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FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Calhoun ()
Date: March 22, 2009 10:28PM

It seems that the unconscionable raw greed that characterized the AIG executives and their behavior is on full display within the FCPS system. On April 2-4, two FCPS administrators are being sent, all expenses paid, to a luxurious beacfront Hotel for a few days of sun and fun. Administrators Eileen Grattan and Dana Scanlon, both supercilious and utterly disdainful of the present economic crisis, will spend those days sailing and tanning, while Fairfax Taxpayers are busy working to pay their salaries. The continued hateful and unrelenting scorn the FCPS system and its malignant Brownshirts(and Grattan and Scanlan are among the worst) odiously direct against its taxpayers truly shocks the conscious. Take a look.


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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: calhooooun! ()
Date: March 22, 2009 10:39PM

although i like where your head's at because i know first hand Dana Scanlon is a freaking fuck wad but the meeting thing is in Norfolk so it will probably be pretty cold.

Is there any way we the people can blow these ladies Eileen and Dana up in the newspaper? Either the Washington Post, Center-view, or any local news papers.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: what a joke ()
Date: March 22, 2009 10:41PM

Are you kidding me?

Excluding and Reassigning Dangerous Students????

These 2 witches have no intention of protecting the general student population. They are about kicking out kids who don't harm a soul.

Some are pot smokers, some might have sprayed graffiti on the walls.

These two hateful wretches just resulted in the death/suicide of a pot smoking kid from South Lakes HS.

Thanks for throwing that kid out of school-goodness knows what he might have done.

These BITCHES are about breaking kids emotionally-nothing more. They are the biggest bullies we have in our school system.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Calhoun ()
Date: March 22, 2009 10:57PM

I would dearly love to expose this waste and abuse. The Fairfax taxpayers need to know what little the FCPS system thinks of them.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Pitchforkin' Paul ()
Date: March 22, 2009 11:01PM

Time to grab them pitchforks darn tootin'.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Ted ()
Date: March 22, 2009 11:02PM

This is pretty outrageous. Did you see all the beautiful phootos of sailboats and cruiseliners? Who the phuk d these people think they are kidding? I'm protesting this wasteful insulting extravagence

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: what ()
Date: March 22, 2009 11:03PM

Luxurious beachfront hotel? You must never have been to Norfolk.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Pelt ()
Date: March 22, 2009 11:04PM

Err, derr, time to, uh, duh, let 'em walk all over us...which way did he go, which way did he go. Darn tootin...

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Fad ()
Date: March 22, 2009 11:05PM

Modest accmodations..you must not have seen the flyer...

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Libby ()
Date: March 22, 2009 11:17PM

The total cost is $1000 for the entire conference for two. Most likely they are driving to the conference since it is only three hours away.

The conference is in Norfork and there are no sailing or beaches in Norfolk. Va Beach is about 30 minutes away and all the tourist shops and beach actvities don't open until after early May.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: still ()
Date: March 22, 2009 11:21PM

still there bitches

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Libby ()
Date: March 22, 2009 11:36PM

It would be nice if the original poster had some level of reading comprehension. The conference schedule outlines what will be covered.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Libby is the dope ()
Date: March 23, 2009 12:23AM

So Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumber (Graatan and Scanlan) are going to lecture to people about how wonderful they are....make me laugh,

This department is a joke. They openly discriminate, engage in arbitrary practices, violate student's constitutional rights and don't do a damn thing to make our schools safer.

I would love to attend this conference and listen to these two idiots talk.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Calhoun ()
Date: March 23, 2009 12:36AM

It would be nice if that idiot Libby poster had even a child's understanding of seaside "conferences". The conference brochure photgraphs outlines what will be covered (sailing,cruising, dining, etc. etc.)

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Calhoun ()
Date: March 23, 2009 12:40AM

The total cost is more than $5000 for the entire conference for two. Most likely they are driving, (and charging the expense to Fairfax Taxpayers) to the conference since it is only three hours away.

The conference is in Norfork and there are sailing and beaches in Norfolk. Va Beach is about 30 minutes away and all the tourist shops and beach actvities open in early March.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Mrs. K ()
Date: March 23, 2009 01:07AM

So how is it that they are getting to do this, when travel has been curtailed across the school system? Hell, yeah, I want someone to look into this.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Holdonhere ()
Date: March 23, 2009 02:51AM

Calhoun Wrote:
> It seems that the unconscionable raw greed that
> characterized the AIG executives and their
> behavior is on full display within the FCPS
> system. On April 2-4, two FCPS administrators are
> being sent, all expenses paid, to a luxurious
> beacfront Hotel for a few days of sun and fun.
> Administrators Eileen Grattan and Dana Scanlon,
> both supercilious and utterly disdainful of the
> present economic crisis, will spend those days
> sailing and tanning, while Fairfax Taxpayers are
> busy working to pay their salaries. The continued
> hateful and unrelenting scorn the FCPS system and
> its malignant Brownshirts(and Grattan and Scanlan
> are among the worst) odiously direct against its
> taxpayers truly shocks the conscious. Take a
> look.
> http://www.cepionline.org/law_conference/2009/VCU%
> 20Law%20Conference%202009.pdf

After looking over the conference agenda, I see that the sailing and
"cruise dinner" are extra. That does not mean the taxpayer will fund
that portion. If they choose to do so out of their own pockets, that
is their call. It appears that most of the course work is very substantive
and would appear to be a reasonable seminar to attend.

I have attended many management training conferences during my career
and some have been in more posh surroundings than others. Once, my boss
and I were required to attend a conference at the Indian Lakes Resort
outside of Chicago in early March. Sure, it was luxurious and had three
golf courses and two indoor pools, but I for one do not care to play golf
at all, let alone in a 40 mph wind and snow flying. There was no time for swimming. The material was very intensive and my Division Director was
insistent that we brief all the other managers upon our return as to what
we had learned. We also had to fill out a course evaluation form for our HR department to decide if there was a need to send other managers as well.
We were expected to gain a lot of practical information from these courses and put it to work on the job. There was a requirement that I attend at least
two management seminars and one technical seminar every year. I was also
very careful to choose courses that were relevant and wouldnt be a waste
of my time and the governments money. Quite frankly, I'd rather have been
at home with my wife and kids, but working for the Feds provided me with a
couple of things I've become accustomed to such as eating and living
indoors. BTW, it wasnt hard to notice other managers who were not part of
an ongoing training program. They were the ones who didnt know squat about
managing a staff and getting things done in a constantly changing workplace.
If we failed to do so, there would be Hell to pay career wise.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Holdonhere ()
Date: March 23, 2009 03:03AM

Almost forgot. I attended a seminar in Norfolk once too but not on
beachfront. It was across from the Naval Air Station and every 5
minutes you had a fighter/bomber flying overhead at treetop level.
The NAS folks were having maneuvers and the noise was 24/7. I changed
rooms three times immediately after checking in because of a cockroach
problem. The third room didnt have any cockroaches, but the air conditioner
didnt work. The hotel bar was closed for renovation and the closest thing
to "entertainment" was a cross-dresser bar next door. If you wanted to
leave, cabfare was out of your own pocket. I got a six-pack and holed
up in my room at night. "Luxury" hotel my ass!

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Wake up taxpayers ()
Date: March 23, 2009 07:26AM


It seems that the unconscionable raw greed that characterized the AIG executives and their behavior is on full display within the FCPS system. On April 2-4, two FCPS administrators are being sent, all expenses paid, to a luxurious beach front Hotel for a few days of sun and fun. Administrators will spend those days sailing and tanning, while Fairfax Taxpayers are busy working to pay their salaries.

OK Fairfax County – this is your wake-up call…

The proposed FY2010 school budget (54% of the entire county’s budget) is out and it:

1) Increases class sizes

2) Fires teachers and custodians not absorbed by attrition

3) Reduces bus service for magnet students

Now we know where the School Board’s priorities are. Forget that now we can’t even provide transportation to the nation’s #1 high school. Never mind that the Fairfax County average high school class size is 31 and the STATE LAW sets the maximum at 30. Let’s cut where it hurts most -– and leave the bloated school administration alone to protect the Superintendent’s fiefdom. If only we could find that Holy Grail….

For starters, why do we need 470 people in the Division of Instructional Services writing lesson plans that the teachers ignore? Why is a planning period for middle and high school teachers and half day every Monday for Elementary School teachers needed if someone is writing their lesson plans? Many of these positions could be eliminated or forced to return to the classroom.

We have 17 cluster superintendents who earn a six figure salary.

We have 30-34 people in the Department of Accountability studying SOL scores. If we had more teachers, then maybe the SOL scores would take care of themselves.

We have a spin department called Communications and Community Outreach – we would save $2 million a year if this department was eliminated.

Why do we have separate school and county libraries, HR departments, and audits? They claim they are looking into it – so where’s the plan? We could combine the two and introduce obvious efficiencies.

We could reduce the number of assistant principals – we have one assistant principal for every 455 students – Arlington has one for every 567 students. [1]

Superintendent Dale makes $266,292 + $16,000 custodial contribution + $46,000 403(b) contribution + a car or approximately $360K + he gets 26 days vacation a year[2] . The President of the United States makes $400,000 a year. Need I say more… wake up folks.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Marmaduke ()
Date: March 23, 2009 09:01AM

After looking over the conference agenda, I see that the seminars and
"workshops" are optional. That means that the taxpayer will fund
that portion. If they choose to do so out of taxpayer pockets, that
is too damn bad. It appears that most of the course work is not very substantive
and would appear to be an unreasonable seminar to attend.

I have attended many management training conferences during my career
and some have been in more posh surroundings than others. Once, my boss
and I were required to attend a conference at the South Beach Resort
outside of Miami in early March. Sure, it was luxurious and had three
golf courses and two indoor pools,and I played golf and tanned constantly
and in 85 degrees in was heaven!. All I did was dine, dance, sail and swim; don't even remember what the conference involved. And I didn't pay a damn dime. Loved it!

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Let Go Here ()
Date: March 23, 2009 09:07AM

Almost forgot. I attended a seminar in Norfolk once too and also on
beachfront. It was across from the beach and the weather was perfect.
The NAS folks were having a federally funded party too and the fun was 24/7. I had a room with a view and hosted several parties as the amenities were too many to be listed. The hotel bar was open and drinks were on the taxpayer and for entertainment we had strippers and taxpayer expense. If you wanted to
leave, cabfare to downtown clubs was also on the taxpayer. I chared it all! "Luxury" hotel? Well, it didn't cost me a dime!

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Libby ()
Date: March 23, 2009 09:10AM

Luxury beachfront hotel? In the middle of Norfolk?

You are a moron!

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Eastsider ()
Date: March 23, 2009 09:10AM

A luxury trip to Norfolk? You guys have got to be kidding me. Who knows if the people going even want to go or if they're going because their boss(es) told them to?

The program seems pretty legitimate.

You FCPS haters should actually find credible things to whine about, because yelling about this non-issue just makes you look pathetic.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Billy ()
Date: March 23, 2009 09:13AM

A working trip to a Norfolk Beachfront Hotel? You guys have got to be kidding me. Who knows if the people going even want to stay in their dreary offices instead or if they're going because their boss allowed them this little taxpayer funded junket?

The program seems pretty illegitimate.

You FCPS lapdogs should actually find credible things to whine about, because yelling about this non-issue just makes you look pathetic. Really pathetic.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Billy ()
Date: March 23, 2009 09:16AM

Dreary workshops in a run-down inner-city Richmond conference room? LOL! You're a moron Libby!

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Mel ()
Date: March 23, 2009 09:17AM

Good point Billy. Why aren't they meeting in downtown Richmond? And why is the conference literature filled with glossy photos of sailing and cruising?

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Tabby ()
Date: March 23, 2009 09:20AM

Right on Mel. These FCPS toadies are such liars and frauds.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Libby ()
Date: March 23, 2009 09:26AM

Mel Wrote:
> Good point Billy. Why aren't they meeting in
> downtown Richmond? And why is the conference
> literature filled with glossy photos of sailing
> and cruising?

It's called conference marketing 101. Sounds to me like you have never been to a conference and do not know what you are talking about.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Mel ()
Date: March 23, 2009 09:28AM

It's called "taxpayer funded sun and fun" 101. Sounds to me like you have never been to a conference and do not know what you are talking about. Stoopid biatch.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Shadow ()
Date: March 23, 2009 09:38AM

It's nowhere near a beach, it's waterfront property. Not that exciting.

It does seem wasteful given the budget issues though. Over $600 for the two of them to stay there, plus $400 a piece for the conference, mileage, etc. To listen to speakers talk about 'education laws'? They can't read this information elsewhere or after the fact?

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: dono ()
Date: March 23, 2009 09:43AM

Okay I call bullshit on this thread - you present the trip as if it were in Miami beach not Norfolk in friggin April. Personally I would rather stay in DC than drive to Norfolk for 2 days and I bet they would too. There may be merit to your claim that these are not good reps but tdo not establish an utterly bogus premise ('tanning' Christ please) to do it.

you sir are a bullshitter...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/23/2009 09:44AM by dono.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Yoby ()
Date: March 23, 2009 09:45AM

The problem with FCPS board is that they don't get enough input from other sources. This conference is an excellent idea. I also like the workshops offerred.

Religion in the Schools: An Update on
Current Issues and Trends
Frank Ravitch, Michigan State
University, MI
Brett G. Scharffs, Brigham Young
University, UT

The New FERPA Regulations and Other
Current Issues in Student Privacy
Lynn Daggett, Gonzaga Law School,

UPDATE – The Legal Aspects of Drug
Testing: Teacher/Student
M. David Alexander, VA Tech, VA
Mark Lineburg, Amherst County Public Schools, VA
Jennifer Sughrue, Florida Atlantic University, FL

Yes, Virginia, Mary and Johnny Can Pray in School
Henry I. Willett, Jr., The George Washington University, VA

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: mightbefree ()
Date: March 23, 2009 09:45AM

Given that these two upstanding FCPS administrators are speaking, might their hotel etc be free? Usually speakers are not expected to pay their own expenses.

Focus on Gatehouse. That is the real criminal activity.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: missing the point ()
Date: March 23, 2009 09:50AM

The most offensive thing about this "conference" is the topic.

"excluding dangerous students"....

who are Graatan and Scanlan kidding? The majority of the kids who work their way thru the FCPS Discipline grinder wouldn't hurt a fly!!! They smoke pot, they accidently brought a paintball gun to school in their car trunk, etc. Look at the data, guys.

I am sick and tired of these two boobs telling us parents that they are doing such important work. They eat up $1 million dollars of the budget, doing what??

Reassigning "dangerous" pot-smoking kids to other high schools???

We have been conned by this school district.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Kilmer ()
Date: March 23, 2009 09:57AM

If they are speaking then there is a good chance the institution they are associated with will get a "speaker fee" from the conference. Their rooms and expenses will also be covered.

So it looks like the county may actually be making some money off this trip.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: mightbefree ()
Date: March 23, 2009 09:59AM

Completely agree with you.

missing the point Wrote:
> The most offensive thing about this "conference"
> is the topic.
> "excluding dangerous students"....
> who are Graatan and Scanlan kidding? The majority
> of the kids who work their way thru the FCPS
> Discipline grinder wouldn't hurt a fly!!! They
> smoke pot, they accidently brought a paintball gun
> to school in their car trunk, etc. Look at the
> data, guys.
> I am sick and tired of these two boobs telling us
> parents that they are doing such important work.
> They eat up $1 million dollars of the budget,
> doing what??
> Reassigning "dangerous" pot-smoking kids to other
> high schools???
> We have been conned by this school district.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: March 23, 2009 10:14AM

Government employees are normally prohibited from accepting honoraria for speaking engagements or for papers, and I'd be surprised if county employees weren't held to this same standard.

Kilmer Wrote:
> If they are speaking then there is a good chance
> the institution they are associated with will get
> a "speaker fee" from the conference. Their rooms
> and expenses will also be covered.
> So it looks like the county may actually be making
> some money off this trip.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Kutie ()
Date: March 23, 2009 10:28AM

Congratulations to the two FCPS administrators who have been selected to speak at the conference.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Kutie is a deep thinker ()
Date: March 23, 2009 10:33AM

Kutie Wrote:
> Congratulations to the two FCPS administrators who
> have been selected to speak at the conference.

I doubt Graatan and Scanlan's professional competence had anything to do with the selection.

FCPS is the 800 lb gorilla DA. They are the largest school district in VA and the 12th largest in the US.

These two are nothing for us to be proud of.

Kutie-do continue to contribute your mindnumbing, shallow posts though so we can make fun of you.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Kutie ()
Date: March 23, 2009 10:37AM

Kutie is a deep thinker Wrote:
> Kutie Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Congratulations to the two FCPS administrators
> who
> > have been selected to speak at the conference.
> I doubt Graatan and Scanlan's professional
> competence had anything to do with the selection.
> FCPS is the 800 lb gorilla DA. They are the
> largest school district in VA and the 12th largest
> in the US.
> These two are nothing for us to be proud of.
> Kutie-do continue to contribute your mindnumbing,
> shallow posts though so we can make fun of you.

Sounds like you have some mental issues.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Holdonhere ()
Date: March 23, 2009 11:13AM

Marmaduke Wrote:
> After looking over the conference agenda, I see
> that the seminars and
> "workshops" are optional. That means that the
> taxpayer will fund
> that portion. If they choose to do so out of
> taxpayer pockets, that
> is too damn bad. It appears that most of the
> course work is not very substantive
> and would appear to be an unreasonable seminar to
> attend.
> I have attended many management training
> conferences during my career
> and some have been in more posh surroundings than
> others. Once, my boss
> and I were required to attend a conference at the
> South Beach Resort
> outside of Miami in early March. Sure, it was
> luxurious and had three
> golf courses and two indoor pools,and I played
> golf and tanned constantly
> and in 85 degrees in was heaven!. All I did was
> dine, dance, sail and swim; don't even remember
> what the conference involved. And I didn't pay a
> damn dime. Loved it!

This is the sort of drivel that unfortunately, some people actually believe.
From the sound of this, you were a major rip-off to the taxpayer and have
a "Marion Barry" mentality. You should be ashamed of yourself.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Holdonhere ()
Date: March 23, 2009 11:15AM

Let Go Here Wrote:
> Almost forgot. I attended a seminar in Norfolk
> once too and also on
> beachfront. It was across from the beach and the
> weather was perfect.
> The NAS folks were having a federally funded party
> too and the fun was 24/7. I had a room with a view
> and hosted several parties as the amenities were
> too many to be listed. The hotel bar was open and
> drinks were on the taxpayer and for entertainment
> we had strippers and taxpayer expense. If you
> wanted to
> leave, cabfare to downtown clubs was also on the
> taxpayer. I chared it all! "Luxury" hotel? Well,
> it didn't cost me a dime!

I'm sure your boss was proud of you. Sounds like you must have been part
of the Clinton administration.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Holdonhere ()
Date: March 23, 2009 11:32AM

dono Wrote:
> Okay I call bullshit on this thread - you present
> the trip as if it were in Miami beach not Norfolk
> in friggin April. Personally I would rather stay
> in DC than drive to Norfolk for 2 days and I bet
> they would too. There may be merit to your claim
> that these are not good reps but tdo not establish
> an utterly bogus premise ('tanning' Christ please)
> to do it.
> you sir are a bullshitter...

Well said. I always get a charge out of the inexperienced who mistakenly
think these types of seminars are a mini-vacation. I once went to a seminar
in Boca Raton, certainly the lap of luxury for residents, but on a govt.
per-diem, there was not one restaurant in the city that I could afford.
Meals were provided by the hotel so we were stuck. Cold cuts and fried
chicken. Yum... This was a very intensive seminar on PBX/Switch matrix
design technology and the instructors had us in class from 8 a.m. until
5:30 p.m. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner was served in the classroom and
we were back to work from 7 p.m. until 9. After three days of this I was
ready to scream. BTW, I didnt see much of Boca except from the airport
shuttle. Meanwhile, back in the office, my work was piling up so I could
spend the weekend catching up and it wouldnt be waiting for me on Monday
morning. I was also required to provide the traning I had just received
to my staff and brief the brass. Some perk. BS'rs havent a clue.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Lep ()
Date: March 23, 2009 11:45AM

Mel Wrote:
> Good point Billy. Why aren't they meeting in
> downtown Richmond? And why is the conference
> literature filled with glossy photos of sailing
> and cruising?

This is the type of person who is disappointed when they open up a box of Lucky Charms because there is no leprechaun inside.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Mel ()
Date: March 23, 2009 12:33PM

Lep Wrote:

"This is the type of person who is disappointed when they open up a box of Lucky Charms because there is no leprechaun"

This is the type oof person who is an ignorant jackass.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Let Go Here ()
Date: March 23, 2009 12:36PM

dnoo is a complete bullshitter

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Holdonhere ()
Date: March 23, 2009 12:40PM

Just an example here. If I hadnt retired, I'd be attending this one whether
I liked it or not. Notice the breakfast, breaks, and lunches are "sponsored"
by the vendors themselves. This means you get free sodas, fruit, or Danish
while listening to a rather intensive sales pitch. Fun huh? But wait, its
in Orlando and you might even get a room with a view so you can actually see
some of it. Be ready to fill out a detailed expense report (including all
receipts) when you get back.


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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Let Go Here ()
Date: March 23, 2009 12:44PM

Indeed. I always get a charge out of the inexperienced who mistakenly
think these types of seminars are not mini-vacations. I once went to a seminar
in Boca Raton, certainly the lap of luxury for residents,and on a govt.
per-diem, there were dozens of restaurants in the city that I could afford.
Meals were provided by the hotel so we were ate there free too. Cold cuts and fried chicken. Yum... This was a very relaxing seminar on basket weaving and the instructors had us in class from 11 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner was served on the balcomy overlooking the oocean and we were back not to work from until 11:00 next morning. After three days of this I was fully relaxed and ready for more. BTW,I even had a trip t Disney and all on taxpayer money. Meanwhile, back in the office, no work was piling up so I could spend the weekend golfing when I returned. I was also I was not even required to provide the traning I had just received to my staff and brief the brass. Some perk. BS'rs havent a clue. Just brainless idjits.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Holdonhere ()
Date: March 23, 2009 12:55PM

Let Go Here Wrote:
> Indeed. I always get a charge out of the
> inexperienced who mistakenly
> think these types of seminars are not
> mini-vacations. I once went to a seminar
> in Boca Raton, certainly the lap of luxury for
> residents,and on a govt.
> per-diem, there were dozens of restaurants in the
> city that I could afford.
> Meals were provided by the hotel so we were ate
> there free too. Cold cuts and fried chicken.
> Yum... This was a very relaxing seminar on basket
> weaving and the instructors had us in class from
> 11 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. Breakfast, lunch, and
> dinner was served on the balcomy overlooking the
> oocean and we were back not to work from until
> 11:00 next morning. After three days of this I was
> fully relaxed and ready for more. BTW,I even had a
> trip t Disney and all on taxpayer money.
> Meanwhile, back in the office, no work was piling
> up so I could spend the weekend golfing when I
> returned. I was also I was not even required to
> provide the traning I had just received to my
> staff and brief the brass. Some perk. BS'rs havent
> a clue. Just brainless idjits.

I can tell you must have a very interesting career.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Genevieve ()
Date: March 23, 2009 12:59PM

I can't believe you are complaining about $1,000 for two people to attend a conference. The last conference I attended was in San Diego and my hotel bill alone was almost twice that (even with the conference discount).

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Holdonhere ()
Date: March 23, 2009 01:30PM

Genevieve Wrote:
> I can't believe you are complaining about $1,000
> for two people to attend a conference. The last
> conference I attended was in San Diego and my
> hotel bill alone was almost twice that (even with
> the conference discount).

This sort of mentality isnt unusual and I've encountered it many times
before. Most likely this poster is in a dead end job that barely requires
a GED or unemployed due to a lack of ambition. He shouldnt worry though.
Burger King is always looking for staff and English is a plus.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Eastsider ()
Date: March 23, 2009 01:39PM

That's it, you assholes. I now give my full support to Gatehouse II. I will be writing my supervisor daily to express my newfound feelings.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Jeff ()
Date: March 23, 2009 01:40PM

My last conference was $6500 for the conference and classes. Hotel was $310 a night, airfare and rental car was $1500. Aorund $10,000 just for me.

$900 for two people for two days, I don't know if that really qualifies as a conference.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Let Go Here ()
Date: March 23, 2009 01:42PM

Just an example here. If I hadnt retired, I'd be attending this one because it was a free taxpayer mini-vacation.Notice the breakfast, breaks, and lunches are "sponsored" by the taxpayers by the taxpayer paid registration fee. This means you get free sodas, fruit, or Danish for free. Fun huh? But wait, its in Virginia Beach so all that sailing you see in the brochures is free too.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Westsider ()
Date: March 23, 2009 01:45PM

That's it, you assholes. I now give my full oppsition to Gatehouse II. I will be writing my supervisor daily to express my newfound feelings.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Pully ()
Date: March 23, 2009 01:46PM

Dude most all conferences offer free sodas, danish etc... As for sailing and the beach, nothing is open this time of year. VA Beach is a ghost town.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Let Go Here ()
Date: March 23, 2009 01:47PM

Hold On Here had a very dull career.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Pushy ()
Date: March 23, 2009 01:53PM

Duuude, I mean like wow man, knarly. And Va beach rocks this time f year. Dude, man. Wow. Like Reefer, duuude.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Kutee ()
Date: March 23, 2009 01:59PM

Typical. These two greedy, grasping, useless FCPS functionaries shamelessly slurping at the public trough like sloppy pigs.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Libby ()
Date: March 23, 2009 02:02PM

Why do I get the feeling we are talking with some soccer mom who has never worked and thinks someone traveling on business is taking a vacation.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Shadow ()
Date: March 23, 2009 02:03PM

It's in Norfolk, not VA Beach. About 18 miles away. And the weather averages in the 60's in April with the water temps in the 50's. Not terribly comfortable for most people.

I thought they cut all the conferences and seminars in the budget? Or was that just for the teachers?

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Billy ()
Date: March 23, 2009 02:05PM

Why do I get the feeling that Libby is some unlettered troglyditic soccer mom who has never worked and thinks someone traveling on business is taking a vacation.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Bright Sun ()
Date: March 23, 2009 02:07PM

Yeah, sailing requires water tempature in the hih 90's. Pffffft....

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Holdonhere ()
Date: March 23, 2009 02:09PM

Let Go Here Wrote:
> Hold On Here had a very dull career.

Shut up and give me a Bacon Double Cheeseburger and a Large Sprite!
Make it snappy or I'll fill out one of those Customer Service
Satisfaction forms.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Let Go Here ()
Date: March 23, 2009 02:12PM

Hold On Here wroote:

"Shut up and give me a Bacon Double Cheeseburger and a Large Sprite!
Make it snappy or I'll fill out one of those Customer Service
Satisfaction forms."

Shut up, you drooolin dolt, and give me a Bacon Double Cheeseburger and a Large Sprite! Make it snappy or I'll fill out one of those Customer Service
Satisfaction forms. Idiot.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: LOL ()
Date: March 23, 2009 02:29PM

Apparently many have not been to Norfolk. Norfolk is Virginia's Baltimore.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: OLL ()
Date: March 23, 2009 02:31PM

Apparently many have not been to the Norfolk Waterfront. Just take a look at the beautiful photos in the conference literature. Yeah, a real dump. LoL.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: LOL ()
Date: March 23, 2009 02:41PM

OLL Wrote:
> Apparently many have not been to the Norfolk
> Waterfront. Just take a look at the beautiful
> photos in the conference literature. Yeah, a real
> dump. LoL.

WOW! You're a sucker for slick photos. Hey want to buy a house or car. I'll post some pictures you can buy from.

The Norfolk Waterfront is about two blocks long and has Town Point park on the end. The park is maybe a block long. The rest of the Norfolk is just like downtown Baltimore.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: dono ()
Date: March 23, 2009 02:49PM

As I said there may be merit to opposing the cost of the conference but to say

"Administrators Eileen Grattan and Dana Scanlon, both supercilious and utterly disdainful of the present economic crisis, will spend those days sailing and tanning, while Fairfax Taxpayers are busy working to pay their salaries."

is disingenuous. Sailing and tanning (in the beginning of April in Norfolk)- come on. To the trolls; is it possible to sail in April in Norfolk? - of course it is but the combination of wind (sailing right) and temps topping out at 60 degrees F is not very comfortable. Can you tan in Norfolk in April? I am sure you can again though laying out on the beach in 60 degree F weather with exposed skin - no my idea of fun unless it is on a ski slope out West.

Trolls bring your knife and fork and dig in I just filled your pathetic trough.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Tara ()
Date: March 23, 2009 02:50PM

There seems to be some degree of personal animosity directed against the two FCPS employees, an issue to which I cannot speak. At the same time, a review of the guest speakers and presentors includes many accomplished proofessionals: University Proofessors, Doctors, and Lawyers. The presence of the two Fairfax Administrators does indeed seem woefully out of place, This fact lends considerable credibility to the claim that this is merely a well-disguised and expensive taxpayer supported vacation.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: March 23, 2009 02:53PM

The Alexandria Waterfront looks bigger than the one in Norfolk.

I'm sure the hotel is nice, but it's pretty laughable to imply that folks are getting some extravagant, Club Med type of experience in friggin Norfolk.

I agree with some of the others here: business travel for conferences is generally a pain in the ass, and not vacation-like at all, regardless of the location.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Nodo ()
Date: March 23, 2009 02:54PM

As I said there is merit to opposing the cost of the conference but to oppose the notiin that:

"Administrators Eileen Grattan and Dana Scanlon, both supercilious and utterly disdainful of the present economic crisis, will spend those days sailing and tanning, while Fairfax Taxpayers are busy working to pay their salaries."

is entirely disingenuous. Sailing and tanning (in the beginning of April in Norfolk)- absolutely. To the trolls like dono; is it possible to sail in April in Norfolk? - of course it is but the combination of wind (sailing right) and temps topping out at 75 degrees F is extremely comfortable. Can you tan in Norfolk in April? I am sure you can again though laying out on the beach in 75 degree F weather with exposed skin - with a cabana it is perfect weather to tan and lounge on the beach.

nod Trolls bring your knife and fork and dig in I just filled your sad, empty, pathetic trough. And right in dono's ugly face to boot. Hehehe....

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: ThePeemer ()
Date: March 23, 2009 02:56PM

The Alexandria Waterfront looks much smaller than the one in Norfolk.

I'm sure the hotel is nice, and it's pretty laughable to deny that folks are getting some extravagant, Club Med type of experience on the Norfolk Waterfront.

I agree with some of the others here: business travel for conferences is generally a taxpayer funded romp, and very much vacation-like,Especially considering the sun-soaked location.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Wert ()
Date: March 23, 2009 03:02PM

I do wonder why the conference brochure doesn't show fatigued, overworked, underfed, attendees in a dreary, stale conference room? It's the darndest thing, but all the photos present fine dining, sailing, crusining, bright blue skies and beautiful accomodations.. Very odd...

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: OLL ()
Date: March 23, 2009 03:05PM

LOL wrote:

"WOW! You're a sucker for slick photos. Hey want to buy a house or car. I'll post some pictures you can buy from.

The Norfolk Waterfront is about two blocks long and has Town Point park on the end. The park is maybe a block long. The rest of the Norfolk is just like downtown Baltimore."
To which I reply:

WOW! You're a sucker for slick photos. Hey want to buy a house or car, moron? I'll post some pictures you can buy from. Retard.

The Norfolk Waterfront is about four blocks long and has Town Point park on the end. The park is maybe tw more blocks long. The rest of the Norfolk is sailing and dining, and cruises.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: March 23, 2009 03:07PM

Who the hell would be enticed to attend a conference if the brochure showed a bunch of monotonous, unpleasant pictures?

Do you understand advertising?

Wert Wrote:
> I do wonder why the conference brochure doesn't
> show fatigued, overworked, underfed, attendees in
> a dreary, stale conference room? It's the darndest
> thing, but all the photos present fine dining,
> sailing, crusining, bright blue skies and
> beautiful accomodations.. Very odd...

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Wert ()
Date: March 23, 2009 03:08PM

So, evidently, the conference sponsors are perpetrating a fraud aainst Fairfax County and its taxpayers by falsely describing the conference enviroment?

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Wert ()
Date: March 23, 2009 03:08PM

Meeper, do you understand fraud?

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Wert ()
Date: March 23, 2009 03:10PM

Hey LOL, are all the FCPS employees suckers for glossy photos? LOL

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: . ()
Date: March 23, 2009 03:10PM

Who left the door open at the nut house?

Anyone want to take bets that this loon who has been online complaining all day long during working hours is most likely at work himself, on his employers dime and computer? Probably hasn't gotten a thing done all day.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: March 23, 2009 03:14PM

Wert Wrote:
> Meeper, do you understand fraud?

If you got such a major bug up your ass about this "fraud", contact the state Attorney General's office. Make sure you record the call so we can hear them laugh at you.

Is it a fuckin' full moon tonight???

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/23/2009 03:15PM by TheMeeper.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: 1 ()
Date: March 23, 2009 03:24PM

Who left the door open at the nut house?

Anyone want to take bets that this foaming at the mouth lunatic who has been online complaining about people using computers during working hours is most likely at work himself, on his employers dime and computer? Probably hasn't gotten a thing done all day. Stupid loser

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: March 23, 2009 03:25PM

Wert Wrote:
> So, evidently, the conference sponsors are
> perpetrating a fraud aainst Fairfax County and its
> taxpayers by falsely describing the conference
> enviroment?

One can only imagine how excited this person must be after watching late night night info commercials. "Honey grab the VISA card quick we HAVE to order this!"

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Wert ()
Date: March 23, 2009 03:26PM

TheMeeper wrote:

"If you got such a major bug up your ass about this "fraud", contact the state Attorney General's office. Make sure you record the call so we can hear them laugh at you."

"Is it a fuckin' full moon tonight???"

Holy hay-zoos, this guy is a freakin nutjob. *Points and laughs at TheMeeper*.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/23/2009 03:15PM by TheMeeper.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Stejer ()
Date: March 23, 2009 03:28PM

One can only imagine how excited this Jester person must be after watching late night night info commercials. "Honey grab the VISA card quick we HAVE to order this!"


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: LOL ()
Date: March 23, 2009 03:45PM

How adult to repeat back what others are posting- I know you are but what am I!

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: OLL ()
Date: March 23, 2009 03:49PM

waaa, waa, waa, boo-hoo, he's moocking and ridiculing by repeating my empty meaninless posts...thumb sukking, bed-wetter...

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Holdonhere ()
Date: March 23, 2009 03:51PM

Stejer Wrote:
> One can only imagine how excited this Jester
> person must be after watching late night night
> info commercials. "Honey grab the VISA card quick
> we HAVE to order this!"
> ROFL!!

This one isnt old enough to have a VISA card and his Mommy wont let
him stay up past 10PM on a school night.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: voice of reason ()
Date: March 23, 2009 03:53PM

Wert Wrote:
> I do wonder why the conference brochure doesn't
> show fatigued, overworked, underfed, attendees in
> a dreary, stale conference room? It's the darndest
> thing, but all the photos present fine dining,
> sailing, crusining, bright blue skies and
> beautiful accomodations.. Very odd...

Too funny, Wert.

Look, Grattan and Scanlan have the intellectual capacity of a potted plant. Any meaningful, thought provoking discussions at this conference will be lost on these two halfwits.

I hope Grattan mentions at the conference how her office abuses FCPS students in the disciplinary process and recently led to the suicide of the South lakes student. That should bring the house down.

I also hope she boasts about how FCPS punishes kids in the high minority schools at a rate of 3-5 times higher than our predominantly White schools.

Scanlan should discuss how little she knows about FERPA and share with the group how she refused to provide the notes taken at the administrative hearing to the parents of a student. She of course obliged, once she was threatened with a Dept of Education complaint.

Based on the speaker's list-these two bozos should make FCPS look pretty bad.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Libby ()
Date: March 23, 2009 04:07PM

They and other school systems have to go to conferences like this because of all the nut job parents around. The parents in this community get upset when little Johnny gets disiplined for smoking pot and doing herion in school.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Stejer ()
Date: March 23, 2009 04:21PM

"This one isnt old enough to have a VISA card and his Mommy wont let
him stay up past 10PM on a school night."

Retired, right Hold On Here? Then shut up, you toothless, shuffling, drooling, doddering irrelevant old fool.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Billy ()
Date: March 23, 2009 04:23PM

These two flunkie discpline administrators and other school systems have to go to conferences like this because of all the nut job teachers around. The teachers in this community get upset when little Miss Peggy the History Teacher gets disiplined for smoking pot and milesting her students in school.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Eastsider ()
Date: March 23, 2009 04:28PM

Bookmark this thread. I think it will win the 2009 award for most persistent trolling.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Holdonhere ()
Date: March 23, 2009 04:29PM

voice of reason Wrote:

> I also hope she boasts about how FCPS punishes
> kids in the high minority schools at a rate of 3-5
> times higher than our predominantly White
> schools.

Well no shit Sherlock! Take a look at the arrest/ticket search and you will
also find a great disparity in numbers. Why are Whites a minority in
the jail? Its because minorities are committing most of the crimes.

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Westsider ()
Date: March 23, 2009 04:31PM

Uh-oh, East sider is trolling again...

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Let od Here ()
Date: March 23, 2009 04:33PM

Attaboy Hold On Here! Now tell us that negroes like watermelon and have loower IQ's than whites. Hey pal, the KKK meeting is in the next room...

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: this nigga--- ()
Date: March 23, 2009 04:35PM

Hahaha.... this nigga whoever he is- who is flipping what all these stuck up strict people say into the exact opposite is really hilarious.. he's been at it all day and i just gotta be the first to say big big props

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Jen ()
Date: March 23, 2009 04:40PM

He does seem to reduce these hypocritical blowhards to little more that sputtering fools...kinda funny

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Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Huh?What? ()
Date: March 23, 2009 04:55PM

Let od Here Wrote:
> Attaboy Hold On Here! Now tell us that negroes
> like watermelon and have loower IQ's than whites.
> Hey pal, the KKK meeting is in the next room...

Here's a seminar just for you.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: FCPS and AIG: Luxury and Abuse
Posted by: Huh?What? ()
Date: March 23, 2009 04:55PM

Huh?What? Wrote:
> Let od Here Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Attaboy Hold On Here! Now tell us that negroes
> > like watermelon and have loower IQ's than
> whites.
> > Hey pal, the KKK meeting is in the next room...
> Here's a seminar just for you.

Try that again.


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