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Re: T-Mac On Top!
Posted by: Priapus ()
Date: September 24, 2013 08:24AM

T-Mac sounds like a newly discovered dinosaur.

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Re: T-Mac On Top!
Posted by: .............. ()
Date: September 24, 2013 09:25AM

Not sure which one is the best. Seems like we lose either way.

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Re: T-Mac On Top!
Posted by: Candid Candidate ()
Date: September 24, 2013 09:30AM

Hint: it's the candidate who doesn't have E.W. Jackson on his ticket.

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Re: T-Mac On Top!
Posted by: 9cfej ()
Date: September 24, 2013 11:27AM

I'm not voting for either one of them so I have no horse in this race, but that's a screwy poll which probably represents an outlier.

It claims 60% of the raw group as likely voters. Not even in the remote universe of happenning.

Democrats also are significantly over-represented relative to Republicans. Also a high number of claimed independents (who really aren't). That's always the case to some degree and probably actually is higher for this election but it hides the true breakdown so you can't judge vs results.

I'll have to see some others saying the same before I buy it. It would be a very unusual case to have the numbers shift that much in one direction or another at this point without some specific event to drive it which hasn't happened. McAuliffe's not a strong enough candidate to pull that on his own even against Cuccineli.

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Re: T-Mac On Top!
Posted by: From Da Hood -- Politics ()
Date: September 24, 2013 11:50AM

Are you retarded or something Liberal Logic 27? How many threads on this same topic do you plan on creating today?


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Re: T-Mac On Top!
Posted by: matt 703 ()
Date: September 24, 2013 11:57AM

Gee OP, that's something to really be happy about.


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Re: T-Mac On Top!
Posted by: GOP-tards! LoLz! ()
Date: September 24, 2013 12:31PM

From Da Hood -- Politics Wrote:
> Are you retarded or something Liberal Logic
> 27
? How many threads on this same topic do
> you plan on creating today?


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Re: T-Mac On Top!
Posted by: Jimmy Swaggurt ()
Date: September 24, 2013 01:02PM

Based on EJ's sermon, all people who follow "false religions" should not vote for the Cooch and EJ. The GOP has cast off the female vote and now eliminated the following:


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Re: T-Mac On Top!
Posted by: Public Asshole Number One ()
Date: September 24, 2013 01:10PM

From Da Hood -- Politics Wrote:
> Are you retarded or something Liberal Logic
> 27
? How many threads on this same topic do
> you plan on creating today?
> http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/40/13
> 14579.html

Liberal Logic 27 is a political troll. He's determined to show everyone how smart and clever he is and how stupid anyone who disagrees with him is. He's not interested in honest debate; he just wants to fight with people who disagree with him.

Because he presents his arguments in a style and manner that is roughly akin to approaching you while you sit at the dinner table, then turning and farting loudly and vigorously in your face, he's always gonna find some sucker or dumbass to fight with him.

In short, he's campaigning for Public Asshole #1, like so many others on Fairfax Underground.

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Re: T-Mac On Top!
Posted by: Liberal Logic 28 ()
Date: September 24, 2013 01:43PM

Public Asshole Number One Wrote:
> From Da Hood -- Politics Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Are you retarded or something Liberal Logic
> > 27
? How many threads on this same topic do
> > you plan on creating today?
> >
> >
> http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/40/13
> > 14579.html
> Liberal Logic 27 is a political troll. He's
> determined to show everyone how smart and clever
> he is and how stupid anyone who disagrees with him
> is. He's not interested in honest debate; he just
> wants to fight with people who disagree with him.
> Because he presents his arguments in a style and
> manner that is roughly akin to approaching you
> while you sit at the dinner table, then turning
> and farting loudly and vigorously in your face,
> he's always gonna find some sucker or dumbass to
> fight with him.
> In short, he's campaigning for Public Asshole #1,
> like so many others on Fairfax Underground.

Man, I hate that douche. S/he's soooooooo much smarter, wittier, and cooler than am I.


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