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Posted by: davef ()
Date: May 14, 2005 12:43PM

Are there any racquetball courts in the area for rent? I know the bigger gyms have them, but you need to be locked into some sick membership plan.

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Re: racquetball?
Posted by: j3rown ()
Date: May 14, 2005 03:01PM

herndon community center, they are nice and cheap. And no sick memberships.

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Re: racquetball?
Posted by: SeanLovesTheCock ()
Date: May 16, 2005 08:16AM

The Hilton right by 28 has pretty cheap racquetball, you can buy a little punch card pretty cheap and get a bunch of games.

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Re: racquetball?
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: May 16, 2005 12:26PM

I'm up for some racquetball if you guys need a challenger. I'm a member of Bally's (sick membership) but finding challengers on my schedule is tough. I'm hoping for a lunchtime challenge.

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Re: racquetball?
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: May 26, 2005 11:59AM

well? Any takers?

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Re: racquetball?
Posted by: haastyle ()
Date: May 30, 2005 02:01PM

george mason has courts.....if u go there...o0

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Re: racquetball?
Posted by: dave ()
Date: June 15, 2005 03:39PM

Sean: Do you just walk in and buy a punch card, then go play? They don't mind right? How much does it cost?

PaperPusher: which Bally's?

..and does anyone have any other information on racquetball in the area?

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Re: racquetball?
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: June 15, 2005 06:39PM


I normally go to Landmark only because that's the closest one to my home. What do you have in mind?

Sport and Racquet may be another good club but I've never tried them.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/15/2005 06:40PM by PaperPusher.

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Re: racquetball?
Posted by: kingOFgEEEks ()
Date: June 15, 2005 07:04PM

I'd like to play, if my schedule can permit. I don't have a place to play, yet, but I'm open to suggestion.

-"The best way to stay in business is to give your competitor all of the risky contracts" Dr. H Randolph Thomas, CE 432 - Construction Project Control, Penn State University

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Re: racquetball?
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: June 16, 2005 12:48PM

kingOFgEEEks Wrote:
> I'd like to play, if my schedule can permit. I
> don't have a place to play, yet, but I'm open to
> suggestion.

are you a member of any club?

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Re: racquetball?
Posted by: kingOFgEEEks ()
Date: June 16, 2005 10:07PM

No, I'm new to the area, and still looking for a place to play. (As well as a good bar, good Italian restaurant, etc.)

-"The best way to stay in business is to give your competitor all of the risky contracts" Dr. H Randolph Thomas, CE 432 - Construction Project Control, Penn State University

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Re: racquetball?
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: June 16, 2005 10:15PM

Good italian restaurant???? There's ten million good ones here:

mama's on rt 50, just past the circle in ffx
pulcinella, on old ominion dr in mclean
da dominico, on rt 7 in tysons (wear a tie)
and cary told me about a good one in fair lakes, forgot the name but it was good...

those are just a few I love. I also enjoy eating at the spaghetti shoppe in chantilly near IHOP, but that is "fast italian" and doesn't have much to it that I would call special, it's just really good food.

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Re: racquetball?
Posted by: The Economist ()
Date: June 17, 2005 02:22AM

Wakefield has some raquetball courts.

I like raquet ball, wish I could get back into it..

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Re: racquetball?
Posted by: kingOFgEEEks ()
Date: June 17, 2005 03:26PM

I've heard rumor that there's a community center somewhere just off of 50 near seven corners, where I live. Supposedly, you can play at the raquetball courts, but I have no idea about the price.

-"The best way to stay in business is to give your competitor all of the risky contracts" Dr. H Randolph Thomas, CE 432 - Construction Project Control, Penn State University

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Re: racquetball?
Posted by: kingOFgEEEks ()
Date: June 17, 2005 09:21PM

I found it:
Providence RECenter
7525 Marc Drive
Falls Church, Virginia

Here's the homepage, which includes the phone number, as well as price information.

Basically, you pay to get in, along with either $4 hour for the courts, or $20 for 10 hours. I did the math, and for 1 hour of play with the Fast Pass at the county resident rate, 1 hour would be about $7.27, not bad.

-"The best way to stay in business is to give your competitor all of the risky contracts" Dr. H Randolph Thomas, CE 432 - Construction Project Control, Penn State University

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Re: racquetball?
Posted by: Tim ()
Date: June 20, 2005 03:06PM

Pretty much all of the fairfax county rec centers have racquetball courts, as far as I know. That would include Providence, Oak Marr, and Wakefield for really nearby ones.

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Re: racquetball?
Posted by: Nik ()
Date: June 27, 2005 01:26AM

The restaurant in Fair Lakes is Cantina d'Italia.


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Re: racquetball?
Posted by: yes Fair ()
Date: December 22, 2012 12:35PM

davef Wrote:
> Are there any racquetball courts in the area for
> rent? I know the bigger gyms have them, but you
> need to be locked into some sick membership plan.

Fairfax City has one in LEE Highway. its very hidden no one knows about but anyone can go

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