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Ethanol Free Gas
Posted by: Brandon121221 ()
Date: March 08, 2014 10:58AM

Any stations in the area selling ethanol free fuel?

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Re: Ethanol Free Gas
Posted by: toe jam driver ()
Date: March 08, 2014 12:46PM

Brandon121221 Wrote:
> Any stations in the area selling ethanol free
> fuel?

Not really.

The Marina's at Lake Anna all have it and I fill a 5 gallon can when I am down there. Ethanol free fuel is so much better in small engines and it will last a year or more in storage if you put sta-bil in it.

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Re: Ethanol Free Gas
Posted by: Actually... ()
Date: March 08, 2014 12:54PM

Why don't you go look up the laws that REQUIRE gasoline sold at service stations hereabouts to be E10? Then you could check to see if there were any area exceptions.

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Re: Ethanol Free Gas
Posted by: ETHANOL IS A SCAM ()
Date: March 08, 2014 02:45PM

Back in the fall I was hanging with some folks on the eastern shore. Some were boat owners. Every one of them complained of at least one boat motor destroyed by ethanol laced gasoline. They mentioned there's some additive for the gasoline that gets rid of most the negative effects of the ethanol. Might want to check that out.

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Re: Ethanol Free Gas
Posted by: Shelloil ()
Date: March 08, 2014 03:32PM

> Back in the fall I was hanging with some folks on
> the eastern shore. Some were boat owners. Every
> one of them complained of at least one boat motor
> destroyed by ethanol laced gasoline. They
> mentioned there's some additive for the gasoline
> that gets rid of most the negative effects of the
> ethanol. Might want to check that out.

Ethanol is really bad for small engines like boat, lawncare and generator engines. It is not great for automotive engines either but without it we would be paying much more for fuel. I have a kid at UVA and there are a few places near Charlottesville that sell ethanol free fuel. Last time I filled my truck with it the price was about 30 cents more per gallon.

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Re: Ethanol Free Gas
Posted by: seafoam ()
Date: March 08, 2014 03:44PM

Any auto parts,walmart,works great.

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Re: Ethanol Free Gas
Posted by: Fat Bastard ()
Date: March 08, 2014 05:02PM

Wee little man, I've had bigger pieces of corn in my ethanol. Get in my belly

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Re: Ethanol Free Gas
Posted by: TT7nM ()
Date: March 08, 2014 06:44PM

i thought ethanol sucked because it burned hot

why do they put it in gas ? why not put it in furnace fuel then - where high heat is a bonus ?

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Re: Ethanol Free Gas
Posted by: Jnkv4 ()
Date: March 08, 2014 06:46PM

since some gas stations have leaks or let water in the undergorund tank

i always assume if the car runs crappy it's the wrong octane or ...

there's water in the fuel and i paid for it too

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Re: Ethanol Free Gas
Posted by: jyymU ()
Date: March 08, 2014 06:47PM

i wonder how hard the obama gov has been trying at insuring gas pumps are pumping the right quantity

lemme guess they are on the take and don't give a crap and burning tax money anyway

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Re: Ethanol Free Gas
Posted by: CxEVM ()
Date: March 09, 2014 06:30PM

Removing ethanol from E10-E15 gasoline is fairly easy

This article describes how to : http://goldwingdocs.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=14679

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Re: Ethanol Free Gas
Posted by: matt 703 ()
Date: September 25, 2014 03:14PM

So does anyone know of gas stations around here that sell gas w/o ethanol?

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Re: Ethanol Free Gas
Posted by: 3HPPY ()
Date: September 25, 2014 05:15PM

The closest one is in Front Royal. There's another one farther south that sells 93 octane ethanol free but I couldn't find it when I drove by on my way back from Old Rag. I didn't look very hard though.

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Re: Ethanol Free Gas
Posted by: science guy ()
Date: September 25, 2014 05:23PM

On a BTU (energy content) basis, ethanol is more expensive than gasoline....in other words, you get less MPG using ethanol than you do using gasoline without ethanol.....refiners are required by federal law to use up to 10% ethanol in gasoline....unfortunately there is an attempt by the corn lobby to increase that number above 10%.....

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Re: Ethanol Free Gas
Posted by: Remazol ()
Date: September 25, 2014 08:13PM

Seems odd that we grow food to make fuel, and let people go hungry. And before I get flamed I get that the corn used for fule is not "Food Grade" but other things can be grown on the same ground that is. Sugar cane is a much better source of ethanol but corn and it's lobby has more money.

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Re: Ethanol Free Gas
Posted by: abelard ()
Date: September 25, 2014 08:29PM

>The closest one is in Front Royal. There's another one farther south that sells 93 octane ethanol free but I couldn't find it when I drove by on my way back from Old Rag. I didn't look very hard though.

If you're talking about the place on 15/29, I think it's a store that sells lawn mowers and such. My guess is that they sell gas in cans, probably more expensive than a gas station. The place in Front Royal is a gas station - I go there.

I wonder why more folks don't carry it.

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Re: Ethanol Free Gas
Posted by: Ee Zero ()
Date: September 25, 2014 11:46PM

The website Pure-Gas.org gives a listing of E0 stations nationwide.

It's hard(impossible) to find E0 in our immediate area because we are in an EPA Reformulated Gasoline region where E10 is mandated by Congress/EPA. Yes if you get out to Front Royal you can find E0.

U.S. Congress's Renewable fuel regulations basically mandate that all major oil companies must sell E10 nationwide or pay a penalty (renewable fuels credits). Congress has allowed smaller oil companies to sell E0 without penalty in "Non-Reformulated Gasoline" (more rural areas). So that's where you mostly see E0.

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Re: Ethanol Free Gas
Posted by: True The Vote ! ()
Date: September 26, 2014 12:04AM

Stafford. I think 60 miles away from any large city does'nt mix corn in their gas, they need it for the moonshine market.

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Re: Ethanol Free Gas
Posted by: Boater ()
Date: September 26, 2014 01:11AM

Duke Oil Co at 628 Louisa Ave in Mineral, VA (540-894-5161) has ethanol free regular and premium gas. Available for drive-up vehicles or boats on trailers.

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Re: Ethanol Free Gas
Posted by: Thucydides ()
Date: September 26, 2014 01:21AM

Filled up last weekend down off of 81 South of Stanton and must have been ethanol free becaus my MPG shot up about 15% from 39 mpg to 45 mpg.

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Re: Ethanol Free Gas
Posted by: litesong ()
Date: October 07, 2014 01:01AM

pure-gas.org listings for ethanol-free(E0) gasoline has jumped from under 2000 eight(-ish) years ago, to 7400 in early October 2013 to 8586 sources in early October 2014, a jump of 16% in one year. People are learning that ethanol needs high compression ratio (16:1) ethanol engines to burn efficiently & with low emissions. But in low compression ratio(9:1 to 12:1)gasoline engines, ethanol sags badly. My last 3 cars(1988,2007,2008) had years of accurate records with 10% ethanol blends AND years of records for ethanol-free, in which ethanol-free gave 8%, 7% & 5% BETTER mpg. All engines also ran quieter, & with less vibration. My present 2013 auto, burning ethanol-free with few tanks of ethanol blend,is getting ~8.5+% better mpg. In essence, getting rid of 10% ethanol blend & burning ethanol-free is like adding 1 to 2 gallons of 100% gasoline in your full gas tank.

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Re: Ethanol Free Gas
Posted by: Henro ()
Date: October 07, 2014 11:12AM

Liberty Gas in front Royal E0

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Re: Ethanol Free Gas
Posted by: litesong ()
Date: October 07, 2014 12:12PM

Anyone who finds new E0 sources, can add them to the quickly growing list at pure-gas.org. There should be 10,000+ listings before the beginning of 2016, if the EPA stops increasing ethanol blended into gasoline.

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Re: Ethanol Free Gas
Posted by: 2007 Mazdaspeed6 ()
Date: October 15, 2014 07:47PM

I need e85 for my car. Ethanol is the shit. Ashburn is the closest place to where I live that offers e85. Don't feel like driving over into Bethesda for gas.

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