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Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: last throws ()
Date: July 03, 2014 09:49PM

in 2011, Brian Schoememan wrote here on FFXU; "Iraq did result in one major success – there is now a viable democracy in the heart of the middle east that does not support terror and is a US ally. Sounds like a victory to me."


Brian, actions have consequences. Claiming a victory, prematurely is the act of a political hack.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Iraq's WMD ()
Date: July 03, 2014 09:55PM

not really.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: ISIS ()
Date: July 03, 2014 10:00PM

Brian, want to donate that camaro of yours to help Iraq arm? W ISIS could use another donated car.

Allahu Akbar


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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: As We All Know ()
Date: July 03, 2014 10:12PM

Brian is rather more full of himself than he has any right to be. Iraq was a disaster form the get-go. And all of it for no reason at all. A total mess made by a bunch who specialized in it.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Load Of Dem Party Line Hack Bull ()
Date: July 03, 2014 10:18PM

Now lets talk about V.P. "Joe Two Quick Shotgun Blasts" bragging about how well Iraq was doing under Obama a short while back.

5000 + lives lost 1.7 Trillion gone.. some President Obama is. Pityfull

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Idiots ()
Date: July 03, 2014 10:21PM

And if the Obamalites had just provided the support we promised to the new Iraqi government, then we would not have snatched defeat from hard-fought victories. Care to recite the Obama Doctrine again? Or will you just press a reset button?

(Not that I expect you to actually state a plausible Obama Doctrine - you will likely reply by bashing Bush et al)

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Last throws ()
Date: July 03, 2014 10:22PM

Load Of Dem Party Line Hack Bull Wrote:
> Now lets talk about V.P. "Joe Two Quick Shotgun
> Blasts" bragging about how well Iraq was doing
> under Obama a short while back.
> 5000 + lives lost 1.7 Trillion gone.. some
> President Obama is. Pityfull [sic]

The Obama administration made it clear Iraq is now on its own.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: B-Rock ()
Date: July 03, 2014 10:25PM

"We knew this day would come. We've known it for some time. But still there is something profound about the end of a war that has lasted so long," said Obama. "It's harder to end a war than begin one. Everything that American troops have done in Iraq - all the fighting, all the dying, the bleeding and the building and the training and the partnering, all of it has landed to this moment of success."

Barack Obama
December 14, 2011

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: B-Rock ()
Date: July 03, 2014 10:29PM

"[W]e’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government that was elected by its people. We’re building a new partnership between our nations."

Barack Obama
December 14, 2011

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Last throws ()
Date: July 03, 2014 10:36PM

You cannot compare an administration speech, designed to make our soldiers feel good, with a political statement by a wannabee politico who is seeking higher office.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: B-Rock ()
Date: July 03, 2014 10:45PM

Last throws Wrote:
> You cannot compare an administration speech,
> designed to make our soldiers feel good, with a
> political statement by a wannabee politico who is
> seeking higher office.

I just did.

It wasn't just a speech to make the troops feel good. It was a bookend to his earlier speech in 2009 when he announced plans for withdrawl:

“Today, I can announce that our review is complete, and that the United States will pursue a new strategy to end the war in Iraq through a transition to full Iraqi responsibility,” said Obama. “This strategy is grounded in a clear and achievable goal shared by the Iraqi people and the American people: an Iraq that is sovereign, stable, and self-reliant. To achieve that goal, we will work to promote an Iraqi government that is just, representative, and accountable, and that provides neither support nor safe-haven to terrorists.”

What office is he seeking?

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: History lesson... ()
Date: July 03, 2014 10:48PM

Obama campaigned specifically on pulling the US out of the quagmire of Iraq. His meetings with Maliki in July 2008 are what led Bushie to do a 180-degree spin and climb on the end-it-now bandwagon. With the US and global economies in tatters (also thanks to Bush), Obama still managed to arrange and carry out the troop withdrawals he had promised, though as also promised, many units were sent back to Afghanistan in an effort to repair the damage Bush's abandonment of that victory had done. At the end of the day, Iraq was, is, and always will be a Bushie/PNAC/neocon cluster-fuck. There is no way to remove the stain.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Pathetic fools... ()
Date: July 03, 2014 10:50PM

B-Rock Wrote:
> I just did.

You can be a child or an adult. The first one isn't working for you.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: July 03, 2014 10:55PM

I don't know why a public figure/politician would post opinion pieces on this site. It's like posting on Craigslist or /b/

Blessed are the murderous.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/03/2014 10:55PM by eesh.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: B-Rock ()
Date: July 03, 2014 11:01PM

Pathetic fools... Wrote:
> B-Rock Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I just did.
> You can be a child or an adult. The first one
> isn't working for you.

Which is all that you're left with since, unfortunately, you can't dispute that he also called it a success on a number of occasions. As did Biden among others.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Iraq Invasion Fan ()
Date: July 03, 2014 11:26PM

Imagine Saddam (or one of his delightful sons) still in power and responding to an Iraqi "Arab Spring", an exclusively Sunni Arab affair. Two things would have happened: the Sunni dictator would have have murdered tens of thousands of Iraqi Shiites in typical strongman fashion (again), or Iraq would have blown apart in a Shiite uprising causing much of the chaos we see today.

Either way, Bush would be universally blamed for not removing Saddam in 2003. You can almost hear Obama bitching and moaning. It wasn't just WMDs, folks.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Pathetic Fools ()
Date: July 03, 2014 11:47PM

B-Rock Wrote:
> Which is all that you're left with since,
> unfortunately, you can't dispute that he also
> called it a success on a number of occasions. As
> did Biden among others.

Politicians give speeches. It's all spin. Have you somehow not grasped that yet? Are you still thinking we found "Peace with Honor" in Vietnam?

The completely unjustified invasion of Iraq was a disaster by all counts. It will never be seen as anything else. The names of those who lied us into it will never be cleared.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: B-Rock ()
Date: July 03, 2014 11:54PM

Pathetic Fools Wrote:
> Politicians give speeches. It's all spin. Have
> you somehow not grasped that yet? Are you still
> thinking we found "Peace with Honor" in Vietnam?

So then why are you here whining in a thread about some other politician making effectively the same comment on a nothing little Fairfax 'blog?' lol

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Obama Lied Iraq Died ()
Date: July 03, 2014 11:58PM

B-Rock Wrote:
> "[W]e’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and
> self-reliant Iraq, with a representative
> government that was elected by its people.
> We’re building a new partnership between our
> nations."
> Barack Obama
> December 14, 2011

Obama lied. Iraq died.

His sin was failure to study and learn from history.

Hillary will have a lot to clean up.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Pathetic Fools ()
Date: July 03, 2014 11:58PM

Iraq Invasion Fan Wrote:
> Imagine Saddam (or one of his delightful sons)
> still in power and responding to an Iraqi "Arab
> Spring", an exclusively Sunni Arab affair. Two
> things would have happened: the Sunni dictator
> would have have murdered tens of thousands of
> Iraqi Shiites in typical strongman fashion
> (again), or Iraq would have blown apart in a
> Shiite uprising causing much of the chaos we see
> today.

Many more Iraqis died at the hands of George W Bush than of Saddam Hussein.

> Either way, Bush would be universally blamed for
> not removing Saddam in 2003. You can almost hear
> Obama bitching and moaning. It wasn't just WMDs,
> folks.

Yes, it was. Until that worthless excuse started to fall apart. Then they started to invent new reasons that fell apart just as quickly. Bush-43 wanted to punish Saddam Hussein for the plot to kill Bush-41, the man who might taken Saddam out in 1991 but who instead turned tail and left tens of thousands of Kurds and Shia to be mowed down by Baathist forces.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Pathetic Fools ()
Date: July 04, 2014 12:05AM

B-Rock Wrote:
> So then why are you here whining in a thread about
> some other politician making effectively the same
> comment on a nothing little Fairfax 'blog?' lol

Merely highlighting your childishness. Speeches are window dressing. The policy was to get out. It was a pointless mission to begin with. Hopelessly botched at every turn, there was no victory left to be won. A safe and orderly withdrawal of US troops with chirps of encouragement to our Vietnamese...er, Iraqi partners was the only sensible path. Bush refused to accept that. Until his days were done. It was left to Obama to put an actual end to the PNAC madness.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Pathetic Fools ()
Date: July 04, 2014 12:07AM

Obama Lied Iraq Died Wrote:
> Obama lied. Iraq died. His sin was failure to study and learn from history.
> Hillary will have a lot to clean up.

Go fuck yourself, you high school asshole. What a total waste of time.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: B-Rock ()
Date: July 04, 2014 12:11AM

Pathetic Fools Wrote:
> B-Rock Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > So then why are you here whining in a thread
> about
> > some other politician making effectively the
> same
> > comment on a nothing little Fairfax 'blog?' lol
> Merely highlighting your childishness. Speeches
> are window dressing. The policy was to get out.
> It was a pointless mission to begin with.
> Hopelessly botched at every turn, there was no
> victory left to be won. A safe and orderly
> withdrawal of US troops with chirps of
> encouragement to our Vietnamese...er, Iraqi
> partners was the only sensible path. Bush refused
> to accept that. Until his days were done. It was
> left to Obama to put an actual end to the PNAC
> madness.

Which has little to nothing to do with Brian Schoeneman making a similar comment on FFXU now does it? lol

Pull that Bush out of your ass. It has to get uncomfortable.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Obama Doctrine ()
Date: July 04, 2014 12:31AM

Pathetic Fools Wrote:
> Obama Lied Iraq Died Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Obama lied. Iraq died. His sin was failure to
> study and learn from history.
> > Hillary will have a lot to clean up.
> Go fuck yourself, you high school asshole. What a
> total waste of time.

Best summary of the Obama Doctrine, ever:

-> Go fuck yourself, you high school asshole. What a total waste of time. <-

Ready for Hillary.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: July 04, 2014 08:11AM

eesh Wrote:
> I don't know why a public figure/politician would
> post opinion pieces on this site. It's like
> posting on Craigslist or /b/

Because people who live here read the site, and every single politician I know and/or their staffs do. Within 10 minutes of my posting in the Comstock thread, I was getting complaint tweets on Twitter from the Executive Director of the Fairfax Democrats.

I'm not an elitist. I like talking to people. Even Gerry.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: True The Vote ! ()
Date: July 04, 2014 08:24AM

hey Brian, You were right about Iraq success, Obama fucked that up also. Gerry is a commie and hates America. Happy fourth of jewlie Gerry, are you going to burn a flag today?

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: ff dude ()
Date: July 04, 2014 08:26AM

BrianSchoeneman Wrote:
> I'm not an elitist. I like talking to people. Even
> Gerry.

No, you are a political hack who refuses to answer a simple question;

Was what Scooter Libby did, in leaking Plame's job at the CIA, in the best interest of the country, or, was it a political dirty trick that contributed in costing 4,5000 lives and a trillion dollars?

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: July 04, 2014 08:45AM

ff dude Wrote:
> BrianSchoeneman Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > I'm not an elitist. I like talking to people.
> Even
> > Gerry.
> No, you are a political hack who refuses to answer
> a simple question;
> Was what Scooter Libby did, in leaking Plame's job
> at the CIA, in the best interest of the country,
> or, was it a political dirty trick that
> contributed in costing 4,5000 lives and a
> trillion dollars?

What Libby did didn't matter because her identity had already been leaked by Richard Armitage. Libby went to jail for lying about what happened and obstructing justice, not leaking her identity. And the leak had no impact on the war.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: You so crazy ()
Date: July 04, 2014 08:53AM

Pathetic Fools Wrote:

> Many more Iraqis died at the hands of George W
> Bush than of Saddam Hussein.

What the fuck kind of drugs are you on? There is absolutely no way you believe this so why would you make such a stupid comment?

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: no democracy ()
Date: July 04, 2014 09:07AM

What's really a democracy anyways. You have tyranny of the majority. The Shia have 60% of the population. They control the government.

What do you have in the US? You essentially have a one-party system where the same interests bankroll the two political parties. The money gets the desired candidate into office. Once in office, they respond to the needs of those who financed their election.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Iraq = tribal lands ()
Date: July 04, 2014 09:14AM

Thanks to "progressives" (liberals) of the early 20th Century in trying to establish a Westphalian State where there is none. Let the ragheads screw, kill, and eat each other as they have since Mo'hammed f'd a goat.
Seriously, WTF cares? Might as well obsess about some New Guinea tribesmen...

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: what are you talking about ()
Date: July 04, 2014 12:05PM

BrianSchoeneman Wrote:
> ff dude Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > BrianSchoeneman Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > >
> > > I'm not an elitist. I like talking to people.
> > Even
> > > Gerry.
> >
> > No, you are a political hack who refuses to
> answer
> > a simple question;
> >
> > Was what Scooter Libby did, in leaking Plame's
> job
> > at the CIA, in the best interest of the
> country,
> > or, was it a political dirty trick that
> > contributed in costing 4,5000 lives and a
> > trillion dollars?
> What Libby did didn't matter because her identity
> had already been leaked by Richard Armitage. Libby
> went to jail for lying about what happened and
> obstructing justice, not leaking her identity. And
> the leak had no impact on the war.

Are you saying Scooter Libby was not involved in the leaking process from the get go? If you are, you have a comprehension problem.

No impact on the war? Scooter and his boss had a lot of impact on starting the war. When they got caught in a lie by Joe Wilson, they went after him and his wife, and then tried to cover it up. The leak was designed to hurt someone who got in the way of the pending war.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: what= dumbfuq ()
Date: July 04, 2014 12:10PM

Unable to comprehend basic English. Goober.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Don't Tread On Me ()
Date: July 04, 2014 12:13PM

True The Vote ! Wrote:
> hey Brian, You were right about Iraq success,
> Obama fucked that up also. Gerry is a commie and
> hates America. Happy fourth of jewlie Gerry, are
> you going to burn a flag today?

Brian, aren't you proud this guy is one of yours?

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: beep beep beep ()
Date: July 04, 2014 12:22PM

BrianSchoeneman Wrote:
> What Libby did didn't matter because her identity
> had already been leaked by Richard Armitage. Libby
> went to jail for lying about what happened and
> obstructing justice, not leaking her identity. And
> the leak had no impact on the war.

You'll need to back up and provide some background before just dropping things like this on them. 99% of them have no clue who Armitage is or how he was involved. That part of the story didn't make it through their bubble.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: July 04, 2014 12:33PM

> Are you saying Scooter Libby was not involved in
> the leaking process from the get go? If you are,
> you have a comprehension problem.

What I said was that Plame was already outed by Richard Armitage to Bob Novak and Bob Woodward before Libby talked to Miller. Nobody was charged with outing Plame, Libby was charged with perjury and obstruction of justice. I'm saying that if you want to blame Libby for the leak, that is incorrect.

> No impact on the war? Scooter and his boss had a
> lot of impact on starting the war. When they got
> caught in a lie by Joe Wilson, they went after him
> and his wife, and then tried to cover it up. The
> leak was designed to hurt someone who got in the
> way of the pending war.

Whether Saddam was trying to get yellowcake uranium from Nigeria or not, the war was going to happen. This issue was never anything more than a sideshow, just like this argument is a sideshow to the 10th district Congressional race. Nobody except Plame and Wilson care about this issue anymore.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/04/2014 12:34PM by BrianSchoeneman.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: whine and dine ()
Date: July 04, 2014 01:20PM

^whining and overly defensive^

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Dane Bramage ()
Date: July 04, 2014 01:41PM

Wars are won or lost, not ended. Obama tried to end the war in IRQ, the same way he will attempt to end the war in AFG.


“We don’t have any rude, unpleasant people here. We’re different!”

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Fruppie ()
Date: July 04, 2014 02:09PM

BrianSchoeneman Wrote:
> eesh Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I don't know why a public figure/politician
> would
> > post opinion pieces on this site. It's like
> > posting on Craigslist or /b/

> Even Gerry.

That's stupid.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Cato ()
Date: July 04, 2014 02:10PM

BrianSchoeneman Wrote:
> > Are you saying Scooter Libby was not involved
> in
> > the leaking process from the get go? If you
> are,
> > you have a comprehension problem.
> What I said was that Plame was already outed by
> Richard Armitage to Bob Novak and Bob Woodward
> before Libby talked to Miller. Nobody was charged
> with outing Plame, Libby was charged with perjury
> and obstruction of justice. I'm saying that if you
> want to blame Libby for the leak, that is
> incorrect.
> > No impact on the war? Scooter and his boss had
> a
> > lot of impact on starting the war. When they
> got
> > caught in a lie by Joe Wilson, they went after
> him
> > and his wife, and then tried to cover it up.
> The
> > leak was designed to hurt someone who got in
> the
> > way of the pending war.
> Whether Saddam was trying to get yellowcake
> uranium from Nigeria or not, the war was going to
> happen.

So, you are admitting the War was going to happen no matter what, and yellowcake, tubing, missile silos, 15 minute strike capabilities, mobile chemical labs, meetings in Prague, and Saddam and Osama's friendship were just "sideshows" fabricated to justify the war?

Thank you for clearing this up.

This issue was never anything more than a
> sideshow,

Besides a woman losing her job, a Special Prosecutor, a jury trial, and a conviction? Can we also count the serious disruption in a CIA covert op?

> the 10th district Congressional race. Nobody
> except Plame and Wilson care about this issue
> anymore.

And you know this how? By watching Fox News? 4,500 American dead, and you are saying nobody cares, and we should ignore the history of the war.

You make me sick.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: July 04, 2014 02:19PM

> So, you are admitting the War was going to happen
> no matter what, and yellowcake, tubing, missile
> silos, 15 minute strike capabilities, mobile
> chemical labs, meetings in Prague, and Saddam and
> Osama's friendship were just "sideshows"
> fabricated to justify the war?
> Thank you for clearing this up.

Do you honestly think that one article by Joe Wilson in the New York Times was going to trump every other argument for the war or reduce the American publics support for it at the time? Especially when it was published four moths after the war started and two+ months after combat operations ended?

Of course not.

> Besides a woman losing her job, a Special
> Prosecutor, a jury trial, and a conviction? Can we
> also count the serious disruption in a CIA covert
> op?

She didn't lose her job. The special prosecutor brought no charges on Plame's actual outing, and the conviction was for perjury and obstruction as I have noted a couple of times now. And I have seen no evidence of any CIA operations disrupted because of this. Plame wasn't in the clandestine service at the time she was outed.

> And you know this how? By watching Fox News?
> 4,500 American dead, and you are saying nobody
> cares, and we should ignore the history of the
> war.
> You make me sick.

Because I talk to people. No matter how many times you try to create some tenuous link to the war here, it won't work.

I'm sorry I make you sick. Hopefully that's something Obamacare covers for you.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/04/2014 02:24PM by BrianSchoeneman.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Stumble Bumble Fumble ()
Date: July 04, 2014 02:23PM

BrianSchoeneman Wrote:
> Whether Saddam was trying to get yellowcake
> uranium from Nigeria or not...

That would have been Niger, not Nigeria. And also quite a stretch of the imagination.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Man in the shadows ()
Date: July 04, 2014 02:32PM

Cato Wrote:
> Besides a woman losing her job, a Special
> Prosecutor, a jury trial, and a conviction? Can we
> also count the serious disruption in a CIA covert
> op?

Yes, not to trivialize the rest of it, but the real cost in the incident was the loss of Brewster Jennings.

> And you know this how? By watching Fox News?
> 4,500 American dead, and you are saying nobody
> cares, and we should ignore the history of the
> war. You make me sick.

You are not the only one experiencing such a reaction. Brian is what we used to call a "puke".

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: PhuBai ()
Date: July 04, 2014 02:36PM

Man in the shadows Wrote:
> Cato Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Besides a woman losing her job, a Special
> > Prosecutor, a jury trial, and a conviction? Can
> we
> > also count the serious disruption in a CIA
> covert
> > op?
> Yes, not to trivialize the rest of it, but the
> real cost in the incident was the loss of Brewster
> Jennings.
> > And you know this how? By watching Fox News?
> > 4,500 American dead, and you are saying nobody
> > cares, and we should ignore the history of the
> > war. You make me sick.
> You are not the only one experiencing such a
> reaction. Brian is what we used to call a "puke".

"Puke" as in ASA lifer?

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Just Admit It ()
Date: July 04, 2014 02:38PM

liberals think conservatives like to drown kittens and puppies for fun. There is no reasoning with liberals so why bother? It's like clapping with one hand.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: selective outrage ()
Date: July 04, 2014 02:45PM

Cato Wrote:
> Besides a woman losing her job, a Special
> Prosecutor, a jury trial, and a conviction? Can we
> also count the serious disruption in a CIA covert
> op?

There was no "disruption" of any covert op with Plame being outted.

Unlike when names and pictures were revealed during the civil prosecutions of terrorists, or by those on the left who intentionally were targeting and publishing the names and pictures of agents, or by the current administration in the case of the station chief in Afghanistan recently. Where's the outrage?

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: July 04, 2014 02:49PM

Man in the shadows Wrote:

> Yes, not to trivialize the rest of it, but the
> real cost in the incident was the loss of Brewster
> Jennings.

Which was Plame's fault for listing Brewster Jennings as her employer on a $1,000 donation to Al Gore in 2000 that was reported by law to the FEC.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Man in the shadows ()
Date: July 04, 2014 02:50PM

BrianSchoeneman Wrote:
> Do you honestly think that one article by Joe
> Wilson in the New York Times was going to trump
> every other argument for the war or reduce the
> American publics support for it at the time?

Your ignorance is showing, Brian. There WERE no actual arguments for the war. They were all fabricated. Just as transparently as the yellow-cake claim. Ginned up popular hysteria is hardly a defensible basis for policy.

> Especially when it was published four moths after
> the war started and two+ months after combat
> operations ended?

The story branded the administration as wanton liars. Which of course is exactly what they were. They lied about everything. Lying was how they got things done. Very little has changed on the right wing in that regard.

> She didn't lose her job.


> And I have seen no evidence of any CIA operations
> disrupted because of this.

2 x LOL!

> Because I talk to people. No matter how many times
> you try to create some tenuous link to the war
> here, it won't work.

The people you talk to are apparently as duped and deluded as your are.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Man in the shadows ()
Date: July 04, 2014 02:54PM

PhuBai Wrote:
> "Puke" as in ASA lifer?

"Puke" as in one who is repulsive, contemptible, or worthless.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Dane Bramage ()
Date: July 04, 2014 02:56PM

Those Kurds who were gassed. Fake

Same as the Shiites who Saddam gassed.

And the Iranians.

The chem weapons in Syria? Those don't exist either.

“We don’t have any rude, unpleasant people here. We’re different!”

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Jim Crowe ()
Date: July 04, 2014 03:00PM

Just Admit It Wrote:
> liberals think conservatives like to drown kittens
> and puppies for fun. There is no reasoning with
> liberals so why bother? It's like clapping with
> one hand.

PETA will be visiting you shortly to investigate.

But nice Anthrax pull.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Cantor's agenda ()
Date: July 04, 2014 03:01PM

BrianSchoeneman Wrote:
> >
> Because I talk to people. No matter how many times
> you try to create some tenuous link to the war
> here, it won't work.

And you discount anyone who disagrees with you, like you are doing here.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: July 04, 2014 03:01PM

Man in the shadows wrote:

> Your ignorance is showing, Brian. There WERE no
> actual arguments for the war. They were all
> fabricated. Just as transparently as the
> yellow-cake claim. Ginned up popular hysteria is
> hardly a defensible basis for policy.

There were plenty of arguments for the war. So we fabricated every one of Saddam's violations of UN Security Council resolutions?

You guys are loony. You can disagree with the war, but you don't have to lie about it to make your point. You're engaging in the same conduct you're criticizing when you do that.

> The story branded the administration as wanton
> liars. Which of course is exactly what they were.
> They lied about everything. Lying was how they
> got things done. Very little has changed on the
> right wing in that regard.

Strap the tin foil on tighter.

> LOL!

She didn't. She resigned in 2005, and went on to sign multi-million dollar book deals. This was probably the best thing that ever happened to her.

> The people you talk to are apparently as duped and
> deluded as your are.

Neither I nor they are duped and deluded, and that's why they're going to elect Barbara Comstock to Congress in November.

Happy Independence Day!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/04/2014 03:02PM by BrianSchoeneman.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: July 04, 2014 03:05PM

Cantor's agenda Wrote:
> BrianSchoeneman Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > >
> > Because I talk to people. No matter how many
> times
> > you try to create some tenuous link to the war
> > here, it won't work.
> And you discount anyone who disagrees with you,
> like you are doing here.

No, I don't. You have a principled disagreement, I respect that. I don't respect whining and trumped up false outrage.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Man is the shadows ()
Date: July 04, 2014 03:09PM

BrianSchoeneman Wrote:
> Which was Plame's fault for listing Brewster
> Jennings as her employer on a $1,000 donation to
> Al Gore in 2000 that was reported by law to the
> FEC.

You DO know how intelligence works, right? It's plain enough that you have very little of it yourself, but you should know that when smart people are pretending to be something, they try to keep to the story that's been prepared. Brewster Jennings was a very successful and valuable front. It was Plame's cover. There was no damage until Plame herself was outed. At that point, Brewster Jennings was blown and it simply disappeared. The whole place vanished in a matter of days. And a lot of work had to be done to bring other Brewster Jennings people around the world back in from the cold before scores could be settled with them.

I guess none of the people you talk to told you about any of this. You should stop pretending that you and your little clique cover things from one horizon to the other, when you are actually all just a bunch of hopelessly under-informed provincials.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: GetReal ()
Date: July 04, 2014 03:33PM

Man is the shadows Wrote:

> You DO know how intelligence works, right? It's
> plain enough that you have very little of it
> yourself, but you should know that when smart
> people are pretending to be something, they try to
> keep to the story that's been prepared. Brewster
> Jennings was a very successful and valuable front.
> It was Plame's cover. There was no damage until
> Plame herself was outed. At that point, Brewster
> Jennings was blown and it simply disappeared. The
> whole place vanished in a matter of days. And a
> lot of work had to be done to bring other Brewster
> Jennings people around the world back in from the
> cold before scores could be settled with them.

Get real. Plame's cover already was busted long before. Which is why she was brought back to DC. The only people who didn't know what Brewster Jennings was were the general public those outside of the intelligence communities on all sides. Most of them could have figured it out easily if they'd taken more than a passing look. Wilson's role was obvious just based on his position and activities.

> I guess none of the people you talk to told you
> about any of this. You should stop pretending
> that you and your little clique cover things from
> one horizon to the other, when you are actually
> all just a bunch of hopelessly under-informed
> provincials.

That appears to apply equally to you.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Man in the shadows ()
Date: July 04, 2014 03:41PM

BrianSchoeneman Wrote:
> There were plenty of arguments for the war.

Yes. All of them faked.

> So we fabricated every one of Saddam's violations
> of UN Security Council resolutions?

Super-sized goober-deflection. If violations of UN resolutions were the issue, we should have invaded Israel.

> You guys are loony. You can disagree with the war,
> but you don't have to lie about it to make your
> point. You're engaging in the same conduct you're
> criticizing when you do that.

No lies here from anyone but you, Brian. There was no justification for the invasion. All of it was hoaxed. Period. You were duped and can't face up to it.

> Strap the tin foil on tighter.

That's your best? I'm not surprised. If you could have named an excuse for the war that was not fabricated, you would have. You can't, so you post simple drivel. Same as it ever was with you. Just a worthless puff-ball.

> Neither I nor they are duped and deluded, and
> that's why they're going to elect Barbara Comstock
> to Congress in November.

Sheesh! You really are a low-grader.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: July 04, 2014 03:57PM

While I enjoy arguing with folks on here as much as the next guy, I'm done arguing about the Iraq War on the internet. There is no point to it anymore.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Fo' Schoe ()
Date: July 04, 2014 04:20PM

This coming from someone who craves attention.

Why engage when there is clear lack of upside in doing so? Are you drunk?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: July 04, 2014 04:27PM

Fo' Schoe Wrote:
> This coming from someone who craves attention.
> Why engage when there is clear lack of upside in
> doing so? Are you drunk?

Worse. Bored.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Why so hard on Brian ()
Date: July 04, 2014 04:30PM

It's not Brian's fault all you libtards voted for Obama, it was a Democrat that pulled all our troops out of Iraq not a Republican. If anyone's to blame, it's that clown of a president Obozo!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: July 04, 2014 04:36PM

Stupid large obnoxious pictures is all you have. Little insecure thugs.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: LGdCD ()
Date: July 04, 2014 05:11PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Stupid large obnoxious pictures is all you have.
> Little insecure thugs.

And truth. Much more than what you have. Of course, we should never have been there to begin with.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: July 04, 2014 06:38PM

Truth? Your the people that led us there based on lies? Now you claim to be the honest ones? How about starting with learning to take responsibility for your votes.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: 7Ev76 ()
Date: July 04, 2014 11:41PM

It's so telling that partisan hacks are more interested in saying the other party failed rather than being interested in something positive for the USA. Stop the bickering. Hacks are trying to poison the other party but, in reality, they are poisoning themselves and America.

Wake the fuck up.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: July 05, 2014 12:42AM

The day Republicans stop waging a war on working class Americans is the day I'll stop being a so called partisan. I'm not a Democrat, I'm the anti Republican party.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: What A Load "Working Class" Huh ()
Date: July 05, 2014 01:38AM

>The day Republicans stop waging a war on working class Americans

Bullshit! I was a blue collar voter for 40 years. I voted for some democrats along the way. I learned . Never again a vote for a Democrat.

Gun Control : Piss on you
Illegal Immigration Support" Piss on You
Police State Mentality : Piss on You
Jobs : Piss on you
High Court Dem Picks : Piss on You
Gay Rights: Piss on You
Wacko Greens: Piss on You
Abortion Killing the Unborn Child: Piss on You
Tort Reform: Piss on You
Welfare for Votes: Piss on You
Closing Coal Mines: Piss on You
Big Government: Piss On You
Obama Care : Piss on You
Chicken Shit Dem Name Callers : Piss on You
Veterans Treatment: Piss on You
Defend The Constitution: Double Piss on You from Me and My Dog

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: "working class" @ GoldmanSachs? ()
Date: July 05, 2014 07:58AM

Yeah. Sure.

Jewh8ter2, still stuck on stupid.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: 8 factoids refuted ()
Date: July 05, 2014 09:09AM

Eight Pre-War Claims Refuted:

• No weapons of mass destruction of any kind were found in Iraq.

• No mobile biological weapons labs were found in Iraq.

• Iraq did not seek to acquire yellowcake uranium from Africa.

• The aluminum tubes were not suitable for nuclear weapons development.

• Mohamed Atta, the lead 9/11 hijacker, did not meet with Iraqi intelligence in Prague.

• Iraq did not provide chemical weapons training to al-Qaeda.

• There was no collaborative relationship between Iraq and al-Qaeda.

• The implication that Iraq was involved in the attacks of 9/11 was untrue.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Sorry To Burst Your Bubble ()
Date: July 05, 2014 10:31AM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> I'm not a Democrat, I'm the anti Republican party.

No Gerry, you are just a tired, sad, old man with no true love in life. Happiness has passed by you.

The world will be a better place when you are gone.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: tired, sad, old man ()
Date: July 05, 2014 11:13AM

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Yellowcake ()
Date: July 05, 2014 08:21PM

BrianSchoeneman Wrote:
> While I enjoy arguing with folks on here as much
> as the next guy, I'm done arguing about the Iraq
> War on the internet. There is no point to it
> anymore.

You are absolutely right. You lost the argument. So, it is in your best interest to ignore it and move on.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Ladies first ()
Date: July 05, 2014 08:46PM

Sorry To Burst Your Bubble Wrote:
> Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I'm not a Democrat, I'm the anti Republican
> party.
> No Gerry, you are just a tired, sad, old man with
> no true love in life. Happiness has passed by
> you.
> The world will be a better place when you are
> gone.

You go first
Show gerry how it's done

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: What A Load "Working Class" Huh ()
Date: July 05, 2014 11:15PM

> Gay Rights: Piss on You

I am sorry to be so mean on Gays. They should be left alone not hassled, They should have rights as partners with contracts for home ownership, survivors benefits on pensions, health insurance for partners like married couples, Just not be married but in a legal contract that is similure. Gays being "married" will take some getting used to..in time it will happen.

Now the rest.. Piss on You!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Man in the shadows ()
Date: July 06, 2014 11:10AM

GetReal Wrote:
> Get real. Plame's cover already was busted long before.

Oh, that's right. It was Aldrich Ames. No, the Turkish guy. Or wait, that dossier left unattended at the Swiss embassy in Havana. Face it, cream-puff, the tarnished right has spent more than a decade now trying to invent some plausible cover and excusification for their wanton betrayals of trust and citizenship in this matter, many of those efforts simply flying in the face of direct and on-the-record declarations by the Prosecutor and the CIA stating in no uncertain terms that Plame was in fact under cover and that the disclosure of her identity damaged all of Ms. Plame, the Agency, and various of the Agency's operations. These reactionary stink piles of self-serving dismissal were disgraceful at the time and continue to be so today.

> Which is why she was brought back to DC.

She was in the post-marriage process of converting from non-official to official cover. That process was of course completely derailed by vindictive criminality and abuse of power committed by a pack of serial liars and sad sack incompetent partisans.

> The only people who didn't know what Brewster
> Jennings was were the general public those outside
> of the intelligence communities on all sides.

Like many others still unexposed by government officials personally and professionally pledged to their protection, Brewster Jennings was a successful CIA front operation of long standing, and it still was when Plame was outed.

> Most of them could have figured it out easily if
> they'd taken more than a passing look.

Sure. That's because intelligence agencies are just a bunch of simpletons and the real smart guys are you and your smarmy kinfolk. Cover is as deep as it needs to be. That can range from the proverbial "cultural attaché" to UN "weapons inspector" to something more like the witness protection program. All of this of course goes on in the real world, not in the world of dime-store spy novels.

> Wilson's role was obvious just based on his position
> and activities.

Wilson's role in what? With his history in the region, he was asked by the CIA to do an outside investigation of the situation in Niger. Their own internal specialists had suggested that the "sixteen words" were tied to forgery-based nonsense. President Bush had been informed of that assessment prior to a foreign policy speech in Cincinnati in October 2002. He removed the words from that address, only to put them back into the State of the Union the following January as he continued to lie and pimp for a cause of war that was unjustifiable on the actual facts.

> That appears to apply equally to you.

Hmmm. Not hardly.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Man in the shadows ()
Date: July 06, 2014 11:13AM

BrianSchoeneman Wrote:
> While I enjoy arguing with folks on here as much
> as the next guy, I'm done arguing about the Iraq
> War on the internet. There is no point to it
> anymore.

You should take the same approach with regard to every untenable position that you try to argue. A more savvy individual would of course begin to wonder why this seems to happen so often.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Man in the shadows ()
Date: July 06, 2014 11:17AM

7Ev76 Wrote:
> It's so telling that partisan hacks are more
> interested in saying the other party failed rather
> than being interested in something positive for
> the USA. Stop the bickering. Hacks are trying to
> poison the other party but, in reality, they are
> poisoning themselves and America. Wake the fuck up.

There is a difference between spin and lying and between stretching the truth and making it up out of whole cloth. There are not equal shares of blame to be assigned here. Not by a long shot.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Man in sthe shadows ()
Date: July 06, 2014 11:25AM

What A Load "Working Class" Huh Wrote:
> Just not be married but in a legal contract that is similure.

Right, that's what I thought. More IQ < 90. The rest of your list was also a hoot, by the way. So impressively distanced from any notion of reality!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Spotlight ()
Date: July 06, 2014 12:05PM

Man in the shadows Wrote:
> GetReal Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Get real. Plame's cover already was busted long
> before.
> Oh, that's right. It was Aldrich Ames. No, the
> Turkish guy. Or wait, that dossier left
> unattended at the Swiss embassy in Havana. Face
> it, cream-puff, the tarnished right has spent
> more than a decade now trying to invent some
> plausible cover and excusification for their
> wanton betrayals of trust and citizenship in this
> matter, many of those efforts simply flying in the
> face of direct and on-the-record declarations by
> the Prosecutor and the CIA stating in no uncertain
> terms that Plame was in fact under cover and that
> the disclosure of her identity damaged all of Ms.
> Plame, the Agency, and various of the Agency's
> operations. These reactionary stink piles of
> self-serving dismissal were disgraceful at the
> time and continue to be so today.
> > Which is why she was brought back to DC.
> She was in the post-marriage process of converting
> from non-official to official cover. That process
> was of course completely derailed by vindictive
> criminality and abuse of power committed by a pack
> of serial liars and sad sack incompetent
> partisans.

Plane was about as covert as you are asshole goober Vienna lover.

> > The only people who didn't know what Brewster
> > Jennings was were the general public those
> outside
> > of the intelligence communities on all sides.
> Like many others still unexposed by government
> officials personally and professionally pledged to
> their protection, Brewster Jennings was a
> successful CIA front operation of long standing,
> and it still was when Plame was outed.
> > Most of them could have figured it out easily
> if
> > they'd taken more than a passing look.
> Sure. That's because intelligence agencies are
> just a bunch of simpletons and the real smart guys
> are you and your smarmy kinfolk. Cover is as deep
> as it needs to be. That can range from the
> proverbial "cultural attaché" to UN "weapons
> inspector" to something more like the witness
> protection program. All of this of course goes
> on in the real world, not in the world of
> dime-store spy novels.

Uh huh. And nobody knows about the old Blue Building or any of the other CIA and various intelligence agency offices around here either.

> > Wilson's role was obvious just based on his
> position
> > and activities.
> Wilson's role in what? With his history in the
> region, he was asked by the CIA to do an outside
> investigation of the situation in Niger. Their
> own internal specialists had suggested that the
> "sixteen words" were tied to forgery-based
> nonsense. President Bush had been informed of
> that assessment prior to a foreign policy speech
> in Cincinnati in October 2002. He removed the
> words from that address, only to put them back
> into the State of the Union the following January
> as he continued to lie and pimp for a cause of war
> that was unjustifiable on the actual facts.
> > That appears to apply equally to you.
> Hmmm. Not hardly.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: July 06, 2014 12:26PM

Man in the shadows Wrote:
> BrianSchoeneman Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > While I enjoy arguing with folks on here as
> much
> > as the next guy, I'm done arguing about the
> Iraq
> > War on the internet. There is no point to it
> > anymore.
> You should take the same approach with regard to
> every untenable position that you try to argue. A
> more savvy individual would of course begin to
> wonder why this seems to happen so often.

A more savvy individual would wonder why you are so desperate to win an argument that can't be won.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: True The Vote ! ()
Date: July 06, 2014 01:14PM

Nice shot.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Keeping count. ()
Date: July 06, 2014 01:38PM

Brian wins! I'm a democrat but I'll vote for Brian just because he has the balls to use his name and post on ffxu.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: that's right ()
Date: July 06, 2014 02:30PM

Sounds more like he's serving us up with a platter of attention whoring with a side of inflated self-worth. This is what happens when you've reached the end of your Twitter rope.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: July 06, 2014 04:28PM

that's right Wrote:
> Sounds more like he's serving us up with a platter
> of attention whoring with a side of inflated
> self-worth. This is what happens when you've
> reached the end of your Twitter rope.

I'm just commenting, like anybody else.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Derrr OBUMMER! (R)Etards ()
Date: July 06, 2014 07:10PM

Why so hard on Brian Wrote:
> It's not Brian's fault all you libtards voted for
> Obama, it was a Democrat that pulled all our
> troops out of Iraq not a Republican. If anyone's
> to blame, it's that clown of a president Obozo!

Actually, it was Bush who failed to get the continued armed presence agreement from Malaki, not Obama, but nice try.

In fact Cheney went onto all the sunday shows talking about how it was a success that we no longer were needed there prior to them leaving office.

Moron fucks

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: True The Vote ! ()
Date: July 06, 2014 07:33PM

When them guys left shit hit the fan. Obama owns this, He brags about it.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: lol desperate GOP blame game ()
Date: July 06, 2014 07:35PM

True The Vote ! Wrote:
> When them guys left shit hit the fan. Obama owns
> this, He brags about it.

BTW, who the fuck cares. Its Iraq. We shouldnt have been there to start with, we still shouldn't be, but to blame Obama for what was agreed to under Bush and Cheney, is a new low for the GOP. Desperate much?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: True The Vote ! ()
Date: July 06, 2014 07:47PM

It was a done deal. Thems guy put a whoop ass on those heathens, everything after Obama owns. Suck it Gerry.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: GOP Establishment ()
Date: July 06, 2014 09:53PM

BrianSchoeneman Wrote:
> that's right Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Sounds more like he's serving us up with a
> platter
> > of attention whoring with a side of inflated
> > self-worth. This is what happens when you've
> > reached the end of your Twitter rope.
> I'm just commenting, like anybody else.

Using your real name, given your elevated political status, is nothing more than "gosh, what I have to say is important and I'm always right, so people should listen to me."

Can you not see this? What upside is there to posting here when it can be used against you?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Wrrrrong ()
Date: July 06, 2014 10:02PM

Derrr OBUMMER! (R)Etards Wrote:
> Why so hard on Brian Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It's not Brian's fault all you libtards voted
> for
> > Obama, it was a Democrat that pulled all our
> > troops out of Iraq not a Republican. If
> anyone's
> > to blame, it's that clown of a president Obozo!
> Actually, it was Bush who failed to get the
> continued armed presence agreement from Malaki,
> not Obama, but nice try.
> In fact Cheney went onto all the sunday shows
> talking about how it was a success that we no
> longer were needed there prior to them leaving
> office.
> Moron fucks

Bzzzzzttt. Wrong. Thanks for playing.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: True The Vote ! ()
Date: July 06, 2014 10:03PM

Hey Gerry, You make Brian laugh, and he doesnt really need to think at all when giving you a little polite shit filled twinkie...open up and assume the position.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: July 06, 2014 10:53PM

Don't embarrass me in the General section. You're a very low caliber troll of mine. You belong in off topic

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: True The Vote ! ()
Date: July 06, 2014 11:15PM

Gerry was the only 12 year old in the first grade, even five year olds knew he had retard strength, but in a battle of wit he lost, then and now.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: July 06, 2014 11:43PM

GOP Establishment Wrote:
> BrianSchoeneman Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > that's right Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Sounds more like he's serving us up with a
> > platter
> > > of attention whoring with a side of inflated
> > > self-worth. This is what happens when you've
> > > reached the end of your Twitter rope.
> >
> > I'm just commenting, like anybody else.
> Using your real name, given your elevated
> political status, is nothing more than "gosh, what
> I have to say is important and I'm always right,
> so people should listen to me."
> Can you not see this? What upside is there to
> posting here when it can be used against you?

Most of the time I post here I get told I don't have any kind of status, so this is kind of funny.

The reason I post here is the same reason most people do - it gives me a chance to interact with folks I normally wouldn't get the chance to interact with. I'm not worried about what I say being used against me, which is why I post under my real name.

And I make mistakes, just like anybody else.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: 9YtDD ()
Date: July 07, 2014 12:02AM

BrianSchoeneman Wrote:

> And I make mistakes, just like anybody else.

Like this one:

in 2011, Brian Schoememan wrote here on FFXU; "Iraq did result in one major success – there is now a viable democracy in the heart of the middle east that does not support terror and is a US ally. Sounds like a victory to me."

Just admit you were, and are still, wrong or join the GOP line of useless unaccountable liars.

I mean, only the FUCKING REAL FACTS PROVE YOU WERE WRONG. I would guess ignoring reality is just a character trait of the GOP.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: July 07, 2014 12:21AM

I wasn't wrong when I made the statement. Things have changed since 2011. I hope that the ISIS issue is resolved and Iraq's democracy survives - I think that's what everyone wants to see happen.

Not exactly sure why anybody would be gloating about Iraq as a failed state.

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Posted by: chuckhoffmann ()
Date: July 07, 2014 07:22AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/08/2014 01:06AM by chuckhoffmann.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: Animotion's One Hit ()
Date: July 07, 2014 09:18AM

Why doesn't the OP just ask Brian out to dinner already????

It's not like his obsession is a secret anymore.

How big is the poster of Brian hanging in the OP's room????

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: wow, just wow ()
Date: July 07, 2014 10:13AM

From off topic

Brian Wrote:

>Iraq because of the incorrect
> belief that Saddam had WMDs and could give them
> too terrorists.

No, Brian. Recently uncovered documents show clearly the reason Bush/Cheney went to war in Iraq was to get control of their under-utilized oil reserves. Cheney's secret "energy summit" in early 2001 actually carved out the Iraqi oil fields for the big oil companies. Getting rid of Saddam would lift the oil restrictions and allow Iraqi oil to flow freely.

But these recently uncovered documents show really nothing new.

The British newspapers reported on May 1, 2005, the "Downey Street Memo." The memo recorded the head of the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) as expressing the view following his recent visit to Washington that "[George W.] Bush wanted to remove Saddam Hussein, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy." Hence, we had to fabricate WMD's and terrorism as the reasons for going to war. Te Downing Street memo should have been your first clue as to the real reason for going to war, and what the fake reason really was. You Brian, ignored it.

Did you not see the documentary "Why We Did it." Of course you didn't. It showed interviews from people in the CIA, and in the George W. Bush administration clearly citing the reasons for war and how the facts were manipulated so we could justify war. It showed a clear time line from the secret "Energy Summit" to the invasion itself on how under-utilized oil reserves were he driving force in the Bush administration, not WMD's. You ignored that report.

Actually, when the invasion started, The Washington Post reported the evidence of WMD's was "flimsy." You ignored that report as well, even though it turned out to be absolutely true. Oh, but that is just the liberal media, right, Brian?

The books "Bushwhacked" and The Greatest War ever Sold" also told of oil being the driving force for war. You didn't read those, either, did you?

Until you, Brian, get out of the "Conservative" bubble, you will have no respect in my view. You here cited BS talking points here in 2011, and you should have known better. To come here now and try to defend your BS, is unconscionable.

Go watch Why We Did it" and you can then make an informed opinion.

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Re: Brian Schoeneman on the Iraq War "Success" here on FFU
Posted by: wow, indeed ()
Date: July 07, 2014 10:29AM

LOL. Downey Street Memo.

Retard can't even keep his Looney Toons talking points straight.

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