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The Capital Wheel at National Harbor - Have you seen this thing at night?
Posted by: Mr Arlington ()
Date: July 02, 2014 06:47PM

The Capital Wheel at National Harbor looks OK during the day, but at night it has bright LED lights that flash constantly changing patterns across the entire wheel. This thing is an ugly, gaudy monstrosity when viewed from DC or Virginia at night. WTTG Fox 5 has been showing it lately in the background during its nightly weather report. It seems so out of place for the DC area, but this is just the beginning. National Harbor will get even brighter and gaudier when the MGM Casino opens up. Do people in DC or Virginia have any say in this? Why can't the Wheel be more like the classy ferris wheel in London, England?


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Re: The Capital Wheel at National Harbor - Have you seen this thing at night?
Posted by: Any Nemesis ()
Date: July 02, 2014 07:03PM

You're pathetic. You'd complain if they hung you with a new rope. Do us all a favor and get a razor and draw a hot bath.Loser

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Re: The Capital Wheel at National Harbor - Have you seen this thing at night?
Posted by: It's in PG ()
Date: July 02, 2014 07:04PM

Mr Arlington Wrote:
> The Capital Wheel at National Harbor looks OK
> during the day, but at night it has bright LED
> lights that flash constantly changing patterns
> across the entire wheel. This thing is an ugly,
> gaudy monstrosity when viewed from DC or Virginia
> at night. WTTG Fox 5 has been showing it lately
> in the background during its nightly weather
> report. It seems so out of place for the DC area,
> but this is just the beginning. National Harbor
> will get even brighter and gaudier when the MGM
> Casino opens up. Do people in DC or Virginia have
> any say in this? Why can't the Wheel be more like
> the classy ferris wheel in London, England?
> http://nationalharbor.com/capitalwheel/

It is classy for PG

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Re: The Capital Wheel at National Harbor - Have you seen this thing at night?
Posted by: astheburritoturns ()
Date: July 02, 2014 07:33PM

It's a ferris wheel designed to give a happy, carnival-like atmosphere to the area- what are you, no fun league?

Let me guess- you live in a cookie cutter house with an HOA and are mad if the walls are not "bright beige" and get mad if someone wants to put a flamingo in their yard.

Take the stick out your ass- live and let live! What did the wheel do to you?

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