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Flipped off on 66
Posted by: Hurt Feelings ()
Date: February 26, 2009 05:52PM

I can't believe it! Today I was on 66 West in the Centreville area trying to merge and a lady flipped me off. I had my two young children in the car with me driving careful and was totally given the middle finger. What's this world coming to?

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: get used to it ()
Date: February 26, 2009 06:42PM

i guess you're not a native to Fairfax then...

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: Lawman ()
Date: February 26, 2009 06:59PM

get used to it Wrote:
> i guess you're not a native to Fairfax then...

I second that.

The three things you should be prepared to do while driving in Fairfax is: Flash your brights, hold your horn down for about 10 seconds even after the moron starts moving, and use your middle finger.

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: Hurt Feelings ()
Date: February 26, 2009 07:11PM

I'm afraid of Road Rage, don't want to get shot!

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: February 26, 2009 07:28PM

I lot of people merge badly. What did you do to irritate the other driver? "Nothing" isn't an answer, it just says you are a clueless driver. Did you cut her off? What happened?

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: Hurt Feelings ()
Date: February 26, 2009 07:37PM

I really want to say nothing but don't want to be clueless. I guess I did not merge quick enough but honestly I did'nt think they were going to let me in.... No reason to flip me off. Especially women to women...

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: February 26, 2009 07:39PM

Oh believe me sister, no one gets more pissed on NoVA roads than women :)

But you may have done nothing but make her slow down from going too fast. Don't take it personally, it's just how some people are in an area when a 10-mile commute is 45 minutes. People just get angry. Best to just let it go and try not to do the same yourself :)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/26/2009 07:40PM by pgens.

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: Narp ()
Date: February 26, 2009 07:41PM

Report her on Platewire.com.

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: Hurt Feelings ()
Date: February 26, 2009 07:48PM

pgens- Won't be flipping anyone off, so out of character for me. Actually I am a very considerate driver and let everyone in. I'm sure that pisses the drivers behind me off....

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: February 26, 2009 08:38PM

You can feel better by giving the new york 1-finger salute to everyone else who drive poorly today.

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: JayBee ()
Date: February 26, 2009 09:33PM

Yeah, that happens when you "merge" incorrectly. It means you did something wrong cause lets face it, its not like this was out of the blue and she was just feeling that way. People do things for a reason and if you merged correctly, then you shouldn't be totally surprised that you got the finger, Just be glad that it was just a digit. In her view you almost wrecked her car and yours. So a finger is probably a light sentence, especially with two kids, your day could have ended a lot worse.

Some people's "merge" is another persons "cut-off". Pay more attention when you are trying to merge, I see people all the time who refuse to look over their shoulder when switching lanes and think that a turn signal is somehow a magical light that makes the car in another lane disappear. If you are merging its YOUR responsibility that you do it safe and adjust YOUR speed accordingly. That's why its called a merge.

I usually offer fellow drivers the same courtesy I get from them. If you got a finger, I would bet you deserved it.

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: Clobbersaurus ()
Date: February 26, 2009 09:35PM

When it comes to driving, the best defense is a good offense.

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: Hurt Feelings ()
Date: February 26, 2009 09:39PM


I did not deserve it. I did not cut her off, and I was not switching lanes.We were in bumper to bumper traffic coming off a ramp where I needed to get in. She was just having a bad day and took it out on me.

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: Numbers ()
Date: February 26, 2009 10:53PM

Hurt Feelings Wrote:
> JayBee-
> I did not deserve it. I did not cut her off, and I
> was not switching lanes.We were in bumper to
> bumper traffic coming off a ramp where I needed to
> get in. She was just having a bad day and took it
> out on me.

Then you already know the answer to your question.

A large majority of people in this area never learned how to merge properly. Many people slow down or stop instead of speeding up to blend with traffic. If you are guilty of either of these, you deserve getting the finger.

Same goes for deceleration lanes. Get in the lane, and then slow down. Not 500 yards before.

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: j ()
Date: February 27, 2009 12:30AM

omg that is HORRIBLE! i feel REALLY sorry that you and your precious little ones had to endure such suffering. hopefully nothing that awful will ever happen to you ever again for the rest of your life.

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: x ()
Date: February 27, 2009 02:37AM

I always flip off passive-aggressive female drivers..

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: curious ()
Date: February 27, 2009 03:49AM

I learned how to drive on these crazy roads- nowhere else in the country do you get a regular 75+ mph in a 55 mph twisting highway (495), universal tailgating, and no logical police enforcement. Have fun. Stay safe.

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: Spacy ()
Date: February 27, 2009 06:53AM

curious Wrote:
> I learned how to drive on these crazy roads-
> nowhere else in the country do you get a regular
> 75+ mph in a 55 mph twisting highway (495),
> universal tailgating, and no logical police
> enforcement.

I dunno, that's like every highway I've ever driven on in MA and CT as well.

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: dono ()
Date: February 27, 2009 07:24AM

If you really want to piss someone like that off go out of your way to make eye contact ('hi I see you there hating all over me') and give them a huge smile and enthusiastic wave ('I really dont know if I have ever seen such and example of stupidity - you made my day sir/madame'). Usually this will get you another salute and they will start swearing a blue-streak at you (or yelling about your need to learn how to drive).

Of course you should respond with an even brighter smile and wave. You are happy - they are miserable. Its just classic.

Last time I did this because some a-hole in a pick-up was tailgating me (3feet of the bumper) in the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel (my 4 and 5 year old in my car) because I was trying to maintain a 3-4 car distance from the car in front of me at 50 mph. I got a good 3 min. of smiling time next to him in the toll line.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/27/2009 07:28AM by dono.

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: February 27, 2009 08:39AM

Fuck you

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: February 27, 2009 08:46AM

You people are so 1985 with your middle finger. The move is the "jerk-off", a vulgar pantomime that goes so much farther than the so tired bird.

Raise your arm with elbow slightly bent and your palm facing up at a slight angle. You are adding length to your own manhood in this position but you surely don't want to look like you are servicing anyone but yourself. Then just give it a couple of strokes!

You will be so satisfied at the offended blushes you'll see on errant motorists that you'll wonder why the finger lasted as long as it did!

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Date: February 27, 2009 08:52AM

Hurt Feelings Wrote:
> I can't believe it! Today I was on 66 West in the
> Centreville area trying to merge and a lady
> flipped me off. I had my two young children in the
> car with me driving careful and was totally given
> the middle finger. What's this world coming to?

FYI - I'm flipping you off now.

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: veeaye ()
Date: February 27, 2009 09:43AM


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Re: Flipped off on 66
Date: February 27, 2009 10:19AM

veeaye Wrote:

It's "flick you off" on The Junkies.

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: FemaleDriver ()
Date: February 27, 2009 11:53AM

Ladies are nuts around here. One time a woman tried to merge into the side of my car, sped up a little, I let her in, then SHE flipped ME off. I was flabbergasted. I can't see her turn signal if she's directly next to me. Anyhow, I've never been a fan of flipping people off, I think its rude and overused. Instead I make faces or stick out my tongue at people if they do something really stupid on the road. Then they usually get really confused or bring themselves down to my level and make faces back. Real mature, I know, but I'm not about to flip off someone who may or may not have a gun or club in their backseat...

Oh, and for all of you out there who speed up when you see someone with their turn signal on to get into your lane :P Screw you

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: JayBee ()
Date: February 27, 2009 12:36PM

From your first post: "Today I was on 66 West in the Centreville area trying to merge...

Um, you were not ON 66 West, YET, you were merging onto 66. That lady that gave you the finger, SHE was on 66.

YOU THINK you didn't cut her off, but I bet after you did cut her off, she had to slam on her brakes to keep getting hit. After you decide to finally look into your rear-view mirror, you notice how far back she was and think that you didn't cut her off.

I think you said it best, you were TRYING to merge, but I bet you just didn't do a very good job and that lady gave you what you deserved.

Its amazing how people just drive the way they feel. I can't do anything wrong, I can't make a mistake, I am flawless. It could not have been my fault - why, because I needed to be in that lane. Problem is that that other lady needed to be in that lane as well and she was there first. She had a right to it and the right of way.

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: Hurt Feelings ()
Date: February 27, 2009 04:05PM


You are so wrong! The other driver was not on 66 either. It was a two lane merge onto 66. They were not going 65 actually it was bumper to bumper traffic. Neither of us knew what each other was going to do. It was uncalled for and rude. Maybe if people were a little nicer to each other this world would be a better place...

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: FucYOO ()
Date: February 27, 2009 04:14PM

Maybe if people drove like responsible human beings then the world would be a better place. Instead they take 66W to 495N and go fucking apeshit with that left lane merge. I almost got killed today 3 fucking times by near-miss accidents which would have been really shitty if it weren't for some luck. And none of them were my fault, honestly. I'd admit it if I was the fucker-upper.

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: FucYOO ()
Date: February 27, 2009 04:15PM

I meant 66E onto 495N ... My bad

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: February 27, 2009 04:23PM

Sometimes I just have to laugh at this people, because they make no sense.

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: February 27, 2009 04:49PM

except around here its more like:

people drive like assholes, and if you get in their driving-like-an-asshole way, they get angry and lay on the horn for 3 minutes while mooning you...

JayBee Wrote:
> Yeah, that happens when you "merge" incorrectly.
> It means you did something wrong cause lets face
> it, its not like this was out of the blue and she
> was just feeling that way. People do things for a
> reason and if you merged correctly, then you
> shouldn't be totally surprised that you got the
> finger, Just be glad that it was just a digit. In
> her view you almost wrecked her car and yours. So
> a finger is probably a light sentence, especially
> with two kids, your day could have ended a lot
> worse.
> Some people's "merge" is another persons
> "cut-off". Pay more attention when you are trying
> to merge, I see people all the time who refuse to
> look over their shoulder when switching lanes and
> think that a turn signal is somehow a magical
> light that makes the car in another lane
> disappear. If you are merging its YOUR
> responsibility that you do it safe and adjust YOUR
> speed accordingly. That's why its called a merge.
> I usually offer fellow drivers the same courtesy I
> get from them. If you got a finger, I would bet
> you deserved it.

Lurker. Wrote:
> Sometimes I just have to laugh at this people,
> because they make no sense.

yes. i laugh a lot too.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/27/2009 04:50PM by bdimag.

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: Merritt ()
Date: February 27, 2009 04:53PM

pgens Wrote:
> Oh believe me sister, no one gets more pissed on
> NoVA roads than women :)
> But you may have done nothing but make her slow
> down from going too fast. Don't take it
> personally, it's just how some people are in an
> area when a 10-mile commute is 45 minutes. People
> just get angry. Best to just let it go and try
> not to do the same yourself :)

You managed to get 10 miles in 45 minutes! You must've been not been in NoVA. I work in Herndon and live in Chantilly. I have a 5.25 mile commute that regularly takes me 30+ minutes (granted, both routes I can take are under construction).

Hurt Feelings Wrote:
> I'm afraid of Road Rage, don't want to get shot!

So carry a piece and shoot back.

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: Tyler Florence ()
Date: February 27, 2009 06:15PM

so this was a two lane merge to one. Were the cars practicing alternate merge? How were you fitting into this--following the rules or making them up as you go?


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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: Hurt Feelings ()
Date: February 27, 2009 07:31PM

I guess I was making them up as I go since neither of us knew what each other was going to do. I thought I was being polite and letting them go and they were waiting on me. So then I went,got flipped off. My point is there was no reason for it. Just two drivers confused by each other. I was going to wave to them to thank them, looked over and got the middle finger.

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: HIJACKER ()
Date: February 27, 2009 10:04PM

I use my horn ATLEAST 3 times a day commuting. Nine times out of ten, the culprit is ALWAYS driving a Toyota Corolla.

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: FucYOO ()
Date: February 28, 2009 09:06AM

And asian.........

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: Adam ()
Date: February 28, 2009 01:16PM

I had someone flip me off when he had to stop at a red light because i had a green arrow and was making a left turn..

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: FucYOO ()
Date: February 28, 2009 01:34PM

I feel I might be to blame for some of this...

I flip people off who are nice to me.
For example...
If you let me in on the highway, I'll roll the window down and give you the finger.
If you wave me through a stop sign, I'll stop in front of you, and give you the finger.
I'll honk at pedestrians.
I stop COMPLETELY at every red light and stop sign, look both ways for 2 seconds, and THEN go.

I drive really slow, in the ultra fast lane.
Because I'm an asshole.

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: Hurt Feelings ()
Date: February 28, 2009 02:11PM

If what you say is true, then I agree with you! Hopefully you are not a parent

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: Steve Wilhite ()
Date: February 28, 2009 03:01PM

Carry a pistol with you and the next time some cunt flips you off pull up next to her and flash the gun. Just makes sure the cunt doesn't get your license number.

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: Tyler Florence ()
Date: February 28, 2009 03:45PM

Normally in high congestion merges, customary practices dictate you alternate cars when going from two to one merge. Sounds like you were both confused, however, because she flicked you off first, she is try to state that she was in the right and you were wrong. Again, I think this is an invalid argument because both of you were wrong,so I would not worry about it.

In the future, you should be ready yourself to flip the bird, and to 'punish' the person, try to merge directly in front of them, and then allow at least 5 to 10 cars to merge in front of you. I usually do this myself at the nutely st. I-66W merge.

You can also act like a metro bus and drive on the shoulder, thus avoiding merging altoghether.

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: Hurt Feelings ()
Date: February 28, 2009 04:21PM

Thanks for the suggestions, I guess I will stop being so nice behind the wheel.

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: FucYOO ()
Date: February 28, 2009 04:38PM

Speaking of driving on the shoulder...How come no one uses the far right lane when the green arrow is on, on 66W in the evenings?

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: Tyler Florence ()
Date: February 28, 2009 06:04PM

You can continue to be nice, but just realize that there are idiots out there. Goes back to the few bad apples thing....

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: February 28, 2009 09:23PM

Hurt Feelings Wrote:
> I really want to say nothing but don't want to be
> clueless. I guess I did not merge quick enough but
> honestly I did'nt think they were going to let me
> in.... No reason to flip me off. Especially women
> to women...


Hurt Feelings Wrote:
> pgens- Won't be flipping anyone off, so out of
> character for me. Actually I am a very considerate
> driver and let everyone in. I'm sure that pisses
> the drivers behind me off....

yes it does, stop being inconsiderate to the people behind you and drive.


Hurt Feelings,
   i'm not surprised you got "flipped off" because im sure you are that annoying person that drives five under the speed limit. is that wrong? the answer is yes because you are disrupting the status quo. if you arent going at least 5MPH over the limit, please sell your car and do not drive any longer, just take the bus instead.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/28/2009 09:24PM by Gravis.

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: Con Victed ()
Date: March 01, 2009 02:57AM

hahahaha anytime some asshole does some bs like that to me I just cut them off, feather my brakes in front of them so that my brake lights turn on, they have to slam the brakes, let them get real close so they can see my gun rack, I also have a huge steel bumper that would eat up any suv, I also have a concealed weapons permit for my .50 cal. desert eagle hand cannon. No worries. hahah losers. Improve your driving game. You suck. "O'doyle rules."

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: Hurt Feelings ()
Date: March 01, 2009 11:26AM


You are so wrong, I actually got a speeding ticket last weekend. It's going to cost me $177 bucks so no I am not one of those driver's that drive below the speed limit. I was flipped off for no good reason, from a lady at that!

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: you deserved it ()
Date: March 01, 2009 01:31PM

Hurt Feelings,

I guess you're not much of a safe driver if you got yourself a speeding ticket. I'd really like to think your "two young children" weren't in the car with you when that happened.

Stop acting like you're a fucking hero because you didn't give the other lady the finger back.

Sounds to me like you completely deserved both the finger gesture AND the ticket. I also think you deserve a hard slap in the face for being such a complete idiot.

No go out and get yourself a real job instead of sitting at home all day looking at your own thread on a website and whining to every poster that says something negative about you.

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: JayBee ()
Date: March 01, 2009 09:45PM

Youdeserved it said "No go out and get yourself a real job instead of sitting at home all day looking at your own thread on a website and whining to every poster that says something negative about you."

A-men! Get over it and make sure you merge CORRECTLY when in that same situation.

It says a lot about you that you say you are a good driver and manage to get a $177 ticket only a week before posting this.

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: Stupid Driver ()
Date: March 02, 2009 03:07PM

It's funny how most people who think they are excellent drivers are actually frustratingly inept and incompetent fools who are overly cautious, indecisive, and know very little about the laws and conventions of driving.

Driving in the left lane, usually in a way that blocks other drivers so they cannot pass. Never using a turn signal. Slowing down or stopping when entering a highway, or conversely, never moving over to the left lane when approaching a highway on/off ramp to allow people to merge safely into the right lane. Turning into the wrong lane at intersections. Changing lanes directly in front of someone who was attempting to overtake them, causing the other driver to have to slam on their brakes to avoid rear-ending them, and then getting upset that they honk their horn or give you the finger.

My favorite variety of these "excellent drivers" is the old man driving along in the left lane going 10 mph under the speed limit, who then speeds up to chase after you when you finally get a chance to squeeze through his little rolling road block. Speeding is so dangerous and offensive that these morons speed up after you to harrass you for speeding. Makes a lot of sense. Not to mention their rolling roadblock that they believe is doing a public service by impeding the flow of traffic is probably the primary cause for aggressive driving and a catalyst for many accidents.

I bet you're the type of driver who ends up in a cluster of cars with a mile of open road ahead of and behind you, and still think you're a safe driver.

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Re: Flipped off on 66
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: March 04, 2009 02:03AM

Stupid Driver Wrote:
> It's funny how most people who think they are
> excellent drivers are actually frustratingly inept
> and incompetent fools who are overly cautious,
> indecisive, and know very little about the laws
> and conventions of driving.
> Driving in the left lane, usually in a way that
> blocks other drivers so they cannot pass. Never
> using a turn signal. Slowing down or stopping
> when entering a highway, or conversely, never
> moving over to the left lane when approaching a
> highway on/off ramp to allow people to merge
> safely into the right lane. Turning into the
> wrong lane at intersections. Changing lanes
> directly in front of someone who was attempting to
> overtake them, causing the other driver to have to
> slam on their brakes to avoid rear-ending them,
> and then getting upset that they honk their horn
> or give you the finger.
> My favorite variety of these "excellent drivers"
> is the old man driving along in the left lane
> going 10 mph under the speed limit, who then
> speeds up to chase after you when you finally get
> a chance to squeeze through his little rolling
> road block. Speeding is so dangerous and
> offensive that these morons speed up after you to
> harrass you for speeding. Makes a lot of sense.
> Not to mention their rolling roadblock that they
> believe is doing a public service by impeding the
> flow of traffic is probably the primary cause for
> aggressive driving and a catalyst for many
> accidents.
> I bet you're the type of driver who ends up in a
> cluster of cars with a mile of open road ahead of
> and behind you, and still think you're a safe
> driver.

i completely agree!

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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