Public Asshole Number One Wrote:
> From Da Hood -- Politics Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Are you retarded or something
Liberal Logic
> > 27? How many threads on this same topic do
> > you plan on creating today?
> >
> >
> > 14579.html
> Liberal Logic 27 is a political troll. He's
> determined to show everyone how smart and clever
> he is and how stupid anyone who disagrees with him
> is. He's not interested in honest debate; he just
> wants to fight with people who disagree with him.
> Because he presents his arguments in a style and
> manner that is roughly akin to approaching you
> while you sit at the dinner table, then turning
> and farting loudly and vigorously in your face,
> he's always gonna find some sucker or dumbass to
> fight with him.
> In short, he's campaigning for Public Asshole #1,
> like so many others on Fairfax Underground.
Man, I hate that douche. S/he's soooooooo much smarter, wittier, and cooler than am I.