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Re: with so many crimes in Fairfax County, should I get my mother a Glock 36 for Christmas? (or any other suitable small handguns)
Posted by:
Date: November 25, 2008 09:54PM
Um, you realize the G36 is a .45, right? While it is a compact .45 pistol and also comes in a 'slim' model, I can't believe for a minute that you would consider purchasing a compact .45 handgun for your mother for what seems like her first gun. You answered your question in the last few words of your post, find her a suitable small gun: a compact (not subcompact) 9mm or subcompact .380 would be fine. G19, Ruger LCP, Walther PPK, Bersa .380 Thunder, etc... Purchasing a handgun for yourself or someone else for self-protection is a decent idea, but you need to do it sensibly; sensibly = economically and providing the proper training and means for carrying.
Rachenko Wrote:
> with so many crimes in Fairfax County, should I
> get my mother a Glock 36 for Christmas? (or any
> other suitable small handguns)
"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."
Every time they report a crime on the news, these people mistake that for being a huge prevalence of crime.
I'm 39 and I've worked in downtown DC for just under 20 years, and I've travelled all over the world, and not once was I ever a victim of any type of crime.
No, wait, I almost got mugged once in Prague, but punched the one teenage punk holding the knife and outran all three into the trains station, instead.
My point is, don't be such a ninny. You are more likely to find a twenty on the ground than to be a victim of any type of crime. You are just reacting to the sensationalism of news -- being made aware of A crime is not the same as crime being rampant, but people let their emotions get away from themselves.
Re: with so many crimes in Fairfax County, should I get my mother a Glock 36 for Christmas? (or any other suitable small handguns)
Posted by:
Date: November 25, 2008 10:14PM
Rachenko Wrote:
> with so many crimes in Fairfax County, should I
> get my mother a Glock 36 for Christmas? (or any
> other suitable small handguns)
> probably also need to sign her up for a conceal
> carry lesson so she can get a permit as well....
> :)
Buying a gun is an extremely serious proposition. If you're thinking about getting one for your mother, don't surprise her with it. If she doesn't want it and doesn't take on the responsibility that comes with gun ownership it could end up lying around her house somewhere that a child could find it.
She will need to plan for it: to learn about handguns, learn to use (and store!) them safely, and practice at the range.
I suggest you talk to her and see if this is what she wants. If it is, then contact the NRA and sign her up for a gun safety course, followed by a course in the use of handguns. After this she should try a few out (you can rent them at ranges -- Blue Ridge Arsenal in Chantilly for example) to see what she's comfortable with before settling on which gun to get.
The NRA is an excellent resource. Contact them and tell them you are brand new to guns and ask them for their advice in this matter.
This isn't a step to take lightly. Take your time and prepare properly before getting a gun.
Re: with so many crimes in Fairfax County, should I get my mother a Glock 36 for Christmas? (or any other suitable small handguns)
Posted by:
Date: November 25, 2008 11:52PM
bob2 Wrote:
> Um, you realize the G36 is a .45, right? While it
> is a compact .45 pistol and also comes in a 'slim'
> model, I can't believe for a minute that you would
> consider purchasing a compact .45 handgun for your
> mother for what seems like her first gun.
back when I took firearm training at a local range(Blue Ridge in Chantilly),
instructor said that "to defend yourself against a armed robber is to make
sure you shot true and straing, most importantly make sure your gun has
enough firepower to kill the robber on the first shot... a 9mm bullet will
most likely go straight through, unless fired into the skull... a 40mm or
45 are the only two calibers that have enough firepower to kill the robber
on the first try... otherwise, the robber will have enough strength left to
fireback to shoot you, or any other innocent victims...." I remember those
words better than words in the Bible.
Re: with so many crimes in Fairfax County, should I get my mother a Glock 36 for Christmas? (or any other suitable small handguns)
Posted by:
Date: November 26, 2008 12:57AM
Bob Wrote:
> Damn, you shoot someone with a 40 mm bullet, there
> won't be much left of him.
> That's over an inch and a half.
> Do they even make guns that big? That's a bigger
> barrel than a shotgun.
sorry about that.... I menat to say .40 as in 10mm bullet.... I almost fell
out of my chair when I realized my giant mistake! :D
although I wouldn't mind carrying a handgun that takes 40mm bullets! :D
nobody will want to mess with me.... :) probably comes in handy if
a polar bear is chargnig towards me.... :)
This will clear a room but not go through walls and hit unintended targets. Fit it with a tactical flash light so you see what you are about to obliterate. That said, dont visit mom unannounced.
My great uncle fought in the pacific theater as a combat engineer. There were times when things were getting rough of various islands, but that most all the threat from Japanese aircraft had diminished. Standard 40mm bofors guns were converted from AA use to anti-personnel use.
Apparently there is virtually nothing left of an individual that gets tagged by a 40mm round - nearly 2 pounds in weight (the projectile alone) and travels at close to 3,000 feet per second.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/26/2008 12:04PM by ITRADE.
Rachenko Wrote:
> with so many crimes in Fairfax County, should I
> get my mother a Glock 36 for Christmas? (or any
> other suitable small handguns)
> probably also need to sign her up for a conceal
> carry lesson so she can get a permit as well....
> :)
Why would you give her a gun when the first thing she will do is shoot you with it for being such a disappointment?
Re: with so many crimes in Fairfax County, should I get my mother a Glock 36 for Christmas? (or any other suitable small handguns)
Posted by:
Date: November 26, 2008 11:13PM
I was wondering about those exploding dye packs that banks put in their money bags. It explodes and mark all the money with bright colors so the robbers cannot use the money.
Is there a small version that I can buy and place in my purse?
I don't think carry guns is the solution. If someone is already pointing a gun at my face demanding money, there's not time to pull out my gun. Worse, it could be taken away and used against me..................
Huh? Wrote:
> Bob Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It's amazing how easily people become cowards.
> >
> punched the one teenage punk holding the knife
> and
> > outran all three into the trains station,
> > instead.
> So you're calling everyone a coward then you tell
> us a story where you *RAN* away from some street
> urchins?
> Oh the irony...
What would you do if three 17 or 18 year old Czech kids, who appeared to be in pretty decent athletic shape approached you on a dark side street in an unfamiliar city, and one of them has a butterfly knife?
I punched the one with the knife, then ran a half a block to the safety of a well lit and crowded place.
A coward would do what you'd probably do, hand over your wallet and money.
Re: with so many crimes in Fairfax County, should I get my mother a Glock 36 for Christmas? (or any other suitable small handguns)
Posted by:
Date: November 26, 2008 11:46PM
I have spent alot of time in the Outer Banks and once heard a story about Andy Griffith, since he lives around Manteo. In order to maintain his privacy and deter people from hounding him, he used to carry around a water pistol filled with urine. Whenever someone invaded his space, he would fire away.
Re: with so many crimes in Fairfax County, should I get my mother a Glock 36 for Christmas? (or any other suitable small handguns)
Posted by:
Date: November 27, 2008 12:06AM
Rachenko Wrote:
> shot... a 9mm bullet will
> most likely go straight through, unless fired into
> the skull...
The thing to remember about 9mm is that it became very popular with police in the 1980's. At that time most police were either using generic FMJ ammo or Winchester Silvertip hollow points. Then in 1986 the FBI got into a shoot out with 2 bank robbers in Miami, one of which was basically a hard core MF. He ended up killing 2 FBI agents and generally creating a bloodbath before he was killed. The FBI realized that their 9mm ammo was crap. But keep in whole shootout was a fiasco from the get go, and the FBI was handed some really bad circumstances at the start of the confrontation - which left them ill prepared for the gun battle that would take two agent's lives.
This shootout led to the FBI to the short lived 10mm cartridge...and the rest of the world to the resurgence of the .45....then to the .40.
However, since 1986, there have been huge improvements in 9mm ammo. Particularly with the introduction of 'designer' 9mm ammo like the Federal Hydra-Shok ammo and various copy cats.
Today the 9mm has an image problem more than a performance problem.
Re: with so many crimes in Fairfax County, should I get my mother a Glock 36 for Christmas? (or any other suitable small handguns)
Posted by:
Date: December 01, 2008 11:20PM
I personally like the Beretta Tom Cat... nice and small, great size for a lady. Its also easy to shoot. Only problem is its not really gonna kill the assailant, but it might give your mom the time she needs to get the hell out of there. While I like the Glocks as far as effectiveness, they don't fit my smaller hands well, and I dont tend to shoot as accurately. I also have a Colt 1911 which fits my hands well and is the .45 caliber, but it is much heavier and has a greater kick back than the Tom Cat. You should probably take your mom to a local range, where they often let you test out a few guns. I know Blue Ridge in Chantilly was great at that (are they still around?) She really needs one that fits her well and that she is comfortable shooting. They can also set her up with some safety classes and help get her concealed permit (which she has to have if she carries in her purse.)
Depending on the age/strength of your mother I doubt a semiauto is in order.
Get her a revolver. Less to maintain and go wrong.
Also, the slide on a 36 does not get easier to pull back as you age especially if woken in the middle of the night.
Re: with so many crimes in Fairfax County, should I get my mother a Glock 36 for Christmas? (or any other suitable small handguns)
Posted by:
Date: December 03, 2008 11:14AM
Bob Wrote:
> What would you do if three 17 or 18 year old Czech
> kids, who appeared to be in pretty decent athletic
> shape approached you on a dark side street in an
> unfamiliar city, and one of them has a butterfly
> knife?
> I punched the one with the knife, then ran a half
> a block to the safety of a well lit and crowded
> place.
Good for you. But are you suggesting this as a reasonable action for Rachenko's mother, if she is in a similar situation? That's the thing about a handgun. You don't have to be young, or athletic to use it. It equalizes the battle between the young punk and the older, frailer woman. Most likely, she'll nver have to use it. But isn't it better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it?
Re: with so many crimes in Fairfax County, should I get my mother a Glock 36 for Christmas? (or any other suitable small handguns)
Posted by:
om nom nom
Date: December 08, 2008 03:11PM
Somebody Wrote:
> Depending on the age/strength of your mother I
> doubt a semiauto is in order.
> Get her a revolver. Less to maintain and go
> wrong.
> Also, the slide on a 36 does not get easier to
> pull back as you age especially if woken in the
> middle of the night.
Most definitely agreed. Get her a nice little snub-nosed revolver, chambered in .357 magnum (so there's the option of a more powerful round), and then have her shoot .38 special out of it. Get her some good quality hollow points, too.