> "Not sure what planet you're from but folks don't sign up in the military to die. They sign up in hopes of making a better life for themselves or their families or for the educational benefits. Rich folks rarely if ever sign up in the military."
So... the people you know signed up to exploit the military? How honorable. If you sign up for the possiblity of armed conflict, you must be prepared to die to complete the mission assigned. This was exactly my point, people are signing up to exploit the system and get the benifits but are shocked when they have to do what they signed up to do.
> "Globally, no one gave a shit that the iraqis may have been getting killed by their own government."
I'm sure the iraqis didn't mind either. They are part of the planet smart guy.
> "I read lots of newspapers and never once heard of massacres in Iraq until AFTER Bush's invasion."
Publishing that you are killing thousands of people isn't exactly on the top of their list. Oh... and the mass graves we dug up, they were pretend.
> "I believe there's enough doubt involved to say that maybe it didn't really happen and that our government payrolled media reported what they were coaxed to report."
Oh yeah... and the thousands of bodies were just sitting around there before. It was world wide news.
I must be Dumb, or just plain retarde,
> "Damn, you can't change a government without bloodshed? Read the constitution, then compare to our current state of affairs. Well, yeah, there's been bloodshed, but none of it was directly tied to the changes our government has taken. I mean, it's all been mostly outside our borders, to affect the changes, but generally we've seen a gradual, "peaceful" coup over the years."
if you are implying that we shouldn't care about external countries then you are narrowminded. So... if you saw someone setting a dog on fire in the street, would you do anything? No... because it's not your business. Good call.
> "Greedy, corrupt people exist. Some make it into high levels of office."
I agree 100%.
> "'I can't change anything, so I don't care' is probably as bad as active support."
I never said I did or didn't care. And no, it's not as bad as active support. Getting killed for a cause is a personal choice. If you are a small percentage that cares or wants to change it, you will die in vain. That would be foolish.
> "My problem with it is that no Iraqi person came to us asking that Saddam be removed."
So... you would rather Sadam torture and kill people? I do not care if they asked or not, Sadam is horrible.
>"He lies, buys off the media, kills thousands of innocent people..."
Please list events in which he has bought off the media. Innocent people? If you are talking about the insergents, those innocent people torture and kill trying to take over Iraq. If you are talking about peaceful Iraqis, the insergents are killing them. Oh... and leaving them alone would leave Sadam to be kind to them... with torture and murder.
> "Absolute power corrupts absolutely."
Honestly now, that statement was meant for humans. Please, give me a single reason God would be corrupt. God can do anything, so what need is there for corruption and exploitation. Besides, you are thinking on the basis that the statement is infalible when it was in fact made up by a human.
"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."