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Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: FCPS question ()
Date: December 21, 2013 11:30PM

Elizabeth L. Schultz its on twitter and she is saying she supports Phil Robertson, I learn in class that School board members can't be a political party, but if that is the case why is she talking about someone who hates gays ? Shouldn't she say that on her own twitter account and not one use for her job?


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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: December 21, 2013 11:45PM

School Board members don't run as nominees of a political party, but most are endorsed by one of the two major parties. Elizabeth is a Republican.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: Liberal Logic 35 ()
Date: December 22, 2013 12:28AM

FCPS question Wrote:

> Shouldn't she say that on her own twitter account
> and not one use for her job?

Whats the difference? Either way shes publicly saying something.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: student ()
Date: December 22, 2013 01:00AM

BrianSchoeneman Wrote:
> School Board members don't run as nominees of a
> political party, but most are endorsed by one of
> the two major parties. Elizabeth is a Republican.

Thanks, for the respond!

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: regret voting for her ()
Date: December 22, 2013 09:18AM

She has talked in the past about how much she disapproves of homosexuality.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: facts please ()
Date: December 22, 2013 09:59AM

Elizabeth Schultz has no qualifications to be a school board member.
She is a bitter person who lacks the ability for humility.

Her rants on the board mount to nothing, she cannot get a consensus. She is not an effective member on the Board resulting in poor representation.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: Common Sense ()
Date: December 22, 2013 10:16AM

Elizabeth needs to be put on "indefinite suspension" by the voters next time her turn comes up.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: Report Card ()
Date: December 22, 2013 10:42AM

facts please Wrote:
> Elizabeth Schultz has no qualifications to be a
> school board member.
> She is a bitter person who lacks the ability for
> humility.
> Her rants on the board mount to nothing, she
> cannot get a consensus. She is not an effective
> member on the Board resulting in poor
> representation.

Big bag of hot air. Should be living in Loudoun and homeschooling her kids there. Gets nothing done on School Board because all the other members hate her or are embarrassed by her antics. Couldn't even get the Board to keep a few dozen kids who live in Fairfax Station at Woodson even though they'd been zoned for Woodson for decades. Just as bad as Bradsher, just in different ways.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: Eastcounty ()
Date: December 22, 2013 10:53AM

Don't hold the Woodson island demise against her. It should never have existed in the first place, and the conventional wisdom for years was that the neighborhood would be moved as part of Woodson's next redistricting.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: Not Liz Bradsher ()
Date: December 22, 2013 11:11AM

Schultz supports later start times for high school kids and parental notification before question of kids by administrators.

She votes with Evans, Storch and McLaughlin frequently. They only need 3 more votes to win these issues.

She's nothing like Bradsher.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: student ()
Date: December 22, 2013 11:35AM

Not Liz Bradsher Wrote:
> Schultz supports later start times for high school
> kids and parental notification before question of
> kids by administrators.
> She votes with Evans, Storch and McLaughlin
> frequently. They only need 3 more votes to win
> these issues.
> She's nothing like Bradsher.


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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: December 22, 2013 01:00PM

facts please Wrote:
> Elizabeth Schultz has no qualifications to be a
> school board member.
> She is a bitter person who lacks the ability for
> humility.
> Her rants on the board mount to nothing, she
> cannot get a consensus. She is not an effective
> member on the Board resulting in poor
> representation.

The only qualification she needs is that she was elected.

She's in the minority on the Board, so expecting her to be able to be effective when you've got a majority of folks not simply of a differing political party but also of a different philosophy is going to result in a lot of lost votes.

Elizabeth is doing just fine. That she's got folks complaining about her is a good sign, in my opinion.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: not Eliz Bradsher ()
Date: December 22, 2013 01:06PM

Bradsher was able to get consensus, she got things past that no one thought she had a chance in hell getting past...Think about closing down a school in the most wealthiest of areas?

Schultz is the total opposite, her issues and her intent to remain arrogant does not help her constituents with their issues when it is time for a vote call. She fails on the report card.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: December 22, 2013 01:13PM

It's easy to get something done when the staff supports you and is pushing it. Bradsher had that benefit. Schultz doesn't.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: board observer ()
Date: December 22, 2013 01:43PM

BrianSchoeneman Wrote:
> facts please Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Elizabeth Schultz has no qualifications to be a
> > school board member.
> > She is a bitter person who lacks the ability
> for
> > humility.
> >
> > Her rants on the board mount to nothing, she
> > cannot get a consensus. She is not an effective
> > member on the Board resulting in poor
> > representation.
> The only qualification she needs is that she was
> elected.
> She's in the minority on the Board, so expecting
> her to be able to be effective when you've got a
> majority of folks not simply of a differing
> political party but also of a different philosophy
> is going to result in a lot of lost votes.
> Elizabeth is doing just fine. That she's got folks
> complaining about her is a good sign, in my
> opinion.

Brian - It's a good sign if you think the purpose of the position is to give Schultz a soap box to ingratiate herself with other Tea Party types in NoVa. But I challenge you to come up with one thing she's accomplished.

The other poster is simply wrong about the change in the Woodson HS boundaries. Any other School Board member, Democrat or Republican, could have kept that small area in Woodson's district given the strong parental support to do so. The other members stuck it to her because she had been meddling for months in matters primarily affecting schools in their districts for no reason other than to piss them off.

Liz Bradsher certainly screwed over Clifton, but at least she accomplished what another set of her constituents wanted. Schultz hasn't done anything for her constituents other than show up at the Centreville championship game and tweet about it like she'd gone to the South Pole.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: Board Observer ()
Date: December 22, 2013 01:47PM

BrianSchoeneman Wrote:
> It's easy to get something done when the staff
> supports you and is pushing it. Bradsher had that
> benefit. Schultz doesn't.

If you work with the Staff behind the scenes, you appear to be in alignment. Schultz won't, because her whole shtick was that the staff was evil. She's trying to hit the reset button now with Karen Garza, but it's a little late.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: Not Eliz Bradsher ()
Date: December 22, 2013 01:57PM

Brian why don't you and Elizabeth take a trip on the Love Boat together?

Looking at motions and amendments...Elizabeth is batting 0
Look at Bradsher's record, totally different. She got everything she wanted and used Reed and others to get it.

Looking back at it now, glad she closed YOUR SCHOOL...it will be good for your kids to understand the meaning of a public school.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: SlimJim ()
Date: December 22, 2013 02:09PM

FCPS question Wrote:
> Elizabeth L. Schultz its on twitter and she is
> saying she supports Phil Robertson, I learn in
> class that School board members can't be a
> political party, but if that is the case why is
> she talking about someone who hates gays ?
> Shouldn't she say that on her own twitter account
> and not one use for her job?
> https://twitter.com/ThinkSchultz

All the more reason I'd vote for her.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: December 22, 2013 02:19PM

Not Eliz Bradsher Wrote:
> Brian why don't you and Elizabeth take a trip on
> the Love Boat together?
> Looking at motions and amendments...Elizabeth is
> batting 0
> Look at Bradsher's record, totally different. She
> got everything she wanted and used Reed and others
> to get it.
> Looking back at it now, glad she closed YOUR
> SCHOOL...it will be good for your kids to
> understand the meaning of a public school.

I don't live in Clifton.

My point is simple: folks can claim all they want that Bradsher got things done, but most of what she accomplished was at the expense of other schools, and the complete failure of her to find a solution to the closing of Clifton that the community could support was the nail in the coffin, coupled with her flirting with becoming a Democrat, for me.

Elizabeth Schultz hasn't done that, she's held the line and opposed the ridiculous idea of FCPS having taxing authority, and while she hasn't been successful in pursuading a majority Democratic board to suddenly start acting like a Republican board, I think she gets a lot of crap that she doesn't deserve. People complaining about Elizabeth could easily be saying the same thing about Megan McLaughlin - she represents Braddock, where I live, and I don't think I've heard a single thing from her about anything - but they aren't. That tells me this is just partisan whining, not legitimate criticism.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: County Observer ()
Date: December 22, 2013 02:55PM

Brian its legit and when did you ever speak to Bradsher? How do you get off writing about her when I would place $ on it that you never even spoke to her.

Bradsher made tough decisions to get things done and appropriate money where needed, apparently something your Eliza can't do.

You must have a great life Brian; 3 days before Christmas and you are busy keeping the fires alive for Elizabeth on the Underground.

I will throw you a bone...Megan is almost as ineffective as your Elizabeth.

Merry, Merry...

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: Liberal Logic 35 ()
Date: December 22, 2013 03:05PM

County Observer Wrote:

> Bradsher made tough decisions to get things done
> and appropriate money where needed, apparently
> something your Eliza can't do.

Still havent figured out how a school board works? Shes outnumbered on a board that rules by majority vote.....

Or are you just upset she doesnt rubber stamp everything?

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: Board Observer ()
Date: December 22, 2013 03:15PM

BrianSchoeneman Wrote:
> Not Eliz Bradsher Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Brian why don't you and Elizabeth take a trip
> on
> > the Love Boat together?
> >
> > Looking at motions and amendments...Elizabeth
> is
> > batting 0
> > Look at Bradsher's record, totally different.
> She
> > got everything she wanted and used Reed and
> others
> > to get it.
> >
> > Looking back at it now, glad she closed YOUR
> > SCHOOL...it will be good for your kids to
> > understand the meaning of a public school.
> I don't live in Clifton.
> My point is simple: folks can claim all they want
> that Bradsher got things done, but most of what
> she accomplished was at the expense of other
> schools, and the complete failure of her to find a
> solution to the closing of Clifton that the
> community could support was the nail in the
> coffin, coupled with her flirting with becoming a
> Democrat, for me.
> Elizabeth Schultz hasn't done that, she's held the
> line and opposed the ridiculous idea of FCPS
> having taxing authority, and while she hasn't been
> successful in pursuading a majority Democratic
> board to suddenly start acting like a Republican
> board, I think she gets a lot of crap that she
> doesn't deserve. People complaining about
> Elizabeth could easily be saying the same thing
> about Megan McLaughlin - she represents Braddock,
> where I live, and I don't think I've heard a
> single thing from her about anything - but they
> aren't. That tells me this is just partisan
> whining, not legitimate criticism.

Actually, Megan was involved in extensive advocacy for public school parents on issues like starting times, class sizes, and the availability of honors courses in addition to AP/IB before she was even elected. She's not the best member in recent history, but she tries to get things done.

Schultz was elected for one reason only - her staunch opposition to the closing of Clifton ES. She hasn't gotten that decision reversed, she's gotten boundaries revised to the detriment of her constituents, she's otherwise completely ineffectual, and she now holds the land record for yelling at her colleagues in public and storming out of meetings in a huff. Your failure to acknowledge that tells me this is just circling the wagons, not an honest appraisal.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: December 22, 2013 03:17PM

County Observer Wrote:
> Brian its legit and when did you ever speak to
> Bradsher? How do you get off writing about her
> when I would place $ on it that you never even
> spoke to her.
> Bradsher made tough decisions to get things done
> and appropriate money where needed, apparently
> something your Eliza can't do.
> You must have a great life Brian; 3 days before
> Christmas and you are busy keeping the fires alive
> for Elizabeth on the Underground.
> I will throw you a bone...Megan is almost as
> ineffective as your Elizabeth.
> Merry, Merry...

Since you are clearly her, you know as well as I do that I met you at an FCRC meeting when you first got our endorsement, but our conversation was never more than "nice to meet you."

And, again, it's not hard to get things done when you've got the staff support already there. Bradsher got her pet project completed and that was it. Not exactly a stellar record, and she knew she couldn't get reelected so she didn't run again. Elizabeth is doing what folks in Springfield elected her to do.

I do have a great life, and I'm sitting here watching the Redskins game while lurking FfxU, and saw this thread. I know it's hard to believe, but it takes little more than fifteen seconds to write a response to a thread here. Not exactly distracting me from the rest of life.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: December 22, 2013 03:26PM

Board Observer Wrote:

> Actually, Megan was involved in extensive advocacy
> for public school parents on issues like starting
> times, class sizes, and the availability of honors
> courses in addition to AP/IB before she was even
> elected. She's not the best member in recent
> history, but she tries to get things done.
> Schultz was elected for one reason only - her
> staunch opposition to the closing of Clifton ES.
> She hasn't gotten that decision reversed, she's
> gotten boundaries revised to the detriment of her
> constituents, she's otherwise completely
> ineffectual, and she now holds the land record for
> yelling at her colleagues in public and storming
> out of meetings in a huff. Your failure to
> acknowledge that tells me this is just circling
> the wagons, not an honest appraisal.

I know she was. And I know she does - she and Elizabeth are on the same side of a lot of 9-3 and 10-2 votes. But folks love to bash Elizabeth when at least I've seen her discussing issues publicly, she's sent out newsletters to folks (even though I'm not in her district anymore I've still gotten them), and she's active on Twitter and Facebook. Megan looks like she just started a newsletter last month and is nowhere to be found on social media. You all know I'm a transparency guy so this kind of thing matters to me. I'm not seeing much of anything from Megan, yet she seems to get a pass here and Elizabeth doesn't, and I'm just pointing that out.

I think both of them are fine members who are marginalized because they aren't playing the game the way it's been played in the past. Good for them.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: Overtime ()
Date: December 22, 2013 03:28PM

It seems to me that Brian's tried to turn a discussion of Schultz's follies into a retrospective on Bradsher's record. He sets the bar for performance about as high as those 3-11 Redskins he purports to be watching.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: December 22, 2013 03:42PM

I didn't bring up Liz Bradsher. All I said was that Elizabeth Schultz is doing what folks voted for her to do.

Redskins are up 23-17 with 3 minutes or so to go. There's a commercial on right now. Kids playing in the snow.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/22/2013 03:43PM by BrianSchoeneman.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: Snow? ()
Date: December 22, 2013 03:44PM

BrianSchoeneman Wrote:
> I didn't bring up Liz Bradsher. All I said was
> that Elizabeth Schultz is doing what folks voted
> for her to do.
> Redskins are up 23-14 with 3 minutes or so to go.
> There's a commercial on right now. Kids playing in
> the snow.

Your kids are playing in the snow? Better get your glasses checked...

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: December 22, 2013 03:44PM

Snow? Wrote:
> BrianSchoeneman Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I didn't bring up Liz Bradsher. All I said was
> > that Elizabeth Schultz is doing what folks
> voted
> > for her to do.
> >
> > Redskins are up 23-14 with 3 minutes or so to
> go.
> > There's a commercial on right now. Kids playing
> in
> > the snow.
> Your kids are playing in the snow? Better get your
> glasses checked...

In the commercial. Reading is fundamental. My kid's asleep.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: Snow? ()
Date: December 22, 2013 03:45PM

Just making a joke, sorry brian

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: December 22, 2013 03:51PM

Nothing to be sorry about. I'm multitasking anyway. One eye on the game, playing Assassins Creed IV on the computer and alt-tabbing to check email and read FfxU. I'm confident the Redskins find a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, as usual.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: December 22, 2013 04:04PM

Ugh. 3-13.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/22/2013 04:20PM by BrianSchoeneman.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: County Observer ()
Date: December 22, 2013 04:50PM

Oh Brian...now you bring your children into this conversation.

Your wrong on many things. Too bad you prefer only writing on a blog instead of calling sources for fact checking. Typical local party zealot.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: Eastcounty ()
Date: December 22, 2013 05:44PM

board observer Wrote:
> The other poster is simply wrong about the change
> in the Woodson HS boundaries. Any other School
> Board member, Democrat or Republican, could have
> kept that small area in Woodson's district given
> the strong parental support to do so. The other
> members stuck it to her because she had been
> meddling for months in matters primarily affecting
> schools in their districts for no reason other
> than to piss them off.

What universe are you living in. Strong parental support or opposition in redistricting cases is meaningless...unless it fits the board's agenda.

Schultz may not be effective generally, but the demise of the Woodson island has little to do with her. The Woodson island was an accident of prior redistrictings that made little sense. It was located in a board district different than the two providing most of Woodson's students. It was located near a school which could absorb its students. Fairfax City was pushing to reduce the number of county kids at Fairfax High School. Woodson was the likely recipient of those students. The last board knowing this decided to dump a number of Annandale kids on Woodson. And Liz Bradsher was one of the 6 members who voted in favor of adding the Annandale kids to Woodson. In doing this the board created a situation where Woodson would be looking to shed students. The Woodson island was the logical candidate.

The Woodson island's future was very dim by the time Schultz was elected, and simply playing nice probably wasn't going to save it.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: December 22, 2013 05:55PM

County Observer Wrote:
> Oh Brian...now you bring your children into this
> conversation.
> Your wrong on many things. Too bad you prefer
> only writing on a blog instead of calling sources
> for fact checking. Typical local party zealot.

Sorry, Liz, but I call things like I see them. If you don't like that, tough. The phone dials out - if you had a problem with the stuff I've written, you could have emailed or picked up the phone.

As for bringing my child (I've only got one) into this discussion, I don't know what you're talking about. I just mentioned he was taking a nap.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: Earth Dweller ()
Date: December 22, 2013 06:21PM

Eastcounty Wrote:
> board observer Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The other poster is simply wrong about the
> change
> > in the Woodson HS boundaries. Any other School
> > Board member, Democrat or Republican, could
> have
> > kept that small area in Woodson's district
> given
> > the strong parental support to do so. The
> other
> > members stuck it to her because she had been
> > meddling for months in matters primarily
> affecting
> > schools in their districts for no reason other
> > than to piss them off.
> What universe are you living in. Strong parental
> support or opposition in redistricting cases is
> meaningless...unless it fits the board's agenda.
> Schultz may not be effective generally, but the
> demise of the Woodson island has little to do with
> her. The Woodson island was an accident of prior
> redistrictings that made little sense. It was
> located in a board district different than the two
> providing most of Woodson's students. It was
> located near a school which could absorb its
> students. Fairfax City was pushing to reduce the
> number of county kids at Fairfax High School.
> Woodson was the likely recipient of those
> students. The last board knowing this decided to
> dump a number of Annandale kids on Woodson. And
> Liz Bradsher was one of the 6 members who voted in
> favor of adding the Annandale kids to Woodson. In
> doing this the board created a situation where
> Woodson would be looking to shed students. The
> Woodson island was the logical candidate.
> The Woodson island's future was very dim by the
> time Schultz was elected, and simply playing nice
> probably wasn't going to save it.

Do you realize how many attendance islands continue to be scattered through FCPS and how many Staff proposals have been amended by the Board before they were adopted? No, I didn't think so.

The elimination of the Woodson Island, which had existed for decades, was only proposed after Schultz had been elected and had spent months maligning the staff. If she'd had any political skills, she could have stopped this in its tracks before the Staff proposed it or persuaded other Board members to reject it. It was not that important one way or the other to addressing the overcrowding at Fairfax, which was the real purpose of the redistricting.

Sorry, but this happened on Schultz's watch, she brought it on, and she couldn't derail it. Total fail unless you're someone at Robinson who wanted the island eliminated because you hated the idea that some might prefer Woodson to Robinson.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: Kathy Smith smells bad ()
Date: December 22, 2013 06:47PM

Look at all the fools posting on this. Schultz was elected partly because of the backlash over Bradsher's underhanded, double-dealing, scheming ways. The emails that came out pointed out Bradsher's contempt for anyone who didn't tow the line and do exactly what she wanted, be they fellow board lackeys or FCPS staff. People feared her because she was such a bitch that she'd go out of her way to screw you over if even thought about speaking up against her.

Schultz is doing what the majority of parents in her district want her to do, which is to be the voice of reason when it comes to listening to parents concerning their kids education and NOT being a rubber stamp for every big-spending nutty idea that the teachers union comes up with.

Fairfax is lost already and Schultz won't last long either. The illegals have taken over. That fat-ass Kathy Smith can only protect Greenbriar for so long before it too goes hispanic. On that day, I will rejoice.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: County Observer ()
Date: December 22, 2013 06:48PM

Earth Dweller is pretty spot on...however Woodson could handle some of the load from Annandale. Fairfax was not assisted to a high extent from the recent shifting. A new HS is needed somewhere out in the west causing a ripple effect to other schools to assist with load. (Woodson and the Annandale shift did not cause Fairfax)

Causes relate to population issues and changes in demographics. Much of Fairfax's and Annandale's problem has, and had to do with the changing populations in those areas of the County; 2-3 family households in same domicile. Check out West Potomac...problems taking place there that are similar.

As for Brian S. I aint Liz but I have watched the Board and you still are not seeing the reality of Schultz & how she is danger to her party and district. She is the reason there are At Large Members.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: RoadMusings_ ()
Date: December 22, 2013 09:04PM

I don't understand why GOPers are jumping on the Phil Robertson defense bandwagon.

Bernie Goldberg said on Fox that if liberals are too quick to play the PC card, conservatives are too quick to defend ignorance.

He's right.

Robertson's comments (the full breadth of which are far more than "homosexuality is a sin") are just head-up-the-ass stupid.

A&E is a private business. They canned him. There's no first amendment right to a TV show.

It's a non-issue. There are much better things for left and right to whack the shit out of each other for. This isn't one.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: Board Observer ()
Date: December 23, 2013 11:39AM

Kathy Smith smells bad Wrote:
> Look at all the fools posting on this. Schultz
> was elected partly because of the backlash over
> Bradsher's underhanded, double-dealing, scheming
> ways. The emails that came out pointed out
> Bradsher's contempt for anyone who didn't tow the
> line and do exactly what she wanted, be they
> fellow board lackeys or FCPS staff. People feared
> her because she was such a bitch that she'd go out
> of her way to screw you over if even thought about
> speaking up against her.
> Schultz is doing what the majority of parents in
> her district want her to do, which is to be the
> voice of reason when it comes to listening to
> parents concerning their kids education and NOT
> being a rubber stamp for every big-spending nutty
> idea that the teachers union comes up with.
> Fairfax is lost already and Schultz won't last
> long either. The illegals have taken over. That
> fat-ass Kathy Smith can only protect Greenbriar
> for so long before it too goes hispanic. On that
> day, I will rejoice.

I think what it shows is that the Springfield District has elected two single-issue candidates in a row, which is kind of a shame. But, in terms of actual accomplishments, and despite her brattiness, Liz Bradsher got South County MS built and West Springfield HS bumped up the renovation queue by several years. Over time, people will be more likely to remember this than some nasty voice- mail messages and emails.

Now Springfield has an ideologue who tweets nonsense and gets absolutely nothing done for her district. If that's what the majority of people in her district want, that's fine. She'll only get more irrelevant over time, and it will ensure other districts get more of the pie.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: county observer ()
Date: December 23, 2013 05:54PM

To Board Observer

On most of what you wrote I agree. I think most members run for reasons that may be parochial to them or their communities. Pragmatically speaking why else run? It certainly isn't about the money, it must have to be a passion to get something done that they believe is lacking in the system.

I would place money, being someone in communicationa and PR that those emails you wrote about were taken out of context with regard to Bradhser. Cliftonites leaked what they thought was outrageous for others to read...I did meet Bradsher on a meeting about an issue in our school. She was nice and helped make it happen with our principal and another Board Member.

Schultz is a bag of wind from what I can see. She doesn't respond to emails and shows up late if not at all. I agree with your summarization on her.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: Merry Christmas Liz ()
Date: December 23, 2013 08:16PM

How ironic that Schulz aligned herself with Duck Dynasty hatred and intolerance instead of with the leader of her own church THE POPE.

How about a shout out on your twitter for Pope Francis, Liz?

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: board observer ()
Date: December 23, 2013 10:09PM

Schultz may go out on a limb from time to time, but she displays more common sense than most of our school board. The rest of them just seem to think that asking for more money is the solution to every problem. They don't seem to understand reality. They rubber stamped just about everything that Dale wanted and vice versa. They never took their responsibility as a board seriously. After the debacle with Bradsher you would think they would have wised up, but no.

I don't agree with all that Schultz does, but she is certainly taking her responsibility as an advocate for the taxpayers and students seriously. The rest of them just think that pouring money into programs is all they need to do. They rarely ask tough questions. Just look at their avoidance of hiring an outside auditor. Why? Of course, now they have decided to hire an internal auditor. Now that Dale is gone. A little late. And millions of dollars short.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: McElweeny ()
Date: December 23, 2013 10:12PM

Especially that Ryan McElweeny. Watch him. He's a rising star that one.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: Observer with blinders on ()
Date: December 23, 2013 11:04PM

Advocate for taxpayers, huh?

Is reopening Clifton fiscally responsible?

Is lowering class size for SPED even more responsible?

Is spending millions on turf fields responsible?

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: RoadMusings_ ()
Date: December 23, 2013 11:40PM

Ken Cuccinelli running on a "I Want To Ban All Forms of Intercourse" platform would have won versus Liz Bradsher.

People seem not to understand how much she had become loathed in her own district. It crossed party lines. People wanted her gone.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: not much better ()
Date: December 24, 2013 09:51AM

Bradsher was a conniving dishonest person. Unfortunately Schultz has been a HUGE disappointment.

She doesn't play well with others, is arrogant and of course ineffective.

She wastes time and energy on petty issues and gains no ground or friends. Even Megan Mclaughlin is putting distance between them realizing how toxic she is.

She lost herrity's support way back when due to her huge ego and this latest homophobic rant is the nail in the coffin.

She's done--- put a fork in her.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: not a clifton resident ()
Date: December 24, 2013 10:15AM

Is reopening Clifton fiscally responsible?

I don't know. But I do know that closing it was stupid. Putting kids into overcrowded schools was not a good idea. They could have waited a year or two. I'd rather have kids in an old building than in trailers. At least the building had bathrooms.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: missing the point ()
Date: December 24, 2013 10:38AM

I agree that closing Clifton was stupid but your point that Schultz is somehow the protector of taxpayer funds is just plain false.

She will be just as likely to vote for raises and benefit increases as anyone else. That is 87% of the budget.

She supported turf fields which was a waste of money and will cost us a bloody fortune in replacement costs over the next years.

She wants to see class size go down and even more money spent on SPED-even though we spend 70% more on this population already. Oh, btw, her kid is SPED--gee maybe that's why she supports it.

She supports hiring an auditor which costs money and has made NO significant recommendations for saving any money while on the board. What makes her think an auditor will find this lost pot of gold?

She is just as willing to spend, spend, spend as any other member--just on different pet projects.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: Point Received ()
Date: December 24, 2013 12:30PM

Schultz has accomplished little and alienated potential friendly votes.

Her demeanor is one that is not pleasant and her antics would suggest being off meds.

Clifton ES is a memory and suggest people move on and get over an issue that is done.

Have no issue with Bradsher she supported WSHS.

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Re: Elizabeth L. Schultz Poltical views and school Board
Posted by: Close the Account, Mom ()
Date: December 24, 2013 04:13PM

My biggest beef with Schultz is that she is totally inept at Twitter. She tweets exactly how kids are afraid a clueless parent with limited awareness of social media would tweet. #PainfulShit

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