Re: ObamaCare Impact On Fairfax
Posted by:
Liberal Logic 28
Date: September 22, 2013 05:07PM
Shadow Wrote:
> Part of the reason so many healthcare companies
> have been cutting jobs is because the ACA requires
> they cut overhead percentage costs to 20%. SO,
> yeah, most of those jobs that were cut were for
> overpaid, overhead workers and for companies like
> AETNA to send their employees to Hawaii and such
> regularly. Oh, boohoo, they can't have six admins
> when two will do, and they don't get to go on a
> luxurious high dollar free vacation regularly. (I
> know people who were part of these cuts, even they
> admit it makes
> sense)(
> miums/value.html)
> AS for the costs associated, the GOP is infamous
> for exaggerating them.
> (
> 112-1-11) This page will give some real
> non-partisan numbers, but the truly radical
> republicans will still say they're wrong and
> biased because anything that doesn't agree with
> what they want it to say is clearly wrong and
> liberal biased.
> For the REAL facts on the law see
> (
> A truly non-biased, nonpartisan site.
Thats humorous the "REAL" facts come from the people implementing it right.
While were on the subject can you tell me the last time a federal cost wasnt underestimated?
> Personally, I've already seen a benefit for many
> families in the area. THose that have kids that
> haven't been able to find a job with healthcare
> and are no longer in school are now still covered
> by their parent's policy, providing they're under
> 26 and still at home, which many are since getting
> a job even with a college degree is not a given
> right now.
Were they too stupid to sign up for personal insurance policies?
> I also think it makes a whole lot more sense to
> charge the same fees for services regardless of
> what gender you are. Without ACA, women pay on
> average 150% for the same types of services.
Charging men to cover child birth makes no sense. Men get charged to cover things that they couldnt even have.
Women dont pay more for a service, unless they required something extra. Men and women are biologically different fyi.
> And the fact that companies can no longer
> arbitrarily drop your coverage and there are no
> lifetime limits on coverage make this a no brainer
> for anyone with serious medical issues. Plenty of
> Americans have gone bankrupt paying to stay alive
> while fighting cancer and other diseases. And the
> ones who pay for it are you and me, our tax
> dollars, while the insurance companies and the
> healthcare industry continue to rake in the money.
Insurance companies couldnt arbitrarily drop your coverage unless you werent paying your bills. Liketime limits were bogus too if you had a yearly plan they reset every year.
This absolutely screws people with serious issues as hospitals are cutting back on staff and research (the Cleveland Clinic is already preparing layoffs) and a lot of the better doctors are not going to out of pocket only service. Half of the better primary care doctors in the area arent accepting insurance anymore.
I hate to burst your bubble but insurance companies love Obamacare, the arent being harmed by it at all. They just got a few million new customers from it and its ALL coming out of tax dollars. Youre now paying for it even more.