Re: Stiff Realtors - ONly Agree to 2% TOTAL COMMISSION
Date: February 14, 2009 08:49AM
Well finally someone with a brain in their head! Just replace 'Insist that' with 'Negotiate for' so you do not look like six-year-old. None of it is personal - its business. You might want to hide your vitriol for agents and pretend that you are shrewd (instead of a dummy). Usually persons railing about the 'unfairness' of commission etc. are just showing fear and lack of understanding - they are responding defensively (this quickly identifies them as easy prey).
So, put on your big-boy grown-up hat and instead of 'punishing' the real estate agent rationally present your terms. 'Dear Mr. seller and your agent, I am willing to enter into a contract for the purchase price of $XXX,XXX. In addition I require an amount equaling xx% to be presented to me, in cash at settlement.'
Who cares where the money comes from? If enough of you crusaders do this owners will probably start asking for discounts on listing contracts. You see Real Estate is a commodity and it is all negotiable.
Congratulations you are close to graduating and becoming an adult - an empowered negotiator. Careful though, once you learn the secret is not buying 'retail' you might just get a taste for the business (just kidding it is quite hard and complainers don't last a fortnight).
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/14/2009 08:52AM by dono.