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a holes in meat truck
Posted by: meattruck ()
Date: December 21, 2013 08:10PM

ANybody in burke get a visit from a grey pickup truck with a cooler in the back? Two whisky tangos and a black trying to sell thier meat. Some shady stuff going on in burke

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Re: a holes in meat truck
Posted by: crazed ()
Date: December 21, 2013 08:36PM

meattruck Wrote:
> ANybody in burke get a visit from a grey pickup
> truck with a cooler in the back? Two whisky tangos
> and a black trying to sell thier meat. Some shady
> stuff going on in burke

they approached me walking back into my house with my kids. I was obviously in a hurry and had to tell the dude that I wasn't interested 4 times. Missed the tags but only saw one white male and a black male.

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Re: a holes in meat truck
Posted by: crazed ()
Date: December 21, 2013 08:36PM

meattruck Wrote:
> ANybody in burke get a visit from a grey pickup
> truck with a cooler in the back? Two whisky tangos
> and a black trying to sell thier meat. Some shady
> stuff going on in burke

they approached me walking back into my house with my kids. I was obviously in a hurry and had to tell the dude that I wasn't interested 4 times. Missed the tags but only saw one white male and a black male.

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Re: a holes in meat truck
Posted by: crazed ()
Date: December 21, 2013 08:36PM

meattruck Wrote:
> ANybody in burke get a visit from a grey pickup
> truck with a cooler in the back? Two whisky tangos
> and a black trying to sell thier meat. Some shady
> stuff going on in burke

they approached me walking back into my house with my kids. I was obviously in a hurry and had to tell the dude that I wasn't interested 4 times. Missed the tags but only saw one white male and a black male.

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Re: a holes in meat truck
Posted by: crazed ()
Date: December 21, 2013 08:36PM

meattruck Wrote:
> ANybody in burke get a visit from a grey pickup
> truck with a cooler in the back? Two whisky tangos
> and a black trying to sell thier meat. Some shady
> stuff going on in burke

they approached me walking back into my house with my kids. I was obviously in a hurry and had to tell the dude that I wasn't interested 4 times. Missed the tags but only saw one white male and a black male.

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Re: a holes in meat truck
Posted by: crazed ()
Date: December 21, 2013 08:36PM

meattruck Wrote:
> ANybody in burke get a visit from a grey pickup
> truck with a cooler in the back? Two whisky tangos
> and a black trying to sell thier meat. Some shady
> stuff going on in burke

they approached me walking back into my house with my kids. I was obviously in a hurry and had to tell the dude that I wasn't interested 4 times. Missed the tags but only saw one white male and a black male.

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Re: a holes in meat truck
Posted by: crazed ()
Date: December 21, 2013 08:36PM

meattruck Wrote:
> ANybody in burke get a visit from a grey pickup
> truck with a cooler in the back? Two whisky tangos
> and a black trying to sell thier meat. Some shady
> stuff going on in burke

they approached me walking back into my house with my kids. I was obviously in a hurry and had to tell the dude that I wasn't interested 4 times. Missed the tags but only saw one white male and a black male.

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Re: a holes in meat truck
Posted by: crazed ()
Date: December 21, 2013 08:36PM

meattruck Wrote:
> ANybody in burke get a visit from a grey pickup
> truck with a cooler in the back? Two whisky tangos
> and a black trying to sell thier meat. Some shady
> stuff going on in burke

they approached me walking back into my house with my kids. I was obviously in a hurry and had to tell the white dude that I wasn't interested 4 times. Missed the tags but only saw one white male and a black male.

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Re: a holes in meat truck
Posted by: Stupified! ()
Date: December 21, 2013 09:09PM

Wow! You know what? They approached me walking back into my house with my kids. I was obviously in a hurry and had to tell the white dude that I wasn't interested 4 times. Missed the tags but only saw one white male and a black male. This is even freakier than all those helicopters.

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Re: a holes in meat truck
Posted by: The Hard Truth ()
Date: December 21, 2013 09:12PM

Well, "crazed" could not have been a more appropriate handle.

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Re: a holes in meat truck
Posted by: meat wagon ()
Date: December 21, 2013 09:19PM

One day last week a van came down my street in west springfield and a white guy rang the doorbell asking if I wanted to buy meat. The van was painted all over in some kind of orange/yellow/red color scheme with a meat company logo.

I don't see how they can make any money paying 2 or 3 guys to drive around randomly knocking on doors.

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Re: a holes in meat truck
Posted by: Meat Wagon Operator ()
Date: December 21, 2013 10:25PM

meat wagon Wrote:
> One day last week a van came down my street in
> west springfield and a white guy rang the doorbell
> asking if I wanted to buy meat. The van was
> painted all over in some kind of orange/yellow/red
> color scheme with a meat company logo.
> I don't see how they can make any money paying 2
> or 3 guys to drive around randomly knocking on
> doors.

Easy...you mark it up, to mark it down.

Here's the pitch...you confirm the name of one of the residents on a street in an upper-middle class neighborhood. For the sake of this example let's say you've confirmed the name of a resident is Kerry Weedman.

So, you knock on the door of the house immediately next door and when the resident comes to the door you hand them the most amazingly designed, and printed sales brochure you have EVER seen for any product. It contains pricing such as a side of beef normally priced at $300 is reduced to $125. Then you speak the following...

"Hi, I was just attempting to make a delivery next door at Mrs. Weedman's but she isn't home. The compressor just broke on my truck's freezer and I won't make it back to my warehouse so, I just called me boss and he said I could mark down my truck 50% today in order to try and avoid throwing this stuff out."

Close the sale. Repeat. Yes, you get a lot of slammed doors in your face and other non-clearable objections but, if you hit the right neighborhood you can empty 2 truckloads a day, especially this time of year. It's the easiest sales job ever.

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Re: a holes in meat truck
Posted by: Quite Literally LOL'd ()
Date: December 21, 2013 10:35PM

^ LOL! I'm sure he'd laugh too... if he actually came here anymore.

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Re: a holes in meat truck
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: December 21, 2013 10:39PM

Is the shit edible? I had some guys doing that with fish this summer and the fish looked fishy.

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Re: a holes in meat truck
Posted by: sane ()
Date: December 21, 2013 10:41PM

crazed Wrote:
> meattruck Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > ANybody in burke get a visit from a grey pickup
> > truck with a cooler in the back? Two whisky
> tangos
> > and a black trying to sell thier meat. Some
> shady
> > stuff going on in burke
> they approached me walking back into my house with
> my kids. I was obviously in a hurry and had to
> tell the white dude that I wasn't interested 4
> times. Missed the tags but only saw one white male
> and a black male.

at least they only asked 4 times, you had to post 7 times.

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Re: a holes in meat truck
Posted by: meat holes ()
Date: December 21, 2013 11:29PM






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Re: a holes in meat truck
Posted by: Black and white guys in a truck ()
Date: December 21, 2013 11:51PM

You cant beat our prices but you can beat our meat.

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Re: a holes in meat truck
Posted by: sign me up/ ()
Date: December 22, 2013 12:23AM

Nothing else comes to mind as to what could be more dangerous than buying meat from a stranger selling door to door.But on the other hand if you enjoy diarrhea, fever and abdominal pain then go for it.

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Re: a holes in meat truck
Posted by: GIANTsup ()
Date: December 22, 2013 12:28AM

Sounds like Anthony Theodore. Fuckin loser is probably in all kinds of legal trouble again. He gets upset every couple of months and smacks his fat wife around or breaks things. Good for him.

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Re: a holes in meat truck
Posted by: Mark Mayhem ()
Date: December 22, 2013 12:33AM

Same dudes tried my block as well.

I told them I was a vegan and did not eat any meat.

The look of bewilderment in his eyes was worth it.

We grilled outside this evening on much better meat from Springfield Butcher.

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Re: a holes in meat truck
Posted by: The fish as dog? ()
Date: December 22, 2013 12:44AM

Stabitha Wrote:
> Is the shit edible? I had some guys doing that
> with fish this summer and the fish looked fishy.

What are fish supposed to look like,moron?
What do you mean "I had some guysdoing that with fish"?
You are either sick or stupid,Stabitha.

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Re: a holes in meat truck
Posted by: Huntington ()
Date: December 22, 2013 01:07AM

Two places not to buy meat or fish: Guys from the back of a truck, unsolicited, and Shoppers. It shouldn't be that hard to figure out.

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Re: a holes in meat truck
Posted by: ........ ()
Date: December 22, 2013 08:39AM

There were two negroids doing this out of a van in my neighborhood a few days ago.

Some BS about having cancelled deliveries and "muh boss gibbing me da ok to sell what I gots".

Right. Not every White person believes a thing that comes out of a negro mouth. Get lost.

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Re: a holes in meat truck
Posted by: Billy Bob ()
Date: December 22, 2013 08:43AM

It's Yost's "Truck Meat" business on the side of his duties at WTW. He know his days are numbered.

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Re: a holes in meat truck
Posted by: No thank you ()
Date: December 22, 2013 09:41AM

meat wagon Wrote:
> One day last week a van came down my street in
> west springfield and a white guy rang the doorbell
> asking if I wanted to buy meat. The van was
> painted all over in some kind of orange/yellow/red
> color scheme with a meat company logo.
> I don't see how they can make any money paying 2
> or 3 guys to drive around randomly knocking on
> doors.

The vehicle you are describing is from this place: http://www.flickr.com/photos/capitalmeats/8280700549/ They are in my neighborhood all the time.

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Re: a holes in meat truck
Posted by: DCRTV Dave Hughes ()
Date: December 22, 2013 10:50AM

I love when the meat men come visit me and pull a train.

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Re: a holes in meat truck
Posted by: Curmudgeon ()
Date: December 22, 2013 05:51PM

I did the vegan line to them once. The confusion was spectacular.

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Re: a holes in meat truck
Posted by: meat wagon ()
Date: December 22, 2013 06:06PM

No thank you Wrote:
> meat wagon Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > One day last week a van came down my street in
> > west springfield and a white guy rang the
> doorbell
> > asking if I wanted to buy meat. The van was
> > painted all over in some kind of
> orange/yellow/red
> > color scheme with a meat company logo.
> >
> > I don't see how they can make any money paying
> 2
> > or 3 guys to drive around randomly knocking on
> > doors.
> The vehicle you are describing is from this place:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/capitalmeats/8280700
> 549/ They are in my neighborhood all the time.

Yep that is the one, driven by a white dude as near as I recall. It just seemed very inefficient to slowly cruise random streets that way, burning up a lot of time and gasoline. I figured there would need to be a hefty markup to offset that cost. There might have been some part of his pitch about another cancelled delivery, but I ignored that as it was pretty obvious he was just trolling through neighborhoods peddling his meat.

But hey, his business plan must be working since they have multiple vans. Guess I'm not a good judge of what people will fall for.

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Re: a holes in meat truck
Posted by: No thank you ()
Date: December 24, 2013 10:15AM

meat wagon Wrote:
> No thank you Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > meat wagon Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > One day last week a van came down my street
> in
> > > west springfield and a white guy rang the
> > doorbell
> > > asking if I wanted to buy meat. The van was
> > > painted all over in some kind of
> > orange/yellow/red
> > > color scheme with a meat company logo.
> > >
> > > I don't see how they can make any money
> paying
> > 2
> > > or 3 guys to drive around randomly knocking
> on
> > > doors.
> >
> > The vehicle you are describing is from this
> place:
> >
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/capitalmeats/8280700
> > 549/ They are in my neighborhood all the time.
> Yep that is the one, driven by a white dude as
> near as I recall. It just seemed very inefficient
> to slowly cruise random streets that way, burning
> up a lot of time and gasoline. I figured there
> would need to be a hefty markup to offset that
> cost. There might have been some part of his
> pitch about another cancelled delivery, but I
> ignored that as it was pretty obvious he was just
> trolling through neighborhoods peddling his meat.
> But hey, his business plan must be working since
> they have multiple vans. Guess I'm not a good
> judge of what people will fall for.

People used to swear by Schwans, and there is that South Mountain Creamery that you see their trucks all the time. I guess there is a market for something like this. I was just put off because when I first began seeing them I thought it was a scam. Maybe if they sent out flyers/information or something prior to visiting your neighborhood you would have a better idea of what they are about. But ya, a dude rolling down the street peddling beef from an unknown company...not a great business model.

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