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Remembering the difference between AM and PM
Posted by: Thay ()
Date: October 19, 2014 10:43AM

So for the dumbasses out there who can't tell the difference between AM and PM times, think of it like this.

AM- At morning

PM- Past morning

Have a nice day, you kind little twat waffle.

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Re: Remembering the difference between AM and PM
Posted by: Prozactly ()
Date: October 19, 2014 10:55AM

A person who doesn't know the difference between AM or PM is pretty much beyond help. Who exactly doesn't the difference? I'm interested to hear who could possibly be so ig'nant.

Also, this thread is perfect right here in Off-Topic II.

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Re: Remembering the difference between AM and PM
Posted by: FCPS Teachers ()
Date: October 19, 2014 10:58AM

Prozactly Wrote:
> Who exactly doesn't the difference? I'm interested to hear who
> could possibly be so ig'nant.

1) Illegals from countries too poor to afford more than one time zone.
2) Products of FCPS.

That covers most of Fairfax County.

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Re: Remembering the difference between AM and PM
Posted by: Thay ()
Date: October 19, 2014 11:20AM

Prozactly Wrote:
> Also, this thread is perfect right here in
> Off-Topic II

lmao what a summerfag

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Re: Remembering the difference between AM and PM
Posted by: Gerardus Mercator ()
Date: October 19, 2014 12:35PM

Thay Wrote:
> So for the dumbasses out there who can't tell the
> difference between AM and PM times, think of it
> like this.
> AM- At morning
> PM- Past morning
> Have a nice day, you kind little twat waffle.

1) Why the fuck are you even bringing this up? Just get a gold star in pre-K?

2) If you are trying to look smart, at least get the terms right. AM is short for ante meridiem, Latin for "before the middle of the day". PM is short for post meridiem, Latin for "after the middle of the day". It has nothing to do with the fucking morning.

And just to stay on topic, "Burke".

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Re: Remembering the difference between AM and PM
Posted by: Prozactly ()
Date: October 19, 2014 12:43PM

Thay Wrote:
> lmao what a summerfag

Mind boggling.

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Re: Remembering the difference between AM and PM
Posted by: Thay ()
Date: October 19, 2014 12:44PM

Gerardus Mercator Wrote:
> > Have a nice day, you kind little twat waffle.
> 1) Why the fuck are you even bringing this up?
> Just get a gold star in pre-K?
> 2) If you are trying to look smart, at least get
> the terms right. AM is short for ante meridiem,
> Latin for "before the middle of the day". PM is
> short for post meridiem, Latin for "after the
> middle of the day". It has nothing to do with the
> fucking morning.
> And just to stay on topic, "Burke".

Why the fuck am I bringing this up? Because there are too many dumbasses out there like you who do not know the difference between their ass and a hole in the ground.

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Re: Remembering the difference between AM and PM
Posted by: Caan ()
Date: October 19, 2014 12:48PM

i agree with this topic. so many dumbfucks out there like "Gerardus Mercator" and "Prozactly" who never made it through the 2nd grade.

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Re: Remembering the difference between AM and PM
Posted by: Prozactly ()
Date: October 19, 2014 01:11PM

Caan Wrote:
> i agree with this topic. so many dumbfucks out
> there like "Gerardus Mercator" and "Prozactly" who
> never made it through the 2nd grade.

Oh man, this just gets better and better.

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Re: Remembering the difference between AM and PM
Posted by: Greybeard ()
Date: October 19, 2014 07:37PM

Gerardus Mercator Wrote:
> 1) Why the fuck are you even bringing this up?
> Just get a gold star in pre-K?

Valid question.

> 2) If you are trying to look smart, at least get
> the terms right. AM is short for ante meridiem,
> Latin for "before the middle of the day". PM is
> short for post meridiem, Latin for "after the
> middle of the day". It has nothing to do with the
> fucking morning.

I thought it was pretty clear that OP was using those as mnemonics, not suggesting that's what they actually stood for. Surely anyone who got through childhood without grokking the difference is better off with a simple English trick?

> And just to stay on topic, "Burke".

Bork bork bork.

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Re: Remembering the difference between AM and PM
Posted by: Caan ()
Date: October 19, 2014 08:08PM

The Op of this topic does not seem stupid, just seems to be annoyed by stupid people.

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Re: Remembering the difference between AM and PM
Posted by: Muppet blotter ()
Date: October 19, 2014 08:21PM

Could be worse, you could be the IRA's most stupid bomber (quite an accolade amongst that particular group of muppets, thugs and murderers)

Its just a shame the terrorist bastard died so quickly


'Security souces, meanwhile, revealed that O'Brien may have triggered that bomb, 2lbs of Semtex, in his lap because he operated a 24-hour video timer incorrectly. They think the terrorist may have tried to prime the device minutes before he was due to alight outside the presumed target of the Law Courts in Fleet Street. The timers from commercial videos are a ready source of triggers for accurate, delayed-action explosions. They are based on 24-hour clocks which can be set up to three weeks in advance. It appears the bomber may have primed the weapon to explode at 10.27am, when the entrance to the courts would be crowded with judges, barristers and members of the public. The theory is that he punched in the current time from his own wristwatch which read 10.25 and then planned time of detonation, forgetting the 24-hour basis of the exercise. So, instead of hitting 22.25 followed by 10.27, he hit 10.25 and then 10.27. He would then have had two minutes to live and not 12 hours and two minutes to escape. '

'Pathologist Dr Iain West said O'Brien, from Gorey, County Wexford, was killed "virtually instantaneously" by massive injuries caused by the explosion - his legs were blown off, he was peppered with shrapnel, and the force of the detonation ripped his lungs to tatters.

Forensic and pathological evidence suggested that the bomb was being carried in a bag at knee height as O'Brien stood at the bottom of the stairs of the double-decker bus.

Allen Feraday, a forensic scientist, said he could not say exactly why the bomb went off early, but said the most likely reasons included poor training, bad construction, and electrical or mechanical faults.'


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Re: Remembering the difference between AM and PM
Posted by: Mmmmmmm ()
Date: October 20, 2014 12:36AM

To differentiate A.M and P.M. check out the following:

Let's step it up a notch:

A.M. means ante meridiem (Latin)

P.M. means post meridiem (Latin)

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