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Police near greenbriar
Posted by: anonymous!!!!!!!!! ()
Date: December 21, 2013 11:33PM

Was driving home tonight on 50 going east and noticed police blocking three streets next the golf course right before the park way. After the streets were blocked off probably another 5 or 6 cop cars went flying into the neighborhood sirens blaring and another two went flying down 50 as I got closer to 66. Any body know what happened?

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Re: Police near greenbriar
Posted by: Dealing In Facts ()
Date: December 21, 2013 11:37PM

Statistically 90+% chance it was a black guy.

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Re: Police near greenbriar
Posted by: fore. ()
Date: December 21, 2013 11:38PM

Golf course you say. Well possibly with all that open space some contractor has been hiring illegal aliens......

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Re: Police near greenbriar
Posted by: Lights ()
Date: December 21, 2013 11:40PM

I noticed the same thing. It looked like police were setup a perimeter. This usually means a robbery has accurred and they are locking down the area in hopes of containing a suspect.

When I went by there was one car in front of the Mc"D sitting with lights going then two more one the service road spaced about about mile apart and then random police in blocking some side streets.

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Re: Police near greenbriar
Posted by: 0tter ()
Date: December 23, 2013 02:30AM

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Re: Police near greenbriar
Posted by: They were busy ()
Date: December 24, 2013 06:54AM


DIRECTED PATROL, 12/20/13. Officers from the West Springfield Police District patrolled the county searching for drunk drivers. Two drivers were charged with DWI and three summonses were issued.

DIRECTED PATROL, 12/20/13. Officers from the Operational Support Bureau patrolled the county searching for drunk drivers. Three drivers were charged with DWI. Sixty-three summonses were issued and two criminal charges were made.

DIRECTED PATROL, 12/20/13. Officers from the Mount Vernon Police District patrolled the county searching for drunk drivers. Four drivers were charged with DWI.

DIRECTED PATROL, 12/21/13. Officers from the Operational Support Bureau patrolled the county searching for drunk drivers. One driver was charged with DWI. Eleven summonses were issued and one criminal charge was made.

DIRECTED PATROL, 12/21/13. Officers from the West Springfield Police District patrolled the county searching for drunk drivers. No drivers were charged with DWI.

DIRECTED PATROL, 12/22/13. Officers from the Operational Support Bureau patrolled the county searching for drunk drivers. One driver was charged with DWI. Five summonses were issued and two criminal charges were made.



14000 block of Adolphus Drive, furniture from residence

13300 block of Lee Highway, wine from business


14300 block of Avocado Court, Nissan Versa

4600 block of Flatlick Branch Drive, 2000 Honda


INDECENT EXPOSURE, 7200 block of Fordson Road, 12/20/13, 4:17 p.m. An unknown man reportedly exposed himself to a 7-year-old girl. She immediately ran home and was not injured. The suspect is described as white, late 20s, approximately 5 feet 5 inches tall and 170 pounds with black hair.

ROBBERY, 7800 block of Eagle Avenue, 12/20/13, 10:44 p.m. Two unknown juveniles attempted to rob a 16-year-old boy. They approached and assaulted him. The victim was able to break free and flee. The suspects were described as teenage boys, unknown race. One was approximately 5 feet 8 inches tall and the other 5 feet 4 inches tall.

BURGLARY, 2700 block of Fairview Drive, 12/21/13, 3:22 p.m. An employee reported someone entered the church and took property.

ROBBERY, 5900 block of Richmond Highway, 12/21/13, 9:40 p.m. A patron at the motel was approached by an unknown man who brandished a hand gun. The suspect took the victim’s cell phone and cash. The victim was not injured. The suspect was described as light skinned black in his late 20s. He was approximately 5 feet 7 inches tall and 150 pounds. He was wearing black hoody and black pants.

ROBBERY, 4200 block of Buckman Road, 12/22/13 at 12:58 a.m. Two men were reportedly approached by three men who pepper-sprayed them and demanded cash. The victims were able to run away uninjured. The three suspects, one black and two white, were all in their 20s, approximately 5 feet 10 inches tall and 175 pounds.


7800 block of Eagle Avenue, clothing and passport from vehicle

8400 block of Fort Hunt Road, cell phone from school

7200 block of Groveton Gardens Road, purse from vehicle

7400 block of Mount Vernon Square, purse from business

4300 block of Pembrook Village Drive, electric bicycle from business

7700 block of Richmond Highway, cash and credit card from business

7800 block of Richmond Highway, license plate from vehicle

8000 block of Richmond Highway, beer from business

3700 block of Riverwood Road, electronic device from vehicle

1100 block of Westmoreland Road, bicycle from residence



8100 block of Arlington Boulevard, beer from business

1400 block of Balls Hill Road, wallet from business

1899 block of Beulah Road, bicycle from school

2000 block of International Drive, shopping bag from business

2200 block of International Drive, wallet from business

8100 block of Leesburg Pike, money and watch from business

1700 block of Tysons Boulevard, wallet from business

7900 block of Tysons Corner Center, wallet from business

8100 block of Tysons Corner Center, package from business

8400 block of Wesleyan Street, wallet from vehicle


BURGLARY, 4900 block of Fran Place, 12/21/13, 11:46 p.m. A resident reported someone entered the home and took property.


7200 block of Arlington Boulevard, soap from business

7500 block of Brad Street, guns from residence

3400 block of Carlin Springs Road, cell phone from business

5500 block of Leesburg Pike, packages from vehicle

6200 block of Seven Corners Center, tools from vehicle

3500 block of South Jefferson Street, headphones from vehicle

7000 block of Ted Drive, laptop computer and wallet from vehicle

7300 block of Wayne Drive, tools from vehicle

4900 block of Zircon Drive, bumper and license plate from vehicle



1900 block of Crescent Park, cash and jewelry from residence

2400 block of Dew Meadow Court, cash from residence

1800 block of Fountain Drive, headphones from business

11700 block of Sunrise Valley Drive, purse from business

11800 block of Sunrise Valley Drive, beer from business

1800 block of Sycamore Valley Drive, items from residence

1500 block of Trails Edge Lane, items from vehicle

1400 block of Wiehle Avenue, jewelry from business



7500 block of Axton Street, cell phone from residence

5700 block of General Washington Drive, tires from vehicle

6400 block of Haystack Road, jewelry from residence


5700 block of General Washington Drive, 2005 Ford F350


STOLEN VEHICLE WITH APPREHENSION, 9000 block of Andromeda Drive, 12/21/13, 10:34 a.m. A reportedly man drove away in a truck when the workers were out of the vehicle. Following an investigation and the assistance of several officers, Mohamed A. Gall, 20, of Centreville, was located and charged with grand larceny and “set in motion a vehicle with the owner’s permission”.


9600 block of Alexandria Nicole Drive, items from vehicle

9500 block of Main Street, cell phone from school


5800 block of Banning Place, Ford Explorer



2800 block of Edgelea Road, knives from vehicle

11700 block of Fair Oaks Shopping Center, ring from business

11200 block of James Swart Circle, alcohol from business

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Re: Police near greenbriar
Posted by: Local Contractor ()
Date: December 24, 2013 10:54AM

fore. Wrote:
> Golf course you say. Well possibly with all that
> open space some contractor has been hiring illegal
> aliens......

A local contractor has been hiring illegals and then murdering them at the end of the job to avoid paying them. FCPD got a tip that the bodies were dumped at this location.

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