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Foust controlled by PACs
Posted by: Herp a Derp ()
Date: July 29, 2014 06:28PM

Nice to know who he's representing...


Yesterday the Washington Post noted that the day is coming that campaigns could be run entirely by Super PACs. Sure, it was a critical review of the McDaniel race down in Mississippi, but the WaPo editors don’t have to go far to find a PAC run campaign – there’s one right here in their backyard.

John Foust, Democrat candidate for Congress in the 10th District of Virginia, isn’t really excited to be running. Doorknocking? Nah. Staff? Can’t be bothered. Running in general? Yawn.

So the DCCC, who is the ONLY reason Foust is running (not because he loves the people of the 10th District or thanks to a groundswell of voices screaming “DRAFT FOUST!”, no, it’s because the DCCC begged him to run) is trying desperately to salvage his campaign by hiring staff for him from OUTSIDE THE 10TH DISTRICT as demonstrated by this email they put out this week:

Are you interested in joining a Congressional campaign this cycle?

Then drop by Democratic Headquarters and learn about entry-level paid field positions on targeted Congressional races.

Democratic candidate John Foust (VA-10) will be addressing interested applicants. Afterwards, you will have the chance to interview with members of his campaign staff. (Foust is part of the DCCC’s Red-to-Blue program which means he is in one of our most competitive races this cycle.)

Make sure to bring a copy of your resume since we will be collecting it to distribute to Congressional races nationwide.

Here are the details:

WHEN: Thursday, July 24


WHERE: Democratic National Headquarters, Wasserman Room
Washington, DC


All you need to bring is your resume and your commitment to electing Democrats this November! We hope to see you this Thursday.


Democratic Headquarters

Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003
(202) 863-1500 | http://www.dccc.org | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Please help? Pretty please? Like, really, our candidate can’t care enough to do it, so won’t you?

See that “Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee”? See how Foust is speaking to the group and how “you will have the chance to interview with members of his campaign staff”? Because, you know, this is “not authorized” in any way…

Foust, who can’t help himself, can’t find help in the 10th, so the DCCC comes to the rescue with a job fair.

Democrat PACs are buying up all of the air time in Virginia’s 10th and dumping millions into this race to try and flip Rep. Frank Wolf’s seat to the Democrat column. But Barbara Comstock isn’t going to be that easy to beat. Even with the Clinton machine piling on with sexist attacks.

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Re: Foust controlled by PACs
Posted by: Faustus ()
Date: July 29, 2014 06:33PM

"Foust, who can’t help himself, can’t find help in the 10th..."

At this rate he'll be lucky if he can find the 10th.

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Re: Foust controlled by PACs
Posted by: try again ()
Date: July 29, 2014 07:07PM

Virginia Virtucon? Now that is funny. It's on the internet so it must be fair and balanced.

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Re: Foust controlled by PACs
Posted by: FOUST IN FLAMES ()
Date: July 29, 2014 07:17PM

Maybe not F&B, but if it's on the Internet it must be true. That's the rule. Gnome sayin.

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Re: Foust controlled by PACs
Posted by: So it Seems ()
Date: July 29, 2014 11:18PM

Foust doesn't appear that interested in being elected to Congress, or maybe he recognizes the odds are way against him in the 10th.

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