That is funny, coming from the Stripper daughter of a DEA agent who had a boyfriend that was the biggest drug dealer in Fairfax County at the time.
I believe that Justin is guilty. I knew him back then. I have followed the case over the years.
I have spoken to a few of the people that were there that night after the murder "toasting"
I know John Partridge and I know he was incompetent to handle this trial.
I do believe Justin is guilty of the murder for hire. I also believe he should have hired a better attorney. Maybe you should have referred him to Robert Whitestone who is capable of getting a guilty murderer off free.
And Regina, I see that your intelligence is still that of a stripper that dates drug dealers. It is funny to see someone try so hard to sound educated.
The only thing Justin is owed is the death chamber.
I hope all of the money, trips and free drugs were worth the outcome. Justin was the epitome of greed and arrogance. Come on girlfriend, everyone in Chantilly knew what was up.
Everyone who is still supporting Justin now are all the same people that HE was supporting with money, drugs, trips and parties back then. I won't lie, I got some free drugs off Justin. I got to party it up like a rockstar thanks to JW.
But I still believe he is guilty of this crime.
All of this so-called "new evidence" is all just more lies, lies and more lies.
There is nothing that explains all of the calls to/from Owen and Justin that night.
There is no other logical motive.
They want to say that Petrole could have been a victim of other drug dealers,
yet HE WAS NOT ROBBED of any of the drugs or money in his home or on his person.
I know the judge is smart enough to read between the lies and weak excuses.
My sympathy goes out to Terri Steinberg, for I know she will never give up on her fight to save her son. She is a very strong and brave woman.
But Justin is guilty, and he will not be exonerated of this crime.