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Any into "hookah" clubs -water pipe smoking
Posted by: Rod ()
Date: April 18, 2009 10:54PM

Apparently there are several clubs in the area where they smoke a flavored tobaco, BUT with the baning of smoking the clubs anre in trouble. I would be for allowing smoking in such clubs since that's why people go but I myself never would. What's the harm?Are there any who go?

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Re: Any into "hookah" clubs -water pipe smoking
Posted by: Toked ()
Date: April 18, 2009 11:22PM

The law allows them to keep operating, they just need to make some adjustments. Put a table by the front window, enclose it and a seperate fan. That's the non-smoking section. Or just figure the $25 a day fine as an expense to operate.

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Re: Any into "hookah" clubs -water pipe smoking
Posted by: bigdog1 ()
Date: April 19, 2009 12:07AM

Merrifield Kabob on route 29 near merrifield post office isn't bad. who knows what's going to happen to it.

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Re: Any into "hookah" clubs -water pipe smoking
Posted by: grawr ()
Date: April 19, 2009 07:44AM

I know there are quite a few in the area. Not sure the names thoguh

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Re: Any into "hookah" clubs -water pipe smoking
Posted by: Rod ()
Date: April 19, 2009 07:33PM

I think it's sort of funny

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Re: Any into "hookah" clubs -water pipe smoking
Posted by: Hookah ()
Date: April 20, 2009 08:19AM

Enjoy them while you can because come December Va becomes non smoking


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