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Bets on Number of chumps that get DWI on NYE
Posted by: Beekers Keepers ()
Date: December 30, 2013 03:03PM

Bets on how many get locked up for DWI on New Years Eve in FFX. My guess is only 12 chumps from 9pm on the 31st to 8AM on the 1st. Funny studd some chump will be put in the cage LOL.

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Re: Bets on Number of chumps that get DWI on NYE
Posted by: Wasat? ()
Date: December 30, 2013 03:05PM

Beekers Keepers Wrote:
> Funny stud some chump will be put in the cage LOL.


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Re: Bets on Number of chumps that get DWI on NYE
Posted by: FUNdamental ()
Date: December 30, 2013 04:09PM

12 DWI's, 20 other NYE crimes ( noise, drunk in public, etc) all after midnight. I just tried and the arrest search cannot do specific dates any more. However, a search of "2014" in a few weeks will give us the listing we can use to determine the winner of this contest.

Does anyone know how to get a listing by specific date? I type in "12/31/2012" and it searches 12312012 and comes back empty.

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Re: Bets on Number of chumps that get DWI on NYE
Posted by: M. Shanahan ()
Date: December 30, 2013 04:21PM

15. I hope I win cause I just lost my job and could use the money. That little midget boss of mine is refusing to pay me.

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Re: Bets on Number of chumps that get DWI on NYE
Posted by: Barney Gumble ()
Date: December 30, 2013 04:46PM

Only 12? Only 15? Gotta be more than that. You know the cops will be out in force looking to pick up their quota for the month. And Section 8 Sharon's leaning on them for this revenue opportunity.

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Re: Bets on Number of chumps that get DWI on NYE
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: December 30, 2013 05:50PM

I think the OP is already drunk.

Are you one of the 12?

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Re: Bets on Number of chumps that get DWI on NYE
Posted by: Beekers Keepers OP ()
Date: December 30, 2013 08:44PM

Nope not drunk just a dumb ass, but I wont be one of the chumps in the lockup cage tm night hahaha......

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