MrMephisto Wrote:
> Vince(1) Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > If you read the 2nd amendment as written..not
> > interpreted to suite ones political agenda it
> is
> > obvious that there is only one reason for
> people
> > to bear arms...and that is to support "a
> > well-regulated militia".
> It appears that Vince, in his infinite capacity to
> be oblivious to his own hypocrisy, has interpreted
> the second amendment to suite his political
> agenda. If I didn't understand irony, I wouldn't
> think anything he said was funny.
> The full text says, "A well regulated Militia,
> being necessary to the security of a free state,
> the right of the people to keep and bear arms,
> shall not be infringed." Vince doesn't have a
> full grasp of the English language
> ("aposalatigising," lol), so those pesky commas
> are probably throwing him off.
> Commas can be used to distinguish a separate idea
> or reason directly related to the sentence as a
> whole. For example:
> "Vince's opinions, often poorly-worded and lacking
> any basis in reality, are easily dismissable." I
> also could have said, "Vince's opinions are easily
> dismissable. They are often poorly-worded and
> lacking any basis in reality." Both work.
> Keeping the cadence of the amendment's language, I
> could write, "Vince's opinions, often
> poorly-worded and lacking any basis in reality,
> not really surprising since he likes the smell of
> his own farts, are easily dismissable."
> The fact that a distinction was even made between
> a militia and the people reads quite literally (to
> anybody that can read, that is) that citizens are
> allowed to own weapons. Otherwise, they would
> have written, "A well regulated Militia, being
> necessary to the security of a free state, the
> right of the Militia to keep and bear arms, shall
> not be infringed."
> Need further proof? Look up the definition of
> "militia." Here, I'll help:
> If a militia is comprised of ordinary citizens,
> what do you expect them to fight with if they're
> mustered?
> But who cares, guns kill people and should be
> banned. All gun owners are murdering pederasts.
The sentence is is written in the context of state militias..thats why people have guns to support militias. Outside that context the sentence does not apply. Since militias dont exist...neither does the need for uninfringed gun ownership. You can make beleive it says whatever you want...the republikan supreme court did!