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Virginia Senate Race
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: November 01, 2014 10:38AM

Very quiet, even the most shameless of Republican trolls seem to have accepted defeat.

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Re: Virginia Senate Race
Posted by: SRRes ()
Date: November 01, 2014 10:40AM

or maybe folks are just out knocking doors, instead of trolling fxu.

if it turns out to be an upset, try not to get terminally upset :D

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Re: Virginia Senate Race
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: November 01, 2014 10:47AM

You'll be lucky if you take the Senate for two years by a single vote. Warner is going to crush you. And in 2016 there will be another wave.

The only thing Republicans benefit from is low turn out. Not a vision for the future or support from a majority of Americans.

And you'll get vetoed, one thing that's good about Republicans is you know they are bound to fail in their evil ways.

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Re: Virginia Senate Race
Posted by: Dane Bramage ()
Date: November 01, 2014 11:04AM

Understand Warner will get the sheeple vote.

Obama is pretty much done now that the Senate and House will be Republican. How the Republicans message this will have a lot to do with 2016. Look for them to introduce bills and get fillibustered, making the Dems the new party of No.

“We don’t have any rude, unpleasant people here. We’re different!”

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Re: Virginia Senate Race
Posted by: libs hate America. ()
Date: November 01, 2014 11:11AM

Dane Bramage Wrote:
> Understand Warner will get the sheeple vote.
> Obama is pretty much done now that the Senate and
> House will be Republican. How the Republicans
> message this will have a lot to do with 2016. Look
> for them to introduce bills and get fillibustered,
> making the Dems the new party of No.

Dems have been and are the party of NO. Where have you been?

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Re: Virginia Senate Race
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: November 01, 2014 11:18AM

Good, introduce bills. Let's do this. It won't be 50 bills to repeal Obama Care will it? I mean you have the House and that's all you've done with it.

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Re: Virginia Senate Race
Posted by: Dane Bramage ()
Date: November 01, 2014 02:12PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Good, introduce bills. Let's do this. It won't be
> 50 bills to repeal Obama Care will it? I mean you
> have the House and that's all you've done with it.

Did you hear the Warner ad about rolling up his sleeves and working across the aisle to fix what's wrong with ACA? What a flip flopping liar.

I think the biggest issue Republicans have are whackos on the far right. In 2012 Dems quickly took bizarre comments like a woman can shut her body down after rape, and made the entire party look like fools. That, plus soundbites like 47%, turned the tide. The conservative core can be an albatross.

“We don’t have any rude, unpleasant people here. We’re different!”

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Re: Virginia Senate Race
Posted by: Ah, the GOP... ()
Date: November 01, 2014 02:36PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Good, introduce bills. Let's do this. It won't be
> 50 bills to repeal Obama Care will it? I mean you
> have the House and that's all you've done with it.

No, they also voted to defund Planned Parenthood, NPR, the National Labor Relations Board, and who actually knows what else. They tried to kill Medicare by introducing a voucher system. They have also proposed so-called "jobs bills" that amounted to nothing more than gutting workplace safety and environmental standards, and they apparently still think that Tort Reform and letting insurance companies ignore state insurance regulators (so much for states' rights) would solve all our health care problems. In short, they have done nothing but behave like dumbfucks and assholes since 2007 because that's all they really are. There is a 0% chance that they will suddenly start suggesting sensible things should they take over the Senate as of January. When they took over the House in 2011, a mini-recession ensued. It could be worse this time.

As for the future, the Republicans will be in an awful bind. If they try to be reasonable, the TEA Party base will come after them with hatchets. If they veer to the right, they will blow any chances of success among moderate or swing voters in 2016. They are odds-on choices for another wipe-out at the top of the ticket in any case, and they will have 24 Senate seats to defend as against the Democrats 10. The makings of an epic partisan trouncing are already in the air. It is likely that the Republicans will do nothing over the next two years but make matters even worse, no matter how the votes go next Tuesday.

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Re: Virginia Senate Race
Posted by: Dane Bramage ()
Date: November 01, 2014 02:46PM

Ah, the GOP... Wrote:
> As for the future, the Republicans will be in an
> awful bind. If they try to be reasonable, the TEA
> Party base will come after them with hatchets. If
> they veer to the right, they will blow any chances
> of success among moderate or swing voters in 2016.

I tend to agree with your assessment. We'll see if moderates can beat back the Tea Party, as they have in quite a few races.

Back to reading the 2014 Wastebook. http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/2014/10/22/Coburn-s-2014-Wastebook-25-Billion-Taxpayer-Loss


“We don’t have any rude, unpleasant people here. We’re different!”

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Re: Virginia Senate Race
Posted by: Sad for Virginia ()
Date: November 01, 2014 06:31PM

Sad that Virginia will have so little say in legislation for the next two years. Gerry Connolly, who received the weakest possible endorsement from the Washington Post, has alienated pretty much all the leaders on the various house committees. Two Dem Senators will be reaching across the aisle to beg for money for Virginia.

All those Fed employees and contractors better start kissing up to Barbara Comstock. She is their only hope.

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