fairfaxcountyparent Wrote:
> For all you dumb shits trying to claim that Josh
> brought this on himself, consider this: Teenage
> brains are underdeveloped. That's what scientific
> research SHOWS. Judgement is impaired. That's why
> VA doesn't let kids drive more than one other kid,
> why practically every state doesn't let kids drink
> until well past the age of consent, etc. etc. How
> does FCPS---that bastion of educational
> prowess---responsd to the challenges posed by
> developing teenage brains? They say: "We just
> don't give a shit." The reason Josh is dead is
> because FCPS "just didn't give a shit."
> That is the sad truth.
Just three posts above is this information:
The story of Josh is very, very sad. However, this kid did get a "second chance". When he first got caught with pot at Langley HS he was just sent over to South Lakes HS. Only after he got caught with pot at South Lakes did they recommend for explusion. So, had he just done the right thing at South Lakes (where he was playing football, etc) none of this would have happened. It seems pretty clear that this kid had more serious issues than just the Hearing.
Also, in reality FCPS never really "expels" anyone, they just send them off to one of the alternative high schools for one year or graduation whichever is sooner.
Do you care to rethink your comments about FCPS?