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CVS is going to stop selling tobacco products...
Posted by: local ()
Date: February 05, 2014 05:09PM

by this October. They state that they are doing this to de-conflict selling unhealthy products with increasing their health services like doc in the box and pharmacy operations. WTF? First the nanny state and now nanny companies! Soon we are no longer going to be allowed to make personally impacting decisions that are deemed "unhealthy". The decision will be made for us. I don't think that CVS has any issues selling fattening junk food and alcohol though they remain unhealthy the last time I checked. Better scratch that Butterfinger itch soon y'all! Makes me want to start smoking for some reason. CVS even stated they expect to lose two billion in sales of tobacco and ancillary sales from shoppers annually. I miss the past.

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Re: CVS is going to stop selling tobacco products...
Posted by: serious lee ()
Date: February 05, 2014 05:22PM

Who even smokes anymore? It's 2014. It's so weird to see someone smoking these days.

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Re: CVS is going to stop selling tobacco products...
Posted by: exffx ()
Date: February 05, 2014 06:57PM

I don't care if they don't want to sell tobacco. But their reasons are BS if they keep selling the other shit like sodas, junk food, etc...

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Re: CVS is going to stop selling tobacco products...
Posted by: PTHvH ()
Date: February 05, 2014 10:53PM

It's a strategic move. Becoming a "health" food type store is a lot more profitable than the minor loss they will make selling tobacco.

They are still going to sell nicotine cessation products and e-cigs which are rapidly becoming a huge industry.

The two most inelastic products... addictive substances and healthcare. The latter is now more profitable than the former.

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Re: CVS is going to stop selling tobacco products...
Posted by: Liberal Logic 005 ()
Date: February 06, 2014 01:21AM

PTHvH Wrote:

> The two most inelastic products... addictive
> substances and healthcare. The latter is now more
> profitable than the former.

Thats not true. Booze and tobacco are much more profitable than flu shots and check ups. They arent going to be an emergency room or running CT scans in the back which is real the real money is in healthcare.

Their stock took a hit with the news too which just cost them a lot of money, and doesnt even get into the fact they expect to lose billions in sales from people that come in for tobacco and buy other stuff.

They can do it if they want, financially its not the greatest decision though when their direct competitors still sell it. Also the poster above makes a great point, its hypocritical to stop selling that but continue to sell crap like twinkies when youre claiming to be a health conscious store.

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Re: CVS is going to stop selling tobacco products...
Posted by: Smokey Joe ()
Date: February 06, 2014 03:17AM

I honestly thought they had already quite selling tobacco. I used to sometimes get cigs at the CVS at Yorktown Center in Merrifield and I could've sworn they quit selling cigs years ago. Oh well, I never go in CVS anyways. Their pharmacy is always fucking up Rx's and their prices on everything else are just ridiculous.

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Re: CVS is going to stop selling tobacco products...
Posted by: Nicdoot ()
Date: February 06, 2014 04:38PM

I love that they won't cell cigs. I don't think it the Marlboro man days anymore. Especially since they all died from cancer and emphysema then wanted to make a statement about it. A little too late.

Did anyone see the funny skit on SNL about cheap Valentines gifts to get your loved ones from CVS? It was hilarious and mostly true.

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Re: CVS is going to stop selling tobacco products...
Posted by: local ()
Date: February 06, 2014 05:57PM

It's the bullshit hypocrisy about it that bugs me the most. Somehow it's a move to qualify for some new healthcare related government corporate subsidy related to their light medical facilities or something else purely profit driven. Have any of y'all personally experienced any company performing some altruistic act for your personal benefit? In my nearly fifty years it hasn't happened to me or anyone I know. About as rare as a spotted zebra. Too much is being done "in our best interest" these days...but perhaps things like this are just a byproduct of people these days not accepting accountability got their actions, we cede control to others and many seem more than happy to step in to "help" and "protect" us. I don't get it.

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Re: CVS is going to stop selling tobacco products...
Date: February 06, 2014 06:58PM

You might notice the candy companies make smaller bars that they claim are more healthy but the smaller ones cost the same as the old ones.

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Re: CVS is going to stop selling tobacco products...
Posted by: v7J9d ()
Date: February 06, 2014 11:48PM

You have to trust me when I say that this is going to increase their profits in the long run.

It's a small price to pay now for future increased profits. CVS will convert to a more health-related one stop shop.

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