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Exxon Mobil places Fairfax, Va. campus up for sale; 2,100 jobs being moved
Posted by: WTOP ()
Date: November 18, 2013 05:11AM

Exxon Mobil places Fairfax, Va. campus up for sale as company prepares to move 2,100 jobs

FAIRFAX, Va. (AP) -- One of northern Virginia's largest employers, Exxon Mobil, is putting its Fairfax County property up for sale.

The Washington Post (http://wapo.st/1bRVlEM ) reports Exxon Mobil is taking the next step in moving its domestic refining headquarters to Houston. Executives are working to move 2,100 positions and vacate its woodsy Fairfax campus by the end of 2015.

Mobil Corp. moved its refining and marketing operations to Fairfax in 1980, based at the intersection of the Capital Beltway and Route 50. The company merged with Exxon in 1999.

The corporate property includes four office buildings surrounded by trees on all sides. The offices total 1.2 million square feet, including 60 conference rooms, a cafeteria, gym and swimming pool. Most of the 2,580 parking spaces are buried underground, along with a quarter-mile service tunnel.


Information from: The Washington Post, http://www.washingtonpost.com

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Re: Exxon Mobil places Fairfax, Va. campus up for sale; 2,100 jobs being moved
Posted by: Slim ()
Date: November 18, 2013 06:55AM

That would make a sweet campus for Inova hospital !!! MMMMM....

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Re: Exxon Mobil places Fairfax, Va. campus up for sale; 2,100 jobs being moved
Posted by: Tax & Spend ()
Date: November 18, 2013 07:00AM

My guess is they see the writing on the wall. With Mcauliffe you gonna get the old tax and spend. Good Bye tax breaks for bussinees's providing jobs in Virginia.

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Re: Exxon Mobil places Fairfax, Va. campus up for sale; 2,100 jobs being moved
Posted by: Sharoon Bullover ()
Date: November 18, 2013 07:08AM

Free housing for illegal aliens has to be our top priority. We can claim the property through imminent domain and rename it "Little El Salvador". The possibilities are endless. I'll hold my next campaign rally there and we'll
have all the pupusas you can eat and a truckload of Corona. Gerry Connolly will be our guest speaker.

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Re: Exxon Mobil places Fairfax, Va. campus up for sale; 2,100 jobs being moved
Posted by: Sharonista ()
Date: November 18, 2013 07:18AM

Would certainly solve the housing problem. And a short walk over to the hospital for your free obamacare.

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Re: Exxon Mobil places Fairfax, Va. campus up for sale; 2,100 jobs being moved
Posted by: Illegal Joe ()
Date: November 18, 2013 07:32AM

Props to Gerry for doing all he could to keep them here. By which I mean nothing.

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Re: Exxon Mobil places Fairfax, Va. campus up for sale; 2,100 jobs being moved
Posted by: aerial view ()
Date: November 18, 2013 09:04AM

Exxon Mobil puts 117-acre campus in Fairfax County up for sale

Courtesy Exxon Mobil - An aerial view of Exxon Mobil’s 117-acre campus in Merrifield, which is now up for sale as it prepares to relocate to Houston. Exxon Mobil’s secluded campus is one of the most valuable properties in Fairfax County.

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Re: Exxon Mobil places Fairfax, Va. campus up for sale; 2,100 jobs being moved
Posted by: Welcome to 2011 ()
Date: November 18, 2013 09:50AM

When this was all announced. In other 2011 news, Obama is running for re-election next year, and "popular" uprisings continue across the Middle East.

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Re: Exxon Mobil places Fairfax, Va. campus up for sale; 2,100 jobs being moved
Posted by: Actually... ()
Date: November 18, 2013 09:58AM

You can only laugh at the spectacle of these intellectual slugs leaving their slimy little trails all over FFXU. Total losers, but indeed mildly entertaining in their persistent and hapless ignorance.

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Re: Exxon Mobil places Fairfax, Va. campus up for sale; 2,100 jobs being moved
Posted by: John Coctostin ()
Date: November 18, 2013 10:42AM

Tax & Spend Wrote:
> My guess is they see the writing on the wall. With
> Mcauliffe you gonna get the old tax and spend.
> Good Bye tax breaks for bussinees's providing jobs
> in Virginia.

Actually this is old news. They've been plannning this since well before the election.

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Re: Exxon Mobil places Fairfax, Va. campus up for sale; 2,100 jobs being moved
Posted by: GOP logic douche cunts ()
Date: November 18, 2013 10:59AM

Tax & Spend Wrote:
> My guess is they see the writing on the wall. With
> Mcauliffe you gonna get the old tax and spend.
> Good Bye tax breaks for bussinees's providing jobs
> in Virginia.

You are a moron; 18 months ago was announced douche, it has to do with the merger that occurred with Exxon a long long time ago.

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Re: Exxon Mobil places Fairfax, Va. campus up for sale; 2,100 jobs being moved
Posted by: Jobs? Who needs 'em? ()
Date: November 18, 2013 11:03AM

"it has to do with the merger that occurred with Exxon a long long time ago."

Not really. It's more to do with the expansion in petro products across the Midwest and South. OTOH, the VA Gov prior to the decision (hint, not the current one) did respond to XOM's overtures w/a "F...off". So they're leaving.

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Re: Exxon Mobil places Fairfax, Va. campus up for sale; 2,100 jobs being moved
Posted by: Nissan Leaf ()
Date: November 18, 2013 11:19AM

I'm so glad these petroleum punks are moving. Fuck you, big oil.

By the way...

What's "gasoline"...bitches?!?!

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Re: Exxon Mobil places Fairfax, Va. campus up for sale; 2,100 jobs being moved
Posted by: Atom ()
Date: November 18, 2013 11:55AM

My parents douche bag neighbor is still here.

The whole neighborhood will be cheering that departure.

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Re: Exxon Mobil places Fairfax, Va. campus up for sale; 2,100 jobs being moved
Posted by: tiniest violin ()
Date: November 18, 2013 12:10PM

Jobs? Who needs 'em? Wrote:
> "it has to do with the merger that occurred with
> Exxon a long long time ago."
> Not really. It's more to do with the expansion in
> petro products across the Midwest and South. OTOH,
> the VA Gov prior to the decision (hint, not the
> current one) did respond to XOM's overtures w/a
> "F...off". So they're leaving.

Yea, and nothing in Exxon Mobiles press release notes that their decision was affected in any way by that moron. They specifically stated this was part of their long term view on consolidating to Texas after the merger despite many tax breaks that were offered by McDonnell and oh by the way also by Kaine.

Any other lies you wanna spread

PS, 2100 jobs out of 400,000 in Fairfax. Boo hoo, not the end of the world, likely to be replaced by a new corporate presence

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Re: Exxon Mobil places Fairfax, Va. campus up for sale; 2,100 jobs being moved
Posted by: ripple effect ()
Date: November 18, 2013 12:35PM

tiniest violin Wrote:
> Jobs? Who needs 'em? Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > "it has to do with the merger that occurred
> with
> > Exxon a long long time ago."
> >
> > Not really. It's more to do with the expansion
> in
> > petro products across the Midwest and South.
> > the VA Gov prior to the decision (hint, not the
> > current one) did respond to XOM's overtures w/a
> > "F...off". So they're leaving.
> Yea, and nothing in Exxon Mobiles press release
> notes that their decision was affected in any way
> by that moron. They specifically stated this was
> part of their long term view on consolidating to
> Texas after the merger despite many tax breaks
> that were offered by McDonnell and oh by the way
> also by Kaine.
> Any other lies you wanna spread
> PS, 2100 jobs out of 400,000 in Fairfax. Boo hoo,
> not the end of the world, likely to be replaced by
> a new corporate presence

Sure, viewed that way, 2,100 jobs ain't that much.

But of course, everything needs to be viewed in context...if they are jobs and a large corporate HQ, they are generally at the top of the food chain, and you can bet there are other companies/service providers etc who provide a great deal of services and products to this co that will be greatly affected.

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Re: Exxon Mobil places Fairfax, Va. campus up for sale; 2,100 jobs being moved
Posted by: CyV3K ()
Date: November 18, 2013 12:53PM

GOP logic douche cunts Wrote:
> Tax & Spend Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > My guess is they see the writing on the wall.
> With
> > Mcauliffe you gonna get the old tax and spend.
> > Good Bye tax breaks for bussinees's providing
> jobs
> > in Virginia.
> You are a moron; 18 months ago was announced
> douche, it has to do with the merger that occurred
> with Exxon a long long time ago.

Of course he's a moron. That's why he's a consera-tard.

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Re: Exxon Mobil places Fairfax, Va. campus up for sale; 2,100 jobs being moved
Posted by: Face facts ()
Date: November 18, 2013 01:15PM

The two prior governors did a wonderful job of making and selling VA (and particulalry Nova) as a vibrant, bohemian, techie, smart-growth, east coast hub that was still business friendly. The current shmuck and his asshole wannabe successor did a great deal to damage that valuable image with their oh, I forgot about slavery, cover up breasts, and don't enforce the rights of gays approach, not to mention a lack of capacity to offer anything of more substance than budget cuts to business interests. McAuliffe will be shackled with a legislature controlled by moron downstate Republicans, but he should still be able to erase some of the stain of these last four years.

And for the benefit of those visiting us from the Dark Ages, the employment picture here is built up from in- and out-migrations as well as business start-ups and failures, plus expansions and contractions. It's a big and complex picture.

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Re: Exxon Mobil places Fairfax, Va. campus up for sale; 2,100 jobs being moved
Posted by: ewu3v ()
Date: November 18, 2013 01:19PM

tiniest violin Wrote:
> PS, 2100 jobs out of 400,000 in Fairfax. Boo hoo,
> not the end of the world, likely to be replaced by
> a new corporate presence

Actually, it's around 575K now.

The county doesn't seem to think that it's insignificant just based on property taxes alone:

"The site has been talked about as a possible landing place for the FBI, as it fits the parameters of the agency’s headquarters search. But keeping the property on the tax rolls is a priority for Gordon. It is among the most valuable properties in the county, assessed this year at $201.3 million, which equates to a 2013 property tax bill of nearly $2.2 million. “We don’t want to lose them off the tax base,” Gordon said."

Not to mention the taxes and other economic benefits those 2,100 jobs represent. While it's not a huge percentage as might be the case of in more of a 'company town,' it is at the level that a loss like that shows up as a dent in your aggregate stats.

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Re: Exxon Mobil places Fairfax, Va. campus up for sale; 2,100 jobs being moved
Posted by: Jobs? Who needs 'em? ()
Date: November 18, 2013 01:21PM

Try nearly 5,000 jobs. 2100 is just what they're moving.

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Re: Exxon Mobil places Fairfax, Va. campus up for sale; 2,100 jobs being moved
Posted by: Too many trees ()
Date: November 18, 2013 07:49PM

Look at the pic of the property. Too many trees. I hope the new owner cuts them down.

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Re: Exxon Mobil places Fairfax, Va. campus up for sale; 2,100 jobs being moved
Posted by: District 9 ()
Date: November 18, 2013 09:13PM

With the Dunn Loring station right up Gallows, the hospital across the street and Gerry Connolly living no more than 2 miles away, what a great place to build 20,000 of those micro-units!

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Re: Exxon Mobil places Fairfax, Va. campus up for sale; 2,100 jobs being moved
Posted by: Shhhhhhh!!! ()
Date: November 18, 2013 09:15PM

District 9 Wrote:
> With the Dunn Loring station right up Gallows, the
> hospital across the street and Gerry Connolly
> living no more than 2 miles away, what a great
> place to build 20,000 of those micro-units!

Oh God... even intended as a joke, don't get that out there where somebody on his staff might see it.

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Re: Exxon Mobil places Fairfax, Va. campus up for sale; 2,100 jobs being moved
Posted by: mona111 ()
Date: February 10, 2014 09:38PM

Does anybody know when is exxon going to move from fairfax to houston? Anybody here from fairfax exxon?

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Re: Exxon Mobil places Fairfax, Va. campus up for sale; 2,100 jobs being moved
Posted by: Narc ()
Date: February 11, 2014 10:03PM

Word on the street is that it will be the new FBI headquarters.

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Posted by: chuckhoffmann ()
Date: February 11, 2014 10:49PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/14/2014 05:45PM by chuckhoffmann.

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Re: Exxon Mobil places Fairfax, Va. campus up for sale; 2,100 jobs being moved
Posted by: Er, not quite ()
Date: February 11, 2014 11:01PM

"new FBI headquarters"

Er, no.
"Locations near community facilities such as hospitals, schools, day care centers and utilities are not preferred."

FYI, the move is currently ongoing, and has been for some time, with a final "move out" in late '15/early '16.

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