Police: Winter Car Thieves Strike When Owners Start Car to Warm It Up and Walk Away
Police: Winter Car Thieves Strike When Owners Start Car to Warm It Up and Walk Away
Car thieves like to watch for unattended cars warming up, and strike.
As the cold and busy holiday season is upon us, Fairfax County police are urging residents to take precautions when warming up vehicles and leaving them unattended.
A total of 47 vehicles were stolen in Fairfax County between Dec. 1 and Jan. 6 last year, according to statistics provided by police. Altogether there were 808 vehicles stolen in 2012, compared to 877 in 2011.
Just last Wednesday, a woman in Alexandria started her car around 8 a.m. and went back inside her home while it warmed up. Car thieves saw the car, jumped in and took off in it.
Two juveniles and other suspects were later apprehended, the report stated, but not every car theft victim is so lucky.
Police detectives with the police department's Auto Theft Unit offer residents the following tips to keep in mind to avoid becoming victims of auto theft:
•Never leave your keys in your vehicle.
•Never leave your car running unattended.
•Never leave valuables visible in your vehicle.
•Consider installing anti-theft technologies and devices.
•Park in well-lit areas when possible.
•If your car is stolen, report it to police immediately.
Do you like to warm up your car by starting it for a few moments when getting in? What are your winter car tips?