cvilleresident Wrote:
> Between 1:30 and 2:00 on 4/19/09 5 wallets were
> stolen from lockers at
> fm?strWebAction=club_details&intClubId=116">Life
> Time Fitness in Centerville, VA. This is what
> I witnessed.
> As I walked in, the an upset man was talking to
> one of the sales reps about a lost wallet. The
> rep walked him towards the locker room (which was
> where I was going), and it was clear that there
> was a 2nd guy at the towel desk complaining of the
> same problem. I went into the locker room and
> started unpacking, and the guy across from me was
> searching frantically through his bag. I asked if
> he lost something. He said yes, his wallet, and I
> pointed him to the group at the towel desk. I
> went out to put my wallet in my car, and briefly
> talked to a 3rd guy that was also hit.
> After a short workout I came downstairs to find 3
> marked and 1 unmarked Fairfax police cars parked
> in front of the gym. Officers were taking prints
> off of the lockers. This is close to verbatim of
> my conversation with one of the officers...
> me: Does this place get hit a lot?
> officer: Yeah, a lot.
> me: Like monthly?
> officer: A LOT.
> me: Was it forced?
> officer: Yes, the lockers are terrible. I
> wouldn't put anything valuable in them.
> Take a look at locker 269 in the men's locker room
> and you'll see how a simple screwdriver can pop
> open a locker. The damage to the surrounding
> structure of the locker is minimal which speaks to
> the poor quality of the lock.
> Up to this point my comments have been what I
> think is an objective view on a set of events. At
> this point I'll say that 1) I think Life Time
> tries to downplay if not scuttle the press on
> events like this and 2) I wish Life Time would
> invest in better security instead of the recent
> week-long aesthetic locker room refurbishment
> which consisted of mostly new tile work and
> benches.