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Police activity in fox mill. what's going on?
Posted by: k r ()
Date: July 20, 2014 01:57AM

Several police cars and a helicopter are circling fox mill. Anyone know anything?

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Re: Police activity in fox mill. what's going on?
Posted by: thatguy5 ()
Date: July 20, 2014 02:15AM

I'm listening to a police scanner trying to figure out but no luck so far. It's been circling for a while now

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Re: Police activity in fox mill. what's going on?
Posted by: Larry ()
Date: July 20, 2014 02:52AM

Did anyone ever figure out what the police activity in Fox Mill was all about?

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Re: Police activity in fox mill. what's going on?
Posted by: thatguy5 ()
Date: July 20, 2014 06:31AM

Someone's house got broken into over on Kettering

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Re: Police activity in fox mill. what's going on?
Posted by: Esqi ()
Date: July 20, 2014 08:12AM

In the middle of the night three suspects opened a vehicle in the driveway of a house on kettering, used garage door opener to open garage and entered. FFC police used K 9 and helicopter to try and locate suspects. Suspects were described as young, African American and on bicycle. Unclear if police located suspects.

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Re: Police activity in fox mill. what's going on?
Posted by: Monopoly Man ()
Date: July 20, 2014 08:52AM

A gang of tuxedo finches arranged an escape from the Weber's Pet Supermarket. They were seen along Fox Mill Road heading toward Fairfax County Parkway and presumably to the Reston Town Center for some late night drinks.

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Re: Police activity in fox mill. what's going on?
Posted by: Sue Crosson ()
Date: July 20, 2014 09:55AM

Does anyone know the address? We heard some unusual noises around that time of night. We live on Kettering.

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Re: Police activity in fox mill. what's going on?
Posted by: Derfx ()
Date: July 20, 2014 10:29AM

Just like all the posts "helicopters and police are here...." what the fuck you think they're doing? They're responding to a call.

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Re: Police activity in fox mill. what's going on?
Posted by: 'tardz report ()
Date: July 20, 2014 10:30AM


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Re: Police activity in fox mill. what's going on?
Posted by: Local Contractor ()
Date: July 20, 2014 02:18PM

k r Wrote:
> Several police cars and a helicopter are circling
> fox mill. Anyone know anything?

A local contractor has been hiring illegals and then murdering them at the end of the job to avoid paying them. FCPD got a tip that the bodies were dumped at this location.

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Re: Police activity in fox mill. what's going on?
Posted by: Racist Ray ()
Date: July 20, 2014 03:35PM

Where these burglaries black or hispanic?

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Re: Police activity in fox mill. what's going on?
Posted by: johnny ringo ()
Date: July 20, 2014 06:52PM

Racist Ray Wrote:
> Where these burglaries black or hispanic?

Pretty much all of Fairfax County.

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Re: Police activity in fox mill. what's going on?
Posted by: R r ()
Date: July 20, 2014 10:03PM

Apparently, a number of cars/garages along Viking and Kerrering were hit they were targeting high end bicycles and electronics. We were chatting with a family on Viking this morning (who already had a cop on site taking info, etc.) and another cop came up. He asked for a description of the bike that they were missing and confirmed that it had been recovered. And once they were done processing it for prints etc they'd get a call to come get it.

No word on whether the suspects were caught. But last night, our dog was going nuts for hours.

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