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New School Bus Schedule Proposal
Posted by: Shadow ()
Date: April 24, 2009 05:29PM


Well, some schools will be starting later and some will start earlier and some won't change at all. With a savings of over 4 million dollars.

Langley doesn't change though. I'm sure someone will bitch about that.

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Re: New School Bus Schedule Proposal
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: April 24, 2009 05:35PM

You mean Janie's segregated public high school doesn't get preferential treatment on something. Who'd a thunk that?

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Re: New School Bus Schedule Proposal
Posted by: Mozart ()
Date: April 24, 2009 06:24PM

Thomas More Wrote:
> You mean Janie's segregated public high school
> doesn't get preferential treatment on something.
> Who'd a thunk that?

How would you change Langley's boundaries? It's in the richest part of the county. You could make Langley smaller, and send some of its students to Herndon or South Lakes, but Langley would still be almost entirely White and Asian.

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Re: New School Bus Schedule Proposal
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: April 24, 2009 08:39PM

Mozart Wrote:
> > How would you change Langley's boundaries? It's in the richest part of the county. You could make Langley smaller, and send some of its students to Herndon or South Lakes, but Langley would still be almost entirely White and Asian.< <

Shift some of McLean and Marshall to Langley & Forestville & Great Falls to Herndon. You could even send Forest Edge to Langley.

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Re: New School Bus Schedule Proposal
Posted by: Rippler ()
Date: April 25, 2009 12:01AM

Better yet, solve the overcrowding at Annandale HS by making a big ripple that starts at Annandale HS and goes through Falls Church HS, Stuart HS, Marshall HS, and McLean HS, dumping a big load of people into Langley at the end. You could get rid of the McLean attendance islands in the process.

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Re: New School Bus Schedule Proposal
Posted by: you cant do it ()
Date: April 25, 2009 05:09AM

Rich people are going to continue to be white and Asian.

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Re: New School Bus Schedule Proposal
Posted by: foot the bill-NAH ()
Date: April 25, 2009 08:03AM

Thomas More Wrote:
> You mean Janie's segregated public high school
> doesn't get preferential treatment on something.
> Who'd a thunk that?

Haha. Janie Strauss should have Cooper and Langley share busses from anything that passes Cooper. And no AP fees at Langley, Oakton ? AP schools are NOT the lowest socio economic group in FCPS. My actual FX tax payment will be higher than last year so how many Langley AP exams am I footing? And TJ? And ..............?

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Re: New School Bus Schedule Proposal
Posted by: Mozart ()
Date: April 25, 2009 10:36AM

Thomas More Wrote:
> Mozart Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > > How would you change Langley's boundaries?
> It's in the richest part of the county. You could
> make Langley smaller, and send some of its
> students to Herndon or South Lakes, but Langley
> would still be almost entirely White and Asian.<
> <
> Shift some of McLean and Marshall to Langley &
> Forestville & Great Falls to Herndon. You could
> even send Forest Edge to Langley.

That makes Herndon's demographics more affluent, and McLean and Marshall's demographics less affluent, while changing Langley's demographics hardly at all (putting aside your Forest Edge suggestion). Might save a few bucks in transportation costs at most.

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Re: New School Bus Schedule Proposal
Posted by: BraddockDistrict ()
Date: April 25, 2009 10:54AM

Rippler Wrote:
> Better yet, solve the overcrowding at Annandale HS
> by making a big ripple that starts at Annandale HS
> and goes through Falls Church HS, Stuart HS,
> Marshall HS, and McLean HS, dumping a big load of
> people into Langley at the end. You could get rid
> of the McLean attendance islands in the process.


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Re: New School Bus Schedule Proposal
Posted by: GMU Hokie ()
Date: April 25, 2009 03:16PM

Call Dean Tistadt (the guy whose wife got ticked at the kid for calling on his cell phone during school hours) and let him know how you feel.


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