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Strange Goings on at 980AM Today (12/17/2013)
Posted by: Radio.Guy ()
Date: December 17, 2013 04:45PM

So, at 12 noon today 980AM switched from its local programming and has been running ESPN national programming since. On their Twitter feed this has been explained as "A day off for a team-building event."

I find that to be bullshit. A team-building event would be planned well in advance and the station has always announced whenever there are planned programming changes, "Hey guys...just a programming note here...Steve Czaban will be on vacation tomorrow so, Chris Cooley and AL Galdi will be flying as a duo..." That kind of thing.

What do we think today's "team-building event" is Snyder-ian code for? "Guys, I'd like to control the message on Shanahan, Bob3 and my team and here's how I want all of you to do that for me..."???

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Re: Strange Goings on at 980AM Today (12/17/2013)
Posted by: The Danny ()
Date: December 17, 2013 04:46PM

Careful what you suggest, otherwise after taking over coaching and quarterbacking for the Skins, the Danny will be tomorrow's on air talent, all day, every day going forward. And he'll find a way to nickel and dime you for it, too.

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Re: Strange Goings on at 980AM Today (12/17/2013)
Posted by: Tesla ()
Date: December 17, 2013 05:00PM

So there are still entities that are modulating the amplitude of radio waves in 2013?

I should tune in some Morse code on the shortwave or send a smoke signal tomorrow.

Quiet > Internet > XM > FM > AM

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Re: Strange Goings on at 980AM Today (12/17/2013)
Posted by: Daniel Snyder ()
Date: December 17, 2013 05:08PM

I pulled them into my office to advise them on how to cover MY TEAM. They needed additional coaching.



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Re: Strange Goings on at 980AM Today (12/17/2013)
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: December 18, 2013 08:34AM

Czaban is the best thing on sports radio. So I'm sure they will fire him.
Mike and Mike cannot have competent competition....

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Re: Strange Goings on at 980AM Today (12/17/2013)
Posted by: Foreskins ()
Date: December 18, 2013 10:08AM

This is ridiculous. How stupid and lazy of a radio station are they? Kornheiser is terrible, the other midday show is terrible, Doc and BMitch speak in nothing but cliches, and the guy with Cooley sounds like a robot. The only guys listenable in DC sports radio are the Junkies, Chad Dukes, Grant Paulsen, and Danny Rouhier's Redskins Radio parodies.

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