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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: TomMadison ()
Date: January 21, 2009 09:40AM

Looking for suggestions to host a wedding rehearsal dinner in May. Expecting around 20-25 guests...either a private room or space in a more intimate restaurant, preferably with 15-20 minutes of Fairfax City. The only place that quickly comes to mind is Maggiano's in Tysons.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: Voter ()
Date: January 21, 2009 09:51AM

You might have a look at Dante's in Great Falls. This is a more personal, unique kind of place that has several private rooms.


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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: Got Murried ()
Date: January 21, 2009 10:05AM

I had my dinner at Fleming's in McLean. It's a steakhouse with a private back room that is perfect. They had tons of wine for everyone and even set up a screen with a projector for a slideshow that my brother made - everyone loved it.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: Bob ()
Date: January 21, 2009 11:37AM

Got Murried Wrote:
> I had my dinner at Fleming's in McLean. It's a
> steakhouse with a private back room that is
> perfect. They had tons of wine for everyone and
> even set up a screen with a projector for a
> slideshow that my brother made - everyone loved
> it.

J Gilberts is good, too. They have private rooms. But they are actually in McLean, not Tysons so it might be outside the "15 to 20 minutes" from FFX City requirement of the OP. Flemings is a few minutes closer and probably about the same price-range. J Gilberts has a slightly more varied menu, though.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: January 21, 2009 11:39AM

ALto Plaza is a having a fires sale on wedding dinner's. Check it out.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: Lock Box ()
Date: January 21, 2009 11:52AM

The Inn at Perry Cabin comes to mind.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: Strategery ()
Date: January 21, 2009 11:53AM

Or you could try Sizzler.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: Bob ()
Date: January 21, 2009 12:00PM

Lock Box Wrote:
> The Inn at Perry Cabin comes to mind.

Extremely expensive, and a little bit farther than 15 to 20 minutes from Fairfax City, isn't it?

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: Bob ()
Date: January 21, 2009 12:02PM

Strategery Wrote:
> Or you could try Sizzler.

Don't laugh. If we were in West Virginia, that would be the upscale choice.

As I once heard someone tell a traveller passing through Wheeling who was looking for a "nice restaurant", "ooh, Sizzler. They have silverware!"

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: TomMadison ()
Date: January 21, 2009 12:03PM

The 15-20 minute criteria was not an absolute, but isn't the Inn at Perry Cabin on the Eastern shore? Dante's and Fleming's both seem like good suggestions.

For anyone who has hosted one of these, what is a reasonable cost per person? I was thinking $60-75 per person with wine and tip, but that might be low.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: TomMadison ()
Date: January 21, 2009 12:06PM

Any opinions regarding That's Amore in Vienna? Regular dinner there has always been nice and the price is reasonable.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: Washingtons ghost ()
Date: January 21, 2009 12:06PM

The restaurant at Mount Vernon Plantation is very nice. Probably a little more than 20 minutes from Fairfax though.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: Bob ()
Date: January 21, 2009 12:26PM

TomMadison Wrote:
> Any opinions regarding That's Amore in Vienna?
> Regular dinner there has always been nice and the
> price is reasonable.

They closed a while ago.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: HIJACKER ()
Date: January 21, 2009 12:27PM


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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: TomMadison ()
Date: January 21, 2009 12:44PM

Bob Wrote:
> TomMadison Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Any opinions regarding That's Amore in Vienna?
> > Regular dinner there has always been nice and
> the
> > price is reasonable.
> They closed a while ago.

Hmmm...the website was still up which is why I suggested it. I guess that that is one place that I can remove from my list.

Mount Vernon Plantation might be nice since we have a lot of folks from out of town and they might be staying in the area since the reception is going to be at the Ft. Belvoir Officer's Club.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: TomFoolery ()
Date: January 21, 2009 01:04PM

I've been to a private dinner party at JR Stockyards Inn in McLean before, although I haven't been there in awhile. If I recall, they have about 4-5 private rooms to accommodate a party of your size. If not, there's the Capital Grille nearby which will be more expensive, but I guess it depends on how much you really like the gal and want to impress your guests.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: Brut Cologne ()
Date: January 21, 2009 01:06PM

Bob Wrote:
> Lock Box Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The Inn at Perry Cabin comes to mind.
> Extremely expensive, and a little bit farther than
> 15 to 20 minutes from Fairfax City, isn't it?

Yes, but highly recommended.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: January 21, 2009 01:07PM

Yep, That's Amore closed last summer.

I've been to some corporate events in those upstairs rooms at Maggiano's- it was pretty fanastic.

Also, Clydes in Tysons Corner hosted some pretty good private dinners a few years ago (insert plasma TV joke here)

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: Bob ()
Date: January 21, 2009 01:10PM

TomMadison Wrote:
> Bob Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > TomMadison Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Any opinions regarding That's Amore in Vienna?
> > > Regular dinner there has always been nice and
> > the
> > > price is reasonable.
> >
> >
> > They closed a while ago.
> Hmmm...the website was still up which is why I
> suggested it. I guess that that is one place that
> I can remove from my list.

Well, maybe I'm wrong. I could swear they closed. If they haven't closed, then they are in the process of closing.

Last I heard, there was some chatter about hopes of a trader joes or something else going in there and the old Minnesota fabrics that used to be next door.

Wouldn't hurt to call the number on the website and see if anyone answers.

EDIT: okay, I guess That's Amore is officially closed ;)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/21/2009 01:12PM by Bob.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: TomMadison ()
Date: January 21, 2009 01:12PM

TomFoolery Wrote:
> I've been to a private dinner party at JR
> Stockyards Inn in McLean before, although I
> haven't been there in awhile. If I recall, they
> have about 4-5 private rooms to accommodate a
> party of your size. If not, there's the Capital
> Grille nearby which will be more expensive, but I
> guess it depends on how much you really like the
> gal and want to impress your guests.

My daughter is getting married to a guy from Kansas City and I am trying to help out his parents. Money is a bit of an issue for them, so I think that Capital Grille would be a 'no'. They have a budget around $1500 for this which is why I tossed out the $75 per person amount earlier. We are already over our budget on the reception and other stuff by 15% or we would split the cost with them.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: Ain't-No-Half-Steppin' ()
Date: January 21, 2009 01:14PM

No Amore for That's Amore. That's Fin.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: Suggestion For Digestion ()
Date: January 21, 2009 01:16PM

For $1500, I'd just do it at home. Hire caterers.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: January 21, 2009 01:17PM


FWIW, the location formerly occupied by That's Amore is supposed to become a Walgreen's.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: Bob ()
Date: January 21, 2009 01:18PM

Brut Cologne Wrote:
> Bob Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Lock Box Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > The Inn at Perry Cabin comes to mind.
> >
> > Extremely expensive, and a little bit farther
> than
> > 15 to 20 minutes from Fairfax City, isn't it?
> Yes, but highly recommended.

My guess is that TomMadison isn't interested in subjecting his wedding party to an hour drive, each way. But otherwise, it would be worth a drive during the spring or summer for a dinner.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: Bob ()
Date: January 21, 2009 01:19PM

TheMeeper Wrote:
> Bob,
> FWIW, the location formerly occupied by That's
> Amore is supposed to become a Walgreen's.

I thought they were going into the Safeway?

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: TomMadison ()
Date: January 21, 2009 02:02PM

Bob Wrote:
> My guess is that TomMadison isn't interested in
> subjecting his wedding party to an hour drive,
> each way. But otherwise, it would be worth a
> drive during the spring or summer for a dinner.

Correct, especially on a Friday night in May.

For the person who suggested doing this at home, did you feel that $1500 was too much/little for a dinner? I know that the groom's parents would gladly spend less if it was a decent meal and a nice environment. Frankly, I think that Maggiano's would be fine, but was looking for something a bit different. That's Amore would have been perfect. I am not a real fan of JR Stockyard...some friends used them for a wedding and it just seemed so...well, I can't find a more polite phrase than white trash.

We were thinking about Indian or Thai, but they are a bit too ethnic for our friends from the Midwest which is why steak or Italian work well.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: O'Paddy ()
Date: January 21, 2009 02:08PM

The Old Brogue in Great Falls

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: Genevieve ()
Date: January 21, 2009 02:16PM

La Tasca could be fun. According to their website, they have menus from $19.95-$37.95 per person. Add $4.95 for dessert or $5.95 for select paellas. Of course you'd have to add in a bunch of pitchers of sangria. mmmm sangria.

Note: I'm probably not the best person to take advice from since my "wedding rehearsal dinner" was at Carlos O'Kelleys and included just six adults and a toddler. That being said, I highly suggest that all couples plan their wedding in just two weeks. ;-)

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: TomMadison ()
Date: January 21, 2009 02:33PM

Genevieve Wrote:
> Note: I'm probably not the best person to take
> advice from since my "wedding rehearsal dinner"
> was at Carlos O'Kelleys and included just six
> adults and a toddler. That being said, I highly
> suggest that all couples plan their wedding in
> just two weeks. ;-)

Gee...I wish that my wife shared that sentiment. She has been non-stop since last February searching the internet and watching Style and WE for every GD wedding idea no matter how ridiculous. We could easily be spending $100K on a ceremony and reception that would last all weekend.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: January 21, 2009 02:34PM

Seeing that 65% of all marriages end in divorce, I say buy the happy couple a copy of Divorce for Dummies. Just think of the savings!

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: Genevieve ()
Date: January 21, 2009 03:01PM

TomMadison Wrote:

> Gee...I wish that my wife shared that sentiment.
> She has been non-stop since last February
> searching the internet and watching Style and WE
> for every GD wedding idea no matter how
> ridiculous. We could easily be spending $100K on
> a ceremony and reception that would last all
> weekend.

I feel for you, I really do. I suppose my mom wished she had a chance to be more involved, but she couldn't complain because she gave her mom two weeks notice too! Of course, I did email her pictures of the cake/flowers/etc before I ordered them so she had a chance to make suggestions. And the total cost was only a few thousand dollars, even with a professional photographer. I think that our wedding was beautiful and perhaps all the more special because it was so intimate. I just don't understand why anyone would want a big, expensive wedding... you end up focusing on the wrong things.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: FFXLaxWife ()
Date: January 21, 2009 03:16PM

I got married at The Mount Vernon Inn. They have a wonderful staff that is always willing to help and if you are only looking for between 20 to 30 people you could rent out the sun room which overlooks the sunken garden. The Wedding and party coordinator Matt was so helpful from everything to the food and even helped us find a florist. The food is to die for as well. Its all very traditional and they have the most amazing peanut soup I've ever had! We still go every year for our anniversary.
Good Luck finding some place!!

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: va ()
Date: January 21, 2009 03:54PM

what about Arties in Fairfax City? Their food is really good and their web site states they can do large parties. Another place to try in Fairfax City is The Wine House. It is not a chain and is super small, but i think if you spoke to the owner they could work something out. That new Old Town Village in fairfax City is very pretty at night. There is also Dolce Vita in Fairfax City with a private room. I think that irish place on the corner of North Street and 123 in Fairfax City also has a party room.

I had my rehearsal dinner at maggianos and i am pretty sure there was a pretty high minimum you had to meet in order to have a private room. there are so many private rooms there now that we actually had a prom going on in the room next to ours. i think it was a small private school hosting it. Also, Friday evening traffic going from Fairfax City to Tysons could be a pain.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: SRE ()
Date: January 21, 2009 04:06PM

Genevieve Wrote:
> Note: I'm probably not the best person to take
> advice from since my "wedding rehearsal dinner"
> was at Carlos O'Kelleys and included just six
> adults and a toddler. That being said, I highly
> suggest that all couples plan their wedding in
> just two weeks. ;-)

Just because ResTon was in a diaper does not mean he was a toddler! It was just proper planning for the sangria! :-)

Obligatory Content: We held a backyard cookout for the "rehearsal dinner", but that was the easy part. Bailing out the wedding party later that night was harder, but far more entertaining! Beach weddings (on the cheap) are so much easier.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Date: January 21, 2009 04:06PM

TomMadison Wrote:
> Looking for suggestions to host a wedding
> rehearsal dinner in May. Expecting around 20-25
> guests...either a private room or space in a more
> intimate restaurant, preferably with 15-20 minutes
> of Fairfax City.

I believe there is one in Dumfries. That is about 20 minutes from Fairfax....

waffle house Pictures, Images and Photos

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: Howdy Ho ()
Date: January 21, 2009 04:10PM

TomMadison Wrote:
> Bob Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > My guess is that TomMadison isn't interested in
> > subjecting his wedding party to an hour drive,
> > each way. But otherwise, it would be worth a
> > drive during the spring or summer for a dinner.
> Correct, especially on a Friday night in May.
> For the person who suggested doing this at home,
> did you feel that $1500 was too much/little for a
> dinner? I know that the groom's parents would
> gladly spend less if it was a decent meal and a
> nice environment. Frankly, I think that
> Maggiano's would be fine, but was looking for
> something a bit different. That's Amore would
> have been perfect. I am not a real fan of JR
> Stockyard...some friends used them for a wedding
> and it just seemed so...well, I can't find a more
> polite phrase than white trash.
> We were thinking about Indian or Thai, but they
> are a bit too ethnic for our friends from the
> Midwest which is why steak or Italian work well.

I though $1500 was too little, unless everyone will remain sober. I agree that JRs was a bit, musty, I just judged you based on the budget.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: January 21, 2009 06:19PM

Anitas? I know the one in Chantilly has one side that can be private- does the one in fairfax have that?

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: Pall ()
Date: January 21, 2009 07:12PM

Waffle King is the bomb! And you can feed everyone for under $50. The only bummer is you smell like a Pall Mall when you leave.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: tlak ()
Date: January 21, 2009 07:14PM

I would suggest the Vienna Inn. An excellent place to hold your rehearsal dinner.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: Bob ()
Date: January 21, 2009 08:57PM

496 Wrote:
> Seeing that 65% of all marriages end in divorce, I
> say buy the happy couple a copy of Divorce for
> Dummies. Just think of the savings!

Actually, I think it's 50% of all marriages that end in divorce.

You know what the other 50% end in??


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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Date: January 21, 2009 09:34PM

Bob Wrote:

> Actually, I think it's 50% of all marriages that
> end in divorce.
> You know what the other 50% end in??

I like that.

Here's something else to consider. It's no coincidence that getting married and being crazy both result in a commitment to an institution.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: Somebody ()
Date: January 21, 2009 09:58PM

Don't waste your money.
Have a BBQ.

$75 per person is not reasonable. You shouldn't even be spending that on the reception per person.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: leviathan ()
Date: January 21, 2009 10:12PM

Our friend had her's at a home catered by Rio Grande. Food was awesome. I think the money was better spent there.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: Bob ()
Date: January 21, 2009 11:05PM

Somebody Wrote:
> Don't waste your money.
> Have a BBQ.
> Seriously.
> $75 per person is not reasonable. You shouldn't
> even be spending that on the reception per person.

Are you kidding? Typically, it's about $100 per person including open bar, and that's nationally averaged. I'm sure in the DC area it is more likely $125 to $150 per person.

Don't forget, that usually includes the space, the server staff, bartenders, the food and the alcohol, and hors d'oeuvres served prior to the actual dinner.

Though TomMadison mentioned using the Officer's Club at Belvoir, so it's possible they may do it for a lot less than what you'd pay elsewhere in the area, since Officer's Clubs are funded, at least partially, through Morale, Welfare, Recreation funds for that base.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: January 21, 2009 11:06PM

Bob Wrote:
> 496 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Seeing that 65% of all marriages end in divorce,
> I
> > say buy the happy couple a copy of Divorce for
> > Dummies. Just think of the savings!
> Actually, I think it's 50% of all marriages that
> end in divorce.
> You know what the other 50% end in??

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: Back to the Future ()
Date: January 21, 2009 11:36PM

Amazingly enough, we had our rehearsal dinner at JR's in Fairfax Circle (now an Indian restaurant, but previously an outpost of JR's Stockyard of Tysons), and, with the private room they had, it greatly exceeded my expectations! And then I took the wedding party (sans parents and other older relatives) to the Vienna Inn (another spot recommended above)! That was 25 years ago, and it could not have been a better experience all around!

That being said, if you can get Artie's to do something for you in a private or semi-private area, at something close to your budget, that would be the best bang for your buck.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: Tico ()
Date: January 21, 2009 11:56PM

Catered by Picante's (Chantilly) in a private residence

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: TomMadison ()
Date: January 22, 2009 12:18AM

Bob Wrote:
> Somebody Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Don't waste your money.
> > Have a BBQ.
> > Seriously.
> >
> > $75 per person is not reasonable. You shouldn't
> > even be spending that on the reception per
> person.
> Are you kidding? Typically, it's about $100 per
> person including open bar, and that's nationally
> averaged. I'm sure in the DC area it is more
> likely $125 to $150 per person.
> Don't forget, that usually includes the space, the
> server staff, bartenders, the food and the
> alcohol, and hors d'oeuvres served prior to the
> actual dinner.
> Though TomMadison mentioned using the Officer's
> Club at Belvoir, so it's possible they may do it
> for a lot less than what you'd pay elsewhere in
> the area, since Officer's Clubs are funded, at
> least partially, through Morale, Welfare,
> Recreation funds for that base.

The Belvoir O Club is a bargain...roughly $90 per person including two entree selections and 4-hour open bar. The cost before 20% gratuity is $71-73. Their wedding package includes choice of cake (and they were all pretty good) and flowers on all tables along with a bunch of small stuff. Plus, the view overlooking the Potomac is outstanding.

You can easily spend $65-90 per person just on food with open bar $10-20 per person per hour and a facility rental charge of $2000-8000.

Still, the total cost is going to run close to $14K which is a lot more than I would have liked, but I have one daughter and she had enough college scholarships that Virginia Tech only cost us $20K for four years.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: Bob ()
Date: January 22, 2009 01:57AM

TomMadison Wrote:
> The Belvoir O Club is a bargain...roughly $90 per
> person including two entree selections and 4-hour
> open bar. The cost before 20% gratuity is $71-73.
> Their wedding package includes choice of cake
> (and they were all pretty good) and flowers on all
> tables along with a bunch of small stuff. Plus,
> the view overlooking the Potomac is outstanding.

A well-run O Club on a large base with good funding can be as good as an exclusive country club. But I've been in some pretty dumpy O Clubs, too. Fort Myer's is (or at least was 20+ years ago) sort of in-between. I think I was like 5 or 6 the only time I've ever been in the Belvoir O club, but my parents always compared it to the Pearl Harbor O club, which is really nice, with ocean and harbor views and large expansive lawns and garderns surrounding it, and as close to "world-class" or "5 star" cuisine you'll ever find on a military base.

Their rates seem well below what I imagine local rates are, so I'm sure you're going to get the best bang for your buck.

> You can easily spend $65-90 per person just on
> food with open bar $10-20 per person per hour and
> a facility rental charge of $2000-8000.
> Still, the total cost is going to run close to
> $14K which is a lot more than I would have liked,
> but I have one daughter and she had enough college
> scholarships that Virginia Tech only cost us $20K
> for four years.

$14k is probably within reason. I've heard of weddings that end up costing $30k or more, and we're not talking about Rockefellers or Rothschilds, just "average" middle class people throwing ostentatious weddings. I guess mostly to impress the guests. I'm sure it's easy to blow $50 to 100k on a wedding if you let the bride do all the planning and make the mistake of just handing her your American Express card. (I think I went to one of those this past summer.)

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: Die, Bob, Just Die. Please. ()
Date: January 22, 2009 02:10AM

Yes, take wedding reception advice from Bob, a guy who has never beem married, will never be married, and has to lie about his sexual adventures on an internet forum to gain attention.

You would be better off asking some street thugs in DC for advice. Bob is useless and the only experience he has with local restaurants is via the dumpsters in back of them.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: boredom ()
Date: January 22, 2009 06:55AM

Eggspectations has a decent sized room that can be reserved. It's got 2 - 3 flat screens on one wall if you want to play video and you are partially walled off from the rest of the restaurant. Prices and food are good too.

There are a number of places in Leesburg (incuding the wine bar whose name escapes me at the moment) that would work very well for a rehearsal dinner.

Pacific would have been perfect until the bastard owners closed the place to go work at a chinese restaurant. Fuckers.

If you and the family like sushi, there's always beni hana (or however you spell it).

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: TomMadison ()
Date: January 22, 2009 08:51AM

boredom Wrote:
> There are a number of places in Leesburg (incuding
> the wine bar whose name escapes me at the moment)
> that would work very well for a rehearsal dinner.
> If you and the family like sushi, there's always
> beni hana (or however you spell it).

While it is a bit further than we wanted to travel, Lightfoot in Leesburg is a pretty nice place with decent atmosphere.

Unfortunately, sushi falls in that "too ethnic" category or we would hit up one of our favorite sushi places.

Thanks to everyone for the suggestions, even for Waffle House and IHOP. Overall, I am satisfied that my daughter is far from a demanding bridezilla and has not asked for anything especially expensive or outrageous. There should be some nice touches (i.e., white doves, bagpiper) that added an extra $1000 to the cost, but they should be memorable as well. No one really remembers the meal unless is totally sucks, so I don't see any point in spending $100+ just on food and we would not have had an open bar except for the fact that is is essentially free.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: Petrolhead ()
Date: January 22, 2009 09:27AM

the two week before I got married was the best time I've ever had in my life.

women seem so willing to sleep with a guy who's about to start serving a
life sentence(a.k.a. marriage)....

well..... that's what I did... but then I realized that my future bride
could have been doing the same thing with guys.... :(

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: tubby ()
Date: January 22, 2009 07:36PM

Save the money for the divorce settlement.

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Re: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Suggestions
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: January 22, 2009 09:39PM

How about Captain Pell's Crab House- they have a banquet room and they are right there in the middle of Fairfax City

BTW I ahve been to the Officer's club at belvoir. It sucks!

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