Re: The roads are slick. You have a 4WD. Time to drive like an idiot.
Posted by:
Date: January 28, 2009 05:28PM
uhuh Wrote:
> everyone has 4-wheel brakes that work the same
> way. 4-wheel drive lets you drive faster but not
> stop faster. please slow down before you kill
> yourself or someone else.
Not true. Depends on the size of the car, as well as how old it is and how expensive it was.
Bigger cars will have brakes on all 4 wheels. Small sedans, etc. will only have front brakes.
How old it is will tell you whether or not it has an ABS brake system, which pump the brakes for you in the event of a slide/skid. THose with ABS will stop somewhat more quickly, becuase the system can pump the brakes something like 12 times a second. You can't, and you may forget in a panic stop.
A cheap car may have drum brakes in the back, which are ineffective when wet. Ok, so are disc brakes, but drum brakes stay wet longer. They tend to get wet when doing such activites as driving thru mounds of slush and huge water puddles.