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ObamaCare Impact On Fairfax
Posted by: Legacy ()
Date: September 20, 2013 09:47AM

ObamaCare will be devastating to the people of Fairfax. Not only will you likely lose the freedom to select your healthcare program as hundreds of thousands across America are finding out, but your costs will soar and doctors will be in short supply as they refuse to participate.

The biggest impact will be felt in Fairfax due to the fact that billions of dollars of Federal dollars being spent here. This spending will drastically be cut and redirected to the Obama entitlement programs as there is a huge funding shortfall. Many smaller companies will close down and thousands of Fairfax jobs will be lost never to come back.


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Re: ObamaCare Impact On Fairfax
Date: September 20, 2013 10:18AM

It will probably devistate the economy but CELEBRATE DIVERSITY will thrive off of it.


Brought to you by your elected officials that will do nothing to stop illegal immigration because they need their votes.

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Re: ObamaCare Impact On Fairfax
Posted by: liberal logic 27 ()
Date: September 20, 2013 10:43AM

Don't listen to these Bozos. get the facts:


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Re: ObamaCare Impact On Fairfax
Posted by: the chief ()
Date: September 20, 2013 12:18PM

Obamacare is only for people that make less the $47,000 a year. All you rich people stfu and pay the bill. This is what your "white guilt" vote has earned you!

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Re: ObamaCare Impact On Fairfax
Posted by: Legacy ()
Date: September 20, 2013 01:17PM

The ObamaCare facts are a bunch of biased lies put forth by the liberals! Watch the news....today Cleveland Clinic cutting $30 million..and employees...all hospitals cutting people. And look at Home Depot and UPS to name just a few that have spouses kicked off company insurance.

This law is fucked and we haven't seen the worst of it.

As far as shut up and pay for it? Fine, if I only had to pay the tax but there is no need for the federal government to influence the change for the worse to my healthcare and break up the free market of supply vs demand that ensures adequate healthcare for me.

Yep...the liberal run IRS will do a fine job making sure the illegals and liberals have the lung transplants available and pushed to the front of the line and the hard working tax payers are screwed and will have to leave the country and pay cash for their needs.

Obama and liberals are liars.

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Re: ObamaCare Impact On Fairfax
Posted by: Legacy ()
Date: September 20, 2013 01:28PM

Eleven States including Cali and NY now have More People on Welfare than they do Employed!
Last month, the Senate Budget Committee reports that in fiscal year 2012, between food stamps, housing support, child care, Medicaid and other benefits, the average U.S. Household below the poverty line received $168.00 a day in government support. What's the problem with that much support? Well, the median household income in America is just over $50,000, which averages out to $137.13 a day. To put it another way, being on welfare now pays the equivalent of $30.00 an hour for a 40-hour week, while the average job pays $20.00 an hour.
There are actually two messages here. The first is very
Interesting, but the second is absolutely astounding - and explains a lot.

A recent "Investor's Business Daily" article provided very
interesting statistics from a survey by the United Nations International
Health Organization.

Percentage of men and women who survived a cancer five yearsafter diagnosis:
U.S. 65%
England 46%
Canada 42%

Percentage of patients diagnosed with diabetes who receivedtreatment within six months:
U.S. 93%
England 15%
Canada 43%

Percentage of seniors needing hip replacement who received itwithin six months:
U.S. 90%
England 15%
Canada 43%

Percentage referred to a medical specialist who see one withinone month:
U.S. 77%
England 40%
Canada 43%

Number of MRI scanners (a prime diagnostic tool) per millionpeople:
U.S. 71
England 14
Canada 18
Percentage of seniors (65+), with low income, who say they arein "excellent health":

U.S. 12%
England 2%
Canada 6%

And now for the last statistic:

National Health Insurance?
England YES
Canada YES
Check this last set of statistics!!
The percentage of each past president's cabinet who had workedin the private business sector prior to their appointment to the cabinet.You know what the private business sector is; a real-life business, not agovernment job. Here are the percentages.

T. Roosevelt.................... 38%
Taft.................................. 40%

Wilson ........................... 52%

Harding........................... 49%
Coolidge......................... 48%

Hoover ........................... 42%
F. Roosevelt.................... 50%
Truman............................ 50%

Eisenhower................ .... 57%

Kennedy......................... 30%
Johnson.......................... 47%
Nixon.............................. 53%
Ford................................ 42%

Carter............................. 32%

Reagan........................... 56%

G H Bush.........................51%

Clinton ............................ 39%

G W Bush........................ 55%

Obama............................. 8%

This helps to explain the incompetence of this administration:only 8% of them have ever worked in private business!

That's right! Only eight percent---the least, by far, of thelast 19 presidents! And these people are trying to tell our bigcorporations how to run their business?

How can the president of a major nation and society, the onewith the most successful economic system in world history, stand and talk about business when he's never worked for one? Or about jobs when he has never really had one? And when it's the same for 92% of his senior staff and closest advisers? They've spent most of their time in academia, government and/or non-profit jobs or as "community organizers." They should have been in an employment line.

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Re: ObamaCare Impact On Fairfax
Posted by: Pure Horseshit ()
Date: September 20, 2013 02:13PM


You are so full of shit. The $168/day figure is pure bullshit put out by Republican nutjobs. It sounds impressive to say that an official report was put out by the Senate Budget Committee until you realize that report was initiated by Republicans and uses ridiculous assumptions on which to base it's conclusions. More specifically, after the $168 per day lie made the rounds from Heritage and Forbes to the conservative blogosphere Republican Senator Jeff Sessions (AL) decided to investigate. This bull has been repeatedly debunked (look it up) but you gullible people keep putting it out there.

Your next set of figures no doubt are more bs Republican talking points with no basis in fact. I don't have the energy to keep shooting this stuff down.

And why are you not blaming the companies who are cutting their workforce or hours to avoid paying insurance for their employees? And if hospitals made any effort at all to rein in their expenses they wouldn't have to lay off staff. But that doesn't fit your simplistic 'sky is falling' mindset, does it?

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Re: ObamaCare Impact On Fairfax
Posted by: Choice? ()
Date: September 20, 2013 02:18PM

Legacy Wrote:
> ObamaCare will be devastating to the people of
> Fairfax. Not only will you likely lose the freedom
> to select your healthcare program as hundreds of
> thousands across America are finding out, but your
> costs will soar and doctors will be in short
> supply as they refuse to participate.
> The biggest impact will be felt in Fairfax due to
> the fact that billions of dollars of Federal
> dollars being spent here. This spending will
> drastically be cut and redirected to the Obama
> entitlement programs as there is a huge funding
> shortfall. Many smaller companies will close down
> and thousands of Fairfax jobs will be lost never
> to come back.

So you have freedom to chose now? Most people have to take what their company offers.
Most have to go to "in plane" doctors or pay extra
I guess you can call that freedom

So you like government spending out of control as long as it's spent in nova?

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Re: ObamaCare Impact On Fairfax
Posted by: Pop Quiz ()
Date: September 20, 2013 02:29PM

45 million people who were said to be without insurance.

About 30 million will remain even with Obamacare per CBO estimates.

They plan to spend $67 million just on facilitators to promote the program, not even counting all of the other implementation, administration and other indirect costs.

What's wrong with this equation?

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Re: ObamaCare Impact On Fairfax
Posted by: Try this ()
Date: September 20, 2013 03:09PM

Pop Quiz Wrote:
> 45 million people who were said to be without
> insurance.
> About 30 million will remain even with Obamacare
> per CBO estimates.
> They plan to spend $67 million just on
> facilitators to promote the program, not even
> counting all of the other implementation,
> administration and other indirect costs.
> What's wrong with this equation?

That 45 million people are without insurance and republicans don't give a crap.

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Re: ObamaCare Impact On Fairfax
Posted by: xCcXX ()
Date: September 20, 2013 03:14PM

Try this Wrote:
> Pop Quiz Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > 45 million people who were said to be without
> > insurance.
> >
> > About 30 million will remain even with
> Obamacare
> > per CBO estimates.
> >
> > They plan to spend $67 million just on
> > facilitators to promote the program, not even
> > counting all of the other implementation,
> > administration and other indirect costs.
> >
> > What's wrong with this equation?
> That 45 million people are without insurance and
> republicans don't give a crap.

Pure partisan nonsense. And the issue isn't about who has insurance. The issue is whether or not you get health care. The old system had flaws. Obamacare has flaws. At least the old system didn't drag down an already crippled economy.

Scrap it and come up with something that isn't going to cost $1.6 Trillion (and raising). This is insanity.

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Re: ObamaCare Impact On Fairfax
Posted by: eLes ()
Date: September 20, 2013 03:40PM

This is the old system. It is an imposition that you buy your access to medical care through that system. All they've set up is an online brokerage through the 'exchanges'.

People will still have the same reasons not to buy overpriced medical services. Too healthy to waste time and money on preventative services. Work 9-5 and can't take time off to use the medical system until it's an emergency.

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Re: ObamaCare Impact On Fairfax
Posted by: From Da Hood -- The Original ()
Date: September 20, 2013 03:56PM

I only have one thing to add. The truth, and nothing but the truth.

Obama - Spending Cut.jpg

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Re: ObamaCare Impact On Fairfax
Posted by: Liberal Logic 28 ()
Date: September 20, 2013 04:25PM

xCcXX Wrote:

> Pure partisan nonsense. And the issue isn't about
> who has insurance. The issue is whether or not
> you get health care. The old system had flaws.
> Obamacare has flaws. At least the old system
> didn't drag down an already crippled economy.
> Scrap it and come up with something that isn't
> going to cost $1.6 Trillion (and raising). This
> is insanity.

It would literally be cheaper to buy the 45 million the best health care that money can buy, significantly cheaper.

I would love to hear some of the Obama drones answer why if its so great they keep pushing it back until after important elections? Why did they exempt themselves? If its not good enough for them its not good enough for me either

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Re: ObamaCare Impact On Fairfax
Posted by: From Da Hood -- The Original ()
Date: September 20, 2013 04:35PM

Liberal Logic 28 Wrote:
> It would literally be cheaper to buy the 45
> million the best health care that money can buy,
> significantly cheaper.
> I would love to hear some of the Obama drones
> answer why if its so great they keep pushing it
> back until after important elections?
Why did
> they exempt themselves? If its not good enough
> for them its not good enough for me either

I think you may have answered your own question. The Obama drones are not nearly smart enough to put it all together to see the big picture, the effects, etc. Instead, they call themselves Progressives. They claim to keep moving forward and to keep America moving forward. However, if you ask them what is the ultimate goal of being progressive and moving forward, they then shrug and fail to answer you question.

To them, if you're not moving ahead, they'll insult you. If you ask them tough questions, they'll insult you. You would think that if they would like to bring you on board so you can also be a progressive and move foward with them, they would supply more details. But, they never do. I've seen many and they all act the same. All of them!

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Re: ObamaCare Impact On Fairfax
Posted by: svennestle ()
Date: September 20, 2013 07:00PM

fuck you mother

fairfax bent over to let foreigners flood in for money and power

they bend over and wrote obama care

and you know it

fairfax is wehre 1/4 of fucking congress is !

anyway. it is a tax. pay up for heathcare. you shoudln't get it free

when it's free the f'ing rich scam the system and get free care, and the poor die

it's obvious: doctors are expensive enough, even if only $75 for a cast, that you have to save money aside to pay

people don't want to save money aside. then they hide their wealth for free medical care

but i agree. what i just said is what it should be. what it is is gov workers NOT PAYING AT ALL, and no ammount of money will do from the horrid healthcare costs that "insured care" has brought about

meanwhile they are just using it as a blanket excuse to do studies and rip off the american people

and 1/2 of the are fucking foreigners who aren't even supposed to be in the country ... and are getting away with facism here in the usa - which they did before they jumped town in their facist country, knowing it'd be easier to do facism here.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/20/2013 07:05PM by svennestle.

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Re: ObamaCare Impact On Fairfax
Posted by: LOL! ()
Date: September 20, 2013 07:18PM

It was the status quo that was the nightmare. What Republicans dubbed Obamacare was put together as an alternative to certain disaster by people from both sides of the aisle and by a whole lot of stakeholders who are not part of the government at all. There are no fucking death panels, and none of the other asinine things that ignorant dipshits regularly claim are any part of the program either. PPACA is a sensible start toward expanding coverage, improving practice, and lowering costs. Those are all good things, and all you braindead assholes are just going to have to live with them, so shut the fuck up and crawl back in your slime-filled holes.

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Re: ObamaCare Impact On Fairfax
Posted by: eJpLJ ()
Date: September 21, 2013 02:33AM

LOL! Wrote:
> It was the status quo that was the nightmare.
> What Republicans dubbed Obamacare was put together
> as an alternative to certain disaster by people
> from both sides of the aisle and by a whole lot of
> stakeholders who are not part of the government at
> all. There are no fucking death panels, and none
> of the other asinine things that ignorant dipshits
> regularly claim are any part of the program
> either. PPACA is a sensible start toward
> expanding coverage, improving practice, and
> lowering costs. Those are all good things, and all
> you braindead assholes are just going to have to
> live with them, so shut the fuck up and crawl back
> in your slime-filled holes.

The most amazing part? Obamacare is a Republican inspired system, created by the Heritage Foundation (no bastion of Liberalism, to say the least), and signed into law in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts by none other than the last Republican nominee for President of the United States.

Is that why Mitt lost? Because what he implemented in Mass he vowed to repeal in the remaining 49?

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Re: ObamaCare Impact On Fairfax
Posted by: Liberal Logic 28 ()
Date: September 21, 2013 03:07AM

eJpLJ Wrote:

> The most amazing part? Obamacare is a Republican
> inspired system, created by the Heritage
> Foundation (no bastion of Liberalism, to say the
> least), and signed into law in the Commonwealth of
> Massachusetts by none other than the last
> Republican nominee for President of the United
> States.
> Is that why Mitt lost? Because what he
> implemented in Mass he vowed to repeal in the
> remaining 49?

I see youre still failing to grasp the difference between the state and federal government. If a state wants to do it and their residents want it by all means go ahead.

Do you want every Heritage Foundation policy put in place or would you say not everyone should be. Unless you say you want everyone your point about that is nothing more than an emotional appeal that holds no weight

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Re: ObamaCare Impact On Fairfax
Posted by: Liberal Logic 28 ()
Date: September 21, 2013 03:10AM

From Da Hood -- The Original Wrote:

> I think you may have answered your own question.
> The Obama drones are not nearly smart enough to
> put it all together to see the big picture, the
> effects, etc. Instead, they call themselves
> Progressives. They claim to keep moving
> forward and to keep America moving
> forward. However, if you ask them what is
> the ultimate goal of being progressive and moving
> forward, they then shrug and fail to answer you
> question.
> To them, if you're not moving ahead, they'll
> insult you. If you ask them tough questions,
> they'll insult you. You would think that if they
> would like to bring you on board so you can also
> be a progressive and move foward with them, they
> would supply more details. But, they never do.
> I've seen many and they all act the same. All of
> them!

It really is one of the great brain washings weve seen in a long time. Every one has the exact same talking points responses to every issue. They arent even capable of ever admitting one of their own is doing a bad job or made a mistake, its just always deflecting the blame. If MSNBC/daily kos ect hasnt covered it they just respond with insults until they get their marching orders.

Liberals would be best served to get their party back from the progressive extremists while they still can.

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Re: ObamaCare Impact On Fairfax
Posted by: Shadow ()
Date: September 22, 2013 04:57PM

Part of the reason so many healthcare companies have been cutting jobs is because the ACA requires they cut overhead percentage costs to 20%. SO, yeah, most of those jobs that were cut were for overpaid, overhead workers and for companies like AETNA to send their employees to Hawaii and such regularly. Oh, boohoo, they can't have six admins when two will do, and they don't get to go on a luxurious high dollar free vacation regularly. (I know people who were part of these cuts, even they admit it makes sense)(http://www.hhs.gov/healthcare/insurance/premiums/value.html)

AS for the costs associated, the GOP is infamous for exaggerating them. (http://www.dpc.senate.gov/dpcdoc.cfm?doc_name=fs-112-1-11) This page will give some real non-partisan numbers, but the truly radical republicans will still say they're wrong and biased because anything that doesn't agree with what they want it to say is clearly wrong and liberal biased.

For the REAL facts on the law see (http://www.hhs.gov/healthcare/rights/index.html) A truly non-biased, nonpartisan site.

Personally, I've already seen a benefit for many families in the area. THose that have kids that haven't been able to find a job with healthcare and are no longer in school are now still covered by their parent's policy, providing they're under 26 and still at home, which many are since getting a job even with a college degree is not a given right now.

I also think it makes a whole lot more sense to charge the same fees for services regardless of what gender you are. Without ACA, women pay on average 150% for the same types of services.

And the fact that companies can no longer arbitrarily drop your coverage and there are no lifetime limits on coverage make this a no brainer for anyone with serious medical issues. Plenty of Americans have gone bankrupt paying to stay alive while fighting cancer and other diseases. And the ones who pay for it are you and me, our tax dollars, while the insurance companies and the healthcare industry continue to rake in the money.

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Re: ObamaCare Impact On Fairfax
Posted by: Liberal Logic 28 ()
Date: September 22, 2013 05:07PM

Shadow Wrote:
> Part of the reason so many healthcare companies
> have been cutting jobs is because the ACA requires
> they cut overhead percentage costs to 20%. SO,
> yeah, most of those jobs that were cut were for
> overpaid, overhead workers and for companies like
> AETNA to send their employees to Hawaii and such
> regularly. Oh, boohoo, they can't have six admins
> when two will do, and they don't get to go on a
> luxurious high dollar free vacation regularly. (I
> know people who were part of these cuts, even they
> admit it makes
> sense)(http://www.hhs.gov/healthcare/insurance/pre
> miums/value.html)
> AS for the costs associated, the GOP is infamous
> for exaggerating them.
> (http://www.dpc.senate.gov/dpcdoc.cfm?doc_name=fs-
> 112-1-11) This page will give some real
> non-partisan numbers, but the truly radical
> republicans will still say they're wrong and
> biased because anything that doesn't agree with
> what they want it to say is clearly wrong and
> liberal biased.
> For the REAL facts on the law see
> (http://www.hhs.gov/healthcare/rights/index.html)
> A truly non-biased, nonpartisan site.

Thats humorous the "REAL" facts come from the people implementing it right.

While were on the subject can you tell me the last time a federal cost wasnt underestimated?

> Personally, I've already seen a benefit for many
> families in the area. THose that have kids that
> haven't been able to find a job with healthcare
> and are no longer in school are now still covered
> by their parent's policy, providing they're under
> 26 and still at home, which many are since getting
> a job even with a college degree is not a given
> right now.

Were they too stupid to sign up for personal insurance policies?

> I also think it makes a whole lot more sense to
> charge the same fees for services regardless of
> what gender you are. Without ACA, women pay on
> average 150% for the same types of services.

Charging men to cover child birth makes no sense. Men get charged to cover things that they couldnt even have.

Women dont pay more for a service, unless they required something extra. Men and women are biologically different fyi.

> And the fact that companies can no longer
> arbitrarily drop your coverage and there are no
> lifetime limits on coverage make this a no brainer
> for anyone with serious medical issues. Plenty of
> Americans have gone bankrupt paying to stay alive
> while fighting cancer and other diseases. And the
> ones who pay for it are you and me, our tax
> dollars, while the insurance companies and the
> healthcare industry continue to rake in the money.

Insurance companies couldnt arbitrarily drop your coverage unless you werent paying your bills. Liketime limits were bogus too if you had a yearly plan they reset every year.

This absolutely screws people with serious issues as hospitals are cutting back on staff and research (the Cleveland Clinic is already preparing layoffs) and a lot of the better doctors are not going to out of pocket only service. Half of the better primary care doctors in the area arent accepting insurance anymore.

I hate to burst your bubble but insurance companies love Obamacare, the arent being harmed by it at all. They just got a few million new customers from it and its ALL coming out of tax dollars. Youre now paying for it even more.

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