coincidence or conspiracy? Wrote:
> Rocky Horror Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The owners have pledged to continue playing
> Rocky
> > Horror for the next 50 years so that all the
> > losers have a place to go jerk off on Saturday
> > nights.
> Coincidentally, Cary has made a similar pledge
> regarding Fairfax Underground.
> "[H]e wants it to last for 50 years..." - Tom
> Jackman, 12/21/2012
> ova/post/fairfax-underground-website-ordered-to-re
> move-fairfax-high-school-grades/2012/12/21/0326c09
> 0-4bb0-11e2-a6a6-aabac85e8036_blog.html
> That means Cary has committed to spending $42,000
> in today's money over the next several decades to
> ensure that you have a place to act like an
> asshole for as long as you want.
That's about what i'll spend on whores over the next 20 years.