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why is their police in centreville? related to ashburn murder?
Posted by: xyz ()
Date: April 07, 2015 12:04PM

why is their police in centreville? related to ashburn murder?

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Re: why is their police in centreville? related to ashburn murder?
Posted by: news2 ()
Date: April 07, 2015 12:15PM

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Re: why is their police in centreville? related to ashburn murder?
Posted by: status ()
Date: April 08, 2015 10:02AM

any updates on this??? It sounds familiar to what happened about a year ago in Aldie

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Re: why is their police in centreville? related to ashburn murder?
Posted by: white savages ()
Date: April 08, 2015 10:49AM

nuff said

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Re: why is their police in centreville? related to ashburn murder?
Posted by: Lippy Leiberman ()
Date: April 08, 2015 10:57AM

white savages Wrote:
> nuff said

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Re: why is their police in centreville? related to ashburn murder?
Posted by: yucky24 sympathizer teabagger ()
Date: April 08, 2015 11:21AM


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Re: why is their police in centreville? related to ashburn murder?
Posted by: scooba ()
Date: April 08, 2015 02:38PM

Around 9:30 am, I saw police officer pointing either a gun or a taser from behind his door and a guy with his hands up in front of the officers car. He was a white guy around the age of 21-25. He was stopped on the left turn lane on Clifton Rd intersecting route 29. As I approached the intersection, there was only 1 police officer but more were coming with their sirens on to the area. Some passed the scene and proceeded to go into the neighborhoods with their sirens on. Not sure what was going on maybe this is related?

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Re: why is their police in centreville? related to ashburn murder?
Date: April 08, 2015 06:25PM

xyz Wrote:
> why is their police in centreville? related to
> ashburn murder?

Let's try it this way. "Why ARE THERE police in Centreville? IS IT related to the Ashburn murder?

Are we graduating people from FFX County schools who write like this? I hope not.

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Re: why is their police in centreville? related to ashburn murder?
Posted by: grammer ()
Date: April 09, 2015 01:31PM

When did you become a expert....no one need your opinion.

If you are not happy in FFX county then get out...this type of writing is your future

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Re: why is their police in centreville? related to ashburn murder?
Posted by: grammer ()
Date: April 09, 2015 01:31PM

When did you become a expert....no one need your opinion.

If you are not happy in FFX county then get out...this type of writing is your future

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Re: why is their police in centreville? related to ashburn murder?
Posted by: hey jerk ()
Date: April 09, 2015 01:31PM

When did you become a expert....no one need your opinion.

If you are not happy in FFX county then get out...this type of writing is your future

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Re: why is their police in centreville? related to ashburn murder?
Posted by: rip ()
Date: April 09, 2015 01:32PM

RIP to these tragic stories

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Re: why is their police in centreville? related to ashburn murder?
Posted by: rip ()
Date: April 09, 2015 01:32PM

RIP to these tragic stories

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Re: why is their police in centreville? related to ashburn murder?
Posted by: Mona Bone ()
Date: April 09, 2015 01:59PM

RIP to this terrible spelling and grammar

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