Re: Fuck Woodburn Mental Hospital....... and my family
Date: September 18, 2013 03:11PM
yeah, keep the dick comments coming, because i'm a whore, is that correct?
Fuck y'all, I don't owe shit to you niggas
omfg, I made this post to help you niggas realize that if someone reports you as "mentally ill" then you can fucking end up in my situation, and in return, all you niggas gon troll? fucking imbeciles, this is what the fuck wrong with society, nobody giving a fuck about anything.
Hate comment #1:
" I don't think they can keep you more than 3 days unless they do an eval and find that you're not ready to be released."
I didn't ask your opinion, you dumb imbecile bitch nigga
No, there's no such thing as an "mental" evaluation anywhere written in law, contrary to your fucking assumptions faggety brony wonderland.
if you don't know nothing about the law, shut the fuck up, niggas like you make people's life miserable
Look, I did an agreement saying that i'll stay there no more than 5 days(stayed there over the weekend, obviously), but oh well they fucking transferred me to another facility and all the sudden that became invalid due to me being under the responsibility of a "doctor" and the doctors don't work during the "weekends" because of their fucking lazyass lifestyle and gives no fucking care about the patients whatsoever
I repeat: doctors don't give a shit about the patients, because it's all about the dollar motherfucker, so go fuck yourself and die in an oven slow like a jew you are
Hate Comment #2:
actually, it's not a hate comment.
Wingnut, Look, let's say you/I had a disagreement
if I report you that "oh you're mentally insane and it's a threat to society"
and if these so called "evaluators" assume that too, then you're involuntarily hospitalized
---->Problem is, people aren't rational things. We do whatever the fuck we want. So you can't just trust "people" to involve in your personal shit and expect them to simply just "understand" you. it's just too fucking complicated.
From what I learned in this planet, I don't trust a single motherfucker here, because we're all born that inane nature to be selfish as fuck. See how difficult it is to maintain order w/ law these days? it kind of summarizes about how selfish people are.
Funny thing is, when I ended up in both facilities, I noticed that the facility itself wasn't that bad and there were many (about four or five) people that were in my situation.
and this one old muslim dude ended up here due to his crazy parents because his parents thought that he was involved in some kind of alcohol/marijuana party, but that was never true, and he still had to go through that BS
and this 29 year old dude ended up there b/c his relatives thought pursuing music and becoming rapper is a crazy thing to do and that he'd never achieve it, and that he needed a "mental diagnosis
and this girl tried to OD b/c she got raped multiple times and considered about committing a suicide, holy shit
shit's complicated, so I try not to judge a person by the way they look. Obviously
I swear, half of you niggas don't know shit about anything, even when it comes to Law
Look how incompetent you are, you're too busy trolling on my serious post while you yourself instead could be looking up the law, and coulda realized that JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE CALLS YOU FUCKING CRAZY DOESN'T CONSTITUTE YOU AS FUCKING CRAZY IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM.
Do you not understand that these public facilities are severely dried up in funds? they have computers that are way back from Pentium III, you ignorant bitch niggas
Seriously, shame on you niggas, this is why US can fucking blow a dinosaur's dick repeatedly and endlessly till the dick just wears the fuck out, you can suck the balls too fagget
P.S. Oh, and I almost forgot
I always appreciate niggas who take time to read through things and give their valid thoughts
all you other niggas.......... sigh
Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 09/18/2013 03:30PM by denied_and_hated.