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Bunnyman Bridge
Posted by: Dan Louis ()
Date: February 08, 2009 11:08AM

Does anyone know about the Bunnyman Bridge Legend? Supposedly a local film company is making a movie about it in Clifton. But, doing a little research, on the topic I wasn't able to find anything about a mental institute in Clifton or any actual murders. Yet I also heard, that the whole story was wrong and the bridge was actually located somewhere different from where everyone seems to believe it is. Just a little curious about this local urban legend. Seems interesting.

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Re: Bunnyman Bridge
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: February 08, 2009 11:17AM

Use this site's search feature, there have been plenty of threads on this subject.

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Re: Bunnyman Bridge
Posted by: slinkeyts ()
Date: February 08, 2009 12:38PM

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Re: Bunnyman Bridge
Posted by: boredom ()
Date: February 08, 2009 12:50PM

It's been about a week since the last one of these. This is what, Bunnyman thread number 39572829384?

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Re: Bunnyman Bridge
Posted by: Dan Louis ()
Date: February 08, 2009 02:40PM

thanks for the tip about the thread search tool. There have been a lot of postings on this topic. Especially Robert Greyberg's Hemlock Overlook: The Real Bunnyman Bridge. But I still have a lot of questions about this legend. As Robert Greyberg stated in his posts there is some proof of mental insitute-like orginizations that existed in Clifton, such as Ivakota Farm and the Old Poor House (which is torn down, but supposedly was located near the "fake Bunnyman Bridge".

Anyhow, I think it is definitely something worth looking into. If anyone knows anything about this, please share. I find it extremely fascinating.

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Re: Bunnyman Bridge
Posted by: dono ()
Date: February 08, 2009 04:23PM

I find it extremely stupid, unless of course they could link this to Saddam H.

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Re: Bunnyman Bridge
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: February 09, 2009 01:16AM

Listen, this whole "Bunnyman Bridge" legend, and I mean the whole story, is just a cover. The REAL story is rooted in a secret military experiment, codenamed "Operation Bunnyman".

Even telling you this much is going to get me into deep shit. Suffice it to say that if you begin to comb through military records at the National Archives, the truth WILL begin to become clear.

But I have to warn you - it's not a pretty truth. The Bunnyman was a curse that the military desperately wants to forget, as the photos will show you.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/09/2009 01:17AM by RESton Peace.

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Re: Bunnyman Bridge
Posted by: Dan Louis ()
Date: February 09, 2009 02:23PM

Very funny commentary. It is rumors like these that could have possibly morphed the legend into what it is now. I myself am more interested in the truth behind this legend.

So what exactly is the the story behind the story here? Was there really a mental institute, or anything like a mental institute ever in Clifton, Fairfax Station, or the surrounding area?

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Posted by: inkahootz ()
Date: February 09, 2009 02:40PM


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/01/2010 08:33PM by inkahootz.

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Re: Bunnyman Bridge
Posted by: Dan Louis ()
Date: February 09, 2009 09:07PM

So wut else is there about this legend that has some truth behind it?

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Re: Bunnyman Bridge
Posted by: donna ()
Date: February 10, 2009 11:33PM

I think that the real bunnyman attack happened along the George Washington Parkway near Mt. Vernon in the early 1970's. There were one or two teenage couples in a car and they were attacked by the "bunnyman" with a hatchet I beleive. I am not sure exactly where it happened but there are a few bridges and park areas along there. I remember hearing about it when it happened and then years later I met one of the girls - I did not talk about it with her but she was a friend of a friend who told me it was her. I think that one of the boys died but am not sure. That is what I know.

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Re: Bunnyman Bridge
Posted by: kohlchester ()
Date: April 25, 2012 09:39AM

Anyone interested in Bunny Man Bridge hasn't done there homework until they have visited www.colchesteroverpass.org

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