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Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Race Bannon ()
Date: October 02, 2013 08:53AM

When did so many Fairfax County cyclists become such sanctimonious a******s? Why do so many cyclists insist on riding in traffic lanes where speed limits are 40, 45, or 50 mph. when there is a bicycle path running parallel to the road? They force cars to swerve out of their way, inviting accidents, and hold up traffic, inviting rearend collisions. I swerved to avoid hitting one after the car in front of me nearly ran him over and I asked why he wasn't using the bike path. "I have the same right to the road as cars," he replied. Okay, I won't argue, but it isn't really about rights, it's about physics. Your rights won't do you much good when you're flying off your twisted bike, leaving skin on the pavement. I have the right to do a lot of dangerous things that common sense keeps me from doing. As a cyclist myself, I've been hit twice by cars (one ran a red light, the other failed to stop at a stop sign). When I'm on a bike, I try to avoid them, despite my rights. I'm also perplexed as to why it's necessary to dress like a circus clown to go cycling, but that is one of their rights that doesn't affect their safety and the safety of those trying to drive around them. Thoughts? Any reasonable cyclists out there with a perspective?

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: October 02, 2013 09:00AM

This is not a Fairfax cyclist issue. This is an every cyclist issue.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Run them all off the road ()
Date: October 02, 2013 09:04AM

BrianSchoeneman Wrote:
> This is not a Fairfax cyclist issue. This is an
> every cyclist issue.


Specifically a middle-aged white male cyclist issue.

Don't get me wrong, the immigrants biking around this area do plenty of stupid and/or illegal shit too. But you only get the my-shit-doesn't-stink attitude from the late 20/30-something white guys decked out in their Lance Armstrong-wannabe gear.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: October 02, 2013 09:16AM

I would have zero problem with cyclists if they'd follow the rules of the road. But they don't, especially in DC. And the bike share nonsense only makes things worse. The utter lack of enforcement for folks on bikes just encourages them to act this way.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Jess1 ()
Date: October 02, 2013 09:23AM

"I would have zero problem with cyclists if they'd follow the rules of the road"

That was the fun @ Fox Mill this past Saturday - a group decided that the Stop sign was somehow optional - for a left turn. Morons.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: October 02, 2013 09:35AM

Having talked with some of these people over the years I think it comes down to this: There is a certain set of cyclists who want to bike at a certain level. They want to travel at high rates of speed for sustained periods of time. They can't do this if they have to bike on a narrow bike path that is shared with casual bikers and pedestrians whose rights have to be respected, and they can't do this on neighborhood roads when they have to worry about pesky things like stop signs and lights, speed limits and other traffic. The only way they can do what they want is to operate as if they own the roads and the rest of us need to watch out for and respect them. If they had someplace nearby where they could engage in cycling as they want to do it without affecting others, I suspect many of them would. They don't though. If it makes any difference though, they are just as bad when they are on the bike paths. It's just that they are affecting pedestrians and casual cyclists rather than motorists.

That said I don't believe they are any worse than the assholes who think because they have motorcycles that are capable of weaving through heavy traffic, in some cases creating their own lanes between cars, that they should be entitled to do so.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: eLester ()
Date: October 02, 2013 09:45AM

The group rides are training rides. It's difficult to maintain a certain rate of speed (15-25 mph) on a multi-use recreational path since there are rules on speed, passing non-bikers, and so forth. It's difficult to keep a large group together for large groups at safe distances between rows of bikes on a narrow path. Some bikers are quite dangerous when they pass walkers, joggers, etc. Sometimes the pedestrian will mistake the keep right direction and do the opposite. If you ride on the shoulder or in the right lane, you have some safety so long as drivers adhere to the rules of the road.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: October 02, 2013 09:48AM

There are two types of cyclists-

1)The spandex wearing enviro-fairies who want to be recognized for "doing their part". Generally clueless about clogging the right lanes.

2) The immigrant or lost-my-license American poor boy. Usually pedals as more of a chore, sometimes while puffing a cig or balancing a 12 pack. Usually going to or coming from work. Seems resigned to the fact they can't keep up and they generally stay outta the way.

It's a Car's World anyway..


Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Jess1 ()
Date: October 02, 2013 09:50AM

"It's difficult to maintain a certain rate of speed (15-25 mph) on a multi-use recreational path since there are rules on speed, passing non-bikers, and so forth."

If it's so d*mn hard to follow the traffic laws, then perhaps you need a different activity.

*insert double facepalm here*

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Pup ()
Date: October 02, 2013 10:40AM

Thank you for pointing this out! I thought I was alone in hating these holier than though, reckless douchbags. They live as if there is no set of rules of the road that applies to them. They want cars to yield to them as if they are a pedestrian, but they want to be able to ride their toys in the street and run stop signs.

They are MILITANT and aggressive. They need to wake the fuck up or they WILL get killed. We need fewer militant liberal douchbags in the white species anyway.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: DingBug ()
Date: October 02, 2013 11:03AM

WingNut Wrote:
> There are two types of cyclists-
> 1)The spandex wearing enviro-fairies who want to
> be recognized for "doing their part". Generally
> clueless about clogging the right lanes.
> 2) The immigrant or lost-my-license American poor
> boy. Usually pedals as more of a chore, sometimes
> while puffing a cig or balancing a 12 pack.
> Usually going to or coming from work. Seems
> resigned to the fact they can't keep up and they
> generally stay outta the way.
> It's a Car's World anyway..

Once you go to Spandex and Chamois, you never go back...

unless you're used to having your nuts crushed and speaking in high-pitch.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: 30-something and lovin it ()
Date: October 02, 2013 11:06AM

^^^a lot of frustrated old out-of-shape drivers. They see people working out and have to complain.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: A. Einstein ()
Date: October 02, 2013 11:55AM

So you say it's a physics problem, but are not smart enough to solve it. One has to simply pull up next to the bike, and slowly veer to the right, thus forcing them back into the bike path. It is then up to the rest of the bonehead motorists to hug the line and form an impenetrable wall that keeps cyclists in check, thus keeping them out of the right of way and in their proper lane. If you sheep quit driving like scared deer and more like wolves or lions, traffic would not be as bad in this area. But noooooo.... you might scratch your precious Lexus. Tisk tisk...

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: R. Simmons ()
Date: October 02, 2013 12:13PM

These spandex queens cried that they wanted a bike path on 123 so the government spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to build a path. Yet just two days ago the traffic in the right lane near Burke Lake was clogged due to one of them riding in the roadway.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: EhyFc ()
Date: October 02, 2013 12:51PM

Instead of using the bike path we all paid for, one of these a-holes was on northbound FFX Co Pkwy riding the right lane next to a jersey construction barrier just south of Fox Mill last Sunday. Not too bright.

What if car drivers took that same attitude and wanted to use the roads for "training" and racing instead of going on race tracks like they should? Cars can't do that on public streets, why can the Lance Armstrong wanna-bees do that on bicycles?

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: coolie ()
Date: October 02, 2013 01:27PM

You sould be able to avoid them. See them sometimes riding the shoulder. The shoulder sometimes disappears. Sometimes construction will make the paths next to the road unavailable. Get over it.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: k9wHJ ()
Date: October 02, 2013 01:48PM

So if cyclists stop at stop signs (like every single car driver does), you'd be happy? (no one should ignore a stop sign...)

>> Why do so many cyclists insist on riding in [on the road] when there is a bicycle path running parallel to the road? <<

Too many stop signs. I presume you are talking about roads like 286 & 123. There are many many more stops/cross walks from the feeder roads that you have to cross if you are on the trail. Riding on the road like a car eliminates all these stops.

Also the trails are not maintained very well. Gravel, roots and cheap construction make the trails more suitable for pedestrains and kids on bikes.

With regards to stop lights. did you know most (probably all) stop lights have sensors that detect a waiting car. I belive they use a inductive-loop traffic detector. These will not sense a bicycle. I agree, there are folks who will blow through a light and they shouldn't.

Questions answered?

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Rider20171 ()
Date: October 02, 2013 02:21PM

The "perfectly good bike path that we all paid for" has been blocked for the last two years south of Fox Mill Rd due to pipeline replacement. Riders are diverted onto the shoulder of the Parkway. Oh, at that perfectly good bike path has not been repaved or repaired in 20 years. What if we didn't repave our roads and just let them crumble, too?

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Voice of Reason ()
Date: October 02, 2013 03:46PM

I just returned from a 30 mile ride. About 20 of those miles sharing with cars. Not one person honked or gave me shit, because I ride like a car, and I respect 5,000 lb blocks of metal driven by texters. The racer boys fuck it up for those of us who follow the rules. Yes, many of my fellow cyclists are soggy tampons.

But the ones in cars who do cause trouble, they universally are out of shape turds who nobody would fuck. Lots of scraggly facial hair and 40+ inch waistlines. Just plain angry men, few women. If one of them tries to force me off the side, as suggested above, it will end up on this board since I carry a roofing hammer on my left side. I'm very adept at breaking glass while maintaining a straight line and filming the whole deal on my Go Pro, unless I die in the process.

Bottom line cyclists, ride your bike on the road, you MUST FOLLOW THE SAME RULES. If you're too euro for that, go ride Skyline Drive when the shutdown ends.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Driver ()
Date: October 02, 2013 04:13PM

As long as the cyclist obeys the laws of the road. Most fail to obey the red traffic light/stop sign. I get why they do it, but they are going to get killed especially punching through a red light. You are on the road you behave like you would when you drive a car. You are on the side walk you behave like a pedestrian. You can't do both because you cannot expect a driver to read your mind. Pick one, stick with it.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Reagan4US ()
Date: October 02, 2013 04:17PM

I concur, but I do think cyclists have become more safety and car aware over the last two years.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: October 02, 2013 05:21PM

Need the obligatory car mowing the cyclists photo stat.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Speedy Gonzalez ()
Date: October 02, 2013 05:32PM

Some boy wrote

"I presume you are talking about roads like 286 & 123. There are many many more stops/cross walks from the feeder roads that you have to cross if you are on the trail. Riding on the road like a car eliminates all these stops"

Except on those roads the speed limit is 50mph or 55mph. If you can peddle that fast then go for it, otherwise if you are doing 20mph then you are impeding traffic and the cops should write you just like they would a car driver doing the same thing. The adjacent bike path on 123 was built on demand of the bike riders at great taxpayer expense. This topic has been discussed on here ad nauseam and the result is the same stay off the roads where the speed limit is over 35. You dont belong on it.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Doug ()
Date: October 02, 2013 05:58PM

Jess1 Wrote:
> "It's difficult to maintain a certain rate of
> speed (15-25 mph) on a multi-use recreational path
> since there are rules on speed, passing
> non-bikers, and so forth."
> If it's so d*mn hard to follow the traffic laws,
> then perhaps you need a different activity.
> *insert double facepalm here*

Except that if sanctimonious drivers actually knew the traffic laws they would recognize that bicycles are legal vehicles entitled to the use of the road and by the way the entire lane if the road conditions warrant. Sorry that you're inconvenienced for the 40 seconds extra time it requires to pass them safely and legally. You won't really have to look very hard to find the "get the Da**&*d bike of the recreational" rant too.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Wazzup ()
Date: October 02, 2013 08:00PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/02/2013 08:08PM by Wazzup.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Rich the Prick ()
Date: October 02, 2013 08:05PM

Fucl u

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Wazzup ()
Date: October 02, 2013 08:08PM

Jess1 Wrote:
> "It's difficult to maintain a certain rate of
> speed (15-25 mph) on a multi-use recreational path
> since there are rules on speed, passing
> non-bikers, and so forth."
> If it's so d*mn hard to follow the traffic laws,
> then perhaps you need a different activity.
> *insert double facepalm here*

here you go


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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: FFX Fxfh ()
Date: October 02, 2013 08:11PM


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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Cager ()
Date: October 02, 2013 08:24PM

How about this

They impact roads just as a car or motorcycle but to a lesser degree

(1) They can and do sometimes cause accidents that require EMS Support
(2) They operate in traffic and thus require law Enforcement to help keep them safe.

If they are considered a lawfull vehicle just as a car or motorcycle. Then why should they not be treated the same as such and require the owner to hold insurance on the "lawfull Vehicle " , pay property tax on the " lawfull vehicle " , pay Inspection Fees Etc Etc .

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Jess1 ()
Date: October 02, 2013 08:36PM

"bicycles are legal vehicles entitled to legal the use of the road "


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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Jess1 ()
Date: October 02, 2013 08:37PM

bicycles are legal vehicles entitled to the legal use of the road

FIFY. Last one I fubar'd

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Spandex canary ()
Date: October 02, 2013 09:16PM

Some sissy mary wrote:

" that bicycles are legal vehicles entitled to the use of the road and by the way the entire lane if the road conditions warrant. Sorry that you're inconvenienced for the 40 seconds extra time it requires to pass them safely and legally."

You cannot use the defense for impeding traffic that others behind you should take it easy and wait to pass. Its not an exception to the law you are breaking.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: enW3m ()
Date: October 03, 2013 06:48AM

Rider20171 Wrote:
> The "perfectly good bike path that we all paid
> for" has been blocked for the last two years south
> of Fox Mill Rd due to pipeline replacement.
> Riders are diverted onto the shoulder of the
> Parkway. Oh, at that perfectly good bike path has
> not been repaved or repaired in 20 years. What if
> we didn't repave our roads and just let them
> crumble, too?

I wish I had a camera to show the other bike ON THE BIKE PATH riding parallel to the idiot riding on the Parkway.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Aids watch ()
Date: October 03, 2013 07:28AM

Rider20171 Wrote:
> The "perfectly good bike path that we all paid
> for" has been blocked for the last two years south
> of Fox Mill Rd due to pipeline replacement.
> Riders are diverted onto the shoulder of the
> Parkway. Oh, at that perfectly good bike path has
> not been repaved or repaired in 20 years. What if
> we didn't repave our roads and just let them
> crumble, too?

You didnt pay anything since you ride a bike. Highway funds are paid through gas taxes. As far as letting our roads crumble I thought we were.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Rider20171 ()
Date: October 03, 2013 08:52AM

Gas taxes account for only half of the necessary funds for road construction and maintenance US-wide. Here in VA the sales taxes pay for the roads, thank you. Oh, and I have two cars so I'm sure I pay plenty of taxes.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Jefferson was a pu$$y ()
Date: October 03, 2013 09:12AM

"Gas taxes account for only half of the necessary funds for road construction and maintenance US-wide"

BS. Road use taxes (gas, diesel, tires, etc.) cover roads, Metro, bike paths, whateverpetproject is out there.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Car haters ()
Date: October 03, 2013 09:51AM

You fat boys need to stop bitching and get on a bike yourself

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Karen1010 ()
Date: October 03, 2013 10:46AM

Agree. I once say this guy yelling at a father and his 4 year old boy for 5 minutes for getting in the way at the Vienna Center near the train display, as if the father shouldn't have had his 4 year old riding his bike, because it was interfering with the a*****'s enjoyment of the bike path.

Rude and wrong. A Vienna police officer had to intervene to tell the biker that the 4 year old had the right-of-way. And he still didn't get it. A lot of these bicyclists need Rx.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: LetsRock ()
Date: October 03, 2013 01:30PM

Car haters Wrote:
> You fat boys need to stop bitching and get on a
> bike yourself

Riding a bike is the same as going back to manual typewriters or a rake. I would rather use a computer or a leaf blower.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: jTKjp ()
Date: October 04, 2013 08:22AM

You would probably also rather use artificial insemination...

LetsRock Wrote:
> Riding a bike is the same as going back to manual
> typewriters or a rake. I would rather use a
> computer or a leaf blower.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: sharon needs your money ()
Date: October 04, 2013 08:24AM

Rider20171 Wrote:
> Gas taxes account for only half of the necessary
> funds for road construction and maintenance
> US-wide. Here in VA the sales taxes pay for the
> roads, thank you. Oh, and I have two cars so I'm
> sure I pay plenty of taxes.

Your pos 1985 corolla blocks up traffic almost as much as your fairy bike,

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: 447NP ()
Date: October 04, 2013 01:09PM

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Out of the way fools ()
Date: October 04, 2013 01:13PM

It is a great feeling to zip past a cyclist and spray them with windshield washer fluid. I bet it taste so good. Everyone should try it. We all need. To keep our windshields clean.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: wnrsm ()
Date: October 04, 2013 10:51PM

Out of the way fools Wrote:
> It is a great feeling to zip past a cyclist and
> spray them with windshield washer fluid. I bet it
> taste so good. Everyone should try it. We all
> need. To keep our windshields clean.

Nice! You can use a needle to adjust the jets for better coverage of the far passenger-side of the windshield. Just don't go too far!

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: More and more cyclist ()
Date: October 05, 2013 02:05AM

Are 'appearing' as well because they either are losing their licenses or have lost their financial ability to maintain an automobile. So they ride a bike like they drove their auto's! Like they own the roads! Too many auto's on the roads these days, anyway.
Go oversea's or to many foreign country's and see that most people are riding bicycles, mopeds, small motorcycles or tiny car's. This country's people by comparison are looking a lot like hogs! And driving like one too!

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: RoadMusings_ ()
Date: October 05, 2013 02:06AM

BrianSchoeneman Wrote:
> This is not a Fairfax cyclist issue. This is an
> every cyclist issue.


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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Hate All Bikers ()
Date: October 05, 2013 02:32AM

someone please tell me why these bikers have a stop sign at every W&OD trail intersection....yet they refuse to stop at the intersection and blaze thru the stop signs...they put their heads down and peddle their little spandex wearing hearts out to not have to stop...serious question....if a motorist stopped, then went thru the intersection and the biker ran the stop sign, hitting the car...who would be at fault?

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: commutercyclistfromspringfield ()
Date: October 05, 2013 07:29AM

I am a commuter cyclist. I used to call the paved paths on the side of the road "bike paths" but they are really "jogging paths."
There are a lot of joggers on these paths especially in the morning when it is dark. It is safer for me as a cyclist to ride on the road, So many times I have nearly hit joggers, probably because they are not watching because they zone out when jogging. also it is hard for me to see them if I am riding on the jogging path that is on the side of the road closest to oncoming traffic because I am blinded by the car lights. I have had several near misses with joggers in the morning.
Another problem I encounter is people walking side-by-side on the jogging path so that they can talk. I may apply my brakes and they squeek, but the talkers dont move.
another problem I have is people walking their dog. If you are trying to ride on a narrow jogging path with someone walking their dog on a leash, their might not be enough room. That means I have to get off my bike and walk. The point to riding a bike is to maintain speed. Yeah, sometimes you have to dismount and walk to be safe, but that slows you down.
Walking and taking the buses to work takes me two hours. walking to work would take me four hours. riding my bike and maintaining decent speed takes me one hour.
Yeah, I could use a light on my bike and I aim to get one. To get decent quality accessories for my bike cost a lot of money. A light for my bike is about 28 dollars and up.
I ride to get to work so I can live. I try my best to share to road. I dont want to hit or hurt anyone. I use the road because it is sometimes safer to use and sometimes it just saves me time.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: comeonpFxd7 ()
Date: October 05, 2013 10:05AM

Come on - how many times do you get put out by a cyclist? What a bunch of whiners. seriously once a week? once a month? More like once or twice a year you are delayed 20-40 seconds by someone riding a bicycle.

First of all you are probably a fatty that never excercises and that is okay so long as you realize the risk of you having a fatty-McFatpants heart attack behind the wheel is much higher than a 180 pound person on a 20 pound bike doing any harm to anyone.

Yes I know you hate the spandex but it is functional as it reduces wind resistance. You see someone on a bike has to generate all the energy needed to move and lose clothing catches the wind like a sail or in your case like a pair of your 46 in waist underwear on a clothes line.

So yes, sorry if someone on a bike leagally riding on the road makes you put down your iPhone and Cinnabon because you have to stop steering with your knees.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Pricks ()
Date: October 05, 2013 01:36PM

It really does take a special brand of asshole to do their Lance Armstrong impression on a two-lane road with hills and blind curves.

Leave all the cars the choice of sitting behind your spandex clad ass crawling along, or dangerously cross the double yellow to pass you when they can't see what is ahead of them. Fuck these guys.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: October 05, 2013 01:56PM

496 Wrote:
> Need the obligatory car mowing the cyclists photo
> stat.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: lowcase al ()
Date: October 05, 2013 02:01PM

Hate All Bikers Wrote:
> someone please tell me why these bikers have a
> stop sign at every W&OD trail intersection....yet
> they refuse to stop at the intersection and blaze
> thru the stop signs...they put their heads down
> and peddle their little spandex wearing hearts out
> to not have to stop...serious question....if a
> motorist stopped, then went thru the intersection
> and the biker ran the stop sign, hitting the
> car...who would be at fault?

because you exaggerate. 99% stop. i was driving home yesterday and a car driver tentatively held up traffic to stop for a biker who was waiting on the path. the biker wouldn't go and the cars eventually continued on.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: You Better Be Nice To Them ()
Date: October 05, 2013 02:24PM

If you don't let them have their way they will get pissed off, and we will have a situation like what happened in NYC. I don't want to my ass beat, and have my family witness it.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: RodKooz ()
Date: October 06, 2013 12:40PM

Hate All Bikers Wrote:
> someone please tell me why these bikers have a
> stop sign at every W&OD trail intersection....yet
> they refuse to stop at the intersection and blaze
> thru the stop signs...they put their heads down
> and peddle their little spandex wearing hearts out
> to not have to stop...serious question....if a
> motorist stopped, then went thru the intersection
> and the biker ran the stop sign, hitting the
> car...who would be at fault?

Exactly. The Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority, who oversees the trail, is getting ready to spend taxpayer dollars for "Facilitation/Conflict Resolution Services."


The issue is that bicyclists run the stop signs and there have been a few fatal accidents over the years. The NVRPA states the bicyclists "have long been opposed to coming to a stop if they believe they can cross safely by just slowing down." They want to see if there's someway to get the bikers to listen, but that's a big fat NO.

Also, a big FUCK YOU to the bicyclist who insists on clogging up the right lane of southbound West Ox Road heading from Reston to Fairfax every evening while there is a perfectly fine asphalt path next to the fucking road that my fucking tax dollars paid for when the road was improved a few years back.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: eLester ()
Date: October 06, 2013 01:40PM

You won't be able to eliminate stop sign runners. I see it all the time with cars and motorcyclists. When they're making a right turn, they think they can sail through a stop sign and stop in time if there's traffic. The same logic is applied by some bicyclists. They think they're going slow enough to react in time.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Lance Armstrong Is an Asshole ()
Date: October 06, 2013 02:29PM

All cyclists are pricks. They ignore the fucking traffic laws but it is the driver's fault if they get hit making an illegal left turn or blowing through a stop sign. I hate them all.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Cycle Bitch ()
Date: October 06, 2013 02:32PM

One time I had a bitch cyclist yell at me for not getting right while she was riding against traffic on a sidewalk. What the fuck is wrong with this picture?

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: ...in the 22039 ()
Date: October 06, 2013 06:52PM

Speedy Gonzalez Wrote:
> Some boy wrote
> "I presume you are talking about roads like 286 &
> 123. There are many many more stops/cross walks
> from the feeder roads that you have to cross if
> you are on the trail. Riding on the road like a
> car eliminates all these stops"
> Except on those roads the speed limit is 50mph or
> 55mph. If you can peddle that fast then go for it,
> otherwise if you are doing 20mph then you are
> impeding traffic and the cops should write you
> just like they would a car driver doing the same
> thing. The adjacent bike path on 123 was built on
> demand of the bike riders at great taxpayer
> expense. This topic has been discussed on here ad
> nauseam and the result is the same stay off the
> roads where the speed limit is over 35. You dont
> belong on it.


A cyclist generally cannot come close to the speed limit on 123, and there is a WIDE path. There are also stop signs which are frequently ignored. And when cyclists get run down, like it's happened at a few of the intersections, they wonder why. STOP, means stop...

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: eLester ()
Date: October 06, 2013 08:16PM

Some places on 123 dont have a path. Some have them on only side of the road. I've ridden from the bike path to Tysons Corner. I used to take the back roads to Springhill Road also. 99% of the time, there's no problem with anyone, cyclist or driver.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Hate All Bikers ()
Date: October 07, 2013 01:37AM

Posted by: lowcase al ()

Date: October 05, 2013 02:01PM

because you exaggerate. 99% stop. i was driving home yesterday and a car driver tentatively held up traffic to stop for a biker who was waiting on the path. the biker wouldn't go and the cars eventually continued on.

Exaggerate?? hey fuckface come out to the Herndon/Reston area of the trail and tell me 99% stop. The 1% that DOES stop is little kids, or older ladies trying to bike to lose weight...I'm talking about these fake Tour De France spandex wearing fuckers who blow through every stop sign like they don't have a 4 way STOP sign posted...it's so bad in the Herndon area they have police parked on the trail, as well as the neon signs posted saying they must stop. But can they be bothered to stop? NO it's ridiculous, and don't get me started about the groups of 30 that drive in the middle of the road (similar to the NY motorcycle group) that take over the road getting to the path...it's embarrassing seeing so many grown men in spandex in one area.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Mr. Subliminal ()
Date: October 07, 2013 11:09AM

"...it's embarrassing seeing so many grown men in spandex in one area."

latent gay self-hatred?

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Mad Max ()
Date: October 07, 2013 11:18AM

Hate All Bikers Wrote:
> Posted by: lowcase al ()
> Date: October 05, 2013 02:01PM
> because you exaggerate. 99% stop. i was driving
> home yesterday and a car driver tentatively held
> up traffic to stop for a biker who was waiting on
> the path. the biker wouldn't go and the cars
> eventually continued on.
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----------------------------
> Exaggerate?? hey fuckface come out to the
> Herndon/Reston area of the trail and tell me 99%
> stop. The 1% that DOES stop is little kids, or
> older ladies trying to bike to lose weight...I'm
> talking about these fake Tour De France spandex
> wearing fuckers who blow through every stop sign
> like they don't have a 4 way STOP sign
> posted...it's so bad in the Herndon area they have
> police parked on the trail, as well as the neon
> signs posted saying they must stop. But can they
> be bothered to stop? NO it's ridiculous, and don't
> get me started about the groups of 30 that drive
> in the middle of the road (similar to the NY
> motorcycle group) that take over the road getting
> to the path...it's embarrassing seeing so many
> grown men in spandex in one area.

Run one or two of them over. If they don't stop, it's not your fault and the world is down a couple of faggot wannabe bikers.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: North Reston ()
Date: October 07, 2013 11:35AM

I live in Herndon/Reston and don't see people ignoring the stop signs. Where is this phenomena? I drive by the trails in downtown Herndon, Spring Street, Wiehle Avenue, Sunrise Valley Drive, and Hunter Mill Road. I drive by the trail crossings at least 5 or more times in a day as they're hard to avoid. I don't see it.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Hey Mad Max ()
Date: October 07, 2013 03:18PM

Mad Max, let me guess a little about you. One who runs over faggots.

I'm sure your waist measures close to or greater than 40 inches.
You could never compete in a triathlon. Can't run. Can't swim. Can't ride a bike long distance.
You probably have excessive facial hair, which is possibly graying.
You hold a degree from Fox News.
No doubt you drive a truck or SUV, and back it in.
Your faggot comment, combined with spandex hate, confirms you're bicurious.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Jess1 ()
Date: October 07, 2013 03:34PM

"I live in Herndon/Reston"

Which is it? FWIW, the last two Saturdays have featured groups cycling their way breathlessly around Fox Mill - and not a stop given. It's pretty out of hand now, and soon we'll get another "OMG, butterfly and puppy loving cyclist brutally mangled by eeeeeevil SUV" story.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Hate All Bikers ()
Date: October 08, 2013 01:26AM

Posted by: North Reston ()

Date: October 07, 2013 11:35AM

I live in Herndon/Reston and don't see people ignoring the stop signs. Where is this phenomena? I drive by the trails in downtown Herndon, Spring Street, Wiehle Avenue, Sunrise Valley Drive, and Hunter Mill Road. I drive by the trail crossings at least 5 or more times in a day as they're hard to avoid. I don't see it.
Spend 10 minutes at the Ferndale/Community Center crossing in Herndon.....GUARANTEE you see the phenomena over and over....it's a epidemic...and that's just one location....it's all over

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: ccy3N ()
Date: October 08, 2013 08:37AM

Spend 5 min at any stop sign. 9 out of 10 CARS don't stop.
That doesn't make it right for cyclist... but failure to stop is not unique to cyclist.

Hate All Bikers Wrote:
> Posted by: North Reston ()
> Date: October 07, 2013 11:35AM
> I live in Herndon/Reston and don't see people
> ignoring the stop signs. Where is this phenomena?
> I drive by the trails in downtown Herndon, Spring
> Street, Wiehle Avenue, Sunrise Valley Drive, and
> Hunter Mill Road. I drive by the trail crossings
> at least 5 or more times in a day as they're hard
> to avoid. I don't see it.
> --------------------------------------
> Spend 10 minutes at the Ferndale/Community Center
> crossing in Herndon.....GUARANTEE you see the
> phenomena over and over....it's a epidemic...and
> that's just one location....it's all over

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: DyjVP ()
Date: October 08, 2013 08:54AM

The Rights and Duties of Cyclists - Bicycle Safety

(It's not that difficult to understand)


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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Just A Guy ()
Date: October 08, 2013 10:15AM

Just for information purposes:


Additionally, as somebody who does take a bicycle out for short errands, I wish that the police in this area would enforce bicycle laws. People on bicycles who don't know the laws can be just as dangerous to law-abiding people on bicycles as people in cars and trucks who don't know the laws.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: October 08, 2013 12:18PM

Just A Guy Wrote:
> Additionally, as somebody who does take a bicycle
> out for short errands, I wish that the police in
> this area would enforce bicycle laws. People on
> bicycles who don't know the laws can be just as
> dangerous to law-abiding people on bicycles as
> people in cars and trucks who don't know the laws.


They forget that it isn't car drivers that are affected. It is also casual bicyclists, kids on bikes, pedestrians and pets.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: hEmKb ()
Date: October 15, 2013 09:41AM

Janette Sadik-Khan: New York's streets? Not so mean any more


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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: LdY4W ()
Date: October 15, 2013 09:46AM

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Run them all off the road ()
Date: October 15, 2013 10:40AM

LdY4W Wrote:
> we're watching you
> http://www.core77.com/blog/kickstarter/the_way_we_
> live_now_the_rideye_is_a_dash_cam_for_your_bicycle
> _25590.asp

I'll be sure to smash the camera after I run your over.

Thanks for the heads-up.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: LetsRock ()
Date: October 15, 2013 10:46AM

Hey Mad Max Wrote:
> Mad Max, let me guess a little about you. One who
> runs over faggots.
> I'm sure your waist measures close to or greater
> than 40 inches.
> You could never compete in a triathlon. Can't run.
> Can't swim. Can't ride a bike long distance.
> You probably have excessive facial hair, which is
> possibly graying.
> You hold a degree from Fox News.
> No doubt you drive a truck or SUV, and back it
> in.
> Your faggot comment, combined with spandex hate,
> confirms you're bicurious.

Here we have the sign of a true homosexual. He compares himself to other men by "waist size". Next he will declare that he uses better products on his hair.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: October 15, 2013 02:04PM

Race Bannon Wrote:
> When did so many Fairfax County cyclists become
> such sanctimonious a******s? Why do so many
> cyclists insist on riding in traffic lanes where
> speed limits are 40, 45, or 50 mph. when there is
> a bicycle path running parallel to the road? They
> force cars to swerve out of their way, inviting
> accidents, and hold up traffic, inviting rearend
> collisions. I swerved to avoid hitting one after
> the car in front of me nearly ran him over and I
> asked why he wasn't using the bike path. "I have
> the same right to the road as cars," he replied.
> Okay, I won't argue, but it isn't really about
> rights, it's about physics. Your rights won't do
> you much good when you're flying off your twisted
> bike, leaving skin on the pavement. I have the
> right to do a lot of dangerous things that common
> sense keeps me from doing. As a cyclist myself,
> I've been hit twice by cars (one ran a red light,
> the other failed to stop at a stop sign). When
> I'm on a bike, I try to avoid them, despite my
> rights. I'm also perplexed as to why it's
> necessary to dress like a circus clown to go
> cycling, but that is one of their rights that
> doesn't affect their safety and the safety of
> those trying to drive around them. Thoughts? Any
> reasonable cyclists out there with a perspective?

Bright clothing increases visibility, obviously, and would reduce the chance of a collision. Prudent practice, in my experience. Also important to have a bright red light on the seat-post in dim light to give motorists early awareness of your presence, the flashing ones work well. The colorful kits are more effective in daytime. I always stay aware of traffic, and make sure that any driver I see who might be turning into my path has eye contact with me. Sometimes I slow down if I observe a driver unaware of my direction.

Some of the bike trails are more dangerous than the road, but severe weather can reverse that scenario. I stick to roads with speed limits at 45mph or below, and with wide lanes. I would never ride on Vale Road in Oakton, for example, even in a group.

When on bike trails, always slow down to walking speed when approaching children, pets, and obviously inattentive people.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Kardiac17 ()
Date: October 15, 2013 02:24PM

This has been discussed before. Cyclists are jerks, 90% anyway. Try running on the W+OD at anytime. They like to blow by you as fast and as close as possible. Most give no warning. I do not run with earphones so I can hear whats going on but a lot of these guys come up so fast I don't hear them. Around Reston or areas with families out with kids bikers don't slow down they weave around and through. Last decade there was an ongoing arguement between runners and cyclists along the Potomac from TR Island and Mt. Vernon. Runners solved that by laying tacks down to blow the tires. Pewrhaps a childish answer but effective.;

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: October 15, 2013 02:37PM

Has anyone seen someone wear a bicycle bib out on the road? These things speak for themselves....


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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: try again ()
Date: October 15, 2013 02:42PM

"When on bike trails, always slow down to walking speed when approaching children, pets, and obviously inattentive people."

Obviously, nobody does that and can do that. Nobody would run on the trails, let alone bike or skate.

People who post here are too old or too inactive to function on the trails anyways,

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: cFP6E ()
Date: October 15, 2013 02:55PM

eesh da,

the jersy shirt covers the top of the bib...

eesh Wrote:
> Has anyone seen someone wear a bicycle bib out on
> the road? These things speak for themselves....
> http://www.competitivecyclist.com/mens-bike-shorts
> -bibs

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: October 15, 2013 03:11PM

cFP6E Wrote:
> eesh da,
> the jersy shirt covers the top of the bib...


RadioShack Team Cycling Bib front Lance Armstrong.jpg

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: October 15, 2013 03:19PM

try again Wrote:
> "When on bike trails, always slow down to walking
> speed when approaching children, pets, and
> obviously inattentive people."
> Obviously, nobody does that and can do that.
> Nobody would run on the trails, let alone bike or
> skate.
> People who post here are too old or too inactive
> to function on the trails anyways,

You are incorrect.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: kXTLt ()
Date: October 15, 2013 03:25PM

eesh ya da,

yeah, just like pants cover underware.

do i need to explain underware too?

eesh Wrote:
> cFP6E Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > eesh da,
> >
> > the jersy shirt covers the top of the bib...
> Oh?
> -

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: eesh too gay to function ()
Date: October 15, 2013 03:43PM

eesh Wrote:
> cFP6E Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > eesh da,
> >
> > the jersy shirt covers the top of the bib...
> Oh?
> -

Wear them like that in the gym, not on the bike path. You want bugs on your chest. LOL.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: GpLYN ()
Date: October 18, 2013 11:22AM


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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: overalls ()
Date: October 18, 2013 01:24PM

Yikes I agree on the overalls - they look god-aweful. I ride quite a bit and a friend of mine swears by them because they do not bunch down or something. He is a great guy but man he looks bad in these. Then again, the bike shorts and tight shirt dont look all that great either. They are however entirely functional and do make a big difference in comfort and speed.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Kardiac17 ()
Date: October 18, 2013 01:56PM

Wrong about active on the trails wingnut

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Mr. Handsome ()
Date: October 18, 2013 03:17PM

Bibs are distracting. Too many cars stop for you to let you cross.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: GeorgeASD ()
Date: July 14, 2020 06:46PM

I really don’t understand what these people think. Cars are real killing machines that threaten not only bicycle cyclists, but also other cars. If there is a special bike path, then why not use it? This is much safer and more convenient. Recently, on the website cyclehealthinfo.com , I came across a post that talked about such a problem. There they described this problem in detail and showed what could happen if the cyclist falls under the wheels of a car. It was terrible ... I hope that soon cyclists will start to think with their heads and ride on roads specially designated for them.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: KXYXH ()
Date: July 14, 2020 07:09PM

Thank you, paid shill.

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Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: gesggfhgfhtr ()
Date: July 20, 2020 11:33PM

GeorgeASD Wrote:
> I really don’t understand what these people think. Cars are real killing machines that threaten not only bicycle cyclists, but also other cars. If there is a special bike path, then why not use it? This is much safer and more convenient. Recently, on the website cyclehealthinfo.com , I came across a post that talked about such a problem. There they described this problem in detail and showed what could happen if the cyclist falls under the wheels of a car. It was terrible ... I hope that soon cyclists will start to think with their heads and ride on roads specially designated for them.

Where can I find some more feedback?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Bicyclists--Sanctimonious A******s
Posted by: Nimrod ()
Date: July 21, 2020 12:20AM

gesggfhgfhtr Wrote:
> GeorgeASD Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I really don’t understand what these people
> think. Cars are real killing machines that
> threaten not only bicycle cyclists, but also other
> cars. If there is a special bike path, then why
> not use it? This is much safer and more
> convenient. Recently, on the website
> I came across a post that talked about
> such a problem. There they described this problem
> in detail and showed what could happen if the
> cyclist falls under the wheels of a car. It was
> terrible ... I hope that soon cyclists will start
> to think with their heads and ride on roads
> specially designated for them.
> Where can I find some more feedback?

Go away spammer trash!

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