lowderra Wrote:
> hsee ton Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > You just better hope eesh doesn't read this
> > thread.
> >
> > By the way, your attempts at board retaliation
> > against these pros is laughable.
> >
> > "Since you probably have never actually had
> > sex"........Are you a 9th grader?
> I'm 43. I HAVE kids. I know what it is like to
> raise them. You? As for eesh? I have no idea who
> he or she is. Since I have said nothing that
> offensive? I doubt I have much to fear. Unless
> they are a misogynist, or someone that thinks it's
> ok for someone else to use hate speech, etc on
> their hateful behavior toward special needs
> children, why would I care? Unless eesh = Hitler,
> I'm not afraid. If it does? Well, spouse works for
> government. So you might want to start deleting
> now........
> Off to research eesh.....
Oh, dear, that it take long. Necrophilia? Child molesting? Ewwwwww.......