The militia was the PEOPLE!

Some People think there were training camps like Parris Island! They were no such training camps, or EVEN any Money to Do that! That's why the militia's had to rely on the PEOPLE and the Right to Bear arms shall not be infringed!

And there was no National Guard or Reserve Forces when the Bill Of Rights was written, there was not Even a Army!

Democrats wine about todays assault firearms only belong on a battlefield.
They are only designed to kill people. They Say !

Understand the founders NEVER OUTLAWED CANNON. The most powerful weapons of WAR at the time the Bill Of rights was written.

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Re: How May Of You Can Pass This Civil Defense Test
Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 09, 2015 09:59PM

Fine, fine, fine. Have your guns. Just be REALLY careful giving them to people that are as hateful as many of the people I am seeing here.

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Re: How May Of You Can Pass This Civil Defense Test
Posted by: May I Be Kinder ()
Date: May 09, 2015 10:42PM

The most hateful people are Democrats, Why else would they oppose the Bill of rights?

What you see as hate toward them is outrage as they do not Obey the Laws of the Land, the Bill Of Rights and the Constitution.

They must Control the people. Their views are the only way we should live. The only way we need medical insurance, the only way period with ever thing they feel the need to Control.

They refuse to simply live and let live as I myself do. And that's what the founders practiced , Live and let live and that's what this nation was founded upon.

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Re: How May Of You Can Pass This Civil Defense Test
Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 09, 2015 10:48PM

Let them have their guns. Just make sure they're careful with them.

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Re: How May Of You Can Pass This Civil Defense Test
Posted by: If There Not ()
Date: May 09, 2015 11:02PM

They will have them taken away as criminals and they may be jailed.

There is no right to be careless with a firearm. Research Concealed Carry in the USA you will see that Only law abiding people can do this. And Despite Democrats cries that the sky will fall, the Wild West would return ( It did not).

The PEOPLE are doing just fine with their legal firearms possession and Legal concealed carry permits. If you look at the Concealed Carry Permit form at the beginning of this thread you will see all the things that allow or disqualify people from carrying concealed guns. The same questions apply to buying a gun from a dealer too. And they have to fill out and sign a Federal Form 4473, and if they lie the instant check will get them and they will be arrested.

Peace to You and Transgendered people, Men, Women, Gay, Blacks, Whites, all ethnic races, religions of people. Live And let Live. Don't ever forget you have rights to many things in America.

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Re: How May Of You Can Pass This Civil Defense Test
Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 09, 2015 11:18PM

Good. I am happy that only law-abiding people do so.

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Re: How May Of You Can Pass This Civil Defense Test
Posted by: Legally May Do So But.. ()
Date: May 09, 2015 11:36PM

There's plenty of criminals that have guns. Mostly in Democrat controlled States that ban guns by law abiding people. Just compare Maryland vs Virginia vs New York . You will see the most gun crimes occur in Democrat controlled States. Gun Free zones, Gun Free states are really crime zones or False Hope Zones as the criminals always have guns because they are criminals and Do Not Obey the laws and they are majority Democrats too if they actually vote. What else is new??.

But they wont bother transgendered people I will say that . There too busy selling drugs and defending their turf. As well as robbing beating raping killing innocent law abiding people that DONT Have A right to carry a concealed gun or any gun for there protection in Democrat controlled False Hope Gun Free States like Maryland.

Peace to transgendered people. And all of us with a soul and a heart.

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Re: How May Of You Can Pass This Civil Defense Test
Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 09, 2015 11:43PM

Um, other than the attacks against trans people and the insinuation that they do not have hearts and souls (all of which are untrue), I agree with the above.

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Re: How May Of You Can Pass This Civil Defense Test
Posted by: Gunlover ()
Date: May 10, 2015 12:05AM

Easy OP, just don't lie.

Never Run Out of Ammo

Guns Don't Kill People. People Kill People

Them or You

The two most important days in your life are the day your were born and and the day you find out why

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Re: How May Of You Can Pass This Civil Defense Test
Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 10, 2015 12:10AM

Okay, so guns don't kill people, people kill people, but guns certainly help people kill people.

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Re: How May Of You Can Pass This Civil Defense Test
Posted by: I Carry ()
Date: May 10, 2015 12:20AM

Ethan Parker Wrote:
> Okay, so guns don't kill people, people kill
> people, but guns certainly help people kill
> people.

Trannies don't have souls. Like gingers, but even less so.

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Re: How May Of You Can Pass This Civil Defense Test
Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 10, 2015 12:21AM

They do, actually, you bigoted fuck.

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Re: How May Of You Can Pass This Civil Defense Test
Posted by: Sam Sandwich ()
Date: May 10, 2015 10:35AM

Ethan Parker Wrote:
> They do, actually, you bigoted fuck.

Can you prove it, Ethan?

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Re: How May Of You Can Pass This Civil Defense Test
Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 10, 2015 10:37AM

Okay, so I actually think noone has a soul, since souls are kind of just spiritual constructs and spirituality isn't really a thing, but if souls were a thing, then trans people would have them since they're human.

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Re: How May Of You Can Pass This Civil Defense Test
Posted by: Sam sandwich ()
Date: May 10, 2015 04:24PM

Ethan Parker Wrote:
> Okay, so I actually think noone has a soul, since
> souls are kind of just spiritual constructs and
> spirituality isn't really a thing, but if souls
> were a thing, then trans people would have them
> since they're human.

Why don't you believe that souls exist? You have heard that at the time of death, a person loses 21 grams? Do you feel this is make believe? It has been proven.

How do you know trans are human? Just because they may imitate some of us doesn't make them human. Primates can mimic humans to a degree, doesn't make them humans...

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Re: How May Of You Can Pass This Civil Defense Test
Posted by: Ethan Parker ()
Date: May 10, 2015 04:30PM

Members of the species homo sapiens are human. Trans people are members of the species homo sapiens. Therefore, trans people are human.

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Re: How May Of You Can Pass This Civil Defense Test
Posted by: Linguist ()
Date: May 10, 2015 04:32PM

Ethan Parker Wrote:
> Members of the species homo sapiens are human.
> Trans people are members of the species homo
> sapiens. Therefore, trans people are human.

Emphasis on the HOMO

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Re: How May Of You Can Pass This Civil Defense Test
Posted by: Double Action Jackson ()
Date: May 10, 2015 08:37PM

Peace to transgendered people. And all of us with a soul and a heart.

In saying Heart and soul I meant all people including transgendered, Gay you name em have a heart and a soul.

>Okay, so I actually think noone has a soul, since souls are kind of just spiritual constructs and spirituality isn't really a thing, but if souls were a thing, then trans people would have them since they're human.

Next time is dark outside and you can see the stars take a look and ask where did it begin and where does it end.

It never began, It will never end. A fantasy ? No more so then people having a soul. Its not up to me however to decide who does and who does not have a soul.

That's up to my Lord and his Holy Father.

And I believe that just as God gave animals the right of self defense and their natural protections , he gave man that same right. And the founders of this nation, and Sam Colt , Mr. Smith, Mr. Wesson and Mr. Glock have helped man and woman defend themselves along the way.

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Re: How May Of You Can Pass This Civil Defense Test
Posted by: mLJPb ()
Date: May 11, 2015 06:21PM

Ethan Parker Wrote:
> Okay, so I actually think noone has a soul, since
> souls are kind of just spiritual constructs and
> spirituality isn't really a thing, but if souls
> were a thing, then trans people would have them
> since they're human.

Spirituality isn't a real thing?
Maybe that is where the confusion starts.
You are an eternal being like everyone else. You didn't arise as a product of evolution from primordial soup.
It's between you and the creator to sort out where and with whom you spend your eternity.
I'm sorry you are deceived on this point.

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Re: How May Of You Can Pass This Civil Defense Test
Posted by: KCJVL ()
Date: May 12, 2015 09:46AM

go to the NRA website and chat with them

they will tell you what to do

my feeling is that consealed handguns are "not a right" and havent been for quite a while

infact - even police officers usually are not allowed to conceal handguns - why should YOU be?

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Re: How May Of You Can Pass This Civil Defense Test
Posted by: jEdW3 ()
Date: May 12, 2015 09:47AM

4. Any regularly enrolled member of a weapons collecting organization who is at, or going to or from, a bona fide weapons exhibition, provided that the weapons are unloaded and securely wrapped while being transported;

^^^ totally full of shit - than any gov worker enrolled as a "collector" does not have to obey this law

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Re: How May Of You Can Pass This Civil Defense Test
Posted by: MMypL ()
Date: May 12, 2015 09:48AM

7a. Any person who is eligible for retirement with at least 20 years of service with a law-enforcement agency or board mentioned in subdivision 7 who has resigned in good standing

^^ totally full of shit. if you had to dipslay your weapon while on the job - what would give you sudden rights to hide on upon retirement ?????

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Re: How May Of You Can Pass This Civil Defense Test
Posted by: HTUTP ()
Date: May 12, 2015 09:50AM

For purposes of applying the reciprocity provisions of ยง 18.2-308.014, any person granted the privilege to carry a concealed handgun pursuant to subdivision 7 or this subdivision, while carrying the proof of consultation and favorable review required, shall be deemed to have been issued a concealed handgun permit.

^^^ allows in-eligible rich people to carry a rocket in their pocket

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Re: How May Of You Can Pass This Civil Defense Test
Posted by: MTjbc ()
Date: May 12, 2015 09:51AM

8. Any State Police officer who is a member of the organized reserve forces of any of the armed services of the United States, national guard, or naval militia, while such officer is called to active military duty, provided such officer carries with him written proof of

^^^ according to Clinton the Navy cannot carry open weapons on the job

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Re: How May Of You Can Pass This Civil Defense Test
Posted by: unntX ()
Date: May 12, 2015 09:52AM

1. Carriers of the United States mail;

that would include every other illegal and nigga in D.C. - who get carrier jobs like ants

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Re: How May Of You Can Pass This Civil Defense Test
Posted by: Other ppl ()
Date: May 13, 2015 06:25AM

unntX Wrote:
> 1. Carriers of the United States mail;

> that would include every other illegal and nigga
> in D.C. - who get carrier jobs like ants

Why you talking about other people?

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