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List of County Roads in Need of Repair
Posted by: Chattering Teeth ()
Date: July 16, 2014 08:49AM

Clifton Road - a giant crumbling pot hole destroying the suspension on my car.

Please add to the list.

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Re: List of County Roads in Need of Repair
Posted by: TMJMu ()
Date: July 16, 2014 08:55AM

All the roads in Fairfax.

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Re: List of County Roads in Need of Repair
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: July 16, 2014 09:40AM

It would be shorter to list the roads that don't need repair.

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Re: List of County Roads in Need of Repair
Posted by: HOT Lanes are fine, peons. ()
Date: July 16, 2014 09:53AM

A billion here, a billion there. None for you, peons.

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Re: List of County Roads in Need of Repair
Posted by: Democrats ()
Date: July 16, 2014 10:07AM

illegals dont drive

we need more million dollar bus stations and trolleys and mass transit and sidewalks

SHUTUP PEONS and pay more taxes

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Re: List of County Roads in Need of Repair
Posted by: correcting corrector ()
Date: July 16, 2014 10:12AM

Democrats Wrote:
> illegals dont drive
This is untrue. They just don't worry about things like having driver's licenses or auto insurance, driving sober (or even sanely), and making sure any of the safety equipment on their mid-90's Toyota Shitmobile is working.

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Re: List of County Roads in Need of Repair
Posted by: johnny ringo ()
Date: July 16, 2014 10:15AM

Last winter was especially harsh on our roads. Days of precipitation followed by freezing then thawing then the whole process all over again. I know in certain parts of the county they'd deferred fixing potholes for repaving entire sections of roadway. It's doubtful we can afford to repave all of the county, though a 50% meals tax and everyone switching to the Columbia Pike streetcar might help, but if you drive around you'll see more road crews out there than we've seen in a long time.

I'm not an apologist for the County gov or the BoS, just stating my observations.

Besides, having lived in DC during the glory days of both of Barry's administrations I can tell you our worst roads are still better than 90% of those were.

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Re: List of County Roads in Need of Repair
Posted by: not really ()
Date: July 16, 2014 10:17AM

most of them take the bus

understandably you probably never take the bus

but yeah some of them do actually have cars that are generally pos

interestingly I have found that the majority of them who drive actually drive quite well because they are understandably afraid of getting pulled over by the cops

there are some idiots but thats true for drivers in general.

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Re: List of County Roads in Need of Repair
Posted by: Bus Driver ()
Date: July 16, 2014 10:41AM

not really Wrote:
> most of them take the bus

Like so many other low-wage workers.

> interestingly I have found that the majority of
> them who drive actually drive quite well because
> they are understandably afraid of getting pulled
> over by the cops

Exactly. Local dumbfucks are seemingly unable to comprehend this.

Now speaking on their behalf however, I must say that your post suggests that you are a traitor to your race, and it clearly does not contain enough baseless rumor, innuendo, and completely made-up bullshit. Actual fact and reason have no place at FFXU, you understand.

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Re: List of County Roads in Need of Repair
Posted by: V-Dottie ()
Date: July 16, 2014 10:43AM

N.B.: Nearly all Fairfax County roads are maintained by the state, not by the county.

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Re: List of County Roads in Need of Repair
Posted by: matt 703 ()
Date: July 16, 2014 02:24PM

1. Rolling road between Braddock and Burke Lake Road
2. Burke Road

both are falling apart and the half-ass patches make it even worse!

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Re: List of County Roads in Need of Repair
Posted by: Facts R ()
Date: July 16, 2014 02:48PM

Bus Driver Wrote:
> not really Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > most of them take the bus
> Like so many other low-wage workers.
> > interestingly I have found that the majority of
> > them who drive actually drive quite well
> because
> > they are understandably afraid of getting
> pulled
> > over by the cops
> Exactly. Local dumbfucks are seemingly unable to
> comprehend this.
> Now speaking on their behalf however, I must say
> that your post suggests that you are a traitor to
> your race, and it clearly does not contain enough
> baseless rumor, innuendo, and completely made-up
> bullshit. Actual fact and reason have no place at
> FFXU, you understand.

Since 2002, more than 90 people have been injured and 18 killed on the Eastern Shore in accidents involving Hispanic workers driving rogue vehicles.

The fatalities represent about one-fourth of the 71 highway deaths on the Eastern Shore in that period, even though the year-round Hispanic population makes up only 5 percent of the region's 51,000 residents. Those numbers swell during tomato-picking season, from July through early November, when most of the fatalities occurred.

Accidents like the one on Oct. 1 have helped make the 77-mile stretch of U.S. 13 from the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel to the Maryland state line one of the most treacherous highways in Virginia. In 2003, the fatality rate - deaths per miles driven - on that span of U.S. 13 was more than four times the rates on Interstates 64, 81 and 95 in Virginia.

In all but three of the fatal accidents in which Hispanics were at the wheel, the drivers had no insurance. In most cases, the vehicles had no inspection stickers, the drivers carried no license and alcohol was a factor. The vast majority of the victims in the fatalities were Hispanic.

A review of State Police auto accident reports for 2002 through 2004 on the Eastern Shore also revealed that of the 179 accidents involving Hispanic laborers:

* Three-fourths of the drivers had no auto insurance - more than four times the national rate for uninsured motorists.

* Nearly all of the vehicles driven by migrants and other laborers were registered to other drivers.

* Ninety-three percent of the vehicles had out-of-state tags - most of them from Tennessee.

* The number of injuries per accident was about 50 percent higher than the statewide average.

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Re: List of County Roads in Need of Repair
Posted by: johnny ringo ()
Date: July 16, 2014 03:18PM

Numbers are probably even higher considering that data you reference is 10 years old and the Reconquista has picked up steam.

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Re: List of County Roads in Need of Repair
Posted by: V-Dottie ()
Date: July 16, 2014 04:02PM

Racist lunatics hijacking a thread about local road conditions. How pathetic.

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Re: List of County Roads in Need of Repair
Posted by: Independent ()
Date: July 16, 2014 05:21PM

V-Dottie Wrote:
> Racist lunatics hijacking a thread about local
> road conditions. How pathetic.

Careful, they'll respond to you with the usual "You can't stand the truth..." BS.

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Re: List of County Roads in Need of Repair
Posted by: No look, no see ()
Date: July 16, 2014 05:26PM

Independent Wrote:
> V-Dottie Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Racist lunatics hijacking a thread about local
> > road conditions. How pathetic.
> Careful, they'll respond to you with the usual
> "You can't stand the truth..." BS.

Better than trying to ignore it.

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Re: List of County Roads in Need of Repair
Posted by: No Money for Roads ()
Date: July 16, 2014 06:11PM

All the money you pay in gas taxes that used to go towards road maintenance is now going to pay union pensions. Thank libtard politicians for overpromising/vote buying. The socialist politicians know they won't be around when bills come due, so they happily promise the moon to buy elections.

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Re: List of County Roads in Need of Repair
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: July 16, 2014 07:40PM

It is nothing as sinister as that. What happens is that money that in other parts of the states is allocated to road maintenance is in Northern Virginia allocated to other transportation projects.

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