The MarketPro computer shows used to be a good place to haggle, and you can walk around and see all the different components for sale at different tables.
I used to always buy my cases there, because they were considerably cheaper than the 2 or 3 tower cases at CompUSA. You can get a really nice 4 bay tower case and power supply for around $100 there, and even cheaper micro-towers.
They have a show at the Expo Center on Dec 6 and 7.
Damn, they sell Jabra blue tooth earpieces for $19.99. No wonder every white trash and ghetto b-boy is wearing one nowadays. I was wondering why I've seen all these trashy people wearing them recently, when everyone else stopped using them 2 years ago.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/27/2008 11:06PM by Bob.