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Military housing allowance
Posted by: Taxpayer rage ()
Date: July 27, 2014 10:27AM

I heard from a friend renting he house for the first time that military get a ton of dough on housing allowance.

Anyone familiar with the amount doled out courtesy of taxpayers?

One prospective tenant...single btw...was given 2600 smackers.

Sounds a bit high to me.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: Sgt. Slaughter ()
Date: July 27, 2014 10:35AM

I heard that some people will believe anything. Seems like that's true.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: Captain Dynamite ()
Date: July 27, 2014 10:39AM

Taxpayer rage Wrote:
> I heard from a friend renting he house for the
> first time that military get a ton of dough on
> housing allowance.
> Anyone familiar with the amount doled out courtesy
> of taxpayers?
> One prospective tenant...single btw...was given
> 2600 smackers.
> Sounds a bit high to me.

That sounds about right to me. You have to consider utilities too.
Would you rather have them living in a public housing project in DC?
BTW, troops are taxpayers too.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: Pay your own damn mortgage ()
Date: July 27, 2014 10:43AM

These people in the military get paid...some quite well. So why can't they pay their own damn house payment?

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: July 27, 2014 10:48AM



BAH is calculated by the zip code of each duty station. It's then based on your pay grade, and whether or not you have dependents.

A Private First Class stationed at Fort Belvoir (zip 22060) would receive $2034 a month in housing allowance. A Captain without dependents would receive $2343.

Blessed are the murderous.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: It depends ()
Date: July 27, 2014 11:03AM

Eligibility for an off-base housing allowance depends on marital status and whether suitable on-base housing is available. You can't just decide that you don't like the barracks anymore and move out.

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Posted by: chuckhoffmann ()
Date: July 27, 2014 11:06AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/27/2014 07:59AM by chuckhoffmann.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: July 27, 2014 11:17AM

It depends Wrote:
> Eligibility for an off-base housing allowance
> depends on marital status and whether suitable
> on-base housing is available. You can't just
> decide that you don't like the barracks anymore
> and move out.

If you're an E-5 or above, and the barracks are over 90% occupancy, you are eligible to move out into housing.

Almost always, if you are on a post where the barracks are full, the housing is also full, which means you can move off-post. This happened when I was stationed in Wiesbaden, and over there the overseas housing allowance (OHA) is really nice.

The difference with OHA vs BAH is that OHA is based on your rental contract and capped at a certain amount based on duty location. You don't get a lump sum like you do with BAH, BUT you get a lump sum for utilities. With BAH, it's assumed that you can take care of utilities with the leftover BAH.

It's like you said though, if base housing is available, you won't get BAH. This gets a lot of people in trouble with their finances, they get financed for things based off of their base salary + BAH, when you are supposed to only report your base salary for credit purposes.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: militarystate ()
Date: July 27, 2014 11:20AM

Folks we live in a military state. Not saying that is all bad but Socialism (as GOP would incorrectly call it) is alive and well with military folk. Paid housing, paid healthcare, paid sick leave, paid retirement. No other government job (other than Senate or Congress) has so many benefits. We spend $619 Billion a year. That is up from $300 Billion in 2001. And your representatives want to spend more and more.

I am glad those that serve get socialized medicine and housing, I think everyone in the country should serve a minimum and I think everyone should have full healthcare for life in this country.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: nosurprise ()
Date: July 27, 2014 11:22AM

no surprise rents in this area are so high. Just look at the O4 compensation with dependents and you will see the going rental rates for the good school districts in FFX. Govt handouts inflating costs for everyone - yippie!

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: let's do it ()
Date: July 27, 2014 12:01PM

"I am glad those that serve get socialized medicine and housing, I think everyone in the country should serve a minimum and I think everyone should have full healthcare for life in this country."


This would do more to bring people together and might put a brake on the college arms race. Great idea.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: Gunlover ()
Date: July 27, 2014 12:09PM

OP, Join the military and find out.

Never Run Out of Ammo

Guns Don't Kill People. People Kill People

Them or You

The two most important days in your life are the day your were born and and the day you find out why

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: July 27, 2014 12:14PM

Gunlover Wrote:
> OP, Join the military and find out.

Practice what you preach.

Blessed are the murderous.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: Gunlover ()
Date: July 27, 2014 01:05PM

eesh Wrote:
> Gunlover Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > OP, Join the military and find out.
> Practice what you preach.

Done that. Now you?

Never Run Out of Ammo

Guns Don't Kill People. People Kill People

Them or You

The two most important days in your life are the day your were born and and the day you find out why

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: been there, done that ()
Date: July 27, 2014 01:17PM

""I am glad those that serve get socialized medicine and housing, I think everyone in the country should serve a minimum and I think everyone should have full healthcare for life in this country."

As an example of that "socialized medicine". I was a military spouse. Wait times, wait times, wait times. Think going to the emergency room for a cold.
When my daughter was born: 20 hours of labor before they called in an obstetrician. After her birth, I shared a room with three other women--and their babies. No nursery care-except for babies in distress. No night lights in the room, so we had overhead lights on all night. I didn't have to change my own sheets, but I've known those who had to do so. Military medicine is no picnic. It is free, though--except you have to pay for meals.

As far as the housing allowance, it helps make up for the poor pay. And, remember, in many cases the spouse has a hard time finding work due to frequent moves. And, do you like the idea of your spouse being gone months at a time--in dangerous situations?

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: Sgt. Sandbags ()
Date: July 27, 2014 01:28PM

I was never in off base housing during my 4 year hitch and was deployed
overseas for 42 months. 24 months of those were living in tents in a jungle
in northeast Thailand and Nam. If I'd came back to a stateside assignment
and some asshole who who hadn't walked the walk told me I was overpaid or over-
compensated he'd best have his running shoes on.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: JJ79M ()
Date: July 27, 2014 02:54PM

been there, done that Wrote:
> ""I am glad those that serve get socialized
> medicine and housing, I think everyone in the
> country should serve a minimum and I think
> everyone should have full healthcare for life in
> this country."
> As an example of that "socialized medicine". I
> was a military spouse. Wait times, wait times,
> wait times. Think going to the emergency room for
> a cold.
> When my daughter was born: 20 hours of labor
> before they called in an obstetrician. After her
> birth, I shared a room with three other women--and
> their babies. No nursery care-except for babies
> in distress. No night lights in the room, so we
> had overhead lights on all night. I didn't have
> to change my own sheets, but I've known those who
> had to do so. Military medicine is no picnic. It
> is free, though--except you have to pay for
> meals.
> As far as the housing allowance, it helps make up
> for the poor pay. And, remember, in many cases
> the spouse has a hard time finding work due to
> frequent moves. And, do you like the idea of your
> spouse being gone months at a time--in dangerous
> situations?

You sound so bitter and ungreatful. We have not had a draft in this country for decades - you and your spouse chose all of this. As to your free medical - you could pay for insurance like the rest of us and get what you believe you are missing, its a free country. As to the poor pay - bs. you have steady employment and the 30-40k a year in housing is part of your pay.

As to the danger and missing parent for months - your choice not ours. As I stated if everyone served fewer lifers would be needed and you could join the rest of us in the bliss that is private employment with all its job insecurity, no living expenses, and 4 star health care.

Give me a break - talk about feeling entitled.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: 6NG9w ()
Date: July 27, 2014 02:57PM

Sgt. Sandbags Wrote:
> I was never in off base housing during my 4 year
> hitch and was deployed
> overseas for 42 months. 24 months of those were
> living in tents in a jungle
> in northeast Thailand and Nam. If I'd came back
> to a stateside assignment
> and some asshole who who hadn't walked the walk
> told me I was overpaid or over-
> compensated he'd best have his running shoes on.

BS. You would have done nothing.

You chose to live in a tent not me. I dont have to 'walk the walk' to have an opinion about how much I pay you. The job is your choice and no one owes you anything.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: July 27, 2014 02:58PM

been there, done that Wrote:
> And, remember, in many cases
> the spouse has a hard time finding work due to
> frequent moves.

Spouses and dependents are given hiring preference by AAFES and MWR. They also can use tuition assistance of their spouse and GI Bill benefits can be transferred to children. You have plenty to stay occupied while touring with your husband/wife.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/27/2014 02:59PM by eesh.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: Sgt. Sandbags ()
Date: July 27, 2014 03:21PM

6NG9w Wrote:
> Sgt. Sandbags Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I was never in off base housing during my 4
> year
> > hitch and was deployed
> > overseas for 42 months. 24 months of those were
> > living in tents in a jungle
> > in northeast Thailand and Nam. If I'd came
> back
> > to a stateside assignment
> > and some asshole who who hadn't walked the walk
> > told me I was overpaid or over-
> > compensated he'd best have his running shoes
> on.
> BS. You would have done nothing.
> You chose to live in a tent not me. I dont have
> to 'walk the walk' to have an opinion about how
> much I pay you. The job is your choice and no one
> owes you anything.

Call up Gerry Connolly and tell him your troubles. I'm sure he's all ears.
You also need to get off your fat ass and talk to some GI's who have spent
the last several years of their lives in the Sandbox. Tell them all about it.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: July 27, 2014 03:22PM

Pay your own damn mortgage Wrote:
> These people in the military get paid...some quite
> well. So why can't they pay their own damn house
> payment?

Quite the uneducated douche aren't you?

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: Welfare Queens ()
Date: July 27, 2014 03:28PM

That's pretty much right, OP. And remember that whatever they get in BAH, you might as well go ahead and multiply that by 30%, because that shit is TAX FREE. So remember that the next time you hear about how those poor, poor military folks are so underpaid. Tax-free BAH, retention bonuses, tax-free status each month they're in a rather generously defined war zone. Not bad for a job you can do right out of high school.

I think we know who the real welfare queens are, and it ain't Shaneeq'kwa getting a few dollars for groceries.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: observer of things2 ()
Date: July 27, 2014 03:35PM

Have you ever noticed how incredibly stupid military people are?

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: BCT ()
Date: July 27, 2014 03:41PM

Sounds like somebody couldn't pass the physical/mental exams.


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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: Too much money ()
Date: July 27, 2014 11:20PM

Could there be another country on the planet that wastes more money than we do?

Why do we have to pay someone else's bills?

I'm done with all this crap.

Pay your own damn bills.

A navy commander making 90k should pay their own rent.

They retire at 55. I'm fucking sick of the freeloaders.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: So Take Off Aready ()
Date: July 27, 2014 11:31PM

Too much money Wrote:
> I'm fucking sick of the freeloaders.

All talk, no show. Just another wussy whiner-woman.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: July 28, 2014 12:16AM

Too much money Wrote:

> A navy commander making 90k should pay their own
> rent.

That's oddly specific in a thread about general military pay. I guess someone you know, probably a neighbor, is an officer in the Navy, and you are resentful/jealous of them.

Blessed are the murderous.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: alwayswondered ()
Date: July 28, 2014 12:24AM

I always wondered why all the military families could afford to rent/buy really nice houses and have the wife stay home - not many civilians around here can do that. I always thought they were paid a reasonable but not lavish salary. I didnt know they got 30k tax-free dollars on top of salary.

Many military seem to think we owe them gratitude - fine but remember we pay them very well for their services.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: You can have it ()
Date: July 28, 2014 06:18AM

I did my time and got out honorably. Don't regret it but I don't like the lifestyle. It's far too much on teamwork (over 60% is deadwood you have to carry), too intrusive and processed.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: July 28, 2014 06:57AM

Too much money Wrote:
> Could there be another country on the planet that
> wastes more money than we do?
> Why do we have to pay someone else's bills?
> I'm done with all this crap.
> Pay your own damn bills.
> A navy commander making 90k should pay their own
> rent.
> They retire at 55. I'm fucking sick of the
> freeloaders.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: curious question ()
Date: July 28, 2014 07:49AM

Do you think a GS 13 deserves his pay? Which he gets for a 40 hour week?
Where he doesn't spend months on deployment working long shifts and has to be available 24/7?

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: ECPDW ()
Date: July 28, 2014 08:29AM

curious question Wrote:
> Do you think a GS 13 deserves his pay? Which he
> gets for a 40 hour week?
> Where he doesn't spend months on deployment
> working long shifts and has to be available 24/7?

71k - sure that is not a lot in this area. What is the problem. Now if we gave them a 30k tax-free housing allowance and completely free healthcare on top of that, that would be absurd.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: military spouse ()
Date: July 28, 2014 08:44AM

So, you judge the GS13 from the bottom of the scale--but the O5 from the top. Cool. You do know that the housing allowance in other places is not as generous as that in DC. And, if you are looking for rental--which many are--it is not that generous.

I'll have to say that as a military spouse of a husband who retired years ago, that the relative pay and allowances are much better now than they were back in the day. However, today the deployments are much, much worse. Not only that, it is not a secure job anymore. I also have to note that the average person who has not worked or lived in a military environment has no idea how hard these people work. Not many civilians work nearly as hard--except, perhaps first responders. Military frequently work six days a week--sometimes seven, even when not deployed.
They don't do it for the money.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: iklskjgie ()
Date: July 28, 2014 10:17AM

Re military family life: the kids are pretty screwed-up (suicide statistics)

And people wonder what's going on in our area schools.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: That Guy ()
Date: July 28, 2014 10:20AM

Too much money Wrote:
> Could there be another country on the planet that
> wastes more money than we do?
> Why do we have to pay someone else's bills?
> I'm done with all this crap.
> Pay your own damn bills.
> A navy commander making 90k should pay their own
> rent.
> They retire at 55. I'm fucking sick of the
> freeloaders.

There are several retired military in my neighborhood. All three are in their mid 40s. Retired after 25 years in! Receiving 63% of their salary (average of last 3 years) plus annual Cost of Living Adjustments for life! They will also receive social security when they are eligible. All three are now working for beltway bandits and earning $150K or more. This plus their military pensions puts most of them over $200K. To top it off, their children can attend any college in the country and pay in-state tuition rates!

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: hillarysbroke ()
Date: July 28, 2014 10:48AM

If you want military benefits find yourself in a recruiters office.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: Not Even ()
Date: July 28, 2014 11:37AM

"To top it off, their children can attend any college in the country and pay in-state tuition rates!"


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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: July 28, 2014 11:40AM

hillarysbroke Wrote:
> If you want military benefits find yourself in a
> recruiters office.

This is why morons such as yourself could never cut it in the military. Just too stupid. You'd shoot yourself in the face cleaning your weapon.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: hillarysbroke ()
Date: July 28, 2014 11:45AM

496 Wrote:
> hillarysbroke Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > If you want military benefits find yourself in
> a
> > recruiters office.
> This is why morons such as yourself could never
> cut it in the military. Just too stupid. You'd
> shoot yourself in the face cleaning your weapon.

I'm a vet who just made you sound very foolish. Put your time in and come back when you've been there and done that.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: military= couldn't getin2college ()
Date: July 28, 2014 11:46AM

496 Wrote:
> hillarysbroke Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > If you want military benefits find yourself in
> a
> > recruiters office.
> This is why morons such as yourself could never
> cut it in the military. Just too stupid. You'd
> shoot yourself in the face cleaning your weapon.

Uhh okay, that's why they were calling my house 6 times a day after high school.

All the retards I know from HS joined the military, it is not that hard to get in. `

Military is almost as bad as a blood sucking liberal wanting free shit thinking everything is owed to them. If you cant do Join. Lets face it, most of them are slightly retarded considering they had to join the military to make something of their life.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: please read between the lines ()
Date: July 28, 2014 11:53AM

"There are several retired military in my neighborhood. All three are in their mid 40s. Retired after 25 years in! Receiving 63% of their salary (average of last 3 years) plus annual Cost of Living Adjustments for life! They will also receive social security when they are eligible. All three are now working for beltway bandits and earning $150K or more. This plus their military pensions puts most of them over $200K. To top it off, their children can attend any college in the country and pay in-state tuition rates!"

First, good for them if they are collecting that much from the beltway bandits. They cannot be officers if they retired at 25 years in their mid forties. Wonder how many deployments they had? To be pulling in 150K from an enlisted man is kind of surprising--good on them.

Next, the kids of retirees do not get in-state tuition rates unless they live in that state. Where in the world did you get that?

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: oyeah ()
Date: July 28, 2014 11:53AM

military= couldn't getin2college Wrote:
> 496 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > hillarysbroke Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > If you want military benefits find yourself
> in
> > a
> > > recruiters office.
> >
> >
> > This is why morons such as yourself could never
> > cut it in the military. Just too stupid. You'd
> > shoot yourself in the face cleaning your
> weapon.
> Uhh okay, that's why they were calling my house 6
> times a day after high school.
> All the retards I know from HS joined the
> military, it is not that hard to get in. `
> Military is almost as bad as a blood sucking
> liberal wanting free shit thinking everything is
> owed to them. If you cant do Join. Lets face it,
> most of them are slightly retarded considering
> they had to join the military to make something of
> their life.


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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: a little old but good enough.. ()
Date: July 28, 2014 11:57AM


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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: 154648484 ()
Date: July 28, 2014 12:12PM

Irony that you gotta vote Dems to cut Military Welfare programs...

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: Retired in Fairfax ()
Date: July 28, 2014 12:26PM

Put in 34 years as an enlisted man, including service in Vietnam. Retired now, receiving pension of 25k per year. Living in Fairfax that does not go far. My wife still works, which is why we still live here. When she stops, we will move. The HOA money allowed us to buy a house and pay a mortgage. Now we can sell the house and take cash with us when we leave.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: Asshole Report #14-0071 ()
Date: July 28, 2014 12:30PM

Retired in Fairfax Wrote:
> Put in 34 years as an enlisted man, including
> service in Vietnam. Retired now, receiving pension
> of 25k per year. Living in Fairfax that does not
> go far. My wife still works, which is why we still
> live here. When she stops, we will move. The HOA
> money allowed us to buy a house and pay a
> mortgage. Now we can sell the house and take cash
> with us when we leave.

Well you goober fucktard, you should have found a higher paying job like myself.

I will finish my life living in Vienna, I pay more than $20k a year just in upkeep on my estate.

You should be glad you live in such a fine county, the next illegal Hispanic you see, you should thank him.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: July 28, 2014 01:13PM

please read between the lines Wrote:
> They cannot be
> officers if they retired at 25 years in their mid
> forties.

Assuming they went ROTC or military, and graduated at 21-22, then that would make them mid to late 40s if they have 25 years time in service.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: I served 20+ yrs. did you? ()
Date: July 28, 2014 05:23PM

You are all missing some important points.

There are several components to military pay.

Base pay- this is your basic salary.

Subsistence-this is for food. Some people who live in the barracks get their meals in the dining facility, so they don't get subsistence, which is why it is calculated out separately.

Housing allowance-You either live on base, in which case you don't receive a housing allowance, or off base, in which case they give you money to pay for your housing on the open market. Base housing is often booked with a long waiting list, or they might want your four kids to cram into two bedrooms, which won't work for you, etc. So, you take your chances and make arrangements out in town. Base housing is NOT free for the taxpayer. There are the costs of building housing, maintaining it, utilities, etc. It makes complete sense to also have the option to live off base and take a housing allowance. This is NOT a taxpayer scam or an unwarranted benefit. You have to live somewhere.

Variable Housing Allowance (VHA)-It is obviously cheaper to live in Fargo than Fairfax. You are issued orders of where you are going to work. You often times don't have a choice. They add on VHA to help cushion the high cost areas.

We never had any surplus after paying mortgage or rent, utilities, upkeep, etc. Usually we were negative, and picking up the additional expenses out of our basic pay. But, that was a choice we made in order to have more comfortable housing, better schools, whatever. We also never made a dollar on any house we owned because they do absolutely nothing to help you with this. You have to recover commissions and other selling expenses out of whatever equity you might be able to earn, which often times is nothing.

You also can receive supplements if you are an aviator, in a combat zone, etc. Because the chances of you dying tragically are much higher than somebody working a desk in Des Moines.

This is a very logically set up system.

There are other fields where you can retire after 20 or so years and receive a partial pension. Many of them don't involve being shot at or on call 24/7/365. Some do.


You are welcome. I enjoyed serving you and my country.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: I served 20+ years did you? ()
Date: July 28, 2014 06:06PM

I will also share my favorite bumper sticker-

"If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you are reading this in English, THANK A VET."

I think sums it up nicely.

You are very welcome.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: real world. ()
Date: July 28, 2014 06:09PM

Ex-mil does not equal quality. We tried that ish' back in 09' but came to find out they worked like drones and came with Diva like qualities. Bitching & moaning about work & why it wasn't ran like the mil on a daily basis. No thanks. Give me a struggling immigrant trying to make it 10 times out of 10. Muffackas work. Period.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: I served 20+ years did you? ()
Date: July 28, 2014 06:26PM

If you want/need a mother fucker as an employee, go right ahead.

If you want somebody who can get a security clearance, understands something about integrity/ethics etc., or holds a professional license, or has a PhD., etc., then you don't want a mother fucker.

I will take a vet any day of the year.

God Bless America.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: Worked with them, terrible ()
Date: July 28, 2014 06:28PM

I think we can all agree that Military = Welfare for the Stupid.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: Worked with them, terrible ()
Date: July 28, 2014 06:41PM

I think we can all agree that illegals need to go back where they came from.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: so sad ()
Date: July 28, 2014 08:12PM

Worked with them, terrible Wrote:
> I think we can all agree that Military = Welfare
> for the Stupid.

sad but true.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: heroes ()
Date: July 28, 2014 08:19PM

My father enlisted at age 17 in 1943. Went ashore at Omaha on D-Day. Took a German round that caused him to limp for the rest of his life. Of course, I imagine that he considered himself lucky. I have to "imagine" because he NEVER, EVER talked about the war, at least not to us kids, even after we were adults.

If these modern day military "heroes" had done anything remotely as important as what our WWII troops did, they would demand that we kiss their asses 24/7/365. WWII is the last War where our "freedom" was truly on the line.

After the War, my dad did what true "citizen soldiers" do, he returned to civilian life.

After all my dad's sacrifice, he wasn't even eligible for burial at Arlington. Nope, you have to fly a desk at the Pentagon for 20 years for that!

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: 20 years ()
Date: July 28, 2014 08:32PM

heroes Wrote:
> My father enlisted at age 17 in 1943. Went ashore
> at Omaha on D-Day. Took a German round that
> caused him to limp for the rest of his life. Of
> course, I imagine that he considered himself
> lucky. I have to "imagine" because he NEVER, EVER
> talked about the war, at least not to us kids,
> even after we were adults.
> If these modern day military "heroes" had done
> anything remotely as important as what our WWII
> troops did, they would demand that we kiss their
> asses 24/7/365. WWII is the last War where our
> "freedom" was truly on the line.
> After the War, my dad did what true "citizen
> soldiers" do, he returned to civilian life.
> After all my dad's sacrifice, he wasn't even
> eligible for burial at Arlington. Nope, you have
> to fly a desk at the Pentagon for 20 years for
> that!

He is eligible to be inurned at Arlington. We just did that with my father, a WW2 enlisted vet. They aren't eligible for ground burial. If they are cremated, no problem.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: I just got home folks ()
Date: July 28, 2014 10:20PM

I am a little sick of this crap about the military working 24/7. Don't think so. I work in private sector and just got home..no overtime and I pay my own house payment.

Pay them for what they are worth and stop this housing allowance crap.

Maybe that is why house prices keep raising...the friggin taxpayers are making all the payments for these guys.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: What about cops ()
Date: July 28, 2014 10:40PM

If one more military egomaniac posts how he saves the friggin world each day I am going to puke.

Most of you guys are paper pushers, nothing more.

Probably never even fired a weapon.

Cops have. They risk it every day and they don't get their mortgage paid.

What crap.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: July 29, 2014 04:49AM

hillarysbroke Wrote:
> 496 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > hillarysbroke Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > If you want military benefits find yourself
> in
> > a
> > > recruiters office.
> >
> >
> > This is why morons such as yourself could never
> > cut it in the military. Just too stupid. You'd
> > shoot yourself in the face cleaning your
> weapon.
> I'm a vet who just made you sound very foolish.
> Put your time in and come back when you've been
> there and done that.

Really? I seriously doubt you could even be a pimple on a paratrooper's ass.
Get back to work typing your TPS reports.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: What an asshat ()
Date: July 29, 2014 06:14AM

496 isn't your average everyday jarhead now. He wants you to know that he's the king of jarheads.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: to heroes ()
Date: July 29, 2014 07:24AM

"My father enlisted at age 17 in 1943. Went ashore at Omaha on D-Day. Took a German round that caused him to limp for the rest of his life. Of course, I imagine that he considered himself lucky. I have to "imagine" because he NEVER, EVER talked about the war, at least not to us kids, even after we were adults.

If these modern day military "heroes" had done anything remotely as important as what our WWII troops did, they would demand that we kiss their asses 24/7/365. WWII is the last War where our "freedom" was truly on the line.

After the War, my dad did what true "citizen soldiers" do, he returned to civilian life.

After all my dad's sacrifice, he wasn't even eligible for burial at Arlington. Nope, you have to fly a desk at the Pentagon for 20 years for that!"

If he took a bullet and had a limp, he should have had a Purple Heart--that qualifies him for burial at Arlington. The rules are pretty clear.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: 20 years ()
Date: July 29, 2014 08:03AM

Military DO make their own house payments. Their salaries are adjusted for whether they receive base housing or live off-base. In some places they HAVE to live on-base. People who live on-base should not receive the same salary that people who live off-base do, because housing is part of their total pay package. If both received the same pay, the people who live on-base would be receiving double benefits.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: 20 years ()
Date: July 29, 2014 08:06AM

to heroes Wrote:
> "My father enlisted at age 17 in 1943. Went ashore
> at Omaha on D-Day. Took a German round that caused
> him to limp for the rest of his life. Of course, I
> imagine that he considered himself lucky. I have
> to "imagine" because he NEVER, EVER talked about
> the war, at least not to us kids, even after we
> were adults.
> If these modern day military "heroes" had done
> anything remotely as important as what our WWII
> troops did, they would demand that we kiss their
> asses 24/7/365. WWII is the last War where our
> "freedom" was truly on the line.
> After the War, my dad did what true "citizen
> soldiers" do, he returned to civilian life.
> After all my dad's sacrifice, he wasn't even
> eligible for burial at Arlington. Nope, you have
> to fly a desk at the Pentagon for 20 years for
> that!"
> If he took a bullet and had a limp, he should have
> had a Purple Heart--that qualifies him for burial
> at Arlington. The rules are pretty clear.

That is a good point! As long he had an honorable discharge, if he had a Purple Heart, he is entitled to ground burial.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: more ()
Date: July 29, 2014 08:13AM

Also, if he had a limp, he should have qualified as VA disabled.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: ps.... ()
Date: July 29, 2014 08:15AM

I know lots of military people. I don't know anyone who "flew a desk" at the Pentagon for 20 years.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: Sad Sack ()
Date: July 29, 2014 08:43AM

ps.... Wrote:
> I know lots of military people. I don't know
> anyone who "flew a desk" at the Pentagon for 20
> years.

That's right. While I was in the Army the Pentagon was usually a three year assignment. In my MOS the Pentagon was also viewed as one of least desirable of assignments because of the cost of living in the DC area (A private made around $100 per month in those days) and all the bullshit that goes with being around a mob of senior officers all the time.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: dependence ()
Date: July 29, 2014 09:10AM

I think part of the truth is that we want our military dependent on the military for their lives. We need to recruit and retain under the current system. If we paid them the housing allowance as salary they would save the money up and leave the military.

Military folk are bred to be dependent. They are trained to rely on the patriarch leadership. It all boils down to creating an employee that will charge the hill when you tell them to. We dont want our armed forces full of independent thinkers we want followers taking orders. Everybody has to take orders and everybody has to follow them.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: Aloha Spirit ()
Date: July 29, 2014 11:24AM

"In my MOS the Pentagon was also viewed as one of least desirable of assignments because of the cost of living in the DC area."
Many moons ago, it seemed as if all the people that were stationed in Hawaii were then sent to NOVA/Pentagon. I said it was punishment for getting to live in paradise for 3 years. However, the cost of living is worse there but most people are able to live in base housing.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: July 29, 2014 02:12PM

What an asshat Wrote:
> 496 isn't your average everyday jarhead now. He
> wants you to know that he's the king of jarheads.

Hey cocksucker. Do you even know whar a jarhead is? Know the diff between Army and Marines? Know how to pull your head out of your ass?

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: Warthog ()
Date: July 29, 2014 02:38PM

Hey, the world needs ditch diggers too.

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Re: Military housing allowance
Posted by: 20 years ()
Date: July 29, 2014 07:27PM

dependence Wrote:
> I think part of the truth is that we want our
> military dependent on the military for their
> lives. We need to recruit and retain under the
> current system. If we paid them the housing
> allowance as salary they would save the money up
> and leave the military.
> Military folk are bred to be dependent. They are
> trained to rely on the patriarch leadership. It
> all boils down to creating an employee that will
> charge the hill when you tell them to. We dont
> want our armed forces full of independent thinkers
> we want followers taking orders. Everybody has to
> take orders and everybody has to follow them.

Retired and active military aren't dependent. We earn/ed our benefits, unlike the welfare and SNAP program people who suck us all dry and do nothing to earn this stuff except breath and procreate. But if anybody says anything derogatory about it, we are accused of being INSENSITIVE.

Blow it out your liberal asses.

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