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Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: MacGrauf: Teh Cryme Dawg ()
Date: February 02, 2015 05:22PM

DWI/HIT & RUN CRASH, Lee Highway/Hunters Glen Way, 2/[1]/15, 9:49 p.m. A 35-year-old woman was driving a 1997 Toyota on Lee Highway and had stopped at a traffic light. Ewar Ramirez Rivas, 28, was driving a 2000 Ford F250 on Lee Highway and failed to stop for the traffic light. Rivas struck the Toyota in the rear and then fled the scene. The driver and three juvenile passengers were all transported to a local hospital. A 6-year-old passenger received life-threatening injuries while the others received non-life threatening injuries. Police located Rivas on White Birch Court and charged him with DWI, hit and run (felony), no operator’s license and open container.

Ewar Ramirez Rivas

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: back room justice ()
Date: February 02, 2015 05:28PM

This is why we need men like officer Torres on the job.

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: Gerry Y Sharon ()
Date: February 02, 2015 05:31PM

He was drinking to forget about the racism he endures from evil whitey.

He will be rewarded with permanent residency and a new coche de los gringos retardos.

You get a greencard!

You get a greencard!

You get a greencard!

Hooray. Social Justice and diversity enrich us again!

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: Style Police ()
Date: February 02, 2015 05:37PM

Cool shirt...he's a five-star wetback DWI

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: David Dewhurst ()
Date: February 02, 2015 05:40PM

We got beaners like em' down in Texas. 'Cept we gas them motherfukcers. Texas for whites, blacks and asians.


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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: Si Senoir ()
Date: February 02, 2015 05:43PM

What a surprise....a drunk wetback with no license. And you can count on no insurance either.

Celebrate the Diversity!

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: February 02, 2015 05:55PM

Gerry Y Sharon Wrote:
> He was drinking to forget about the racism he
> endures from evil whitey.
> He will be rewarded with permanent residency and a
> new coche de los gringos retardos.
> You get a greencard!
> You get a greencard!
> You get a greencard!
> Hooray. Social Justice and diversity enrich us
> again!

You took that right out of the mouth of Mr. Vomit. That ought to save him some breath.

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: Speedy Gonzalez ()
Date: February 02, 2015 08:52PM

He looks like he's ready to pass out on the spot.

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: Hispanic Caucus Rules! ()
Date: February 02, 2015 10:28PM

Gerry Y Sharon Wrote:
> He was drinking to forget about the racism he
> endures from evil whitey.
> He will be rewarded with permanent residency and a
> new coche de los gringos retardos.
> You get a greencard!
> You get a greencard!
> You get a greencard!
> Hooray. Social Justice and diversity enrich us
> again!

Last tallied stat gives the Hispanic/Latino pop at %45 and rapidly growing.
This incident is similar to many in the nation.
I am witness to a similar incident in the same area/location. An elderly,frail, white woman getting crippled for life by a Hispanic woman via major rear end collision.
Our government, knowing the Hispanic woman had no auto insurance, let her 'go' with literally no punishment at all. The injured woman's insurance is footing the bill to this day with the ongoing health care and accommodations.
With all this sort of thing and much more examples of how the Hispanics/Latino are generating a huge drain on society as a hole, everyone should very well see how our government is dragging us into a communistic alike society.
You can only take the 'democratic-socialist' stance on such things so far until it turns into communistic like environment.
So our government is still allowing the illegals to poor into the country. Waving this law and that laws for them at every turn. Making excuses after excuses. Because they and the rich-rich know very well how it will cause an even wider chasism and bring everything concerning the key element of control into their favor. THE $$MONEY$$.
Look and listen to it all around you. Take in a deep breath while taking in the facts of what is going on. In proof of what the filthy rich and our greedy, control hungry government is doing. The truth of what they are will unfold with all evidence needed to convict them of what they perform. Crimes against the majority of us all. Crimes against humanity, itself. What goes on monetarily in this country effects, in a major way, what goes on pretty much, monetarily, world wide.
As Bush, Jr. Publicly announced and the way it is, we have a 'global economy' now. With the U.S. at it's epicenter. In bed with the rich-rich with their super-easy made mega flow of $$cash$$ rolling their way. Without, for real, actually working for it in any way what-so-ever.

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: What A View ()
Date: February 02, 2015 10:36PM

Hispanic Caucus Rules! Wrote:
> Last tallied stat gives the Hispanic/Latino pop at
> %45 and rapidly growing.
> This incident is similar to many in the nation.
> I am witness to a similar incident in the same
> area/location. An elderly,frail, white woman
> getting crippled for life by a Hispanic woman via
> major rear end collision.
> Our government, knowing the Hispanic woman had no
> auto insurance, let her 'go' with literally no
> punishment at all. The injured woman's insurance
> is footing the bill to this day with the ongoing
> health care and accommodations.
> With all this sort of thing and much more examples
> of how the Hispanics/Latino are generating a huge
> drain on society as a hole, everyone should very
> well see how our government is dragging us into a
> communistic alike society.
> You can only take the 'democratic-socialist'
> stance on such things so far until it turns into
> communistic like environment.
> So our government is still allowing the illegals
> to poor into the country. Waving this law and
> that laws for them at every turn. Making excuses
> after excuses. Because they and the rich-rich
> know very well how it will cause an even wider
> chasism and bring everything concerning the key
> element of control into their favor. THE
> $$MONEY$$.
> Look and listen to it all around you. Take in a
> deep breath while taking in the facts of what is
> going on. In proof of what the filthy rich and
> our greedy, control hungry government is doing.
> The truth of what they are will unfold with all
> evidence needed to convict them of what they
> perform. Crimes against the majority of us all.
> Crimes against humanity, itself. What goes on
> monetarily in this country effects, in a major
> way, what goes on pretty much, monetarily, world
> wide.
> As Bush, Jr. Publicly announced and the way it is,
> we have a 'global economy' now. With the U.S. at
> it's epicenter. In bed with the rich-rich with
> their super-easy made mega flow of $$cash$$
> rolling their way. Without, for real, actually
> working for it in any way what-so-ever.

You saw all that out the Lamb Center window?

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: zzzzzzz ()
Date: February 02, 2015 10:51PM

Im hispanic american and dont support illegal immigration either. I think both hispanic illegals who dont respect american law be deported or any foreigner who is not ethical. I also think whites who use illegal labor and abuse their workers - those who cripple day laborers and refuse to pay up - be charged to fullest extent.

Hispanic Caucus Rules! Wrote:
> Gerry Y Sharon Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > He was drinking to forget about the racism he
> > endures from evil whitey.
> >
> > He will be rewarded with permanent residency and
> a
> > new coche de los gringos retardos.
> >
> > You get a greencard!
> >
> > You get a greencard!
> >
> > You get a greencard!
> >
> > Hooray. Social Justice and diversity enrich us
> > again!
> Last tallied stat gives the Hispanic/Latino pop at
> %45 and rapidly growing.
> This incident is similar to many in the nation.
> I am witness to a similar incident in the same
> area/location. An elderly,frail, white woman
> getting crippled for life by a Hispanic woman via
> major rear end collision.
> Our government, knowing the Hispanic woman had no
> auto insurance, let her 'go' with literally no
> punishment at all. The injured woman's insurance
> is footing the bill to this day with the ongoing
> health care and accommodations.
> With all this sort of thing and much more examples
> of how the Hispanics/Latino are generating a huge
> drain on society as a hole, everyone should very
> well see how our government is dragging us into a
> communistic alike society.
> You can only take the 'democratic-socialist'
> stance on such things so far until it turns into
> communistic like environment.
> So our government is still allowing the illegals
> to poor into the country. Waving this law and
> that laws for them at every turn. Making excuses
> after excuses. Because they and the rich-rich
> know very well how it will cause an even wider
> chasism and bring everything concerning the key
> element of control into their favor. THE
> $$MONEY$$.
> Look and listen to it all around you. Take in a
> deep breath while taking in the facts of what is
> going on. In proof of what the filthy rich and
> our greedy, control hungry government is doing.
> The truth of what they are will unfold with all
> evidence needed to convict them of what they
> perform. Crimes against the majority of us all.
> Crimes against humanity, itself. What goes on
> monetarily in this country effects, in a major
> way, what goes on pretty much, monetarily, world
> wide.
> As Bush, Jr. Publicly announced and the way it is,
> we have a 'global economy' now. With the U.S. at
> it's epicenter. In bed with the rich-rich with
> their super-easy made mega flow of $$cash$$
> rolling their way. Without, for real, actually
> working for it in any way what-so-ever.

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: Gerry Conman ()
Date: February 03, 2015 08:11AM

Ever more blood on the hands of the moronic lib voters who encourage illegals to ignore all laws. Hope this kind of shit happens only to liberals and their spawn.

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: get to a meeting today ()
Date: February 03, 2015 09:01AM

This story is about alcohol addiction nothing more nothing less. There is an organization that offers free help. It is in the very front of the phone book and has meetings everywhere in NOVA every day morning, noon and night. This jerkoff hispanic dickwad could be any alcoholic. If you drink a lot every day and cannot stop by yourself you too will end up hurting or killing yourself and/or someone else with unless you get help.

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: drinky drinky ()
Date: February 03, 2015 09:19AM

get to a meeting today Wrote:
> This story is about alcohol addiction nothing more
> nothing less. There is an organization that
> offers free help. It is in the very front of the
> phone book and has meetings everywhere in NOVA
> every day morning, noon and night. This jerkoff
> hispanic dickwad could be any alcoholic. If you
> drink a lot every day and cannot stop by yourself
> you too will end up hurting or killing yourself
> and/or someone else with unless you get help.

Maybe the point is we already have plenty of alchoholics here already, we don't need to import more.

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: Hook, line, and sinker ()
Date: February 03, 2015 09:41AM

Despite the lunacy of twit-tarded bigot cheerleaders such as Michelle Malkin, illegals do not disproportionately commit, nor are they disproportioately convicted of or incarcerated for serious crimes.

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: Xenophobe Hater ()
Date: February 03, 2015 10:20AM

Hook, line, and sinker Wrote:
> Despite the lunacy of twit-tarded bigot
> cheerleaders such as Michelle Malkin, illegals do
> not disproportionately commit, nor are they
> disproportioately convicted of or incarcerated for
> serious crimes.

Xenophobes don't like it when drunk illegal immigrants hurt people. Dumb bigots. This beautiful man has a vibrancy score 0f 8/10. Unfortunately he's probably heterosexual and has not converted to Islam.

Hopefully he will in prison.

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Date: February 03, 2015 10:39AM

Can you provide statistics on this please? I'd be really interested in seeing them?

Hook, line, and sinker Wrote:
> Despite the lunacy of twit-tarded bigot
> cheerleaders such as Michelle Malkin, illegals do
> not disproportionately commit, nor are they
> disproportioately convicted of or incarcerated for
> serious crimes.

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: Hook, line, and sinker ()
Date: February 03, 2015 10:49AM

Xenophobe Hater Wrote:
> Xenophobes don't like it when drunk illegal immigrants
> hurt people.

It's not okay when other people do it either. And other people tend to do it at rates as high or higher than illegals.

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: Hook, line, and sinker ()
Date: February 03, 2015 10:57AM

FormerlyRangerRikki Wrote:
> Can you provide statistics on this please? I'd be
> really interested in seeing them?

LOL! If you were interested at all, you would know all about the data because you would have looked them up for yourself starting a long time ago.

But you are not interested in any such thing. You are too fucking lazy and stupid to be interested in anything more than being a racist asshole bigoted dumbshit. So fuck off, you worthless miserable low-life dirtbag.

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: LbGmU ()
Date: February 03, 2015 10:58AM

Hook, line, and sinker Wrote:
> ... other people tend to do it at rates as high or
> higher than illegals.

Not in the DC area. But that can be written off as a result of the higher population here.

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: Hook, line, and sinker ()
Date: February 03, 2015 11:10AM

LbGmU Wrote:
> Not in the DC area. But that can be written off as
> a result of the higher population here.

"rates" usually means per 100,000 population.

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: Influx ()
Date: February 03, 2015 12:15PM

Our Fed. gov. stained with the poison of political correctness allows the influx of people, some of whose values are vastly different than tradtional US values.
In this guy's case, he was driving while intoxicated. What bothers some, is that if he is truly staying here without proper permission, than perhaps this little kid would not have gone to the ICU. Yes a lot of people coming here without the required legal qualifications are hard working and tend to like the dollar's exchange rate to their home country's currency. The problem is not that they're the hard-working type. The problem is that they cheat the system to get here and some are criminals and even if they are not, the public cost them being here (tax payer dollars) is too high. The biggest problem is that the Fed. government makes it easy for them to come and stay. The solution to having real border security and real accountability lies not in the Federal Government, which has already proved to be a failure at this. It is up to you and me to interact with law makers at the local levels to put a stop to the disorder which is ocurring. Bottom up .. not top down for the solution. It's the only way ... think "grassroots".

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: The Kona Kid ()
Date: February 03, 2015 12:26PM

Local immigration enforcement is not allowed. See Arizona's attempt to quell the Mexican disaster that is bankrupting their state and turning it into a 3rd world outpost in the US.

When the Feds won't deport illegal immigrants who are arrested or detained for committing crimes there is little hope for average Americans in fighting their dispossession.

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: Influx ()
Date: February 03, 2015 12:43PM

The Kona Kid Wrote:
> Local immigration enforcement is not allowed. See
> Arizona's attempt to quell the Mexican disaster
> that is bankrupting their state and turning it
> into a 3rd world outpost in the US.
> When the Feds won't deport illegal immigrants who
> are arrested or detained for committing crimes
> there is little hope for average Americans in
> fighting their dispossession.

Are you sayin' we are slowly becoming the "United States of Che Guevara"?
and that nothing can be done to stop it?

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: The Kona Kid ()
Date: February 03, 2015 01:07PM

Influx Wrote:
> The Kona Kid Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Local immigration enforcement is not allowed.
> See
> > Arizona's attempt to quell the Mexican disaster
> > that is bankrupting their state and turning it
> > into a 3rd world outpost in the US.
> >
> > When the Feds won't deport illegal immigrants
> who
> > are arrested or detained for committing crimes
> > there is little hope for average Americans in
> > fighting their dispossession.
> Are you sayin' we are slowly becoming the "United
> States of Che Guevara"?
> and that nothing can be done to stop it?

It's essentially written in stone that the US will no longer be a 1st world country in the near future. Somewhere between 1st world and 3rd world similar to Brazil is our future.

Fat, brown, tattooed and stupid. Los Estados Unidos.

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: Fear Mongering white folks ()
Date: February 03, 2015 01:09PM

It's always nice to see the fear mongering white folks on here. It's even better knowing they'll be kicking the bucket soon.

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: Bucket Kicker ()
Date: February 03, 2015 01:17PM

Fear Mongering white folks Wrote:
> It's always nice to see the fear mongering white
> folks on here. It's even better knowing they'll be
> kicking the bucket soon.

Nationalism seems to be more prevalent in younger folks. They get to experience joyous diversity first hand.

Baby Boomers are the most strident multi-cult retards since they still think the US is a functioning western country.

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: bJmnE ()
Date: February 03, 2015 01:17PM

Fear Mongering white folks Wrote:
> It's even better knowing they'll be kicking the
> bucket soon.

Exactly why we'll longer a first world country. Record poverty rates, here we come.

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: embrace urban blight and decay ()
Date: February 03, 2015 01:18PM

Fear Mongering white folks Wrote:
> It's always nice to see the fear mongering white
> folks on here. It's even better knowing they'll be
> kicking the bucket soon.

You mean the folks that are keeping things afloat by working and paying taxes as they have done all their lives. When they are dead this country will pretty look like what exists now south of the border. Who will pay for all the free meals and health care for all the trespassers that remain? Giving it all away one square mile at a time.

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: Seen it ()
Date: February 03, 2015 05:42PM

That is not true. I worked in the court system for about 8 years in Fairfax. The place was over run with illegal Hispanics ( not American Hispanics). Most even stated in court they were illegal, they knew no one would do anything about it or, they would tell on each other. In addition I had the warrants in my hands, no fixed address and no social security numbers first clue. Spend a day in the courthouse especially Juvenile and Domestic Relations where domestic violence against women and children take place as well as sexual assaults. Thursdays, domestic violence hearings were held. This was called by some "Sombrero Day". "Hey I can't help what others say." The woman were many times scared and shocked when they were told they were not allowed to drop charges,in VA it is the police officers decision. Many with eyes swollen shut and arms in slings.
I know what I saw and no one can dispute that sorry. mean while the citizens of Fairfax are footing the bill for interpreters, public defenders and guardians for the children.

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: Cheap-ass Kona-blend ()
Date: February 03, 2015 07:33PM

The Kona Kid Wrote:
> Local immigration enforcement is not allowed. See
> Arizona's attempt to quell the Mexican disaster
> that is bankrupting their state and turning it
> into a 3rd world outpost in the US.

See the US Constitution.

> When the Feds won't deport illegal immigrants who
> are arrested or detained for committing crimes
> there is little hope for average Americans in
> fighting their dispossession.

There are twice as many border patrol agents on the southern border today as there were ten years ago. Immigration courts have a backlog of more than 400,000 cases. The number of returns of illegals (catch and release) has gone down under Obama. The number of removals (deportations) has gone up. Obama has become known as the Deporter-in-Chief.

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: Poor You... ()
Date: February 03, 2015 07:42PM

embrace urban blight and decay Wrote:
> You mean the folks that are keeping things afloat
> by working and paying taxes as they have done all
> their lives.

Everybody pays taxes, you dumbass, and a whole lot of people pay way more in taxes than you do. If you could find a way, you'd short-change the IRS et al. out of even the little bits you do fork over each year. Just another right-wing social free-rider and worthless parasite wannabe.

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: Last will and testament time... ()
Date: February 03, 2015 07:51PM

Bucket Kicker Wrote:
> Nationalism seems to be more prevalent in younger
> folks. They get to experience joyous diversity
> first hand.

Young folks have studied, played, and partied with everybody. They don't find it odd for someone to be gay, or to be Muslim, or to be from Lebanon, India, or El salvador. YOU are the people they find queer. YOU and your stupid prejudices.

> Baby Boomers are the most strident multi-cult
> retards since they still think the US is a
> functioning western country.

People who think generations of say 75 million people are some lockstep-marching, like-thinking monolith are just about the dumbest fucking people on the planet. Hopefully, you'll be getting off soon.

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: clearasil ()
Date: February 03, 2015 08:38PM

Poor You... Wrote:
> embrace urban blight and decay Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > You mean the folks that are keeping things
> afloat
> > by working and paying taxes as they have done
> all
> > their lives.
> Everybody pays taxes, you dumbass, and a whole lot
> of people pay way more in taxes than you do. If
> you could find a way, you'd short-change the IRS
> et al. out of even the little bits you do fork
> over each year. Just another right-wing social
> free-rider and worthless parasite wannabe.

Head upstairs, Mom picked your acne medicine

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: clearasil ()
Date: February 03, 2015 08:38PM

Poor You... Wrote:
> embrace urban blight and decay Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > You mean the folks that are keeping things
> afloat
> > by working and paying taxes as they have done
> all
> > their lives.
> Everybody pays taxes, you dumbass, and a whole lot
> of people pay way more in taxes than you do. If
> you could find a way, you'd short-change the IRS
> et al. out of even the little bits you do fork
> over each year. Just another right-wing social
> free-rider and worthless parasite wannabe.

Head upstairs, Mom picked your acne medicine

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Re: Illegal Immigrant (Seriously This Time) Ewar Ramirez Rivas Seriously Injures 6-Year-Old In In Merrifield Hit And Run (2/1)
Posted by: Poor You... ()
Date: February 03, 2015 08:47PM

clearasil Wrote:
> Head upstairs, Mom picked your acne medicine

Nice double-post. And I'd bet that I'm triple your age, clod-boy.

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