Re: RIP Marion Barry 11/23/2014
Posted by:
RIP Marion
Date: November 23, 2014 07:40PM
George Washington Wrote:
> > > Oh that's an easy question to answer. Smoking
> > > crack, cheating on your spouse, cheating on
> > your
> > > taxes, failing to obey even the simplest laws
> > > because you feel your're entitled, screaming
> > > racism every time someone in authority tries
> to
> > > make you comply, and blaming the evil white
> man
> > > and a local newspaper for all your problems,
> > are
> > > all traits and actions admired, and in fact,
> > > encouraged by the black community. He was one
> > of
> > > them thru and thru.
> >
> >
> > The white man IS evil. The fact that Brother
> > Marion didn't take any shit from him is why we
> > love him. He wasn't nobody's house nigger, he
> was
> > for us and didn't give a fuck who didn't like
> it!
> Must be nice living off the hard work of the
> whitey, huh? Why not go back to Africa and enjoy
> the achievements of blacks - AIDS, ebola,
> starvation, beheadings, famine, and corrupt
> dictators?
Well motherfucker, you shoulda paid somebody to pick your cotton. Now we here, and we ain't goin nofuckinwhere.
You would think the white man woulda learned from us. But no, now he letting the brown man run across the border at will cuz he don't wanna pay somebody the clean his house and cut his mufuckin grass or work in his MickeyDs.
Now he bitchin bout the brown man being here. Shoulda thought about before you opened the borders. Now the brown man ain't goin nofuckinwhere either.
You cheap mutherfuckin whiteys brought all this stuff down on yoself.