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about the Fairgrade/school board meeting today
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: January 08, 2009 11:44PM

I'm watching the whole damn school board meeting, and I have to say a few things

There was a boatload of Fairgrade people there. As in, a lot. They talked about a lot of stuff and gave really compelling reasons for changing the grade scale.

Tina Hone shot down Dale and Pat Murphy. She told Pat he took too long and if she was in charge they "would have had a closed door meeting already" and she told Jack they asked the wrong questions. Jack was clearly offended that someone would tell him he did something wrong.

And the guy from Lee district said his people were't contacting him enough, but everyone else was.

Then illryong Moon asked Jack a question, and Jack was like "I dont know" and Moon says when will you know and Jack says "you should make a decision about what you know" and moon told him he wasn't being very helpful.

And Pat kept on saying how they didnt do enough research and did not have enough information.

But, Tessie Wilson shared emails she got from studpid parents that said "my kid is a C-D student and if you don't change the grade scale then my kid will not get into an Ivy League school or get a full ride. And then she says "be careful before we make a change" so be sure to send her lots of angry emails and phone calls.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/09/2009 12:07AM by KeepOnTruckin.

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Re: about the Fairgrade/school board meeting today
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: January 09, 2009 01:01AM

It was covered by the Post:

Moon will vote with parents, against staff, for the first time in his long tenure on the school board. Why now? Because he believes he will soon be running for the Board of Supervisors when Sharon Bulova wins the chair in February. Moon won't want to anger any voters by voting against parents and students. Tessie isn't running again, and she usually votes with Stu. He ALWAYS supports staff. Sorry, but Tessie sounds like she's being a total snob. I seriously doubt that she got any such email. She and Stu have never had any interest in students who do well in school, those who excel and those who are GT. They seem to some kind of personal grudge against the parents of those students. I will leave to all of you to discern why Tessie and Stu may feel animosity toward students who do well. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. Just listen to their comments, which usually come back to their own children, as if that's relevant. Let's hope not all politicians vote based on their little family's experiences.

Fortunately for parents and students, Tina Hone aspires to higher office, so she tends to look out for parents and students. Like the new Ilrong Moon, she's on the side of voters, parents, students, you know, the people who pay the bills.

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Re: about the Fairgrade/school board meeting today
Posted by: question ()
Date: January 09, 2009 06:49AM

I have heard that if the scale changes (and the current change of .5 to 1) will be retroactive, including "assisting" the current seniors. How will this assist current seniors when most college application deadlines have passed, and usually priority scholarship consideration deadlines are prior to the deadline for the application itself. (a college app deadline might be 1/1, but then you will see "for full scholarship consideration apps need to be received by 12/1). I can possibly see the high schools submitting new transcripts and schools that haven't made admissions decisions being swayed, but if they have already offered early action acceptance to some students and scholarships to those students, and then those scholarships are dried up? I mean, I understand that when schools say their scholarships require (for example) a 3.5 and a 1400 SAT (using the 1600 scale), that doesn't mean everyone with those stats gets a scholarship. Perhaps 10 students with those stats will get scholarships, but there are so many kids with those stats applying that that schools can't offer every single applicant who gets admitted with those stats a scholarship. So, how much, if this goes through, will it really affect current seniors?

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Re: about the Fairgrade/school board meeting today
Posted by: stu gibson makes no sense ()
Date: January 09, 2009 06:58AM

Neen Wrote:
> It was covered by the Post:
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/artic
> le/2009/01/08/AR2009010804269.html
> Moon will vote with parents, against staff, for
> the first time in his long tenure on the school
> board. Why now? Because he believes he will soon
> be running for the Board of Supervisors when
> Sharon Bulova wins the chair in February. Moon
> won't want to anger any voters by voting against
> parents and students. Tessie isn't running again,
> and she usually votes with Stu. He ALWAYS
> supports staff. Sorry, but Tessie sounds like
> she's being a total snob. I seriously doubt that
> she got any such email. She and Stu have never
> had any interest in students who do well in
> school, those who excel and those who are GT. They
> seem to some kind of personal grudge against the
> parents of those students. I will leave to all of
> you to discern why Tessie and Stu may feel
> animosity toward students who do well. It doesn't
> take a rocket scientist to figure it out. Just
> listen to their comments, which usually come back
> to their own children, as if that's relevant.
> Let's hope not all politicians vote based on their
> little family's experiences.
> Fortunately for parents and students, Tina Hone
> aspires to higher office, so she tends to look out
> for parents and students. Like the new Ilrong
> Moon, she's on the side of voters, parents,
> students, you know, the people who pay the bills.

When FCPS put in the 6 point scale I doubt the courses were as rigorous. Not all these AP's, honors, etc. Gibson is an ass and his South Lakes IB is a drain on the cash. Standrad level IB gets more so why not standrad regualr ed courses at AP schools?

Stu seems to think people are going to sit back and pay for his extras while kids are in higher class sizes. Dale showed a chart with extra ratioed staff for a sample school. Add to that Stu's program staff like FLES, focus, magnet, IB.

then Stu's weird boundaries. In this budget they actually plan to expand FLES to more grade levels.

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Re: about the Fairgrade/school board meeting today
Posted by: Shitting in their pants ()
Date: January 09, 2009 07:13AM

KeepOnTruckin Wrote:
> I'm watching the whole damn school board meeting,
> and I have to say a few things
> There was a boatload of Fairgrade people there. As
> in, a lot. They talked about a lot of stuff and
> gave really compelling reasons for changing the
> grade scale.
> Tina Hone shot down Dale and Pat Murphy. She told
> Pat he took too long and if she was in charge they
> "would have had a closed door meeting already" and
> she told Jack they asked the wrong questions. Jack
> was clearly offended that someone would tell him
> he did something wrong.
> And the guy from Lee district said his people
> were't contacting him enough, but everyone else
> was.
> Then illryong Moon asked Jack a question, and Jack
> was like "I dont know" and Moon says when will you
> know and Jack says "you should make a decision
> about what you know" and moon told him he wasn't
> being very helpful.
> Ouch.
> And Pat kept on saying how they didnt do enough
> research and did not have enough information.
> But, Tessie Wilson shared emails she got from
> studpid parents that said "my kid is a C-D student
> and if you don't change the grade scale then my
> kid will not get into an Ivy League school or get
> a full ride. And then she says "be careful before
> we make a change" so be sure to send her lots of
> angry emails and phone calls.

It looked like Dale, Storck and the rest of the SB was shitting in their pants with thousands of Fairgrade people at the meeting last night.

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Re: about the Fairgrade/school board meeting today
Posted by: taxpayer ()
Date: January 09, 2009 07:35AM

Shitting in their pants Wrote:
> KeepOnTruckin Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I'm watching the whole damn school board
> meeting,
> > and I have to say a few things
> >
> > There was a boatload of Fairgrade people there.
> As
> > in, a lot. They talked about a lot of stuff and
> > gave really compelling reasons for changing the
> > grade scale.
> >
> > Tina Hone shot down Dale and Pat Murphy. She
> told
> > Pat he took too long and if she was in charge
> they
> > "would have had a closed door meeting already"
> and
> > she told Jack they asked the wrong questions.
> Jack
> > was clearly offended that someone would tell
> him
> > he did something wrong.
> >
> > And the guy from Lee district said his people
> > were't contacting him enough, but everyone else
> > was.
> >
> > Then illryong Moon asked Jack a question, and
> Jack
> > was like "I dont know" and Moon says when will
> you
> > know and Jack says "you should make a decision
> > about what you know" and moon told him he
> wasn't
> > being very helpful.
> > Ouch.
> >
> > And Pat kept on saying how they didnt do enough
> > research and did not have enough information.
> >
> > But, Tessie Wilson shared emails she got from
> > studpid parents that said "my kid is a C-D
> student
> > and if you don't change the grade scale then my
> > kid will not get into an Ivy League school or
> get
> > a full ride. And then she says "be careful
> before
> > we make a change" so be sure to send her lots
> of
> > angry emails and phone calls.
> It looked like Dale, Storck and the rest of the SB
> was shitting in their pants with thousands of
> Fairgrade people at the meeting last night.

And well they should be. That scale was instituted before the advent of many AP's and more rigorous courses. If they go through with Dale's budget and keep all the crap like magnet schools, IB, no AP fees, with the class size increases I anticipate thousands at budget meetings. State maximum for class sizes while Stu Gibson gets IB? Fiscally irresponsible and time for petitions on a solid budget.

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Re: about the Fairgrade/school board meeting today
Posted by: Robin Hood ()
Date: January 09, 2009 08:21AM

"Then illryong Moon asked Jack a question, and Jack was like "I dont know" and Moon says when will you know and Jack says "you should make a decision about what you know" and moon told him he wasn't being very helpful.


All the more reasons why there is a "Jack Dale Needs to Go" thread on FU.

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Re: about the Fairgrade/school board meeting today
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: January 10, 2009 01:12AM

stu gibson makes no sense Wrote:

> When FCPS put in the 6 point scale I doubt the
> courses were as rigorous. Not all these AP's,
> honors, etc. Gibson is an ass and his South Lakes
> IB is a drain on the cash. Standrad level IB gets
> more so why not standrad regualr ed courses at AP
> schools?
> Stu seems to think people are going to sit back
> and pay for his extras while kids are in higher
> class sizes. Dale showed a chart with extra
> ratioed staff for a sample school. Add to that
> Stu's program staff like FLES, focus, magnet, IB.
> then Stu's weird boundaries. In this budget they
> actually plan to expand FLES to more grade levels.

They are going to expand FlES? One of the programs that parents put at the top of the list to cut? Do we really need to pay for kids to learn languages like Greek, Italian, and French in elementary school? Useless, and a waste of time and money. We have schools with large populations of kids who aren't reading near grade level, and we're going expand a program to teach them Italian? How about we make sure that all students can read and write ENGLISH first!

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Re: about the Fairgrade/school board meeting today
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: January 10, 2009 01:15AM

Shitting in their pants Wrote:

> It looked like Dale, Storck and the rest of the SB
> was shitting in their pants with thousands of
> Fairgrade people at the meeting last night.

But that doesn't mean they can't ignore them. They've ignored thousands of parents many times in the past and done what they wanted to do.

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