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Will we see an immigrant boycott here?
Posted by: TrickieL ()
Date: April 30, 2006 10:03AM

Since we have so many immigrants in this area, will the boycott affect us? I am sure tons of high school kids will be taking advantage of the nice weather and will be sleeping in for the "boycott" and missing school. But what about workers, etc. Will they really give up a day of tax free wages to show solidarity?? What's your take on this???


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Re: Will we see an immigrant boycott here?
Posted by: Turbo Mirage ()
Date: April 30, 2006 10:15AM

Maybe you could fill us in on this boycott that you speak of

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Re: Will we see an immigrant boycott here?
Posted by: thomas ()
Date: April 30, 2006 10:33AM

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Re: Will we see an immigrant boycott here?
Posted by: TrickieL ()
Date: April 30, 2006 10:46AM

I have not heard of the boycott either. The only news I watch is Access Hollywood. That's why I posted this. I was wondering if the boycott would be in this area or just in places with ,lots of illegal immigrants.


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Re: Will we see an immigrant boycott here?
Posted by: burpgun ()
Date: April 30, 2006 12:14PM

Wife who works in the hotel industry tells me the El Salvadorean gangs, MS-13 (Mara Salvatrucha) I imagine, are threatening hispanic workers if they show up for work...

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Re: Will we see an immigrant boycott here?
Date: April 30, 2006 12:18PM

I almost feel like this will be just as effective as boycotting gas for one day

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Re: Will we see an immigrant boycott here?
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: April 30, 2006 12:34PM

if i owned a corperation, i would spite them all by firing everyone not showing up to work to attend due to the boycott. yes, a bit of a strain to hire new workers but as previously stated, i dont respond well to threats. in a way, they are trying to scare us... which itself is a form of terrorism as it effects regular innocent citizens that have nothing to do with the matter and it is a political matter. it may be crazy and tyranical but i refuse to give in to anyone trying to exploit their position.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Will we see an immigrant boycott here?
Posted by: lol ()
Date: April 30, 2006 01:47PM

TrickieL Wrote:
I was wondering if the boycott would
> be in this area or just in places with ,lots of
> illegal immigrants.
> TrickieL

haha are you living under a rock?

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Re: Will we see an immigrant boycott here?
Posted by: JigSAW ()
Date: April 30, 2006 02:16PM

fuck those spics

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Re: Will we see an immigrant boycott here?
Posted by: from the 757 ()
Date: April 30, 2006 02:41PM

I really hope the kids don't walk out of school cause that would...oh yeah, affect me in no way whatsoever. In fact I submit that I will be totally unaffected by this.

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Re: Will we see an immigrant boycott here?
Posted by: thomas ()
Date: April 30, 2006 03:31PM

doubt there will be a walk out at my school.

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Re: Will we see an immigrant boycott here?
Posted by: kit.car ()
Date: April 30, 2006 09:29PM

Herndon will be a ghost town...

Who will I be able to point at and call names?

It will be a sad day for me...

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Re: Will we see an immigrant boycott here?
Posted by: anyonews ()
Date: April 30, 2006 10:11PM

anyone who walks out of school should be permanently expelled......anyone who walks out on work should be held as an enemy combatant

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Re: Will we see an immigrant boycott here?
Posted by: thomas ()
Date: April 30, 2006 10:23PM

anyonews Wrote:
> anyone who walks out of school should be
> permanently expelled......anyone who walks out on
> work should be held as an enemy combatant

Of what enemy?

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Re: Will we see an immigrant boycott here?
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: May 01, 2006 01:00AM

Does this mean the person taking my order at McDonald's today is going to speak English? Hoooray!!!

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Re: Will we see an immigrant boycott here?
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: May 01, 2006 05:43AM

anyonews Wrote:
> anyone who walks out of school should be
> permanently expelled......anyone who walks out on
> work should be held as an enemy combatant

expultion is always permanent... perhaps you were thinking of suspention. it would be more appropriate to hold the parents liable for their child's delinquency. it would be stupid if the kids actually went to school and then left so im guessing they just wont go. a good punishment is "Saturday School" which involves doing crappy work on, you guessed it, Saturday.

im not sure where you got "enemy combatant" as that would be someone who is going to try to kill/harm you using physical force. that just doesnt make sense.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Send Them Home; Myth Vs. Fact
Posted by: Pedro ()
Date: May 01, 2006 07:28AM


By Frosty Wooldridge
May 1, 2006

The United States faces the greatest internal threat to its existence since the Civil War. It faces disintegration of its culture; of its language; of its cohesiveness as a nation of free people. It faces massive infusion of unrelenting poverty; of crime; of diseases; of civil violence; of corruption at all levels; and worst of all, the United States faces balkanization that will destroy the fabric of its ability to function as a peaceful nation.

As we look at the misery of Africa via starvation and Darfur’s genocide; as we look at Israel and Palestine blow each other up at any moment 365 days a year; as we look at the seething unrest of Paris, France—America is in the cross hairs of a violent and separated future.

Last week, Denver’s illegal aliens sang our national anthem in Spanish and bastardized the words of OUR country’s most sacred song. Talk about arrogant and condescending! Tell me if you think they are becoming Americans. Ladies and gentlemen--this is stealth-invasion by a foreign country.

Why? How? When?

Mexico’s Vicente Fox is no longer satisfied with the status quo. Mexican nationalists struggle to infuse their leaders into American government and strengthen control over their strongholds. One look at Los Angles with its Mexican-American mayor shows you Vicente Fox’s General Antonio Villaraigosa commanding an American city. The corruption and speed of LA's takeover makes Hitler's invasion of Poland look like child's play.

Mexican Foreign Minister Jorge Castaneda presented a list of demands regarding 70 million Mexicans living in the U.S., about one 40 percent of them illegals, including the demand that America "respect their human rights.” In other words, he demands that we do not enforce our immigration laws. “We are not scared of engaging the U.S. anymore,” Castaneda said. He vowed to defend Mexicans "without legal papers and demanded that America give them the education and health benefits they deserve."

Castaneda ordered Mexican consulates to provide a free legal defense to Mexicans prosecuted in the U.S. or subjected to deportation proceedings.

Let’s examine some of the myths and facts of this invasion:

Myth: President Bush says illegals do the jobs Americans won’t do.

Fact: Harvard Professor Borjas reports that illegal aliens displace Middle American workers out of $200 billion annually in lost jobs and wages. Bear-Sterns report shows that illegal aliens work off the books and do not pay over $301 billion annually in uncollected IRS income taxes. You make up the difference. The illegals no longer work on the farm. They move into every Middle Class job in America and they undercut wages for America’s working poor and destroy the living wages of the Middle Class. Additionally, the average illegal causes a net loss of $55,000.00 to US taxpayers during his work time the USA. Illegals transfer $60 billion out of the USA annually. Finally, we create cultural and linguistic apartheid by creating a slave class of workers unassimilated while growing in numbers and antagonistic strength. This condition creates a 'perfect storm' for rioting and violence that will tear our nation to pieces! Ask Paris, France!

Myth: This is a nation of immigrants and they all add to America’s vitality.

Fact: That was then and this is now. Ninety percent of Americans were born here and thus, natives, not immigrants. In 1900, our population stood at 100 million people. Today, at 300 million, we suffer global warming, acid rain, species extinction, gridlock, air pollution, crowding, $3.12 a gallon gas, skyrocketing cost of living, $8 trillion federal debt, loss of quality of life and enough problems to fill an NFL football stadium. Who in their right mind thinks we need to import 4,000,000 million people from the Third World into our country annually? That's 40 million in ten years. What is the benefit? Do we need to overpopulate ourselves like China, India and Bangladesh? For what reason? Can we maintain our social fabric as a nation with Spanish fighting English for dominance? It’s like injecting yourself with cancer cells to see what will happen. It’s like importing leper colonies and hope we don’t catch leprosy. It’s like importing thousands of Islamic jihadists and hope they adapt to the American Dream.

Myth: Bush says a guest worker program will allow willing workers for willing employers, which are his corporate buddies.

Fact: What a crock! It’s an amnesty pure and simple. Once locked into and imbedded into our system, these guests with anchor babies, homes and social ties will never leave our country. They create enclaves of separate groups that balkanize our nation into fractured nightmares of social unrest and poverty. This myth perpetrated by Bush is an outright fraud by a fraudulent president.

Myth: Bush respects the sovereignty of the United States.

Fact: Bush violates his oath of office and the U.S. Constitution every day of his presidency. He violates Article IV Section 4 of the Constitution every day for the past five years. The fact is, George Bush works to destroy our borders of our nation on a deadly experiment that will plummet all of us into chaos, poverty and Third World Momentum. He promotes NAFTA, FTAA, CAFTA, Council of Foreign Relations and the Tri-Lateral Commission--all are out to destroy our borders. In order to succeed, he must destroy the Middle Class. So far, with outsourcing, insourcing and offshoring along with 20 million illegal aliens--he's succeeding better than Katrina at destroying America's Middle Class.

Myth: You can’t deport 12 to 20 million illegal aliens.

Fact: You won’t have to deport any of them. It’s called “attrition through enforcement”. You demand the president and Congress enforce our immigration laws. We create 'counter critical mass' of Americans who overwhelm Bush and Congress with 'public opinion' and sheer will of the people to change history in favor of our Constitution and laws. We prosecute and jail employers of illegal aliens starting in Maine and sweeping slowly and effectively across the nation. We delete social services to illegals, housing, medical and welfare of any kind. Why? Illegals are not citizens and they are illegally in our country. Without jobs and a free ride, they have only one choice and that is to move back home and make a better life in their own country by changing their own country for the better. At that point, 18 million unemployed American workers will enjoy jobs that must rise to the market value of a First World nation. It means those CEOs at major corporations will not be able to pay for their Lear Jets and fifth $10 million Aspen home, but Americans will get the job done.

Myth: Illegals have a ‘right’ to come to the United States.

Fact: No one, according to the U.S. Constitution, has a right to break into your home. It is against the law. No one has a right to break into your country. It is against the law. We legally immigrated 32 million foreign born people into this country, which is two to three times more than all other countries combined. We have the right to invite into our home the persons we choose. No one has the right to break into our home: The United States of America.

Myth: Mexico’s people love the USA, respect our language and the laws of our country.

Fact: Corruption is a mechanism by which Mexico operates. Its people spawn more corruption wherever they go because it is their only known way of life. If you watched the Mexican flags flying above the demonstrators and their chants, you understand they have no intention of assimilating into the American way of life. If you look at the nightmare of crime and chaos they bring our cities, you see the results. Their goal is to populate themselves into majority numbers until they can run us out of our own country. The failed and corrupt government of Mexico will manifest itself in America to create the same kind of misery for all Americans.

Dear American citizen, we fast approach the point where this invasion will be out of our control. We will lose our country at the hands of our president and complicit Congress. If that "shamnesty" passes the Senate, we’re toast. Tough, nasty illegals and their advocates grow in such numbers that law and order will not subdue them. They run us out of our cities and states. They conquer our language and our schools. They render havoc and chaos in our communities. I’m stunned at the speed of this invasion. I’m further astonished that most American don’t see it or deny it or ignore it. We are much like the Titanic as we in-bleed millions of Mexico’s poor, the world’s poor and we watch our country sink.

Today, May 1, 2006, become one of five or 10 million letters written to the president. While you're at it, write both your senators. Template is below. Do whatever you can to join the “21st Century Paul Revere Ride”. Join www.numbersusa.com and become a weekly faxer and phone caller. We’re in a critical nightmare if our fraudulent Senate passes a guest worker program. If you think our borders suffer a flood today—tomorrow will be a deluge. Dear God, we're in trouble.

Remember May 1st letter to Mr. Bush:

Want to do something neat to give Bush a piece of your mind? Can you imagine 20 semi-truck trailers delivering 10, 20, 30 million pieces of mail in a few days? Mail your letter on May 1st only. Take five minutes and do this:




All American citizens by birth or through naturalization are being asked to mail letters addressed to President Bush on Monday May 1st 2006 demanding that the President:

1) Dispatch troops to the Mexican border immediately to stop the human trafficking of illegal aliens.

2) Enforce all existing immigration laws immediately and ask congress for the funding to have them enforced effectively.

3) Through Executive Order outlaw all Sanctuary City policies throughout the United States.

Letters are to be addressed to: George W. Bush President of the United States 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington DC 20500

Stamp your Envelopes with an upside down American Flag stamp to signify the distress that the country is in.

Project Coordinator and Contact
Silvio Martin Cipro
Lakewood CO 80226

“If You Don’t Think This is an Invasion, Try and Stop it!”

Use this template:

May 1st 2006
George W. Bush
President of USA
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear Mr. Bush,

It is my patriotic duty as an American Citizen to write you urging you to take immediate action to stop the invasion of our country by illegal aliens.

Please uphold your oath of office to protect and defend the United States of America by:

1) Immediately dispatching troops to secure our borders.

2) Immediately enforcing our current immigration laws with a demand on Congress for full funding to have our immigration laws effectively enforced.

3) Issuing an executive order outlawing Sanctuary Cities in the United States

Mr. President, do not let us down, we demand immediate action. On behalf of all of America’s citizens I ask that you not turn your back on us.


(Your name)
(Your address)

© 2006 Frosty Wooldridge - All Rights Reserved

Frosty's new book "Immigration's Unarmed Invasion"

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E-Mails are used strictly for NWVs alerts, not for sale

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Re: Will we see an immigrant boycott here?
Posted by: BR ()
Date: May 01, 2006 09:29AM

This whole boycott thing seems more in vogue with the Central American immigrants than the Indian/Asian ones.

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Re: Will we see an immigrant boycott here?
Posted by: visitor ()
Date: May 01, 2006 09:38AM

Learn how to spellbefore you post!!!!

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Re: Will we see an immigrant boycott here?
Posted by: visitor ()
Date: May 01, 2006 09:39AM

Learn how to spell before you post, Gravis!!!!

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Re: Will we see an immigrant boycott here?
Posted by: Fairfax MF-er ()
Date: May 01, 2006 11:52AM

I don't know about you guys, but today I had possibly the easiest commute I have had in years. If this is what DC is like without illegal immigrants, I say give me more!

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Re: Will we see an immigrant boycott here?
Posted by: 345 ()
Date: May 01, 2006 01:15PM

I boycotted am immigrant today. I cut my own grass.

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Re: Will we see an immigrant boycott here?
Posted by: Fairfax MF-er ()
Date: May 01, 2006 01:47PM

345 Wrote:
> I boycotted am immigrant today. I cut my own
> grass.

If I have to choose between mowing my own lawn and having a flop house next door to me, I will mow my own lawn.

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Re: Will we see an immigrant boycott here?
Posted by: asjdfk ()
Date: May 01, 2006 06:22PM

Gravis Wrote:
> anyonews Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > anyone who walks out of school should be
> > permanently expelled......anyone who walks out
> on
> > work should be held as an enemy combatant
> expultion is always permanent... perhaps you were
> thinking of suspention. it would be more
> appropriate to hold the parents liable for their
> child's delinquency. it would be stupid if the
> kids actually went to school and then left so im
> guessing they just wont go. a good punishment is
> "Saturday School" which involves doing crappy work
> on, you guessed it, Saturday.
> im not sure where you got "enemy combatant" as
> that would be someone who is going to try to
> kill/harm you using physical force. that just
> doesnt make sense.

no actually , expulsions aren't usually permanent because kids 'have the right to an education'..

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Re: Will we see an immigrant boycott here?
Posted by: TrickieL ()
Date: May 01, 2006 08:20PM

Asjdfk is correct. hardly anyone is ever expelled anymore in FCPS. They just move them to another school. But this is off the subject. My husband commutes to DC and he didn't see any immigrants at all. Well no one who was protesting.


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Re: Will we see an immigrant boycott here?
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: May 01, 2006 09:06PM

Turnout in DC was weak, as expected. Mexico will not be victorious in its campaign to impune the integrity of the racial divide in this area.

Or something.

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Re: Will we see an immigrant boycott here?
Posted by: not true ()
Date: May 02, 2006 12:31AM

it was definitely slow in the heavily mexican areas like the home depot today i flew right in

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Illegals Have Rights ....
Posted by: Tina3 ()
Date: May 02, 2006 07:01AM

To Be Deported!

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Re: Will we see an immigrant boycott here?
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: May 02, 2006 07:08AM

asjdfk Wrote:
> no actually , expulsions aren't usually permanent
> because kids 'have the right to an education'..

explusions are ALWAYS permanent... only from that specific school, this means you must to attend a different school.

visitor Wrote:
> Learn how to spellbefore you post!!!!

visitor Wrote:
> Learn how to spell before you post, Gravis!!!!

so i mispelled to words, here are the corrections -e +o +n and insert where needed. as for you, learn to preview before you post... or just register so you can do edits like this one. please go back to being the spelling police... elsewhere.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/02/2006 07:14AM by Gravis.

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Re: Will we see an immigrant boycott here?
Posted by: visitor ()
Date: May 02, 2006 09:13AM

Gravis is a BIG fat Mexican who didn't go to work yesterday!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Will we see an immigrant boycott here?
Posted by: Dork ()
Date: June 13, 2006 06:11AM

They could be doing something better such as trying to obtain legal status in this country. But no, they have to start a ruckus.

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Re: Will we see an immigrant boycott here?
Posted by: oo ()
Date: July 14, 2010 08:03PM

This thread is from 2006. Nothing has changed!

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Re: Will we see an immigrant boycott here?
Posted by: U r dumber! ()
Date: July 14, 2010 10:37PM

oo Wrote:
> This thread is from 2006. Nothing has changed!

Oh yes it has. look in the mirror, you are uglier.

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