Terry Defacto Gov of MD Wrote:
> McAullife vetoed the bill today. He stated the
> need for law officers to have the information.
> Totally Bogus. There were no concealed firearm
> alerts just a few years ago. And today see what a
> cop does when they approach your car if your
> stopped. They treat everyone today as if your
> armed. Need for Md police to know? Va law officers
> would still know if some one has a gun permit as
> well as other states that allow Va Concealed
> permits, just not Maryland, NJ, NY and the others
> that caused the problem . Too bad for that as they
> were the problem that created this bill.
> Democrats in Fairfax made the totally stupid
> arguement that these other states would return
> Va's favor and not let Va have info on gun permits
> in these other states. Who Cares? What Cop in Va
> is not going to take a chance at all with any car
> with a MD, NY or NJ tag? It does not matter away
> as only a hand full of people in those states
> have concealed carry permits and they are law
> abiding citizens just like Va. And thats really
> what is so sick with this veto. They are not the
> threat! Where is any data base of crimonals who
> carry concealed guns?
> This was not a gun lobby bill or even a gun rights
> bill, It expanded no gun rights to carry a gun ,
> buy a gun, get a permit to carry a gun. Nothing
> Nada.
> It was a Virginia Citizen's Human Rights bill and
> McAullife screwed them with his veto.
> McAuliffe is a pityfull excuse of a Va Gov and he
> will be seen in history as such for throwing law
> abiding Va citizens under the bus when they dont
> have any guns with them traveling thru Maryland
> and are accosted by a few Bad Md cops. Yes in all
> due respect to Md police most Md police are decent
> people just the same as Va or elsewhere.
> In April the State will meet to see what bills may
> be taken up for a override of McAuliffs vetos.
> This one needs to be on the list. It passed by 2/3
> in the Va House and almost 2/3 in the Senate
> 24/16
> Look at this bill as if guns were registered, and
> Virginians were allowed to own guns and Maryland
> outlawed them and law abiding Va Hunters and
> people who simply owned a gun kept at home were
> stopped by Md police for a search for guns left at
> home in Va. because only a license plate scan said
> they owned a gun.
That last part is exactly what happened to one family stopped by Maryland Police State.