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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: FGYLk ()
Date: December 31, 2014 07:02PM

Let'sGoToTheGunShow Wrote:

seeing such a thing convinces me not to mess with IDF. surely they have thigns to hide and moreso protect! pussy!!

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Once again... ()
Date: December 31, 2014 07:08PM

No Ass You have Got It Wrong Wrote:
> >More than 30,000 dead each year. More than
> 150,000 seriously injured. All but a tiny portion
> of the carnage done by "accident" by idiots behind
> the wheel. By people With access to a automobile
> and a cell phone.
> Fixed it for you stupid.

Like accidental and deliberate are equivalent. That's just plain too fucking goober-dumb to merit any further response, so just go fuck yourself, you worthless guntard asshole. Fuck your rusted out, broken down double-wide meth-lab too, ya yammering toothless yahoo. Go get a GED or something.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: crime scene janitor ()
Date: December 31, 2014 07:10PM

Once again... Wrote:
> More than 30,000 dead each year. More than
> 150,000 seriously injured. All but a tiny portion
> of the carnage done deliberately. By someone With
> access to a gun.

One ray of hope in those stats is that a guntard blows his or her own brains out every four to five hours in this country alone.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Keep On Blabbering ()
Date: December 31, 2014 07:29PM

>Like accidental and deliberate are equivalent. That's just plain too fucking goober-dumb to merit any further response, so just go fuck yourself, you worthless guntard asshole. Fuck your rusted out, broken down double-wide meth-lab too, ya yammering toothless yahoo. Go get a GED or something.

Keep on blabbering on your god damn Cell Phone one hand on the wheel you asshole. while you try to deny the Right of the People to Bear Arms.

Menace on the highway! texting and driving , posting here on FXU! You fucker.

Piss on you Asshole Sighting,

"Worlds Greatest Economist" In your own mind.

LOL, Happy New Years!

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Bulgarian Judge ()
Date: December 31, 2014 07:35PM

Once again... Wrote:
> Like accidental and deliberate are equivalent.

You'd think nobody could possibly be that stupid, but then some gun-freak comes along and pulls it off. Amazing...

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Once again... ()
Date: December 31, 2014 07:42PM

Keep On Blabbering Wrote:
> Keep on blabbering on your god damn Cell Phone one
> hand on the wheel you asshole. while you try to
> deny the Right of the People to Bear Arms. Menace on
> the highway! texting and driving , posting here on FXU!
> You fucker. Piss on you Asshole Sighting, "Worlds Greatest
> Economist" In your own mind. LOL, Happy New Years!

Hmmm. Sounds like somebody's drunk already. Find a designated driver, my friend, or dial 1-800-200-TAXI.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: No Drinking Here Friend ()
Date: December 31, 2014 07:49PM

Ok Peace Love Flowers to you gun grabbers. Happy New Years to All . And stop that blabbing on the cell phone while your behind the wheel.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Nugent fan ()
Date: December 31, 2014 08:04PM

I laugh at the stupidity of the Prius driving libs in here.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Once again... ()
Date: December 31, 2014 08:14PM

No Drinking Here Friend Wrote:
> Ok Peace Love Flowers to you gun grabbers. Happy
> New Years to All . And stop that blabbing on the
> cell phone while your behind the wheel.

Wow! You're this stupid when you're SOBER??? Holy fuck!!! Maybe you should just dial 1-800-PSYCHOS right away.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: lib ()
Date: January 01, 2015 07:44AM

Guns, lol.
guns save lives.jpg

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: PbFPE ()
Date: January 01, 2015 11:56AM

West Germany? You must have found this in a Playboy magazine from the 80s?

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: guntards lol ()
Date: January 01, 2015 03:49PM

I love how guntards like to argue that guns don't kill people because a gun is just a tool and it cannot do anything on its own.
Then in the next breath they proclaim that guns save lives.

Sorry guntards you are all ignorant fucks.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: IKnowWhereTheMoneyComesFrom ()
Date: January 01, 2015 05:52PM

guntards lol Wrote:
> I love how guntards like to argue that guns don't
> kill people because a gun is just a tool and it
> cannot do anything on its own.
> Then in the next breath they proclaim that guns
> save lives.
> Sorry guntards you are all ignorant fucks.

Handgun Control Inc. is now called the Violence Policy Center. They are funded by Bloomberg and Soros. Bloomberg and Soros have plenty of ARMED bodyguards. They should practice what they preach. LOL!

You're the ignorant fuck.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: January 01, 2015 06:02PM

guntards lol Wrote:
> Then in the next breath they proclaim that guns
> save lives.

C'mon dude! If EVERYONE carried a gun, gun violence would plummet! What part of that can't you understand? :-)


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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Greybeard ()
Date: January 01, 2015 07:08PM

Kilton Wrote:
> C'mon dude! If EVERYONE carried a gun, gun
> violence would plummet! What part of that can't
> you understand? :-)

Indeed. And if everyone drove drunk, drunk driving accidents would plummet, too!

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: photogg ()
Date: January 02, 2015 08:02AM

I am going to the show to get pics of the cowards.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Dane Bramage ()
Date: January 02, 2015 08:53AM

photogg Wrote:
> I am going to the show to get pics of the cowards.

lol, why?

“We don’t have any rude, unpleasant people here. We’re different!”

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Pow! Pow! Pow! ()
Date: January 02, 2015 09:24AM

PbFPE Wrote:
> West Germany? You must have found this in a
> Playboy magazine from the 80s?

Yeah, gun deaths in the US have tripled since then.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Guns = death ()
Date: January 02, 2015 09:34AM

IKnowWhereTheMoneyComesFrom Wrote:
> Handgun Control Inc. is now called the Violence
> Policy Center. They are funded by Bloomberg and
> Soros. Bloomberg and Soros have plenty of ARMED
> bodyguards. They should practice what they preach.
> LOL! You're the ignorant fuck.

What a dumbass stooge! Soros and Bloomberg have reason to be worried, thanks to armed and crazed right-wing asshats. And public figures in general have long required security in order to move about freely and safely. None of which has anything at all to do with armies of goober fucktards wandering the streets with lethal weapons at the ready. You pretty clearly don't have a functional brain, and neither do they.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: J. Webb ()
Date: January 02, 2015 10:08AM

If everyone carried a gun, some of the liberals' beloved robbers, rapists and murderers might get hurt! Then who would be left to vote for the commie libs?

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Guns = Death ()
Date: January 02, 2015 10:28AM

Wow! There's one of those goober fucktards I was talking about right now. Thanks for your service, GF!

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: January 02, 2015 02:50PM

Dane Bramage Wrote:
> ISIS targeting the U.S. military is like a sheep targeting
> a lion. Hopefully one of these a$$holes actually shows up.
> They'll definitely get more than they want at my place

Teehee. Your dopey signatures are my favorite. So cute that you think you're clever enough to come up with something which actually warrants being put into a signature.

ISIS would take your dumb ass out in 2 seconds if they came to your place. But they won't, because they -- like the rest of the world -- don't care about you. Don't let that stop you from your fantasies of being Rambo though. :-)

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Ty6w6 ()
Date: January 02, 2015 03:00PM

Kilton Wrote:
> Dane Bramage Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > ISIS targeting the U.S. military is like a sheep
> targeting
> > a lion. Hopefully one of these a$$holes actually
> shows up.
> > They'll definitely get more than they want at my
> place
> Teehee. Your dopey signatures are my favorite. So
> cute that you think you're clever enough to come
> up with something which actually warrants being
> put into a signature.
> ISIS would take your dumb ass out in 2 seconds if
> they came to your place. But they won't, because
> they -- like the rest of the world -- don't care
> about you. Don't let that stop you from your
> fantasies of being Rambo though. :-)

"Teehee" ???

What are you, a 13-year old girl?

That would explain a lot. lol

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Dane Bramage ()
Date: January 02, 2015 03:05PM

Ty6w6 Wrote:
> Kilton Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Dane Bramage Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > ISIS targeting the U.S. military is like a
> sheep
> > targeting
> > > a lion. Hopefully one of these a$$holes
> actually
> > shows up.
> > > They'll definitely get more than they want at
> my
> > place
> >
> > Teehee. Your dopey signatures are my favorite.
> So
> > cute that you think you're clever enough to
> come
> > up with something which actually warrants being
> > put into a signature.
> >
> > ISIS would take your dumb ass out in 2 seconds
> if
> > they came to your place. But they won't,
> because
> > they -- like the rest of the world -- don't
> care
> > about you. Don't let that stop you from your
> > fantasies of being Rambo though. :-)
> "Teehee" ???
> What are you, a 13-year old girl?
> That would explain a lot. lol

I think you're on target.

“We don’t have any rude, unpleasant people here. We’re different!”

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Dane Bramage ()
Date: January 02, 2015 03:11PM

Gun Sense alert, please share far and wide!

We here at Moms Against Everything would like to wish you all a happy new year. Celebrations to another successful year of whining and bitching about things we know absolutely nothing about!

However, the new year poses another major problem. The year is now 2015, and there is a 15 in that as in the dreaded high caliber assault AR15.

While we fully support the second amendment right of the national guard to keep and bear muskets, nobody needs a .30 caliber banana drum or a fully semi-auto assault pistol that was designed for combat in Afghanistan and specializes in killing children and minorities. Just like the first amendment doesn't apply to the Internet, the second amendment doesn't apply to modern weapons or things we don't like/understand.

In order to cope with the racism on this calendar year, we will now be double boycotting Kroger so now they must:
-Ban guns in their stores
-Offer a 110% discount on all boxed wine or wine related accessories to help us cope with the AR15 year

If they don't cave in, we'll be even more annoying and demanding

“We don’t have any rude, unpleasant people here. We’re different!”

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Culture of Cowardice ()
Date: January 02, 2015 03:15PM

Talk about missing the big picture.
The U.S. has increasingly relied on a "Global War of Terror " using drones with pilots in absolutely no danger attacking countries with no air force.
These "heroes " are making more enemies worldwide at a cost of trillions and serving as justification for destroying civil rights at home and bankrupting the U.S. while domestic programs are chronically underfunded.
The only ones that win are the corporations which loot the treasury and don't care who is elected. They own them all.
If you are coward hunting ,give the big picture a little attention.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Safe American gun owner ()
Date: January 02, 2015 03:48PM

This is an interesting thread. Lots of dramatic name calling back and forth.

Keep in mind that most American gun owners are responsible people who own a few guns and know how to use them and store them safely. I think that I am one of those people and I am not a second amendment zealot.
The second amendment freaks own guns primarily because they feel inadequate, and live in fear because of it. They’re terrified of meeting an equal, and will almost always run from a fight if they don’t have a clear advantage going in. Most second amendment freaks are NRA members but not all of them.
If you encounter one of these 2A people in public you should try to be sympathetic about their shortcomings, they are after all victims.

I like the statement that guns don't kill people.....people kill people because it's true. 90% of murders are committed by people with four or more felony convictions which is exactly why we need more gun regulation in this country. Yes I know that criminals do not follow the rules and that is why the regulation and limits need to be implemented on all guns so we can put more of these people away before they kill.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: January 02, 2015 05:02PM

Dane Bramage Wrote:
> nobody needs a .30 caliber banana drum or a fully
> semi-auto assault pistol that was designed for
> combat in Afghanistan

This is complete nonsense. Obviously some people need these kinds of weapons. We've established that you, for example, need them to protect your house from ISIS. This irrational, laughable, classic "Gun Nut Fear" concern is perfectly reasonable.

I wish these anti-gun groups could wake up and see the big picture. Sigh.

When ISIS goes to Dane's house, he'll be ready! :-)

Safe American gun owner Wrote:
> The second amendment freaks own guns primarily
> because they feel inadequate, and live in fear
> because of it.

Indeed, and well said. It's a shame that normal gun owners such as yourself are represented by the loud, nutty voices of the zealots. Typical case of the vocal minority. If nothing else though, it's good comedy.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: George Gallup ()
Date: January 02, 2015 11:00PM

The second amendment freaks own guns primarily because they feel inadequate, and live in fear because of it. They’re terrified of meeting an equal, and will almost always run from a fight if they don’t have a clear advantage going in. Most second amendment freaks are NRA members but not all of them.
If you encounter one of these 2A people in public you should try to be sympathetic about their shortcomings, they are after all victims.

Curious where you got your data from??

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Pulled it from ()
Date: January 02, 2015 11:11PM

George Gallup Wrote:
> The second amendment freaks own guns primarily
> because they feel inadequate, and live in fear
> because of it. They’re terrified of meeting an
> equal, and will almost always run from a fight if
> they don’t have a clear advantage going in. Most
> second amendment freaks are NRA members but not
> all of them.
> If you encounter one of these 2A people in public
> you should try to be sympathetic about their
> shortcomings, they are after all victims.
> Curious where you got your data from??

His well-used ass.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: wowzers2 ()
Date: January 03, 2015 08:07AM

Safe American gun owner Wrote:
> This is an interesting thread. Lots of dramatic
> name calling back and forth.
> Keep in mind that most American gun owners are
> responsible people who own a few guns and know how
> to use them and store them safely. I think that I
> am one of those people and I am not a second
> amendment zealot.
> The second amendment freaks own guns primarily
> because they feel inadequate, and live in fear
> because of it. They’re terrified of meeting an
> equal, and will almost always run from a fight if
> they don’t have a clear advantage going in. Most
> second amendment freaks are NRA members but not
> all of them.
> If you encounter one of these 2A people in public
> you should try to be sympathetic about their
> shortcomings, they are after all victims.
> I like the statement that guns don't kill
> people.....people kill people because it's true.
> 90% of murders are committed by people with four
> or more felony convictions which is exactly why we
> need more gun regulation in this country. Yes I
> know that criminals do not follow the rules and
> that is why the regulation and limits need to be
> implemented on all guns so we can put more of
> these people away before they kill.

WOW! Well said and that sure shut the guntards down!

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: CryMeARiver ()
Date: January 03, 2015 08:13AM

wowzers2 Wrote:
> Safe American gun owner Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > This is an interesting thread. Lots of dramatic
> > name calling back and forth.
> >
> >
> > Keep in mind that most American gun owners are
> > responsible people who own a few guns and know
> how
> > to use them and store them safely. I think that
> I
> > am one of those people and I am not a second
> > amendment zealot.
> > The second amendment freaks own guns primarily
> > because they feel inadequate, and live in fear
> > because of it. They’re terrified of meeting
> an
> > equal, and will almost always run from a fight
> if
> > they don’t have a clear advantage going in.
> Most
> > second amendment freaks are NRA members but not
> > all of them.
> > If you encounter one of these 2A people in
> public
> > you should try to be sympathetic about their
> > shortcomings, they are after all victims.
> >
> >
> > I like the statement that guns don't kill
> > people.....people kill people because it's
> true.
> > 90% of murders are committed by people with
> four
> > or more felony convictions which is exactly why
> we
> > need more gun regulation in this country. Yes I
> > know that criminals do not follow the rules and
> > that is why the regulation and limits need to
> be
> > implemented on all guns so we can put more of
> > these people away before they kill.
> WOW! Well said and that sure shut the guntards
> down!

I'm going to the gun show today. I heard it was really crowded yesterday afternoon and despite all the hatred spewed on the Fairfax Underground
nobody listened to the drivel.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Hmmm... ()
Date: January 03, 2015 09:19AM

Yeah, I heard hot dog sales were through the roof. The show itself would be a lot less crowded of course if all those overweight gun-fucks would lose say 50-75 pounds of excess fat apiece. Lots more room in the aisles that way...

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: January 03, 2015 09:46AM

CryMeARiver Wrote:
> I'm going to the gun show today. I heard it was
> really crowded yesterday afternoon and despite all
> the hatred spewed on the Fairfax Underground
> nobody listened to the drivel.

LOL, it's crowded every time you dope. There are millions upon millions of fat, balding, scared, dopey middle-aged white males out there who "need" guns. But the beauty of these guns shows -- as the person above alluded to -- is that they allow these buffoons to also satisfy their hot dog cravings. One stop shopping!


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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: 357 ()
Date: January 03, 2015 11:11AM

Kilton Wrote:
> CryMeARiver Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I'm going to the gun show today. I heard it was
> > really crowded yesterday afternoon and despite
> all
> > the hatred spewed on the Fairfax Underground
> > nobody listened to the drivel.
> LOL, it's crowded every time you dope. There are
> millions upon millions of fat, balding, scared,
> dopey middle-aged white males out there who "need"
> guns. But the beauty of these guns shows -- as the
> person above alluded to -- is that they allow
> these buffoons to also satisfy their hot dog
> cravings. One stop shopping!
> src="http://lubbockonline.com/sites/default/files/
> imagecache/superphoto/10921812.jpg">

Kilton will be there too, offering blow jobs in the men's restroom. I heard that his mouth feels just like a vagina.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Anti-Gun homos prefer sheep ()
Date: January 03, 2015 11:25AM

Anti-Gun homos prefer sheep to women. They are also obsessed with the size of other men's penises.

It's no wonder they're scared of real men.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: HNYbu ()
Date: January 03, 2015 11:51AM

357 Wrote:
> Kilton Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > CryMeARiver Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > I'm going to the gun show today. I heard it
> was
> > > really crowded yesterday afternoon and
> despite
> > all
> > > the hatred spewed on the Fairfax Underground
> > > nobody listened to the drivel.
> >
> > LOL, it's crowded every time you dope. There
> are
> > millions upon millions of fat, balding, scared,
> > dopey middle-aged white males out there who
> "need"
> > guns. But the beauty of these guns shows -- as
> the
> > person above alluded to -- is that they allow
> > these buffoons to also satisfy their hot dog
> > cravings. One stop shopping!
> >
> > >
> src="http://lubbockonline.com/sites/default/files/
> > imagecache/superphoto/10921812.jpg">
> Kilton will be there too, offering blow jobs in
> the men's restroom. I heard that his mouth feels
> just like a vagina.

Are you suggesting that there's a market at gun shows for blow jobs from other men?

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: CryMeARiver ()
Date: January 03, 2015 12:01PM

Hmmm... Wrote:
> Yeah, I heard hot dog sales were through the roof.
> The show itself would be a lot less crowded of
> course if all those overweight gun-fucks would
> lose say 50-75 pounds of excess fat apiece. Lots
> more room in the aisles that way...

I'm not overweight and the other customers look just like anyone else in
Fairfax. You've obviously never been to the gun show. Fail again.
BTW, what is your obsession with hot dogs? Is is phallic?

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Dane Bramage ()
Date: January 03, 2015 04:25PM

Prices are almost back to normal now that Obama is focused on immigration instead of gun control.

“We don’t have any rude, unpleasant people here. We’re different!”

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Free for all ()
Date: January 03, 2015 04:28PM

Dane Bramage Wrote:
> Prices are almost back to normal now that Obama is
> focused on immigration instead of gun control.

Yeah, but the cost of illegals is now going up. You just can't win with this guy.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: fuck em all ()
Date: January 03, 2015 04:46PM

...the irony of his thread is fucking astonishing, it was starting by some douche calling others cowards while using a fake name...if you're so fucking brave "Mr Brady" post under your real name. Not sure I've ever seen a more obvious case of the pot calling the kettle black. And in a place full of ridiculously stupid threads, this one might take the cake, fuck all of you mouth-breathing asswipes...

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: big girl ()
Date: January 04, 2015 06:44AM

fuck em all Wrote:
> ...the irony of his thread is fucking astonishing,
> it was starting by some douche calling others
> cowards while using a fake name...if you're so
> fucking brave "Mr Brady" post under your real
> name. Not sure I've ever seen a more obvious case
> of the pot calling the kettle black. And in a
> place full of ridiculously stupid threads, this
> one might take the cake, fuck all of you
> mouth-breathing asswipes...
uuuu mad.jpg

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: fuck em all ()
Date: January 04, 2015 08:59AM

...not mad, just continually amazed at the back and forth "you're wrong", "no, you are" bullshit that goes on in this place. I'm guessing if the majority of the posters here were to stop playing video games and obsessively masterbating in their mom's basement, the conversations might be a little more interesting and substantive...but even as I say ot, I know it will never happen. So please, by all means go ahead and get back to the name calling and the fake racism, and manufactured political outrage.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: NRA 4 evva ()
Date: January 04, 2015 09:01AM

This thread is so dumb. People who love guns are some of the bravest and smartist people in the world
My Dad is in prison for shooting a nagger in te legg but he will be out in a couple years then we will go shooting in the woods were it is safe.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Unknowinglystupid ()
Date: January 04, 2015 10:16AM

One isn't a coward who goes against the grain to stand up for right. OP is a whimp talking big because he thinks he's in big company but is really sinking in the muck of stupid fuck.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: January 04, 2015 10:24AM

Unknowinglystupid Wrote:
> One isn't a coward who goes against the grain to
> stand up for right.

LOL, what grain are you referring to exactly? I'm not aware of any "grain" against massive hot dog consumption. Maybe you're referring to obesity in general? If so then I can't really argue with your point -- gun nuts have a right to be fat. That's why you gotta love this country. :-)


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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Cowardly You Are Chump ()
Date: January 04, 2015 12:13PM

To "call the police" and do nothing but piss your pants and hide as your family is being attacked by a criminal

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: whowho ()
Date: January 04, 2015 03:22PM

Cowardly You Are Chump Wrote:
> To "call the police" and do nothing but piss your
> pants and hide as your family is being attacked by
> a criminal


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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Hmmm... ()
Date: January 04, 2015 07:19PM

CryMeARiver Wrote:
> BTW, what is your obsession with hot dogs? Is is phallic?

No, nothing so grandiose. Just as baseball and hot dogs seem to go together, gun shows, old fat dumb white men, and hots dogs seem to go together as well.


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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: ETGXe ()
Date: January 04, 2015 07:26PM

Cowardly You Are Chump Wrote:
> To "call the police" and do nothing but piss your
> pants and hide as your family is being attacked by
> a criminal

They're supposed to hide as well. Duh! Actually, the best plan is for everyone to slip out the back and run away. That's the manly course of action. Anything else is apt to turn into the deadly course of action. That's far less good.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: right over your head again. ()
Date: January 04, 2015 07:59PM

ETGXe Wrote:
> Cowardly You Are Chump Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > To "call the police" and do nothing but piss
> your
> > pants and hide as your family is being attacked
> by
> > a criminal
> They're supposed to hide as well. Duh! Actually,
> the best plan is for everyone to slip out the back
> and run away. That's the manly course of action.
> Anything else is apt to turn into the deadly
> course of action. That's far less good.

A gun in the house equals a death in the house 77.216% of the time. Having a gun in the house results in the deadly course of action.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: How Weak You Are ()
Date: January 04, 2015 08:21PM

Weak and Hopeless. Worthless as defenders of your family. Or even yourself, surely weak and useless as a American citizen.

Hiding , pissing in your pants, running out the back door leaving your wife and children behind. Your only "defense" to run out "the back door" Pityful.

No one with any sense suggests shooting anyone, thats a last ditch case, call the police at once, but if your backs to the wall, or your families and they are being threatened with deady force by a thug. And what do you do? You run.

The thread is about people being called Cowards because they choose to uphold their 2nd amendment rights, But the Cowards are really you ! "Gun Grabbers"!

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Glock ()
Date: January 04, 2015 09:51PM

Went to the gun show on Saturday. With the exeption of the guy wearing a Hitler mustache (newly shaved for this show), the obvious Nazi selling German WWII stuff ( "...so people can dress up this way." His words not mine.), and the completely wacked out survivalist, most of people there seemed sane. There were people from all spectrums, like the Tea Party T-Shirts folks who had old signs and materials filled with old facts, and the coin sales people there to take advantage of the folks who believe they need real gold and silver. Nothing you haven't seen or heard here.

Actually, it was more like a giant flea market than a gun show. Some seriously nice and historic pieces, yes, but a whole lot more crappy, plastic guns. As one dealer said, made for $60 an sold for $600. Lots of over-priced crap beling sold to people who need, want, or just are on the gun bandwagon.

So, were some people there cowards thinking a gun will make them stronger?- yep.
Were there some folks that believe that Obama and some "government agency" will "come get my gun tomorrow?"- yep.
Were there some folks who believe being a good Christian is owning a gun (or maybe a cannon)?- yep.
Were there folks who were overt racists hoping for a race war? - yep.
Were there a lot of cops milling around? - yep.
Were there a ton more men than women? - yep.

Can't be denied.

Sad part is that these partisans, just like the OP, are the folks screaming the loudest about guns.

Maybe the rest of us should be at the gun shows and figure out how to get back to sanity.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: What a Lousy Story Man ()
Date: January 04, 2015 10:26PM

>most of people there seemed sane.

But Your Right about that part, You did not lie about it.

>Maybe the rest of us should be at the gun shows and figure out how to get back to sanity

I will agree, But Kilton will still make fun of the heavy set folk. And all the badly wounded vets in wheel chairs.

But then again..! Theres the Chicago Dawg House just around the corner for him to fill up at

Note : Not making fun of Chicago Dawg House they have some great hot dogs
Only being fair here.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Greybeard ()
Date: January 04, 2015 10:59PM

Anyone know why there were six VSP cars (four cruisers, two unmarked) out back? All were facing outward for rapid egress. Seemed...odd.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Grey reared ()
Date: January 04, 2015 11:06PM

Anyone know why there were six VSP cars (four cruisers, two unmarked) out back? All were facing outward for rapid egress. Seemed...odd.

They do this in case they do need to leave in a hurry to a call, they are trained that way.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Greybeard ()
Date: January 04, 2015 11:25PM

Grey reared Wrote:
> They do this in case they do need to leave in a
> hurry to a call, they are trained that way.

Indeed, that's what "for rapid egress" meant. Doesn't answer the question...

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: haha12312323231223131232 ()
Date: January 05, 2015 02:16PM

Gun banners whined in this thread last gun show last Nov...I went and bought stuff. Gun banners whining now...I will go and buy stuff...Gun banners will whine about future shows in FFU...I will still go and buy stuff.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: ETGXe ()
Date: January 05, 2015 02:24PM

right over your head again. Wrote:
> A gun in the house equals a death in the house
> 77.216% of the time. Having a gun in the house
> results in the deadly course of action.

Right, those who live with a gun in the home are nearly four times as likely to die of a gunshot wound. And of course, the most likely outcome of trying to pull a gun in the million-to-one shot of an armed intruder entering your home is that you bleed out on the living room carpet while your spouse and kids scream in horror. That's not protecting your family. That's being NRA gun-fuck stupid.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: ETGXe haha ()
Date: January 05, 2015 02:28PM

ETGXe, feel free to break into my house and we can test your theory!

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: How fatally stupid you are ()
Date: January 05, 2015 02:35PM

How Weak You Are Wrote:
> Weak and Hopeless. Worthless as defenders of your
> family. Or even yourself, surely weak and useless
> as a American citizen.

Overblown assfuck has watched way too many John Wayne movies. You are crippled by your goober testosterone addiction. Between common sense and no sense at all, you go with the latter. Is there a charity we can contribute to in your memory once you get blown away? The Dukester Memorial Numbnuts Society, maybe?

In case of intruder: Get out of the house if you can. If you can't, hide as best you can and be vewy, vewy quiet.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Uxj4c ()
Date: January 05, 2015 02:39PM

ETGXe Wrote:
> right over your head again. Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > A gun in the house equals a death in the house
> > 77.216% of the time. Having a gun in the house
> > results in the deadly course of action.
> Right, those who live with a gun in the home are
> nearly four times as likely to die of a gunshot
> wound. And of course, the most likely outcome of
> trying to pull a gun in the million-to-one shot of
> an armed intruder entering your home is that you
> bleed out on the living room carpet while your
> spouse and kids scream in horror. That's not
> protecting your family. That's being NRA gun-fuck
> stupid.

Actually they're not. Unless you want to count suicides. Which you simple fucks always try to do in your bogus "stats" without noting the distinction. Beyond that, your "4 times" stat reduces to a difference between .000001 and .000004 and the actual number is relatively tiny. Which is why you give it as a percentage in order to try to make it look much larger than it actually is.

In fact, persons armed with a gun are less likely to be injured in such cases and tend to sustain less serious injuries when such events happen. Which if you actually put 3 seconds of thought into it instead of mindlessly repeating bs stats makes all kinds of sense intuitively.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: ETGXe ()
Date: January 05, 2015 02:41PM

ETGXe haha Wrote:
> ETGXe, feel free to break into my house and we can
> test your theory!

It doesn't need further testing, asshole. It is established fact. Your stupid bravado will only get you killed.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: ETGXe ()
Date: January 05, 2015 03:20PM

Uxj4c Wrote:
> Actually they're not. Unless you want to count
> suicides. Which you simple fucks always try to do
> in your bogus "stats" without noting the
> distinction.

There is no distinction, you inane perverted asshole. Dead is fucking dead. How freaking dumb can one NRA goobertard be?

> Beyond that, your "4 times" stat reduces to a difference
> between .000001 and .000004 and the actual number is
> relatively tiny.

LOL! More than 30,000 people die from gunshot wounds every year, nearly all of them deliberately inflicted. More than a further 150,000 are wounded seriously enough to require ER-level treatment. Because GSW's are among the most damaging of injuries that one can suffer, they are also among the most expensive ones to repair, regularly racking up bills of $20,000 or more, even when they are successful. And for what again? So that a bunch of low-IQ asshats who have no idea of what the 2nd Amendment is or ever was can go around like little boys in their Superman pajamas thinking that they are superhero invincible. That's just super-dumbshit stupid. What a pitifully inadequate bunch of immature assholes!

> Which is why you give it as a percentage in order
> to try to make it look much larger than it
> actually is.

Yo, mathfuck -- your .000004 is a fucking percentage. Did you aver even ATTEND a school?

> In fact, persons armed with a gun are less likely
> to be injured in such cases and tend to sustain
> less serious injuries when such events happen.
> Which if you actually put 3 seconds of thought
> into it instead of mindlessly repeating bs stats
> makes all kinds of sense intuitively.

Your intuition plainly sucks as does that of everyone at your barely measurable intellectual level. Statistically, confronting an intruder is the absolute worst thing you can do. It maximizes the chances of a bad outcome. Intruders do not come to kill people. They come to get in, grab stuff that they can easily convert to cash (like your stupid guns), and then get out again as quickly as they can. If you and your quaking and unpracticed hands pop out and confront them with a gun however, they will be painted into a corner that they hoped not to encounter but came prepared for, and they will kill you in a heartbeat. Of theirs. You won't have one anymore. Stupid assfucks are off the charts fucking ignorant.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Worm Bait ()
Date: January 05, 2015 04:30PM

These gonzo gun lovers kill, injure, and maim more family members than they do any person who is an actual threat to anyone's personal safety.

The cemeteries are full of victims of "friendly fire."

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: January 05, 2015 05:20PM

Glock Wrote:
> most of people there seemed sane.

LOL you idiot. Sanity isn't the issue. I've never seen anyone here claim that being a white, middle-aged, overweight, balding, testosterone-deprived loser male means a person is "insane".

Frankly it speaks volumes that the best you can say about a gun show crowd -- a crowd which included you, by the way -- is "most of them seemed sane".

Thanks for confirming what we already knew. :-)

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: January 05, 2015 05:23PM

ETGXe Wrote:
> There is no distinction, you inane perverted
> asshole. Dead is fucking dead. How freaking dumb
> can one NRA goobertard be?

C'mon dog. He got you on that one. Gun ownership doesn't result in more deaths, except for all the more deaths that it results in.

How much clearer could he possibly be? His mafematics skills are obviously out of your league.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: XYMTL ()
Date: January 05, 2015 05:28PM

ETGXe Wrote:
> Uxj4c Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Actually they're not. Unless you want to count
> > suicides. Which you simple fucks always try to
> do
> > in your bogus "stats" without noting the
> > distinction.
> There is no distinction, you inane perverted
> asshole. Dead is fucking dead. How freaking dumb
> can one NRA goobertard be?

There absolutely is a distinction between someone committing suicide and someone confronting an intruder in their home as you'd presented the risk. Completely different circumstances having little to nothing do with one another.

> > Beyond that, your "4 times" stat reduces to a
> difference
> > between .000001 and .000004 and the actual
> number is
> > relatively tiny.
> LOL! More than 30,000 people die from gunshot
> wounds every year, nearly all of them deliberately
> inflicted. More than a further 150,000 are
> wounded seriously enough to require ER-level
> treatment. Because GSW's are among the most
> damaging of injuries that one can suffer, they are
> also among the most expensive ones to repair,
> regularly racking up bills of $20,000 or more,
> even when they are successful. And for what
> again? So that a bunch of low-IQ asshats who have
> no idea of what the 2nd Amendment is or ever was
> can go around like little boys in their Superman
> pajamas thinking that they are superhero
> invincible. That's just super-dumbshit stupid.
> What a pitifully inadequate bunch of immature
> assholes!

+20,000 of your 30,000 number being suicides. Of the remaining deaths (and intentional shootings), the vast majority are young black males shooting each other. Neither being part of the risk profile for typical legal gun owners with a gun in the home. The few left beyond that are less than 1,000 accidental deaths in a typical year, a trivial number even relative to other much more common causes of deaths in the home.

> > Which is why you give it as a percentage in
> order
> > to try to make it look much larger than it
> > actually is.
> Yo, mathfuck -- your .000004 is a fucking
> percentage. Did you aver even ATTEND a school?

Yeah, and? I was further qualifying your idiotic "4 times" stat. Even at "4 times" the number is relatively small. Literally, about 1 in a million. If it increases to 4 in a million it's still relatively small risk. As typical, you avoid quantification in order to present it as a greater risk than it actually is.

Plus it's a bullshit number to begin with based on a study which has been discredited many times.

> > In fact, persons armed with a gun are less
> likely
> > to be injured in such cases and tend to sustain
> > less serious injuries when such events happen.
> > Which if you actually put 3 seconds of thought
> > into it instead of mindlessly repeating bs stats
> > makes all kinds of sense intuitively.
> Your intuition plainly sucks as does that of
> everyone at your barely measurable intellectual
> level. Statistically, confronting an intruder is
> the absolute worst thing you can do. It maximizes
> the chances of a bad outcome. Intruders do not
> come to kill people. They come to get in, grab
> stuff that they can easily convert to cash (like
> your stupid guns), and then get out again as
> quickly as they can. If you and your quaking and
> unpracticed hands pop out and confront them with a
> gun however, they will be painted into a corner
> that they hoped not to encounter but came prepared
> for, and they will kill you in a heartbeat. Of
> theirs. You won't have one anymore. Stupid
> assfucks are off the charts fucking ignorant.

Nope. Actually, it's not. According to BJS statistics those armed during a home invasion/robbery are far less likely to be injured and in cases where injury happens the are far less likely to be seriously injured. Which makes obvious sense when compared to someone being unarmed and at the mercy of an intruder/criminal.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: ETGXe ()
Date: January 05, 2015 06:11PM

XYMTL Wrote:
> There absolutely is a distinction between someone
> committing suicide and someone confronting an
> intruder in their home....

Less than you'd apparently suspect, goober. Pulling a gun on an intruder is very much like signing your own death warrant. Suicide-by-cop. suicide-by-intruder. Where's the fucking difference? Meanwhile, more than 30,000 people die from gunshot wounds every year, almost all of them deliberately inflicted. You act like it doesn't matter. That it's a small price to pay for "something". That makes you a worthless fucking asshole. Perhaps a stray bullet will take you out his evening. That would be a shame.

> +20,000 of your 30,000 number being suicides.

A successful suicide attempt with a gun results in one gun death. Are you really dumb enough to have needed that explained to you, or are you just trying to bullshit your failing self around having to recognize the obvious? Fucking twerp.

> ...Of the remaining deaths (and intentional shootings),
> the vast majority are young black males shooting
> each other.

Dude, more than half of all violent gun deaths are WHITE SUICIDES. No black person involved.

> Neither being part of the risk profile for typical
> legal gun owners with a gun in the home.

Once more for the really, really stupid: Having a gun in the home increases your odds of dying from a gunshot wound by a factor of nearly four. That's not protection you are buying. It's additional risk.

> Yeah, and? I was further qualifying your idiotic
> "4 times" stat. Even at "4 times" the number is
> relatively small. Literally, about 1 in a
> million.

No, dumbshit. Stop playing with numbers. You are no fucking good at it. 30,000 deaths out of 300,000,000 people is one in ten thousand. But it's an ANNUAL risk, you stupid fuck, not some lifetime risk. The level of just plain stupid-shit incompetence among gun-tards is simply astounding.

> As typical, you avoid quantification in order to
> present it as a greater risk than it actually is.

More than 30,000 dead. More than 150,000 wounded. Those are quantities, you innumerate asshole.

> Plus it's a bullshit number to begin with based on
> a study which has been discredited many times.

Lots of CDC numbers in there, moron. You get fucking stupider with each passing paragraph.

> Nope. Actually, it's not. According to BJS
> statistics those armed during a home
> invasion/robbery are far less likely to be injured
> and in cases where injury happens the are far less
> likely to be seriously injured. Which makes
> obvious sense when compared to someone being
> unarmed and at the mercy of an intruder/criminal.

You simply made that shit up, you smarmy desperate assfuck. An armed intruder will take you out if you become a threat by pulling a weapon. He is not going to chase you out the back door and track you down over at some neighbor's house. How fucking stupid are you willing to make yourself look in hopes of saving what cannot be saved at this point. What an absolute ASS!!!

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: NVewt ()
Date: January 05, 2015 07:10PM

By the way, that 30,000 deaths by handguns includes the following:

1. criminals killed in the act by handguns (whether by cops or civilians);

2. suicides by handgun.

I thought Democrats like suicide. In fact, Kevorkian is a hero to Democrats.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: GMNxj ()
Date: January 05, 2015 07:13PM

ETGXe Wrote:
> XYMTL Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > There absolutely is a distinction between
> someone
> > committing suicide and someone confronting an
> > intruder in their home....
> Less than you'd apparently suspect, goober.
> Pulling a gun on an intruder is very much like
> signing your own death warrant. Suicide-by-cop.
> suicide-by-intruder. Where's the fucking
> difference? Meanwhile, more than 30,000 people
> die from gunshot wounds every year, almost all of
> them deliberately inflicted. You act like it
> doesn't matter. That it's a small price to pay
> for "something". That makes you a worthless
> fucking asshole. Perhaps a stray bullet will take
> you out his evening. That would be a shame.

No, it's not. Equating the circumstances of suicide to criminal shootings and firearms-related accidents is disingenuous if not moronic. But thanks for conceding that's exactly what you're doing in your bogus count.

And repeating your dumb deceptive stat doesn't make it any more real.

> > +20,000 of your 30,000 number being suicides.
> A successful suicide attempt with a gun results in
> one gun death. Are you really dumb enough to have
> needed that explained to you, or are you just
> trying to bullshit your failing self around having
> to recognize the obvious? Fucking twerp.
> > ...Of the remaining deaths (and intentional
> shootings),
> > the vast majority are young black males
> shooting
> > each other.
> Dude, more than half of all violent gun deaths are
> WHITE SUICIDES. No black person involved.

Uh, retard, see where it says "Of the remaining deaths...?" I'd already addressed suicides. Again, you can't seem to keep suicides out of your counts. Understandable since most of your bogus gun stats that you've been fed also do in order to make the numbers higher than they would be if they were more clearly stated.

But you're right as far as the demo goes for suicide by firearm. The vast majority are middle-aged males with a history of mental problems and substance abuse. If you're not a middle-aged male with a history of mental problems and substance abuse then your risk profile is far, far lower. As the same applies in the case of young black males aged 14-24. If you are one selling drugs and thuggin' in inner-city Baltimore, then your risk is relatively higher. If not, then generally speaking you don't have a lot to worry about unless you happen to be a victim of said young black male. Which, again, is why you can't in any valid way lump such things together as you attempt to do.

> > Neither being part of the risk profile for
> typical
> > legal gun owners with a gun in the home.
> Once more for the really, really stupid: Having a
> gun in the home increases your odds of dying from
> a gunshot wound by a factor of nearly four.
> That's not protection you are buying. It's
> additional risk.

No, it doesn't. You cannot cite any valid source which says that it does.

> > Yeah, and? I was further qualifying your
> idiotic
> > "4 times" stat. Even at "4 times" the number
> is
> > relatively small. Literally, about 1 in a
> > million.
> No, dumbshit. Stop playing with numbers. You are
> no fucking good at it. 30,000 deaths out of
> 300,000,000 people is one in ten thousand. But
> it's an ANNUAL risk, you stupid fuck, not some
> lifetime risk. The level of just plain
> stupid-shit incompetence among gun-tards is simply
> astounding.

You're a retard. I wasn't citing any specific number. I was again just demonstrating how your "4 times" tard-stat was disingenuous and meaningless without further quantification.

But if you want to talk about lifetime risk we can. The lifetime risk of dying from a gun far less than many other common causes. Unless you're in some particular high risk groups, it's slightly higher than dying in a plane crash.

> > As typical, you avoid quantification in order to
> > present it as a greater risk than it actually
> is.
> More than 30,000 dead. More than 150,000 wounded.
> Those are quantities, you innumerate asshole.

Few of which have anything at all to do with a typical legal owner with a gun in the home, even less so in terms of facing an intruder. Surely someone even as limited as you can understand that much.

> > Plus it's a bullshit number to begin with based
> on
> > a study which has been discredited many times.
> Lots of CDC numbers in there, moron. You get
> fucking stupider with each passing paragraph.

No, it's not from CDC numbers. If you want to try to claim so, then cite the source specifically. You can't because it's bullshit.

> > Nope. Actually, it's not. According to BJS
> > statistics those armed during a home
> > invasion/robbery are far less likely to be
> injured
> > and in cases where injury happens the are far
> less
> > likely to be seriously injured. Which makes
> > obvious sense when compared to someone being
> > unarmed and at the mercy of an
> intruder/criminal.
> You simply made that shit up, you smarmy desperate
> assfuck. An armed intruder will take you out if
> you become a threat by pulling a weapon. He is
> not going to chase you out the back door and track
> you down over at some neighbor's house. How
> fucking stupid are you willing to make yourself
> look in hopes of saving what cannot be saved at
> this point. What an absolute ASS!!!

Nope, I didn't make it up. Look it up for yourself. While you're looking you may also find that an intruder has about a 1:31 chance of being shot during an burglary/robbery. Much higher than the odds of an armed victim of being injured whether by their own or anyone else's gun. Your braindead, purely emotional bullshit that someone armed is more likely to be injured versus someone unarmed is idiotic and supported by nothing.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Clear 100% victory ()
Date: January 05, 2015 07:54PM

The gun control crowd has really kicked the ass of the NRA crowd in this thread.

Thanks to all that have shared!

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Kommon sense ()
Date: January 05, 2015 08:04PM

The people who claim having a gun will help if your house is broken into remind me of the people who claim they don't wear seat belts because they're afraid of getting trapped in a wreck by a jammed seat belt. Yes, it could happen, but the facts show that the odds are so much greater of an unfortunate outcome that it's just stupid.

As the man said, "You're entitled to your own opinion--you aren't entitled to your own facts". This isn't an open question among researchers; it's at issue only among know-nothing gun fans who believe the lies spouted by the NRA.

Folks, let's face it: guns are fun. So are driving super-fast and unprotected sex with strange women. Being fun doesn't make any of them a good idea.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: There You Go Again ()
Date: January 05, 2015 08:48PM

>In case of intruder: Get out of the house if you can. If you can't, hide as best you can and be vewy, vewy quiet.

And leave your family to bear what ever? If your by your self and you can escape yes thats the best way out agreed, as said no one wants to shoot anyone, If you can get your family out also great, but if you or they are trapped you become "Vewy Quite?? What an Asshole!

You defie everything that made America great cowards. You are a insult to your heritage and the human race.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: n464w ()
Date: January 05, 2015 09:13PM

Kommon sense Wrote:
> The people who claim having a gun will help if
> your house is broken into remind me of the people
> who claim they don't wear seat belts because
> they're afraid of getting trapped in a wreck by a
> jammed seat belt. Yes, it could happen, but the
> facts show that the odds are so much greater of an
> unfortunate outcome that it's just stupid.
> As the man said, "You're entitled to your own
> opinion--you aren't entitled to your own facts".
> This isn't an open question among researchers;
> it's at issue only among know-nothing gun fans who
> believe the lies spouted by the NRA.
> Folks, let's face it: guns are fun. So are driving
> super-fast and unprotected sex with strange women.
> Being fun doesn't make any of them a good idea.

What isn't an open question? That you're in a better position against an intruder if armed versus unarmed?

It's more like someone who does wear seat belts in the event the relatively rare event happens. Or like someone who installs smoke and CO alarms and carries fire insurance even though fires and floods are relatively rare events which most don't really expect that there's a high likelihood that they'll be needed. But being rare doesn't really help much if you happen to find yourself in the small group affected. In that case you're in a far better relative position to have it versus not.

Which doesn't even get into that guns are fun and most are maintained for recreational and sporting purposes and represent no undue risk, in many cases less, versus many other similar things maintained for fun with some measure of risk.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Greybeard ()
Date: January 07, 2015 10:31AM

Using the logic that the NRA uses about home shootings, the French shooting at Charlie Hebdo "proves" that police shouldn't be armed, since two cops were killed by the shooters. Right?

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: DEYcx ()
Date: January 07, 2015 12:01PM

Greybeard Wrote:
> Using the logic that the NRA uses about home
> shootings, the French shooting at Charlie Hebdo
> "proves" that police shouldn't be armed, since two
> cops were killed by the shooters. Right?

More so it demonstrates your own idiot logic.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: ToBe ()
Date: January 07, 2015 12:13PM

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: An Attack in Paris?? ()
Date: January 07, 2015 12:17PM

With AK 47's at a comic book place.. NO WAY. What do you think We Are here!

Stupid? WE ALL KNOW how strict French Gun Controls ARE! They ARE ALL SAFE!


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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Shawshank ()
Date: January 07, 2015 12:27PM

I went to the NGS for the first time on Friday and it was certainly an eye-opening experience. I recently purchased my first pistol and went to the show looking for a few accessories including additional magazines and a range bag.

Really unprepared for the number of people...simply finding a parking space was a challenge at 3pm. The crowd...well I wonder if you could find a group of more unhealthly people in one place. Is there something about these shows that brings out the morbidly obese? Plus, if you wanted to stereotype gun ownwers you would not have to look very hard...it seemed like half the people there were hoping to be cast in a remake of Deliverance.

Also, what is the attraction with knives? Every other booth was selling them...am I missing something here?

Total time about 2 hours and I found what I was looking for along with some really good beef jerky. Would I go again? Probably not...for the most part I figure that I can get what I need from Amazon without the hassle.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Proof in the puddin ()
Date: January 07, 2015 12:29PM

Only terrorists and pussies use AK -47's. No real American would be caught alive with one.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Deputy ()
Date: January 07, 2015 12:44PM

Shawshank Wrote:
The crowd...well I wonder if
> you could find a group of more unhealthly people
> in one place. Is there something about these
> shows that brings out the morbidly obese? Plus,
> if you wanted to stereotype gun ownwers you would
> not have to look very hard...it seemed like half
> the people there were hoping to be cast in a
> remake of Deliverance.
> Also, what is the attraction with knives? Every
> other booth was selling them...am I missing
> something here?

I went to the gun show too and it looks like any other gathering in Fairfax
to me. My question is why do you have to resort to making up lies that nobody
will believe?

BTW, hunters use knives. Ever think about that?

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Your Way To Green and Young ()
Date: January 07, 2015 01:08PM

>Only terrorists and pussies use AK -47's. No real American would be caught alive with one.
To know anything about Vietnam and the first M-16's over there. The AK is one of the worlds best battle rifles. Lots of U.S. troops years back would use one in a second.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: January 07, 2015 01:29PM

Shawshank Wrote:
> The crowd...well I wonder if
> you could find a group of more unhealthly people
> in one place. Is there something about these
> shows that brings out the morbidly obese?

Well, gun nuttery is well-known to be associated with obesity. They're like peanut butter and jelly. Just one of those things.

> Plus,
> if you wanted to stereotype gun ownwers you would
> not have to look very hard...it seemed like half
> the people there were hoping to be cast in a
> remake of Deliverance.

They're all wannabe hard-asses, no doubt. There's nothing cuter than scared gun owners. :-)

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Fools Gold ()
Date: January 07, 2015 03:28PM

I do own guns and see their value, for sport and self defense. I must say that people who eat sleep and breath guns are annoying..only just because people who obsess over anything like that are weird.

BUT, I do respect and use my right to own an armament to protect my family and my home. It's funny how many of these "ICANTBREATH" and "shotacop" Liberals are the same ones who don't like Guns...again just an example of them erroneously assuming that the rest of the world thinks and feels like they do. Hell they cannot even leave their suburban bubble long enough to experience DC, much less head over to Jihad land (Europe or Middle East) to face a real foe who would filet them like a fish and then make their wife a concubine.

Overeacting? Ask Theo VanGogh, Ask Pim Fortuyn, ask the French Cartoonists...

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: 7CyHj ()
Date: January 07, 2015 04:16PM

Coward here.

Man, that stench from the Democratic controlled House is finally starting to go away. Pelosi can eat shit and die, just like the OP of this thread, and all the other liberal pussy-faggots who don't like guns. Their mama's taught them well.

Meanwhile, I'm going to eat some chicken.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: January 07, 2015 04:53PM

7CyHj Wrote:
> Coward here.
> Meanwhile, I'm going to eat

Hard to believe. :-)


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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: ptedp ()
Date: January 07, 2015 05:03PM

Kilton Wrote:
> 7CyHj Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Coward here.
> > Meanwhile, I'm going to eat
> Hard to believe. :-)
> src="http://media1.giphy.com/media/eAUydq5MV0OXu/2
> 00_s.gif">

Kilton! Long time!

How was Christmas? Got your card...


Looks like you've been working out bro!

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Dane Bramage ()
Date: January 07, 2015 07:46PM

Gun control worked real well in France.

“We don’t have any rude, unpleasant people here. We’re different!”

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: The Bad News Is That ()
Date: January 07, 2015 08:48PM

These terrorists have never really gone face to face like this. They like to bomb, use planes as they did on 911, set up chicken shit roadside IED's, And yes France has strict gun controls. This was a state sponsered operation. getting AK's in was no problem. In the US how many drugs get by every day . as well as how many illegals pass thru.So these terrorists can freely come on in here Thanks to Obama and the Democrats. So in time we too will have to be watching out for them.

Close The God Damned Border You Democrat Assholes! And stop trying to take the citizens of the USA's guns away.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Greybeard ()
Date: January 07, 2015 10:51PM

DEYcx Wrote:
> More so it demonstrates your own idiot logic.

Ooh, I'm wounded. Actually, you just proved my point, sonny.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: kiltons BFF ()
Date: January 07, 2015 11:01PM

Dane Bramage Wrote:
> Gun control worked real well in France.

Ermmm, why yes it does.


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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Mystery Solved ()
Date: January 07, 2015 11:21PM

kiltons BFF Wrote:
> Dane Bramage Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Gun control worked real well in France.
> Ermmm, why yes it does.
> img src="http://oi61.tinypic.com/2vb3bl4.jpg"/>

We have 5X as many thug negroes shooting each other.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: January 08, 2015 06:44AM

kiltons BFF Wrote:
> Dane Bramage Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Gun control worked real well in France.
> Ermmm, why yes it does.

LOL, and lest anyone think that Dane was just trolling -- I assure you he was serious. He's every bit that stupid.

He probably got stuck in the snow again the other day, and had to abandon his car -- like he did a couple years ago. A thing like that would put anyone in a bad mood. :-)

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Arm more ()
Date: January 14, 2015 07:47PM

The gun show is like every 5 or 6 weeks. Next show is Feb 13,14,15.
The buyers in Fairfax always pay way too much for their guns and ammo.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Good Morning Egg! ()
Date: February 08, 2015 08:40PM

Some Egg Cookery For Kilton So he can lay off the Hot Dogs.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: tourist2 ()
Date: October 02, 2015 09:52AM

Are the cowards going to be there today? I want to go and see how many of them are fat slobs.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: isbs ()
Date: October 02, 2015 10:36AM

Once again... Wrote:
> More than 30,000 dead each year. More than
> 150,000 seriously injured. All but a tiny portion
> of the carnage done deliberately. By someone With
> access to a gun.

So you have an overactive imagination?

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: October 02, 2015 03:28PM

tourist2 Wrote:
> Are the cowards going to be there today? I want to
> go and see how many of them are fat slobs.

Fear doesn't care about the weather, so they'll be there rain or shine!

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: FrankR. ()
Date: October 02, 2015 07:11PM

Just curious if those here against guns (and freedom) have ever shot one? Don't knock it until you try it. Just think if you had never let your boyfriend put his STD ridden cock in your gay ass, you might still be straight.

P.S. You're the scared ones, not us.

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