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FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: it never ends ()
Date: March 24, 2009 11:26AM

Here we go again...another pervert working in our schools.

Can someone post the link from WTOP?

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: FCPS policy? ()
Date: March 24, 2009 11:50AM

Whya does FCPS allow a teacher to tutor a student in their home?

This is scary.

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: LuLu ()
Date: March 24, 2009 11:53AM

FCPS policy? Wrote:
> Whya does FCPS allow a teacher to tutor a student
> in their home?
> This is scary.

It is possible it could have been a home bound student with a long term illness preventing them from attending school regularly. They hire teachers, tutors and subs just for these positions.

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: Hui ()
Date: March 24, 2009 11:54AM

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: no evidence ()
Date: March 24, 2009 11:58AM

This is why Dr.s always have a nurse in the room and why teachers and caregivers should never be alone with a student. All the student has to do is accuse and it life over for the adult. Fuckem do go within a country mile of being alone with another human under the age of 18.

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Date: March 24, 2009 12:02PM

Hui Wrote:
> Link
> http://www.wtopnews.com/?nid=722&sid=1631764

Once again FCPS fails to protect its students.


Dale what are you going to do in order to stop this?

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: Kent ()
Date: March 24, 2009 12:02PM

"Bower remains on unpaid administrative leave, according to Paul Regnier, spokesman for Fairfax County Public Schools"

Not good enough, not nearly good enough. Where in the hell are the brownshirts Eileen Grattan and Dana Scanlon? Our heroines need to rush to the scene and immediately deny this man all of his constitutional rights in strict accordance with Zero Tolerance! Or perhaps these gutless miserable lowlife witches believe in a very different system of justice when it is one of their own who stands accused. The FCPS, as administered by the likes of Regnier, Grattan and Scanlon, is a festering sewer.

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: ZT against teachers! ()
Date: March 24, 2009 12:15PM

Kent Wrote:
> "Bower remains on unpaid administrative leave,
> according to Paul Regnier, spokesman for Fairfax
> County Public Schools"
> Not good enough, not nearly good enough. Where in
> the hell are the brownshirts Eileen Grattan and
> Dana Scanlon? Our heroines need to rush to the
> scene and immediately deny this man all of his
> constitutional rights in strict accordance with
> Zero Tolerance! Or perhaps these gutless miserable
> lowlife witches believe in a very different system
> of justice when it is one of their own who stands
> accused. The FCPS, as administered by the likes of
> Regnier, Grattan and Scanlon, is a festering
> sewer.

No kidding. My kid went thru their BS hearings years back. They don't want the whole story-they only want to hear the incriminating part of the story.

Let's listen to the kids story and deny the rights of the teacher just like we do when the kids get dragged into Zero Tolerance!!

Expulion for you Mr Teacher-you are banished from FCPS property forever!!

Let's turn a blind eye to any fairness or justice. And no recording the hearing!!

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: March 24, 2009 12:17PM

I'm all for posting pictures and names of people accused of this, as long as we have laws that put false accusers in jail for life with no parole.

Seriously, any accusation made by some bitter teen can end someone's life and career. Post the pictures and names when a conviction is gained, not on the accusation.

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: gpens ()
Date: March 24, 2009 12:34PM

I'm all for posting pictures and names of people accused of this, as long as we no have laws that put false accusers in jail for life with no parole.

Seriously, any denial made by some twisted predatory teacher can;t ruin a student's life and career. Post the pictures and names when a accussation is gained, not on the denial.

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: Kent ()
Date: March 24, 2009 12:35PM

ZT against teachers is correct, both in name and policy.

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: Tutoring rules ()
Date: March 24, 2009 12:43PM

> Hui Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Link
> >
> > http://www.wtopnews.com/?nid=722&sid=1631764
> Once again FCPS fails to protect its students.
> Dale what are you going to do in order to stop
> this?
Regulation 4705.1
Human Resources
Salary Services
Effective 05-27-08
Tutoring for Pay
This regulation supersedes Regulation 4705.

To establish guidelines for tutoring for pay.

Section IV.C. clarifies use of the Parent Resource Center to include speech clinicians.

Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) employees may tutor or provide private instruction to
FCPS students but may not, under any circumstances, tutor or instruct their own students
for private compensation. This limitation applies regardless of whether the tutoring or
private instruction occurs on FCPS property or elsewhere. Employees may not provide
private instruction or tutoring for pay that presents a conflict of interest with their regular
FCPS employment, under the current versions of Policy 4430 and Regulation 4427.
Employees may not require their students to obtain a tutor for pay, regardless of who the
tutor is or where the tutoring occurs.

A. Individuals providing private tutoring or instruction for pay do so as independent
contractors, not FCPS employees, and must notify parents of that fact through a notice
satisfactory to FCPS (see Attachment).

B. Instructors may only receive compensation for tutoring or private instruction that occurs
outside contract hours, regardless of where the tutoring occurs.

C. Instructors may not advertise their for-pay tutoring or private instruction services through
Fairfax County Public Schools, regardless of where the tutoring occurs. This limitation
does not apply to supplemental educational services instructors (SES) providing tutoring
pursuant to No Child Left Behind requirements nor does it preclude employees from
registering on the Parent Resource Center tutor and speech clinician list.

D. Instructors wanting to use FCPS facilities to tutor or provide private instruction must
comply with the current version of Regulation 8420, Community Use of School Facilities.
The instructor may not contract with school support groups (e.g., PTAs or boosters) as a
means of avoiding community use fees.
Regulation 4705.1
Page 2

E. An instructor who is not an FCPS employee must have a criminal background check
satisfactory to the Department of Human Resources, regardless of whether the instructor
is working for pay or as a volunteer. For volunteers, the school system will cover the
cost of the background check. Instructors tutoring for private compensation are
responsible for the cost of fingerprint and background checks. On request of FCPS,
these instructors must produce documentation that they have complied with the criminal
background check requirement.

See also the current versions of: Policy 4430, Conflict of Interest—Conflicts
Regulation 4427, Nonschool Employment
Regulation 8420, Community Use of School Facilities
Regulation 4705.1

You are being provided a discounted rate for renting space from Fairfax County Public Schools
(FCPS), in recognition of the fact that you are providing educational services to the Fairfax
community. It is important that those with whom you contract understand that while FCPS
recognizes the value of educational programs outside its curriculum, it is not responsible for
your services. You are an independent contractor and fully responsible for the content of
lessons, rates, supervision, safety, and all other matters relating to your students. Please
provide each of your students (or for those under age 18, the parents) with a copy of the notice


You have arranged for tutoring, private lessons, or other supplementary educational services
with a private contractor in a Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) facility. FCPS appreciates
the value of these extracurricular programs and discounts its rental fees to make them available
outside normal school hours. Nevertheless, FCPS does not review, endorse, supervise, or
guarantee these privately provided services. FCPS students do not need to take these
programs in order to succeed in the regular FCPS curriculum.
Your instructor is not providing you educational services as an FCPS employee, even if he or
she is an FCPS teacher during the regular school day. Instead, your instructor is an
independent contractor who provides supplementary services directly to the public. This
means that instructional, financial, safety, and all other issues relating to your lessons are
entirely between you and the instructor. Any claims or concerns should be raised with your
instructor rather than with FCPS.
The FCPS tutor and speech clinician lists contain the names of FCPS employees who have
contacted the Parent Resource Center (PRC) to offer their services to parents. These
instructors are private, independent contractors who provide instructional services to the public
for a fee. They may not provide these services during FCPS hours or on FCPS property (unless
they have paid the appropriate rental fees). Parents are not required to retain any of these
instructors, and students do not need to use their services in order to succeed at FCPS.
Parents who want to retain one of these instructors should make arrangements directly with the
tutor or clinician, because FCPS is not responsible for these arrangements. FCPS cannot
guarantee the instructors’ licensure status, content of their private tutoring and clinician
services, suitability for a particular child, or costs. Neither the PRC nor anyone else in FCPS
will make recommendations about the relative merits of the instructors. Claims or concerns
about instruction provided through these private arrangements should be raised directly with the
tutor or clinician, not FCPS.

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: more info needed ()
Date: March 24, 2009 02:17PM

According to the tutoring policy, if the teacher uses FCPS classrooms they have to pay for the use of the classroom so I guess that is why he was at her home.

I would guess the cops went to extraordinary lengths to make sure this girl's story checked out before they arrested him.

He's done either way. We can't have him in the classroom until the trial-at least he is getting paid to sit home. I wonder if the teacher's union pays his attorney fees?

Does anyone know?

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: Bombin' ()
Date: March 24, 2009 02:26PM

Yeah, the double standard is absurd. My kid also went through their farcical hearings about a year ago. And it was that ugly whoor Scanlon too. Let's see how tough she is now with Teacher. The gutless cooward that she is, she won't do Jack...

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: I ()
Date: March 24, 2009 08:25PM


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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: more info ()
Date: March 25, 2009 09:46AM

The charges refer to the sexual battery happeneing "between Feb 1-14". I wonder if there were multiple incidents or if the child had a hard time remembering what day it actually occurred.

It creeps me out that this guy remained in the classroom until yesterday's arrest-nearly six weeks after the crime was committed.

Let's all say a prayer for this kid-she will be scarred for life and will have a very difficult time trusting adults and her teachers in the future.

I wonder if sexual deviants look to work in the schools so they have easy access to these kids? He's lucky it wasn't my kid because I would be crushing in his skull about now with a baseball bat.

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: pitchforks ()
Date: March 25, 2009 09:54AM

yeah who cares about a trial or anythin lets just kill him becaus teens never lie. easier to assum that the guy is guilty. may god damn you to hell if this man is innocent

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: How long can you whine? ()
Date: March 25, 2009 09:58AM

ZT against teachers! Wrote:
> Kent Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > "Bower remains on unpaid administrative leave,
> > according to Paul Regnier, spokesman for
> Fairfax
> > County Public Schools"
> >
> > Not good enough, not nearly good enough. Where
> in
> > the hell are the brownshirts Eileen Grattan and
> > Dana Scanlon? Our heroines need to rush to the
> > scene and immediately deny this man all of his
> > constitutional rights in strict accordance with
> > Zero Tolerance! Or perhaps these gutless
> miserable
> > lowlife witches believe in a very different
> system
> > of justice when it is one of their own who
> stands
> > accused. The FCPS, as administered by the likes
> of
> > Regnier, Grattan and Scanlon, is a festering
> > sewer.
> No kidding. My kid went thru their BS hearings
> years back. They don't want the whole story-they
> only want to hear the incriminating part of the
> story.
> Let's listen to the kids story and deny the rights
> of the teacher just like we do when the kids get
> dragged into Zero Tolerance!!
> Expulion for you Mr Teacher-you are banished from
> FCPS property forever!!
> Let's turn a blind eye to any fairness or justice.
> And no recording the hearing!!

Wha, wha wha, go back to the FCPS ruined my life thread.....

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: pitchforks is an FCPS apologist ()
Date: March 25, 2009 10:36AM

pitchforks Wrote:
> yeah who cares about a trial or anythin lets just
> kill him becaus teens never lie. easier to assum
> that the guy is guilty. may god damn you to hell
> if this man is innocent

Let's see how these other charges against FCPS employees worked out:

Leonard Marsh-Asst Principal at Cub Run Elem-growing/using pot?

Mary Waugh-Cameron Run teacher-assaulted a special ed student

Matthew McGuire-Chanilly teacher/coach-soliciting sex with a minor

Rachel Smith-Chantilly-buying/using meth

Dan Hegarty-taking indecent liberties with a minor

Do all these people still work for FCPS? Any of them?

Were they convicted?

You betcha.

The cops bend over backwards to protect other public employees-like teachers. They know it is a career breaker. The DA decided on the arrest of this guy-they spent a great deal of time looking at the evidence.

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: March 25, 2009 11:04AM

We live in a country that is supposed to have laws. Don't knock someone for wanting to preserve "innocent until proven guilty." As I stated before, if he is convicted then post his picture all over the place. In the meantime, try googling "child accuser recants" and see what comes up. False accusations do happen, and their effect isn't far off from mistaken capital punishment in my opinion.

The last time I checked, the DA wasn't a judge or jury.

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: Kent ()
Date: March 25, 2009 11:21AM

How long ccan you whine wrote:

"just beacuse the discplinary administrators in are heavy-handed nazi hypocrites, desn't mean they deserve too be critized fr their efforts at maintaining discpline in the schools ..."

waa, waa, waaa, bo-hoo..why don't you go back to the public is ruining my life thread.


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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: Shovel ()
Date: March 25, 2009 11:24AM

yeah who cares about a child mlestor or anythin lets just build him a statue him because pedophiles never lie. easier to assum that the guy is innocent. may God damn you to hell when this man is convicted

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: gpens ()
Date: March 25, 2009 11:26AM

We live in a country that is supposed to have laws. Don't knock someone for wanting to preserve "arrested and indicted." As I stated before, if he is convicted then post his picture all over the place. In the meantime, try googling "pedphiles who denied the charges but were convicted" and see what comes up. False denials do happen, and their effect isn't far off from mistaken capital punishment in my opinion.

The last time I checked, the pedophile wasn't a judge or jury.

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: relentless ()
Date: March 25, 2009 11:32AM

Kent Wrote:
> How long ccan you whine wrote:
> "just beacuse the discplinary administrators in
> are heavy-handed nazi hypocrites, desn't mean they
> deserve too be critized fr their efforts at
> maintaining discpline in the schools ..."
> waa, waa, waaa, bo-hoo..why don't you go back to
> the public is ruining my life thread.
> *snicker*

Me- my story.... snicker snicker loser

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: Kent ()
Date: March 25, 2009 11:39AM

relentless wrote:

" I am a stupid useless ignorant loser.."

Yes you are *snicker snicker*

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: P ()
Date: March 26, 2009 10:34AM

Testy testy...

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: DEWEY ()
Date: March 26, 2009 12:56PM

Still, he has a point

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: Het ()
Date: March 29, 2009 01:38AM

I wonder if this guy smokes marijuana too?

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: GMU Hokie ()
Date: April 04, 2009 01:07PM

A few questions . . .

Who are the charging FCPD detectives?

Did he meet with them prior to being charged?

Who is his lawyer?

When is he due to appear in court and in which court have the charges been filed (Circuit Court of Fairfax County,Juvenile and Domestic,General District)?

Is there any chance that the child was being instructed at home because of problems at school?

When did this teacher get his certificate?

Have similar allegations been made about this man in the past?

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: FDE ()
Date: April 05, 2009 02:05PM

Oh dear...

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: GMU Hokie ()
Date: May 06, 2009 11:08PM

pgens Wrote:
> I'm all for posting pictures and names of people
> accused of this, as long as we have laws that put
> false accusers in jail for life with no parole.
> Seriously, any accusation made by some bitter teen
> can end someone's life and career. Post the
> pictures and names when a conviction is gained,
> not on the accusation.

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: GMU Hokie ()
Date: May 06, 2009 11:09PM

What happened to this guy?

Was he ever formally charged?

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: May 07, 2009 07:22AM

The answer to your question is in the thread title.

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: May 07, 2009 09:10AM

He had sex with a battery? That would hurt.

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: quantum ()
Date: May 07, 2009 01:15PM

It is troubling that school system employees receive significantly more due process than students.

But then again, we don't appear to yet be living in the third world socialist republic known as Los Angeles County:


Needless to say, private sector employees enjoy no such protections. Indeed, often if there is a whiff of misconduct, employment actions result. Note that a system that works to protect the lowest denominator in terms of conduct does lower both morale and an ethic of achievement.

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: hi, my name is tighty righty ()
Date: May 07, 2009 02:04PM

quantum Wrote:
> It is troubling that school system employees
> receive significantly more due process than
> students. I mean, it's because I LOVE students.
> Especially after gym class when they get all sweaty
> I often time find myself peering into the showers,
> just to make sure they're ok, you know?

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: quantum ()
Date: May 07, 2009 02:54PM

Tighty righty - it is helpful to be coherent when trying (although one cannot be sure with your post ) to make a humorous rebuttal. Can you try again? Otherwise, the perception arises of that of an uneducated troll, stuck in adolescent and reflexive ad hominem behavior. Of course, the truth is that antics like those engaged in by the LA Unified School district are indefensible on any level, so out of a sense of emotive gushiness (my gosh, those people who understand economics and markets are just so awful, right?) and facile reflexiveness it is easier to engage in a silly attack rather than make a critical response in return. Then again, you may not have the education or skills to do just that.

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: Quantum Just Got Leaped ()
Date: May 07, 2009 03:23PM

Well, since you're engaging in trival banter about meaningless issues that really no one gives a fuck about, why should I even try or care for that matter? It's not like I frequent this site to discuss the latest TARP regulations or the results of the bank stress tests, for christsake. This is my for entertainment value only. If you want intelligent conversation from me, pay me my bill rate. Since that is not practicable, I will continue to use you as my little court jester. More to the point, if you're going to assert the blanket generalization that LA is third-world socialist county, then you are an ignorant assclown who deserves to be called out. No one here gives a fuck about your editorials; hence, the 3 seconds that it took me to post a silly picture and not the 3 minutes it took you to retort. Read: There's no value in me delivering you with an intelligent response, so lower your expectations and quit being a fucking crybaby.


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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: Mr. Process Server ()
Date: May 07, 2009 03:27PM


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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: breach of contract for non-performance ()
Date: May 07, 2009 03:33PM

Quantum Just Got Leaped Wrote:
> If you want intelligent conversation from me, pay me my bill
> rate.

You have been below your target hours for months now. You are so desperate, you are trying to drum up billable hours on this site. Today, you have redefined pathetic. I can't wait to tell you know who about this one!

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: The GOP Finger Nail Painting Club ()
Date: May 07, 2009 03:50PM

Wow, so I see you took the bait. I haven't been on the client-servicing side for a few years now, so you just FAILED by taking my diversion.

By the way, I know "you know who" and that person is me.


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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: County Vice Squad ()
Date: May 07, 2009 03:56PM

The GOP Finger Nail Painting Club Wrote:
> I haven't been on the client-servicing side for a few years now

Don't sell yourself short. Giving hummers behind the dumpster definitely counts as "client servicing."

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: The GOP Sweater-Vest Knitting Club ()
Date: May 07, 2009 05:58PM

County Vice Squad Wrote:

> Don't sell yourself short. Giving hummers behind
> the dumpster definitely counts as "client
> servicing."

Well, where else am I going to find your mother and her set of stubbly gonads?

Clearly, the females in your family took all the testosterone and left you with a set of man-teets.


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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: demscum ()
Date: May 07, 2009 07:39PM

Coulter is smart and beautiful. Very unlike that fat ugly skank Hillary.

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: quantum ()
Date: May 07, 2009 11:17PM

Breach and others - I am glad I have been a target for a long time. In fact, your emotional I don't care responses in fact reflect in fact you do care - deeply. Who the hell lays in wait when they don't care? Don't care? If you didn't care, you wouldn't respond. What a total piece of dishonest morally superior self serving dreck. Of course, one has to expect to get hectored by morons on a public message board.

And of course, no one has directly responded to my sharp comment about the LA Unified School District. It's performance is indeed equal to that (or worse) of many third world countries, and it pays billions for that level of achievement. At least the third world countries don't have the billions and hence have an excuse. And for that I get called an ass-clown? No, the assclowns are the ones who let the kids rot in the schools with low achievement levels while treating the entire system as an employment bin of last resort, with spending tens of millions over the years for employees to sit in a room to do nothing all day? Don't rely on my comments on a silly message board - ask anyone who gives a crap with kids who lives there - especially those in the entertainment industry who make great salaries and uniformly vote for those that support the public schools with lots of money - they don't send their kids to the public schools in LA, period. The jump in housing prices when crossing the boundaries of LA Unified is shocking. And when the uber liberal LA Times runs negative articles like these, well, my comments are hardly an overstatement. Fairfax fortunately is a considerable ways from this state of affairs - too many people still give a damn to let the situation devolve to that point, and bluntly, the system has many great teachers - the most valuable resource there is. More to the point, as we are suffering from our worst economy since the 30's - just who is going to employ all of these kids being thrown out into the workforce now and in the future with limited literacy and computational skills in a global knowledge based economy that will be ruthlessly heartless in its pursuit of productivity and efficiency, no matter what laws we pass? Talk about my work experience? I have seem globalization - poof - in a heartbeat - take thousands of jobs. I have fought these movements like crazy when I can because I believe there are countless hidden costs and productivity losses that are not measured when the transfers take place. DC doesn't have a big private business community and many don't see the job loss and globalization as it is really happening. But it is very, very real, and frightening. And the global transfer of labor will only continue without lots of innovation and education on our part. Laws will not stop it. Bank on it. There are billions of hungry people with a deep, deep desire to be educated - it is frankly scary observing these people pursuing high level educational skills now with the tenacity of Olympic athletes - and they know damn well what we have and how we got it. And the countries with the people doing it have collectively 6 - 10 times our population or more. It all begins and ends for us with education and changing the culture of low expectations. And damn right someone ought to making inflammatory statements that get people pissed off, really, really pissed off. It is frankly a dismal world in two or three decades without some drastic action - we won't function as a society with a smallish cadre of educated people who can compete with the rest left to their devices or awash at the bottom of the labor market or the public dole - which is why Obama's promise of hope has inspired people, irrespective of the details over which some disagree. His election is not as much of a good thing as a necessary thing - young people seem to intuit just this - and let's hope he can change the nature of the debate - he has far more rope to make very strong statements and effect cultural change than a guy like Bush or a Hillary Clinton, or as the over the top responses on this board reflect, an ordinary guy talking common sense.

I don't bill hours for a living. Never have. Don't presume what you don't know, which is a hell of a lot. Oh, I did work by the hour years ago for the Teamsters. Not a teachers union, though. But my union shtick is not an opportunity someone working their way through school would have today. Those jobs are gone - first to the non-union south and now overseas.

I don't care for the Ann Coulters of the world and share little in common with them, especially as a pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, anti-corporate welfare and especially anti-financial oligarch type. I wish the talking heads would all shut up and focus on education and keep their moral concerns to themselves.

Enough of this. Maybe my comment was inflammatory. And maybe this is too serious for a message board. But I make no apologies for my blunt statements on public education. It is the lifeblood of the country, and it needs change. And a well off place like Fairfax is a good place to start, especially with its minority students.

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: May 08, 2009 07:07AM

quantum Wrote:
> Of course,
> one has to expect to get hectored by morons on a
> public message board.
> It's performance

Speaking of morons... "its". An apostrophe isn't there to alert the reader an 's' is coming, it is there for a reason. But not for the reason you stuck it there.

> More to the point, as we are suffering
> from our worst economy since the 30's

Red herring, a fallacy. Please give a number or evidence supporting that statement. Unemployment and GDP have been worse since the depression, so that statement cannot be true.

> Enough of this. Maybe my comment was
> inflammatory. And maybe this is too serious for a
> message board.

No, it just rambled like the one I'm replying to for some reason. There is simply nothing to reply to, it's just a rant filled with incongruities and factual errors. Who has time to respond and clean it all up?

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: The Editor ()
Date: May 08, 2009 10:53AM

quantum Wrote:

"Enough of this..."

[other lengthy and unnecessary drivel was REDACTED]


Why quit now? Do you feel better after that 20-minute-long post?

Try keeping it short, light and less opinionated. This is not a short story forum.

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: Giovanna ()
Date: June 03, 2009 10:08AM

I would love to have an update on Rodney Bower and where the charges and situation sit now? I live in another state and I used to know him many many years ago--just wondering what became of the charges?

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: GMU Hokie ()
Date: June 03, 2009 03:45PM

This case was likely filed under Fairfax Juvenile and District Court.

If so, you can call and ask the status.

Cases are sealed when the defendant is a juvenile.

In this case, the defendant is an adult and the case is not likely sealed.

You might also check with the on line site for the General District Court of Fairfax County to see if the case was filed there.

The Circuit Court of Fairfax County does not have a web site.

My guess is that case against this man is weak. FCPD will suggest that the guy resign. He will do so and nobody will ever hear about this situation again.

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: GMU Hokie ()
Date: June 03, 2009 03:50PM

GMU Hokie Wrote:

Fairfax Juvenile and Domestic . . .

This case was likely filed under Fairfax Juvenile
> and District Court.
> If so, you can call and ask the status.
> Cases are sealed when the defendant is a
> juvenile.
> In this case, the defendant is an adult and the
> case is not likely sealed.
> You might also check with the on line site for the
> General District Court of Fairfax County to see if
> the case was filed there.
> The Circuit Court of Fairfax County does not have
> a web site.
> My guess is that case against this man is weak.
> FCPD will suggest that the guy resign. He will do
> so and nobody will ever hear about this situation
> again.

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: Giovanna ()
Date: June 03, 2009 04:42PM

Thanks for your response. From what I truly know of this man, I would have a hard time believing that this was true. His face was plastered all over the internet when first accused, but if he is found to be innocent, it will probably get a little snippet somewhere. It is sad too that he will have to resign as he seemed very enthusiastic about being a teacher. Anybody who judges should stop for a second and think of just how quickly they could become accused wrongfully and have their life turned upside down.

If it is true, I just think they should have done their investigation first, found him guilty and then plastered his pictured and blenderized certain parts of his body, but that is ONLY if found undeniably guilty.

PS: Great Forum!

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: June 03, 2009 07:45PM

What you describe is exactly why I believe sex crime accused should not be named or pictured until after a guilty verdict. I get the whole "we want other possible victims to come forward" thing, but they can come forward after a guilty verdict and they can try him/her on those crimes too. The damage to the innocent is just too great, and it is too easy for people to hide behind the anonymity of sex crime accusers to destroy reputations of innocent people.

I have not said this guy is innocent, only that he should have his day in court before he is named and has his picture plastered all over the Internet. Sex crimes are guilty until proven innocent as far as society is concerned.

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: GMU Hokie ()
Date: June 03, 2009 08:46PM

pitchforks is an FCPS apologist Wrote:
> pitchforks Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > yeah who cares about a trial or anythin lets
> just
> > kill him becaus teens never lie. easier to
> assum
> > that the guy is guilty. may god damn you to
> hell
> > if this man is innocent
> Let's see how these other charges against FCPS
> employees worked out:
> Leonard Marsh-Asst Principal at Cub Run
> Elem-growing/using pot?
> Mary Waugh-Cameron Run teacher-assaulted a special
> ed student
> Matthew McGuire-Chanilly teacher/coach-soliciting
> sex with a minor
> Rachel Smith-Chantilly-buying/using meth
> Dan Hegarty-taking indecent liberties with a
> minor
> Do all these people still work for FCPS? Any of
> them?
> Were they convicted?
> You betcha.
> The cops bend over backwards to protect other
> public employees-like teachers. They know it is a
> career breaker. The DA decided on the arrest of
> this guy-they spent a great deal of time looking
> at the evidence.

There is no DA in Fairfax County. There is the Commonwealth's Attorney.

I believe that Dan Hegarty worked in the private sector.

You are sure that these folks have been convicted?

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: Jessie ()
Date: October 13, 2009 12:23PM

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Re: FCPS Teacher charged with sexual battery
Posted by: againstchildmolesting ()
Date: March 11, 2010 09:28AM

Man admitted to the charge...pled guilty...and was sentenced to the full extent of the law. 10 years....5 years in jail and 5 years of supervised probation...submit to lie detector tests and registered as a sex offender.

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