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Why am I getting this Private Message?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: January 23, 2009 06:56PM

I am not a moderator/admin of Fairfax, and this was a lousey idea for a birthday present. Come on I know you must have more creativity then this, just use your imagination! Whoever is playing with me now please explain yourself?
I understand how this person feels I have empathy for their situation, but this is the job for Cary, not me. Someone has lead this poor fellow down the wrong road, which I know all to well. Then of course this person may not even exist, which is another possibly...who ever really knows reality here within FU.

Does this mean the moderator here no longer exists? That would explain so much.

Hello, Issue concerning a thread
From: Peter
To: spunky
Date: 01/22/2009 08:50PM

I am sort of in a jam I was told to contact a moderator/admin of fairfax. The problem is that apparently there is a "thread" from april of 2007 where a user posted some sort of hacking scam and the person running it inconveniently has my name. So after I google'd my name I realized that it was the #2 result and it looks pretty bad. Its like the #2 hit on google so for job applications etc if anyone googles me it makes me look weird. I dont even have a paypal and if I did I would have no idea how to do anything like this. The other problem is it appears someone trying to help out the individual who was scammed found information about my family and posted it. So the result says: Peter Vrettos/Ted Vrettos who is my father. I was hoping something could be done about this like remove the information, or remove the thread. Thanks alot, feel free to email me at graduation77@hotmail.com

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Re: Why am I getting this Private Message?
Posted by: HIJACKER ()
Date: January 23, 2009 09:21PM

So can you clarify, did he - or did he not molest you as a child?

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Re: Why am I getting this Private Message?
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: January 24, 2009 12:04AM

Have you tried fucking yourself?

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Re: Why am I getting this Private Message?
Posted by: angelus42774 ()
Date: January 26, 2009 08:29AM

Because you're a douchebag, and as such douchebag things should happen to you. Now swallow your face.

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Re: Why am I getting this Private Message?
Posted by: SRE ()
Date: January 26, 2009 12:09PM

Nice spunky,

You are contacted by some poor individual who is looking for help to try and get his name out of the public eye, and you go and post his name and contact info back to the public forum.

"Why am I getting this Private Message?" Maybe someone guided this poor individual to you because it was foreseen that you would react in just the way you are. Another possibility is he was directed to you because you *seem* to know how everything is anyway, in both this forum and "the Real World".

> "just use your imagination!" No one on this forum could come close to your level of imagination.

> "explain yourself"? To you? Why?

> Does this mean the moderator here no longer
> exists? That would explain so much.
Cary (the Moderator) does exist. So what is your explanation now?

spunky Wrote:
> I am not a moderator/admin of Fairfax, and this
> was a lousey idea for a birthday present. Come on
> I know you must have more creativity then this,
> just use your imagination! Whoever is playing
> with me now please explain yourself?
> I understand how this person feels I have empathy
> for their situation, but this is the job for Cary,
> not me. Someone has lead this poor fellow down
> the wrong road, which I know all to well. Then of
> course this person may not even exist, which is
> another possibly...who ever really knows reality
> here within FU.
> Does this mean the moderator here no longer
> exists? That would explain so much.
> Hello, Issue concerning a thread
> From: Peter
> To: spunky
> Date: 01/22/2009 08:50PM
> I am sort of in a jam I was told to contact a
> moderator/admin of fairfax. The problem is that
> apparently there is a "thread" from april of 2007
> where a user posted some sort of hacking scam and
> the person running it inconveniently has my name.
> So after I google'd my name I realized that it was
> the #2 result and it looks pretty bad. Its like
> the #2 hit on google so for job applications etc
> if anyone googles me it makes me look weird. I
> dont even have a paypal and if I did I would have
> no idea how to do anything like this. The other
> problem is it appears someone trying to help out
> the individual who was scammed found information
> about my family and posted it. So the result says:
> Peter Vrettos/Ted Vrettos who is my father. I was
> hoping something could be done about this like
> remove the information, or remove the thread.
> Thanks alot, feel free to email me at
> graduation77@hotmail.com

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Re: Why am I getting this Private Message?
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: January 26, 2009 12:30PM

Has anybody actually emailed this person and told them how to contact Cary?

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Re: Why am I getting this Private Message?
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: January 26, 2009 01:11PM

LOLZ to and MrMephisto and angelus42774

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Re: Why am I getting this Private Message?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: January 27, 2009 07:25PM

> LOLZ to and MrMephisto and angelus42774

I am sure this was produced by one of you idiots. None of your post make any sense or relate to the thread, but what's new? The fact that they have an email of graduation77 shows that this person is no kid. But then again you people here aren't either but you sure act like it!

I'll not dignify your questions with any answers now...I know who and what you are!

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Re: Why am I getting this Private Message?
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: January 27, 2009 07:48PM

Based on the email address my guess is the kid didn't write it, the father wrote it saying he was the kid. lol.

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